



Enjoy your Solid Gold Show with the too sexy Soldier Boy!

I had to. I needed to do this.

Dedicated to you @girlshunttoo

@mvdeanw check it out once you see the episode!!!


hbo supernatural is truly just [neon cross glowing in the darkness] [permanent 2006 hairstyles] [dean covered in tattoos and talismans] [using alta vista on a library computer] [sam doing lines of coke in gas station bathrooms] [the boys having scars and permanent injuries] [utterly inhuman and unknowable angel lit by the glow of a vending machine] [foggy parking lots at night] [sam and dean saying fuck like they should] [cracked country roads in the middle of summer] [john casually calling sam slurs] [hell is real billboards in ohio] [dean chain smoking after selling his soul] [nosebleeds that go on for hours] [death of the american dream] huh

excuse me WHAT happened in the supernatural ending!!!!!!!


I want supernatural to end with an emotional twist, but not in one episode, but in a way of building the end. Everything starts normal with sam, dean, jack and cas hunting some supernatural creature whem things go horribly wrong. Cas and jack go seperate ways where they end up dying some cruel way, and sam and dean get the videotape. Of course, dean jumps to go save them even tho he knows they are beyond saving, but he doesnt think rationally, so they end up going there where sam is killed the same way, and everything around dean just gets black. Thats where we see he is still in hell, from season three, and there comes lucifer explaining how all this was an illusion to trick him, how cas and jack never existed, how sam has been dead for ten years, and the shot ends with dean screaming in pain, while lucifer just laughs at him.

Still think this would’ve been better….

Dean Fucking Winchester

Pairing: Dean Winchester x Shy/Virgin!Reader


Requested by:Anonymous

“Hi, I saw that your requests were open so I was wondering if you could do one with a shy virgin female reader who has had feelings for Dean Winchester for quite some time and is a sub but doesn’t know it until her and Dean start….. You know…. Doing it…. If you know what I mean. I didn’t want to restrict it to much so I know its kinda vague but could you also make her a little innocent? Like rarely even touches herself innocent? Doesn’t have a single idea how to do anything and is hesitate to touch him because she’s scared he won’t like it?”

I got a bit carried away with this one considering it’s over 4,000 words lol buuut I hope you like it and I might make this a series!

I had known the Winchesters most of my life but only lived and worked with them for about a year. I was raised as a hunter just as they were that’s how I had met them. After John’s death we had went several years without seeing each other only to randomly run into them a little over a year ago. After joining them on a hunt I was brought to their bunker where I’ve stayed ever since.

I was a good 15 years younger than the older Winchester brother and 11 years younger than Sam. Even with the age gap between us they still treated me like anyone else. They didn’t look at me like I was a child. I was their college and friend.

I’d spent many nights helping Sam sift through books and every internet page known to man. I’d spent other nights drinking beer, eating cheese burgers, and teaching Dean how to make my grandmother’s mouth watering pies. I adored both men in two completely different ways. Sam was more like a brother to me while Dean was the farthest thing from a brother imaginable.

Ever since I was a kid I’d had what I thought was a playground crush on Dean. I didn’t think much of it due to us not seeing each other for a very long time. Now that I’m around him every single day I’ve come to realize it’s not a crush or anything of the sort. At least it’s not anymore. It’s turned into full blown pathetic lust perhaps even more than that. I’ve been good at burying it for the most part. Well, it was all fine until Dean and I were left alone in the bunker. Sam had told us he’d be gone for about a week and if we needed him to call.

Day 1 and 2 were normal days but everything changed on day 3. I was in the kitchen in the middle of cooking dinner when Dean came into the room with several bags on his arms. I raised a brow at him as I watched him set the bags down then slowly empty each one. It was alcohol. I noticed we were running low on beer. Dean must have noticed too and went on a beer run but he had more than beer. There was at least three bottles of dark liquor too.

“Looks like you have busy plans for the evening.” I joked turning back to the food.

He chuckled softly as he put the bottles away.

“I was actually thinking we could have an actual drink with dinner. Something stronger than beer. God knows I need it.” He said.

I quietly finished dinner then made us both a plate. I sat his plate in front of him then sat in the seat beside him. He pushed a glass of ice and dark liquid towards me. We ate silently as usual. When he finished his food he looked around me towards the stove. I chuckled knowing what he was looking for.

“It’s in the oven.” I told him with a smile.

“Is it done?” He asked softly.

“Yes Dean, It’s done go get a piece.” I chuckled shaking my head at him.

