#sebastien le livre



Where is , the post that analyzes how completely an utter of a loser Booker is i need it now

Since you asked (no one asked I just want to write it), here’s this year’s Sanremo songs top3 of each Guard member.


As we already established last year, Nicky loves a powerful ballad and old style Sanremo songs, so I guess his top3 would look like this:

1. Massimo Ranieri - Lettera al di là dal mare
2. Irama - Ovunque Sarai
3. Michele Bravi - L’inverno dei fiori
Extra: I believe he’s also a low-key fan of Elisa and Noemi so those two songs are n#4 and 5 of his list)


He likes the love songs, he likes the beat, he likes the joyful pop. His top3 is a bit of a mix:

1. Elisa - O forse sei tu
2. La Rappresentante di Lista - Ciao ciao
3. Gianni Morandi - Apri tutte le porte
Extra: he sings “Dove si balla” loudly under the shower and “Sei tu” softly at Nicky’s ear to make him snort and kiss him on the nose


She still doesn’t get all the hype around Sanremo but she enjoys the evenings (and nights) on the couch with her fam. Her top3 includes mostly the songs that ended up in her Spotify workout playlist:

1. Gianni Morandi - Apri tutte le porte
2. Ditonellapiaga e Donatella Rettore - Chimica
3. Rkomi - Insuperabile


He still doesn’t want to admit he watches Sanremo like the rest of the family and has chosen his top3 based on the last positions in the chart:

1. Tananai - Sesso occasionale
2. Ana Mena - Duecentomila ore
3. Giusy Ferreri - Miele
Extra: he actually likes all these songs and sings them under his breath when no one’s around


Basically anything she can scream of falsetto sing is good for her. This is why she wins this year as well:

1. Mahmood and Blanco - Brividi
2. Le Vibrazioni - Tantissimo
3. Aka7even - Perfetta così


She doesn’t have a top3 but she likes the one with the Gospel Choir (Achille Lauro - Domenica) and the one she has learned the dance of (La rappresentante di lista - Ciao ciao).

The whole immortal family is here! And they have both panettone and pandoro!MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONThe whole immortal family is here! And they have both panettone and pandoro!MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYON

The whole immortal family is here! And they have both panettone and pandoro!


This was very rushed and turned out bad, but the last two weeks had been crazy and on top of that I’m now self-isolating alone at home… which sucks, especially now that I should finally be on holiday :’)
I wanted to do a whole “5 days till Christmas” thing, but didn’t find the time… I just had to post this silly thing born from a tweet from dear @pochiperpe90

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luminarai: the old guard but make it sports i guess?? to the surprise of everyone (mostly me tbh) i luminarai: the old guard but make it sports i guess?? to the surprise of everyone (mostly me tbh) i luminarai: the old guard but make it sports i guess?? to the surprise of everyone (mostly me tbh) i luminarai: the old guard but make it sports i guess?? to the surprise of everyone (mostly me tbh) i


the old guard but make it sports i guess??

to the surprise of everyone (mostly me tbh) i actually put some thought into these! read on for weirdly specific meta

Keep reading

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You know what fucks the most with me about Booker’s first death and how much more it hurts? Is that he died hanged as a deserter - and we know from the comics that he hung there for 3 whole days while the army was camping nearby. 3 days in the Russian cold, with his body probably stripped of wool and all the remaining clothing that the other soldiers couldn’t use (at the beginning of the Russian campaign it was warm and nice, so the soldiers discarded their clothing thinking they wouldn’t need it, which meant that the soldiers would loot dead bodies for more clothing to stay warm the further into Russia and Winter they got).

So, Booker’s practically naked (he’s not in the comics), dying over and over again for 3 whole days in the Russian cold, probably shivering as hell and unable to do anything but to prove to the others that he is indeed dead: hang there and pretend. 

But you know who else got hung and couldn’t prove or pretend that they were dead?

Andromache and Quynh. Andromache and Quynh who have been alive and tried to die for MILLENIA couldn’t pretend they were dead while hanging at the end of a rope, but Booker, on his first death, apparently managed to do just that while freezing all over again, possibly dreaming of the rest of the Old Guard at the same time and wondering what the fuck is going on.

