
“I discovered that what most people call creepy, scary, and spooky, I call comfy, cozy, and home.” Z“I discovered that what most people call creepy, scary, and spooky, I call comfy, cozy, and home.” Z“I discovered that what most people call creepy, scary, and spooky, I call comfy, cozy, and home.” Z“I discovered that what most people call creepy, scary, and spooky, I call comfy, cozy, and home.” Z“I discovered that what most people call creepy, scary, and spooky, I call comfy, cozy, and home.” Z“I discovered that what most people call creepy, scary, and spooky, I call comfy, cozy, and home.” Z

“I discovered that what most people call creepy, scary, and spooky, I call comfy, cozy, and home.” Zak Bagans

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Rewatching Supernatural

S4:E1 about 41:20

Is that awink I see from Dean Winchester???

Destiel is canon from day one


that’s literally supernatural

the maze runner colourised:

a-nakins:I could go with you.a-nakins:I could go with you.a-nakins:I could go with you.a-nakins:I could go with you.a-nakins:I could go with you.a-nakins:I could go with you.a-nakins:I could go with you.a-nakins:I could go with you.


I could go with you.

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Side effect from rewatching supernatural in 2020

No need to attack me like that

I’m starting season 10 of Supernatural. Season 9 was good, I liked the storyline, even if Metatron seems a bit too much but whatever. The Mark of Cain thing and Dean turning to a demon is good. Nice change from Sam being a demon I guess.

But… I was under the impression that the show wants Dean to be this heterosexual macho man. For me, his whole bond with Castiel take him very far away from that “hetero man” but it’s not just that !

He and Crowley totally fucked right ? And then, it was 100% a break-up scene. I mean, Crowley daydreaming about Dean during work ? Looking at their pictures on his phone ?? Replaying in his head the moment he found Dean naked in his bed ??? Am I supposed to look at this and think “yeah cool bros” ?

I mean he basically asked Dean to be his consort in hell… He saved the true love of his boyfriend, he saved his rival Castiel to help Dean. He got it bad. Sadly, he was on the “fuck buddy” side of Dean Winchester.

I can’t wait to see Dean and Castiel being together again. For quite some time they pushed the Sam/Castiel relationship and pulled Dean aside on his own journey with Crowley. I think it was good to give some time to Sam and Castiel friendship, it’s making my family found trope bell tinkle. Also, it shows more surely how Dean and Castiel relationship is very different and not at all a “bro buddy pal” one.

Well, back on my first time watching train.

NB : Every character on this show has now an angel blade to use, you know, the very rare and powerfull weapon. So funny.

deanwinchesters:You think you’re funny. I think I’m adorable.deanwinchesters:You think you’re funny. I think I’m adorable.deanwinchesters:You think you’re funny. I think I’m adorable.deanwinchesters:You think you’re funny. I think I’m adorable.deanwinchesters:You think you’re funny. I think I’m adorable.deanwinchesters:You think you’re funny. I think I’m adorable.deanwinchesters:You think you’re funny. I think I’m adorable.deanwinchesters:You think you’re funny. I think I’m adorable.deanwinchesters:You think you’re funny. I think I’m adorable.deanwinchesters:You think you’re funny. I think I’m adorable.


You think you’re funny. I think I’m adorable.

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Hi everyone! I have a little bit of news: I STARTED MY OWN LIL BUSINESS!

I got tired of going into spa like stores and everything being super super girly, when all I wanted was a little body scrub. And everything is labeled with really fancy flowery names (theres nothing wrong with that) but I wanted to bathe in something that made me feel epic. SO HERE IS HOW IM GOING TO TRY TO CHANGE THE WORLD! (or at least social norms)

My lil company is called, The Houses of Healing, and yes that is a Lord of the Rings Reference! I handmake body scrubs, bath salts, and other apothecary creations, all with YOUR fandom in mind! Everything is themed and named by different fandoms of TV, movies, books, manga, anime, etc. etc.!! 

I also wanted to make skin care products a little more affordable. If you go into certain storesLUSHthey sell 8oz jars of their scrubs for 20+ dollars! So everything I sell is $12 or less! So if you are still in need of a Christmas, Hannukah, Holiday present, go check out myETSY!! And if you think you have a good idea for what I should make, or name a product, send me an ask! And I’ll credit you for the idea if I make the product!