The smile that took over his features was childlike as he made for the oven. He used the hand towel on the counter to pull the homemade pie out of the oven then cut himself a piece. After we wee both completely done eating we moved to the couch with our glasses and a bottle of scotch. Dean refilled each of our glasses the moment they were empty. It wasn’t until the bottle was almost empty that I started to feel the familiar warm buzz throughout my body as my head cleared of thought.

I didn’t think about the drinking being a problem until it was too late. Every time I actually got a buzz or more my filter evaporated, my confidence sky rocketed, and I got handsy.

After Dean filled my glass again I moved myself closer to him. I turned sideways propping my arm up on the couch behind him. I was so close my chest was against his arm. He didn’t seem to mind the close proximity.

“Which one of the pies are your favorite?” I slurred.

He took a sip of his drink then turned his head to look at me. It was then I realized how close we actually were. When we were staring at each other our faces were a few inches apart. He slowly liked his lips as he thought about my question. Don’t be stupid (Y/N).

“I think all of them are equally delicious. Anything you cook is delicious.” He said with a small smile.

My heart hammered in my chest. My eyes moved to his lips as he licked them again. I didn’t realize what I was doing until I was in Dean’s lap attacking his lips. My hands held each side of his face as I kissed him furiously. My tongue pushing into his mouth. I was elated when I heard him moan into the kiss. His hands grabbed my waist tightly.

“Wait” Dean said against my lips.

I couldn’t wait. I’d been dying to do this for far too long.

“(Y/N), stop” he said pushing me back slightly.

I pulled away more looking down at him. My head was fuzzier and starting spin. I may have drank too much. I shook my head clearing it. If I didn’t do this now I never would. I pouted down at him.

“You’re drunk” he said simply.

“So, not like I’d ever do this sober.” I shrugged as I slurred my words.

His grip on my hips tightened.

“Yea, of course, no reason to tease an old man.” He grumbled.

I barely picked up on what he meant but I did get it. I lightly slapped his chest.

“Nooo silly, this is the only way I’d have the confidence to make a move. Sober me is waaaay too scared of rejection from such a godly man to even attempt.” I told him slowly.

He looked at me with clear confusion on his face which made me chuckle. I leaned closer until my nose was brushing against his.

“You’re Dean fucking Winchester. Sexiest man to ever walk the earth how could I not want you?” I asked.

My eyes felt heavier as I swayed slightly. I clung to him as he suddenly stood up.

“You’re drunk (Y/N). You don’t mean anything of this.” He said as he walked towards the bedrooms while carrying me.

“What! Of course I do!” I shouted louder than I meant to.

He opened my bedroom door then gently laid me on my bed. The softness enveloped me immediately.

“Get some rest” He said softly then covered me up.

I was asleep before he closed the door behind him. When I woke up the next morning my head was pounding and I was incredibly nauseous. I sat up slowly trying to figure out how the hell I got to bed. The last thing I remember was sitting on the couch watching TV with Dean. What happened? I got up then slowly made my way to the kitchen where I found Dean with coffee and breakfast. I sat down at the table resting my head in my hands. Two small pills were suddenly put in front of me on the table. I looked up as Dean was setting a fresh cup of coffee in front of me.

“Take those you’ll feel better.” He gestured to the pills.

“Thanks” I mumbled.

After I down the pills he sat a plate in front of me that turned my stomach. I grimaced pushing it away from me.

“Eat it’ll help the nausea.” He said sternly as he sat next to me.

“How did you know I’m nauseous?” I asked quietly.

“Because I know what a hangover looks and feels like. I also saw how drunk you were last night so assumed it’d be a bad one this morning.” He shrugged.

I groaned.

“How bad was I?” I asked ready for the embarrassment.

“Well you were in my lap making out with me pretty hard. When I tried to stop you you got all pouty. Then proceed to tell me how I was the sexiest man to ever walk the earth.” He gave me a small amused smile but his eyes were saying something different.

I felt the blood drain from my face at his words. I made out with him? I was in his lap? The thought instantly heated my cheeks. Why did I ever drink around him? I usually never let myself get past a light buzz.

“I’m sorry” I squeaked out.

He chuckled.

“It’s cool, I didn’t let you get far. I knew sober you would never be trying to get with an old man like me.” He said with the same smile and look in his eyes.

“What?” I asked snapping my head up to look at him.

“Let’s face it (Y/N), a pretty young woman like you would never choose to go for an older man like me. I’m what, 15 years older than you?” He asked trying to look amused but I could see right through it.

“Wh- why would you think that?” I asked as I stared down at my plate.

My body trembled as it heated up in embarrassment. I can’t talk about this especially not with him. All it would take is a little two letter word to shatter my whole being.