Now, I know there’s a different between a crowd of people going “these two women are being hung as witches, let’s make sure they’re dead” and starving, freezing soldiers who just want to go home after killing the deserters they caught while on the retreat from a disastrous military campaign, but I can’t help but think about exactly Booker made his first descent into immortality the very same way that got Andromache and Quynh sentenced as witches.

Did they talk about it? Did Andy dream of Booker, hanging off the noose of a make-do scaffold in ice cold Winter, and get flashbacks to this specific moment in time when her and Quynh were “executed”? 

ANYWAYS, I just feel like this makes Booker’s first death even more excruciating to think about. 

kaysani-genova:The Old Guard Icons (Nicolo, Sebastien, Yusuf) please like or reblog if you use, thankaysani-genova:The Old Guard Icons (Nicolo, Sebastien, Yusuf) please like or reblog if you use, thankaysani-genova:The Old Guard Icons (Nicolo, Sebastien, Yusuf) please like or reblog if you use, thankaysani-genova:The Old Guard Icons (Nicolo, Sebastien, Yusuf) please like or reblog if you use, thankaysani-genova:The Old Guard Icons (Nicolo, Sebastien, Yusuf) please like or reblog if you use, thankaysani-genova:The Old Guard Icons (Nicolo, Sebastien, Yusuf) please like or reblog if you use, thankaysani-genova:The Old Guard Icons (Nicolo, Sebastien, Yusuf) please like or reblog if you use, thankaysani-genova:The Old Guard Icons (Nicolo, Sebastien, Yusuf) please like or reblog if you use, thankaysani-genova:The Old Guard Icons (Nicolo, Sebastien, Yusuf) please like or reblog if you use, than


The Old Guard Icons (Nicolo, Sebastien, Yusuf)

please like or reblog if you use, thank you! 

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I was just thinking about how, at the beginning of the movie, Booker doesn’t hug anyone. Doesn’t even shake their hand. That’s only for the others. He is completely distant, except when fighting (or hugging Andy goodbye BUT I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THAT GOODBYE).

It just lends credence to the idea that Booker never told anyone anything, except for Nile. Because he didn’t want her to make the same mistake with her family as he did.

Like… my good French bitch. COME ON. DID 1800s MASCULINITY MESS YOU UP THAT BAD.

Who am I kidding, it probably did.

The Old Guard + John Mulaney Quotes (4/4)

Andy being her cynical self:

Joe about Booker’s betrayal:

Nile jumping out of a moving car with nowhere to escape to:

Quynh in the iron coffin:

Nile about Joe and Nicky:

Immediately after the flashback where Lykon dies:

Joe and Nicky after Merrick says anything:

Booker coping (badly) with immortality:

(330): be the chaos you wish to see in the world…(717): i’m trying to figure out how to respo

(330): be the chaos you wish to see in the world…

(717): i’m trying to figure out how to respond to that in text

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(303): You are, as of last night, the self declared king of pooping. Long may you reign.

(303): You are, as of last night, the self declared king of pooping. Long may you reign.

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(904): Okay so as of now, we may either be coming for one night, two nights, or not at all this week

(904): Okay so as of now, we may either be coming for one night, two nights, or not at all this weekend. It depends on his toe and if I get my period. Will explain later.

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(919): Drunk me is having trouble keeping up with sober me’s standards

(919): Drunk me is having trouble keeping up with sober me’s standards

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(815): Want a bet? I’m a kinky and determined motherfucker with a libido that is not easily stopped

(815): Want a bet? I’m a kinky and determined motherfucker with a libido that is not easily stopped

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(814): You and I both know it takes more than prescription narcotics to keep our family down. See yo

(814): You and I both know it takes more than prescription narcotics to keep our family down. See you around ten, brother.

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(303): to be fair i didnt know she wanted to sleep with me(1-303): WHY THE FUCK ELSE WOULD SHE DRAG

(303): to be fair i didnt know she wanted to sleep with me


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