Instagram: @thehousesofhealing

To share a few that are in the shop now:


Castiel’s Angel Grace Bath Salt


the Jasmine Dragon ~Uncle Iroh’s matcha/jasmine green tea Sugar Scrub


Mrs. Weasley’s Morning Scrub

I’m not saying I need some Castiel’s grace bath salts but I NEED me some. Ugh NEED. Check out my friend’s shop y'all!





oh he wrote more

okay context cause ppl are confused the writer for the podcast (which I don’t get why theres a writer but anyway) is like the worst person ever and has said/written some fucked up shit. but also a lot of jarpad stans were pissed because she’s a Jarpad anti or has said some negative shit about him. so he came online to say this

soluscheese:7.06 - Slash Fiction


7.06 - Slash Fiction

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rainbow-motors:CASTIEL: Dean, you can’t accompany me. My contact is already anxious about meeting anrainbow-motors:CASTIEL: Dean, you can’t accompany me. My contact is already anxious about meeting an


CASTIEL: Dean, you can’t accompany me. My contact is already anxious about meeting and won’t speak in the presence of a stranger. | SPN 13.07

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I haven’t watched any of season 15 yet, and I’m currently rewatching The series. All of my fics have never really been set after like season 8/9 any way. But since the show is ending I’m trying to get out as many fics as possible, as I feel as if when it has ended I might feel differently about it all. So I’m going to try to write loads now! Incase I don’t feel like writing after it’s over. Thank you guys for all the support :)

Castiel x reader, where she is the youngest Winchester and they keep their relationship secret till one day, they think Dean and Sam left but they’re really spying on them.

Slightly different from the request but same premise. I never get Cas imagines usually only Dean and a few Sam so this was fun.

“So.. I think we have to go speak to the store manager again, he’s holding something back” Sam spoke to you, your brother Dean and Cas as you all sat around the motel room. You had been working a case together in Texas, and reaching a whole bunch of dead ends. 

“Good plan. y/n? Cas? You coming?” Dean asked.

“No I think me and Cas should hang back, do some more research at home.” You looked over at Cas who was sitting on the edge of the bed, giving him a mischievous smirk that neither of your brothers could see. 

Within 5 minutes the boys had changed into their suits and left the apartment. As soon as the door closed behind them, you left your post at the kitchen table and walked towards Cas. His face lit up with a smile as he saw you jump towards the bed, landing on your back while pulling him down by the arm. You both rolled over to face each other. Cas placed a gentle hand on your face, tucking a lose piece of hair behind your ear. 

“How long will they be gone?” He asked

“Long enough” You replied before sloppily crashing your lips into Castiel’s and began to pull his coat off him. 

Sam and Dean were driving down the road at Dean’s usual, way-over-speed-limit speed, when he suddenly slammed on the breaks.  

“Whats wrong?” Sam asked as he sat back in his chair after he was jolted forward by Deans questionable choice to floor the breaks when going 90mph.

“I forgot my phone. Better go back in case we get split up”

“Dude you gave me whiplash because you forgot your phone?” Sam yelled.

“Buckle up next time Sammy” Dean laughed at his brother, before speeding off in the other direction back towards the motel.

They got out of the impala and walked towards the door, Sam was about to open it when Dean stopped him.

“Listen” he held his hand up in front of Sam to stop him walking any further. When they heard the sex noises coming from the room, they both gagged, and started to walk away, knowing it was their baby sister in there. That was until they heard you scream your partners name.

“Cas!” You moaned on the other side of the motel wall. 

“Cas!?” Dean yelled, body filling with rage as he kicked the door down. 

You scrambled up off the angel when you heard the door coming down, and screamed when your brother walked in. Cas pulled his boxer shorts up quickly and jumped off the bed. Dean charged towards Cas, reaching for his gun in the back of his trousers and started squaring up to him. Cas kept backing up until he couldn’t reverse anymore and he crashed into the kitchen table where Dean grabbed his face. 

“Get off!” You screamed at your brother, you looked at Sam for help who was still standing in the doorway in shock. Dean let go of Cas’ face and punched him despite your yelling to leave him alone. Dean started yelling at him, telling him he was an animal, a predator. Cas stood there and took it, until Dean grabbed the angel blade out of his blazer pocket. Something in Cas must’ve snapped, because all of a sudden Dean was pined up on the kitchen wall unable to move. Cas walked towards your oldest brother and looked him in the eyes. 

“You don’t get to barge in here like a neanderthal and dictate who she can be with.” Cas spoke sternly, Dean tried to open his mouth to defend himself but Cas silenced him.

“We love each other. And neither of you will come between that” he pointed at both brothers. “Now get back to your case.” Cas let Dean down and after a few more threats from Dean they left again, and Cas sat back down on the bed where you were sitting. 

“God that was horrible. I wish they didn’t find out this way” You sighed, Cas put his arm around you and pulled you into a cuddle. 

“Sorry if I was too harsh on them” Cas apologised.

“No I know what Dean is like, he needed that” You laughed. “Plus watching you get all angry and take control like that was all kinds of hot” You smirked. Cas rolled over onto his side whilst pushing you on your back and began picking up where you had just left off. 