“I just do. That’s why you said you’d never being doing that if you were sober.” He shrugged nonchalantly.

I scoffed. Idiot.

“That’s not what I meant.” I mumbled.

“What?” He asked raising a brow at me.

“Nothing, it’s nothing” I said shoving my seat back to stand.

“(Y/N)” He said grabbing my hand.

I froze in my spot but didn’t look at him.

“If there’s something you need to talk about you can tell me. It’s never good to bury things. I’ve been there done that.” He said softly.

“You probably wouldn’t believe me.” I said keeping my head turned away from him.

“What’s bothering you?” He asked tugging slightly on my hand.

I sighed. Pulling my hand from his I sat back down but kept my attention on the table.

“I- um, well, drunk me is honest me.” I said softly.

I didn’t think he heard me since he didn’t reply. I glanced up to see a look of confusion on his chiseled features.

“What do you mean?” He asked finally.

I played with my fingers nervously trying to will the confidence to tell him the truth.

“What exactly did I say last night?” I asked him.

“Well, you called me a godly man then, and I quote, ‘You’re Dean fucking Winchester. Sexiest man to ever walk the earth how could I not want you?’” He answered.

The heat in my face returned. Well, I wasn’t wrong but I can’t believe I actually said that.

“At least drunk me is good at telling the truth.” I mumbled.

I suddenly felt his fingers under my chin. He turned my head forcing me to look at him.

“One more time but a little louder sweet heart.” He said softly.

I blushed deeper at the nickname. It was unfair how much of an effect he had on me. Even more unfair that I couldn’t muster up the guts to tell him the truth. I stared at his green eyes wishing I could just blurt it out and get it over with. But the thought alone of him rejecting me made me want to burst into tears.

“What I said last night.. it was.. it was the truth.” I said slowly forcing the words out.

Surprise took over his features. He let go of my chin as he sat back in his chair.

“You honestly think that about me?” He asked quietly.

I nodded unsure if I could make myself speak right now. Dean suddenly got to his feet then grabbed my arm pulling me up as well. He turned me to face him pulling me slightly closer to him but not too close. It was enough to make my heart pound and my breathing hitch.

“Why would you want me? Compared to you I’m an old man.” he said scrunching his face in disbelief.

A sudden wave of confidence washed over me as I grabbed his shirt. I didn’t given myself time to think about what I was doing so I couldn’t stop myself. I pulled him down crashing my lips against his. He didn’t hesitate to his me back just as fiercely. My entire body lit up like a Christmas tree. Every nerve came to life and every hair was at attention. It was pure electric. I gasped in surprise as he suddenly lifted me off the floor. My legs wrapped around his waist as I pulled him even closer. I huffed when my back was shoved against a wall. His tongue slipped into my mouth causing me to moan into the kiss. He suddenly pulled back resting his forehead against mine. I was already a panting mess. My body reacted to him in a way no other man had ever made me feel. I craved him everything about him. I wanted it all. I needed it all.

“There’s plenty men your age that would be better for you.” He said breathlessly.

“Not a damn one of them make me feel like you do.” I answered honestly.

“No one could leave you breathless like this?” He asked as his green eyes darkened.

I shook my head.

“No one even came close to getting a go at it.” I told him.

I felt him stiffen suddenly.

“No, no, there’s no way you’re a virgin.” He said in disbelief.

I scoffed.

“Why is that so hard to believe?” I asked him.

“Because you’re fucking gorgeous and almost 30. What moron wouldn’t have went for you?” He asked tightening his hold on my thighs.

“Plenty of men tried to get it but they were never good enough to get that far.” I told him with a shrug.

“And I am?” I asked raising a brow.

“If you’d shut up then yes.” I rolled my eyes at him.

He suddenly sat my feet back on the floor. My whole demeanor changed. Why did I have to tell him that? He didn’t need to know until later. Dammit. To my surprise he grabbed my hand pulling me behind him through the bunker until we stopped outside of his bedroom. He opened the door then gently pushed me inside. I sat on the edge of the bed ringing my hands together again. What am I doing? I have no clue how to do any of this. I could never please him. The bed dipped behind me then I felt his warm body against my back. He gently brushed my hair to one side out of the way.

“I need to know what you have or haven’t done.” He whispered close to my ear.

His breath fanned out over my neck causing goosebumps. I gulped unsure if I should tell him the truth. What would he think?

“Nothing” I whispered.

I squealed as I was pulled backwards. I fell back on the bed as Dean hovered over me. I noticed he had taken his shirt off and that sight alone and me throbbing between my thighs.

