#swing dancing


Day 9- “Swing” / “Bookshop”

Aka the Good Omens AU where everything is the same except Aziraphale swing dances instead of doing the gavotte and obviously he needs the perfect dancing partner.

My depression and anxiety often makes me feel like not going out (even to events that I know would bMy depression and anxiety often makes me feel like not going out (even to events that I know would bMy depression and anxiety often makes me feel like not going out (even to events that I know would bMy depression and anxiety often makes me feel like not going out (even to events that I know would b

My depression and anxiety often makes me feel like not going out (even to events that I know would be fun). I try to push past those feelings when I can, because I usually have a good time once I get there!

Also, if you’re ever in Baltimore and want to give swing dancing a try, Mobtown Ballroom is the place to go! It’s a lot of fun!

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A student just showed me this during class break! Swing Dance is on this Fall “bucket list&rdq

A student just showed me this during class break! Swing Dance is on this Fall “bucket list”.

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We went to watch some friends perform their swing dancing routine recently, and as weird as this may sound, I was really disappointed to not see flashes of stockings tops while the women were being twirled around. I don’t dance so I don’t know if it’s comfortable to dance in a suspender belt and stockings, but I wish I had seen some good old fashioned hosiery peeking out from the flying skirts. I…

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