“Nothing? You’ve never messed around with anyone at all? Not even yourself?” He asked as disbelief took over his features again.

I blushed at the question. I’m such an idiot. I shook my head. He sighed but moved his head closer.

“You have to use words baby. I have to know.” He whispered against my lips.

“I’ve, um, touched my- myself once or twice but I didn’t really get anywhere.” I told him then quickly turned my head away.

He grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him. He licked his lips slowly as he stared down at me.

“Jesus (Y/N), I mean I thought you were innocent but damn.” He said with a small smile.

I grabbed the back of his neck pulling him closer. My lips were brushing against his.

“I don’t want to be innocent anymore Dean.” I whispered.

A small quiet groan left his lips right before he kissed me. My hands went into his hair as his large hands slipped under my shirt to rest against my abdomen. The areas of my skin that his hands touched burned causing me to hiss. I didn’t know if it was suppose to be this intense or if it was just Dean. I heard myself whimper as he pulled away. He sat up the played with the hem of my shirt for a moment.

“Take this off” He said tugging on my shirt.

I sat up immediately pulling the fabric over my head and tossing it to the floor.

“Bra too” he added as he watched me.

I swallowed my nerves back doing as he said. I tried not to think about his eyes on me. That was easier said then done because I could feel them soaking me in. I laid back on the bed as I was before. Forcing myself not to cover my chest.

“Good girl” He cooed as he leaned down to hover over me again.

A pulse shot through my body going straight to my core. A moaned softly escaped my lips making Dean chuckle. He kissed me again slower this time and deeper. His hands slowly roamed the naked top half of my body until they stopped at my breasts. I gasped as he squeezed both of them. His lips moved to my jaw then made a trailed down to my chest. I was panting already with all the different sensations he was making me experience. I cried out as his mouth closed around my nipple. He sucked, licked, and nibble at it then moved to the other one doing the same.

“Shit Dean” I panted.

I felt him smirk against my skin.

“I haven’t even started baby girl.” He said in a smooth deep voice.

My head fell back against the pillow. My body already trembled from his touch or maybe it was the anticipation of what was to come. I bit my lip as he moved to my jeans. He made quick work of them. Taking them and my panties off in one quick motion. I was now completely naked and at his mercy. He went back to my breasts to leave another trail of kisses and soft bites from my chest to my thighs. By the time he positioned himself between my legs I was a panting, writhing, ready to beg mess.

“I want to hear you baby girl. Can you be a good girl and let me hear all those pretty noises?” He asked his breath hitting my sensitive nerve making me whimper.

“Yes” I panted as a thrilling chill went through me.

Dean propped himself up to look me in the eyes.

“Yes what?” He asked in a menacing tone.

The throbbing between my thighs instantly turned into an ache. My mind came to a screeching halt at his question. I had no idea what he wanted. What was I suppose to say? I must have looked like a deer in headlights because he chuckled as he moved back up my body until his face was an inch from mine. His hand gently wrapped around my neck keeping me in place. My eyes fluttered closed.

“We’ll start with sir.” He said softly.

I opened my eyes instantly connecting with his much darker ones.

“You’ll call me sir when we are in this bed.” He whispered then nipped at my neck with his teeth.

I moaned arching my back into him. Desire pulsed through my veins like liquid fire.

“Yes sir” I said quietly as a pulse went straight through my body.

Why did this feel so good? What was happening? Dean kissed me then disappeared down my body until he was back between my thighs. I licked my suddenly dry lips as I watched him.

“Fuck” I groaned as his hands pulled my folds open to reveal every bit of me to him.

“Look you already fucking soaked.” He said breathlessly.

I fisted the sheets as he licked a slow teasing strip from my entrance to my clit. My breathing was shallow. I tried to focus but as his tongue and mouth attached directly to me I cried out as my mind went fuzzy. My hands instinctively went to his head. He groaned against me making my hips buck upwards.

“Holy shit” I panted as my eyes rolled back.

His tongue continued it’s assault until my whole body convulsed. My back came off the bed as I cried out loud. Dean’s tongue was replaced quickly with his fingers making me hiss fisting the sheets tighter.

“Don’t hold it in baby girl. Let go” He said watching me intently.

His fingers moved even faster. Something in me snapped as my mouth opened into a silent moan. My body shook as Dean moved his fingers faster.

“That’s it, good girl, cum for me.” He said with a mischievous grin.

I panted as my body fell limp against the mattress. Dean laughed as he moved back up my body. Each kiss he placed against my skin had my stomach erupting with butterflies. There was nothing like him. Nothing I’ve ever experienced that would even come close.

“I’m not done yet baby girl.” He breathed.

I watched as he quickly rid himself of his pants and boxers. His erection sprang free and I felt my eyes go wide at the sight. How the hell was I suppose to take all of that? He was huge! He smirked as he climbed back onto the bed. He grabbed my thighs pulling me closer to the center of the mattress.

“I’ll be easy (Y/N) but you have to use your words and tell me if it’s too much. Do you understand?” He asked as he used his knees to open my legs wider.

“Yes sir” I answered nodding.

The smile that took over his features had me choking on my heart.

“Good girl” he cooed against my neck.

Each time he uttered those words a shock of pleasure went through me. I wasn’t sure what it meant but god did I like the way it felt. My body tingled in excitement as he lined himself up at my entrance.

“Oh god” I moaned as he rubbed his tip against me.

I hissed throwing my head back and fisting the sheets as he slowly and pushed inside. The pain was like nothing I’d ever felt. He stopped moving making me pant and glance down where we were connected. He wasn’t even halfway in yet. I groaned internally at the thought.

“This is gonna hurt.” He said softly.

He leaned down and gave me a searing kiss that made my mind go blank and fuzzy. As he started to pepper my neck with kisses he pulled out slightly then pushed back in. I cried out at the sudden pain. It was dulled instantly by Dean’s feverishly assault on my neck. When he stopped again I couldn’t stop the groan that left my lips. I felt like I would burst I was so full. Dean’s breath was ragged against my skin.

“You okay?” He asked softly.

“Yes sir” I answered nodding as the pain dulled.

At first his movements were slow allowing me the time I needed. His hands grabbed mine tangling our fingers together on each side of my head. The moment a low drawn out moan escaped me is the moment he slammed into me. I cried out clutching onto Dean like my life depended on it. He let go of my hands to grab my lips thighs. He pulled them higher holding them tightly as he started to thrust hard and deep. I bit my lip trying my best to keep myself together.

“I want to hear you baby girl. Scream for me.” Dean said with a particularly hard thrust.

I cried out letting every filthy sound fall from lips just as he commanded. Commanded. Why was it so hot when he told me what to do?

“Fu- fuck” I panted trying to catch my breath.

“That’s a good girl. You’re taking me so well.” He said softly contradicting the harsh slaps of his hips.

My body tensed as my back came off the. With a scream of his name I felt the coil in me release. A sound that was part groan and part growl came out of him right before he stilled. I was gasping for breath as he cursed under his breath then fell next to me. My entire body tingled and ached. I’m sure I’d feel this for days.

“Shit” I panted as I tried to catch my breath.

Dean chuckled. He pulled me against his chest.

“You didn’t tell me you were that submissive. Fuck that was sexy.” He laughed.

“Submissive?” I asked not looking at him.

I felt ridiculous for not know what he was talking about.

“You take orders well. You like to be told what to do or controlled.” He said softly.

“Oh, I didn’t realize I was.” I said quietly trying to hide the embarrassed blush that filled my cheeks.

“Don’t worry baby girl I’m gonna teach you so much.” He kissed my neck.

Requests are open!!

A few years have past since you met Jensen Ackles, and the two of you have become close friends. Jared and Jensen now lived together in Austin, so you naturally got to see more of him. Almost every time they were in town, you drove over to Austin and stayed the weekend with your brother.

           It was one of those weekends that you were visiting, and you sat watching a movie with Jensen. Jared decided to go work out some to relieve some stress and then he was going to shower. He always took forever doing both, so who knows how long you and Jensen had alone time. You’ve always found him attractive, but over these few years you’ve developed actual feelings for him.

           You laid with your head in his lap and he ran his fingers through your hair. You two do this all the time, but it’s never gone past simple actions like this. It’s clear that the two of you had chemistry, but you think Jensen still didn’t want to act upon anything because of Jared. It’s been going on like this for a year; slight flirting and every time Jared left the two of you subconsciously got closer to one another.

           You’ve decided you’ve had enough. “Hey Jensen?”

           “Hmm?” He hummed in response.

           “Do you like me?” you bluntly asked.

           “Of course I like you,” he said, raising his eyebrow.

           You sighed and sat up. “You knew what I meant. Do you have feelings for me?”

           Jensen looked at you for a while before sighing. “Do you want a beer?” he asked and stood up to go to the kitchen.

           You frowned. “Don’t you ignore the question. From you not answering, I know the answer is ‘yes’, so why avoid the subject?” you asked as you got up to follow him to the kitchen.

           “(y/n),” he sighed, getting two beers from the fridge. “You know why.”

           You grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face you. You stepped closer to him, invading his space and putting your pelvis to his. “Jared will be fine if that’s what you’re worried about… Just admit it, you want this as much as I do.”

           Jensen sighed, placing his hands on your hips. He leaned his face in, kissing the side of your mouth. “You don’t know how badly I want to. If it was up to me, I would have shoved you up against the wall already.”

           “No one is stopping you,” you breathed out, and in seconds, Jensen picked you up and shoved you against the wall. He barely gave you enough time to breath in between kisses, but there was no way you were going to stop him. His hands were firmly placed on your back thighs and he held you with ease. His arm muscles bulged out as he pushed you more against the wall, putting his body against yours. His lips traveled down to your neck, sucking on the skin.

           Just as your hands went to the hem of his shirt to lift it, the light turned on. “A-hem.”

           Jensen pulled away slightly, but still held you against the wall. You both looked to Jared, whom stood with his arms crossed. He tried to look mad, but you could see that he was actually trying not to laugh. “Hey Jar, I’m dating your best friend by the way, so if you’ll excuse us.” You turned Jensen’s head to face you and kissed him.

           “No in my kitchen!” Jared said, but there was slight humor behind his voice. “Just… Don’t do it when I’m around or know about it.”

           “Deal,” both you and Jensen said, and he put you down. The two of you joined Jared in the living room to finish the movie. “Later, though right?” Jensen whispered to you.





DISCLAIMER: I do not own the name nor any part of “Supernatural”. All parts to rightful owner. 

Your big brother, Jared, just go a job in a new show called “Supernatural”, and he seemed really excited about it. You decided to go visit him on set to congratulate him in person, as well as just to spend some time with your brother. He was only two years older than you, so you two got along like best friends.

           You walked on set, with permission of course, to see the cast and crew wrapping up for the day. “Jar!” you called as you saw your brother goofing around with some of the crew.

           “(y/n)!” He called, jogging over to you and picking you up in a hug. “What are you doing here? You didn’t tell me you were coming.”

           “Well that’s what a surprise is dummy,” you said and hugged him tight.

           A slightly shorter man than Jared, but he was still pretty tall, walked over with a smile. “Jared, you wanna grab dinner?” he asked and then smiled to you. “And introduce me to your pretty sister.”

           “Yes to dinner, and don’t flirt with my baby sis. But this is (y/n), (y/n), this is Jensen. He plays Sam’s brother Dean on the show,” Jared explained.

           You smiled to Jensen, sticking out your hand to shake his. “Hi, Jar talks about you all the time, along with other people too of course.” You smiled, trying to hide how nervous you actually were because goodness this man was hot.

           Jensen firmly shook her hand with a subtle smirk. “Yes, he talks about you a lot too.” He winked to you, making you blush slightly, but hid it quickly from your brother.

           “(y/n), I’m assuming you want to grab dinner with us,” Jared said as the three of you, him making sure to be in the middle, started walking towards the exit.

           “Of course. I’m here all week, so it would make sense to spend time with my brother,” you said as you looped your arm with his in a playful manner.


           You all decided to go out for pizza, and you sat between Jared and Jensen and chatted with the few cast and crew who decided to join you three for dinner. “I feel extremely short next to you two,” you said with a small laugh. Jared always towered over you and Jensen was only about three inches shorter than him, so you felt incredibly small at the moment. Not that you minded; it simply was an observation.

           “Your brother is a giant, so shouldn’t you be used to that?” Jensen asked with a chuckle.

           “Yes, but I’m not usually sandwiched between two hulking men,” you laughed out. “Hey bear, pass the cheese,” you told your brother.

           “Bear?” Jensen asked as Jared passed you the cheese.

           “Yea, I’ve been calling him that since we were kids. He has always been as cuddly as a teddy bear, and one time when I was maybe five, I called him that and it just stuck.” You naturally laid your head on your brother’s shoulder, giving him a goofy smile as Jared rolled his eyes.

           “Don’t you dare start calling me that Jensen. She’s the only one who can get away with calling me that,” Jared “threatened”.

           “Sure, sure… bear…”

           You giggled, picking your head up. “I’m not even sorry.”


           The night went on, you catching up with Jared and getting to know Jensen. If you were being honest, Jensen was hilarious and just your type. The two of you were low key flirting with each other the whole night until it was time to turn in. Jared offered you his room and said he would just stay with Jensen. The rooms were adjoining rooms, so he told you if you needed anything to just knock.

           You just got out of the shower when you heard Jared and Jensen talking on the other side of the door. You heard your name and got curious, so you leaned a little to see what they were talking about.

           “Can you not flirt with my sister by the way?” you heard Jared asked Jensen.

           “Sorry, I honestly didn’t mean to. I mean, she’s a gorgeous girl with a great personality… I honestly didn’t mean to flirt with your sister, so sorry man.” You smirked at Jensen’s words.

           Jared gave a sigh, but you could tell he wasn’t actually annoyed. “It’s not like you just sleep around or anything like that it’s just… She’s my baby sister.”

           “If you are worried that I would hurt her, don’t, because I wouldn’t. But it doesn’t matter anyway. We just met each other, so who knows where it’ll go.”

           “It’s not going anywhere. Date anyone you want, but NOT my sister,” Jared said, for once his voice actually sounding a little harsh.

           It was Jensen’s turn to sigh. “Alright, if you don’t want me to then I won’t even try… But I will say it’s not up to you to say who she can or cannot date.”

           “I know, but this time it is.”

           You frowned your brows, not happy with what Jared just said. You knocked on the door, Jared opening it seconds later to see you frowning at him. “Since when do you dictate who I can or cannot date?” You said, crossing your arms over your chest.

           “What? Oh… you heard that?” Jared cleared his throat awkwardly.

           “Uh, yea. Every word… Bear… look, I get that you’re my big brother and that you’re looking out for me, but I’m a big girl now and can make my own decisions. I legit just met Jensen about six hours ago, so it’s not like it’s a big deal, but why make such a hasty decision?”          

           Jensen joined in the conversation now, leaning on the doorframe next to Jared. “It’s…” Jared pinched the bridge of his nose as he spoke. “Look, it’s just because he’s my best friend and you’re my sister. I love you both, and…”

           “If we broke up, you think you’ll have to choose,” you finished his sentence for him. “Jar… you’ll never have to do that. Even if me and Jensen did decide to go out and if we did break up, you wouldn’t lose either one of us. We’re adults you know. It’s not like we wouldn’t be able to be civil around each other for you. And, if Jensen really is your best friend, you wouldn’t have to worry about either one of us cheating or purposely hurting the other.”

           “Besides, like she said, we met each other six hours ago. Don’t worry about it man,” Jensen added.

           Jared sighed, pushing his hair to the side. “Alright, alright. I’m sorry.”

           “And besides, you dated my best friend, so you have no room to talk,” you joked with a laugh.

           “Boy, and you had the nerve to say something?” Jensen said along with a small laugh.

           “(y/n),” Jared started, but you interrupted.





DISCLAIMER: I do not own the name nor any part of “Supernatural”. All rights to rightful owner. 


What’s your favorite season in “Sherlock” and “Supernatural” ???

My favorite Sherlock season is season 2, and believe it or not, I love season 1 of Supernatural the best. I love the entirety of both shows, but those are just my favorite.

I always thought Sam was adorable in the first couple of seasons

Any supernatural fans on my page? One of my best friends is obsessed with it, and rightfully so

Twisted Consequences-Prologue


A/N:The prologue ONLY will be in Dean’s POV. All other chapters will be from the eyes of our lovely protagonist, Y/N. 


Word Count: 386


Life after defeating God was…..boring, at first. Sure there were still some supernatural beings terrorizing towns across the nation but it was mostly simple salt and burns; nothing like Sam and I used to worry about. 

Besides with alll the hunters out there now, we worried even less. There were no more speeding away from home to rush into battle with anything. They could handle it and they were. The reports came in less and less.

It’s been 3 years since that final battle at the lakefront. 36 months since Jack absorbed God’s power and took over heaven. And what a magnificent job he was doing; of course with Cas’ help.

That’s right. Castiel, angel of the Lord, is in Heaven where he should be. I’m not even sure how, but Jack negotiated with the Empty for my best friend’s soul. 

Once we were settled into the new way of life, I decided I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. We weren’t hurting for money, thanks to those credit cards Charlie set up for us all those years ago but I’m not one to be idle. It’s just not in me not to be doing something.

So I got a job at a mechanic’s shop, working with my hands on all types of equipment.

After a while, and a whole lot of discussion, Sam decided to finish his education. He switched majors though. Instead of becoming a lawyer he studied to become a teacher. My baby brother now molds the minds of young children. God (or would it be Jack now) help them!

Nah, I’m kidding. Sam is a great educator; calm, cool and collected. The kids adore him.

And I know this because of Y/N. Who is Y/N, you ask? Well let me tell you. She is a very good friend and an awesome baker. Her pies are spectacular, as is all the sweet treats she makes. But she knows I love her pies the most.

She is also an amazing mother. Her daughter Camilia, or Cammie for short, is in Sam’s class. Cammie tells me all the time what a great teacher my little brother is. It makes me proud. Y/N and Cammie are the best thing to ever happen to me. 

They sure made my life less mundane.

@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss@spnbaby-67@tftumblin@sea040561@delightfullykrispypeach@larajadeschmidt13@atc74@vicariouslythruspn@squirrelnotsam​ @sandlee44@blacktithe7@hoboal87@mogaruke@deanwanddamons@supraveng@deandreamernp@akshi8278@lyarr24@janicho88@deanwithscissors@kazsrm67@castiel-j-winchester


I’m still coming up with a summary for this but let’s use this excerpt as one for now:

“You’re my father.”

Those three words threw Dean Winchester for a loop and turned his life on its head.

Standing in the open doorway of his meager home, he felt as if all the air had been punched out of his lungs when those words were declared.

And, the shocker of it was that he knew who had uttered them. He knew the child, he was very good friends with her mother. Hell, he had even babysat her before!

But, never in a million years, had he ever thought she could be his offspring, his child, his daughter.

Dean Winchester had a kid!


PROLOGUE                            CHAPTER 6

CHAPTER 1                             CHAPTER 7

CHAPTER 2                             CHAPTER 8

CHAPTER 3                             CHAPTER 9

CHAPTER 4                             CHAPTER 10

CHAPTER 5                             EPILOGUE

@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss@spnbaby-67@tftumblin@sea040561@delightfullykrispypeach@larajadeschmidt13@atc74@vicariouslythruspn@squirrelnotsam @sandlee44@blacktithe7@hoboal87@mogaruke@deanwanddamons@supraveng@deandreamernp@akshi8278@lyarr24@janicho88@deanwithscissors@kazsrm67@castiel-j-winchester

Alright everyone strap in, this is a long one.

So, 15 years ago (plus a couple months) my mother and I had an evening routine of dinner and watching Buffy and Angel. Buffy had ended and we were watching the final episodes of Angel. We talked about what to watch when angel was done when a commercial came on for a new show coming to the WB.

It was about 2 brothers who dealt with monsters. And not just vampires, which had been a staple monster in media at the time, but monsters and myths from all over the globe.

We watched the pilot and we were hooked. We watched every episode, we had our favorite brother (always Dean for me), and we speculated where things were going. My mom was sure they were going with the Cain and Abel theme way back in season 3 lol

Now, if you know me you know myths, monsters, and the occult are my jam. I grew up devouring everything i could get my hands on about these things. Hell, in college when i was told i couldnt major in technical theater my advisor pointed out that i had taken enough theology and mythology courses on the side that i could switch to that (and i did).

And this show got it right. Sure they changed some things here and there but more often than not they did their research and werent afraid to pull in things media had rarely if ever shown before (rougarou, djinn, sirens…etc)

Its been a long road. With ups, and many many downs. Its not the same show i started with. In fact, more often than not i’ve felt dissapointed in the story and the destruction of character growth for more lazy drama while making this fun monster-of-the-week with an overarching theme concept into a ham-fisted threat escalation that gets scrapped two episodes in for something completely irrelevant (im looking at you Michael, British Men Of Letters, Billy The Reaper, Alternate dimensions, Dean-mon, The Empty….etc)

(Side note: the actors have always been amazing and that, at least, has never changed)

But i’m still here. Partly out of hope they’d evolve and grow, partly out of spite. I started this journey on Sept 2005, and i sure as hell was going to be there when it all came crashing down.

I’ve made some great friends through this show, seen every meme and gif, and while i avoided it’s batshit fandom like Sam avoids a haircut, i caught glimpses into their madness which always made me laugh (sometimes uncomfortably.)

But here’s to you Supernatural. 15 seasons of Saving people and hunting things.

More Supernatural and Cas

More Supernatural and Cas

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I pay tribute to the TV series of my childhood

I pay tribute to the TV series of my childhood

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Finally finished #Gyumiho!! He’s made of #sculpey and then painted/sealed, and he’s abou

Finally finished #Gyumiho!! He’s made of #sculpey and then painted/sealed, and he’s about 4" tall.

(Totally failed tonight and dropped him after I finished talking pics, breaking his neck after some emergency super glue and paint surgery, he’ll live, though scarred)

#인피니트 #infinite #성규 #김성규 #infinitefanart #gyu #sunggyu #infinite #illustration #kpop #fox #gumiho #supernatural #magic #paint #sculpture

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