#tales of the jedi

Sith Meditation Spheres were ancient warships designed for use by powerful Sith Lords. Centered arou

Sith Meditation Spheres were ancient warships designed for use by powerful Sith Lords. Centered around a meditation chamber, a Dark Side user could amplify their Force powers to a huge degree. Naga Sadow used his vessel to create illusions that caused real damage against his enemies. Few survived the fall of the Sith Empire, although they were sought after by archaeologists and Dark Jedi alike.

Source:Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire 2: Forces in Collision (Art: Dario Carrasco Jr.; 1997)

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This is the description for an upcoming panel at Star Wars Celebration at the end of May. If Nomi Sunrider is coming back as a cartoon character, I’m gonna lose my shit.

What are the chances this new animated Tales of the Jedi is going to have anything to do with my beloved 90s comic Tales of the Jedi? Probably very slim. But if it does – will they do it justice, or mess it up?!

I don’t know what the Tales of the Jedi series is going to be about, but here are some things I think it’d be cool to see:

  • young Yoda
  • Dooku as a Jedi
  • Katooni and her clan
  • the Inquisitors as Jedi
  • Luke training his Jedi students
  • Rey training a future generation
  • Tarre Vizsla
  • the first generation of Jedi
  • domestic life at the Jedi temple



So Tales of the Jedi will be a show composed of animated shorts! Some of them will be about Dooku and young Qui-Gon and 3 episodes will be about Ahsoka!

gffa: gffa:Tales of the Jedi | Concept Art“Tales of the Jedi is an anthology of Original animated shgffa: gffa:Tales of the Jedi | Concept Art“Tales of the Jedi is an anthology of Original animated shgffa: gffa:Tales of the Jedi | Concept Art“Tales of the Jedi is an anthology of Original animated shgffa: gffa:Tales of the Jedi | Concept Art“Tales of the Jedi is an anthology of Original animated shgffa: gffa:Tales of the Jedi | Concept Art“Tales of the Jedi is an anthology of Original animated shgffa: gffa:Tales of the Jedi | Concept Art“Tales of the Jedi is an anthology of Original animated shgffa: gffa:Tales of the Jedi | Concept Art“Tales of the Jedi is an anthology of Original animated shgffa: gffa:Tales of the Jedi | Concept Art“Tales of the Jedi is an anthology of Original animated shgffa: gffa:Tales of the Jedi | Concept Art“Tales of the Jedi is an anthology of Original animated sh



Tales of the Jedi | Concept Art

“Tales of the Jedi is an anthology of Original animated shorts, each story featuring Jedi from the prequel era, streaming Fall 2022.”

(Featuring Count Dooku, Qui-Gon Jinn, Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka’s Mother, Ahsoka Tano.  Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yaddle also to be included.)

Tales of the Jedi was officially revealed at Star Wars Celebration and will consist of six episodes, with three focusing on Ahsoka and the other three focusing on Count Dooku.

Ahsoka’s episodes will be spread across her life and will give glimpses of her childhood days, her time spent with Anakin Skywalker in the Clone War era, and facing an Inquisitor after Order 66.

Count Dooku’s episodes will have a similar format and will focus on a different part of his life as a Jedi before he turned to the dark side. Liam Neeson will appear in Count Dooku’s stories, and the episodes will even feature a younger Qui-Gon Jinn that was voiced by Liam Neeson’s son, Michael.

“As noted by IGN alum and Fandom managing editor Eric Goldman shared that one of Ahsoka’s episodes - ‘Life and Death’ - was shown at the panel and showed Ahsoka’s very early life with her parents. It ran about 15 minutes, and Star Wars Battlefront 2’s Janina Gavankar will play her mother.” [IGN]

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gffa:“Tales of the Jedi is an anthology of Original animated shorts, each story featuring Jedi fro


“Tales of the Jedi is an anthology of Original animated shorts, each story featuring Jedi from the prequel era, streaming Fall 2022.”

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so when are we gonna see young dooku meet a certain naboo senator on screen huh? HUH?

I know they officially first meet in dooku: jedi lost, but it wouldn’t be the first time an animated series contradicted publishing





young qui-gon as well??

The fact we’re gonna get Mama Tano is insane, I can’t wait for this show.




So Tales of the Jedi will be a show composed of animated shorts! Some of them will be about Dooku and young Qui-Gon and 3 episodes will be about Ahsoka!






Wow can we talk about how pretty this Togruta is

We’re probably going to see lots of beautiful Togruta designs

When they announced that the follow up to the Dark Empire comic series was going to be a series abouWhen they announced that the follow up to the Dark Empire comic series was going to be a series abouWhen they announced that the follow up to the Dark Empire comic series was going to be a series abouWhen they announced that the follow up to the Dark Empire comic series was going to be a series abouWhen they announced that the follow up to the Dark Empire comic series was going to be a series abou

When they announced that the follow up to the Dark Empire comic series was going to be a series about Jedi centuries before the original Star Wars movies, I was pretty uninterested. If I recall correctly, it was only my pal Ed’s glowing reviews that got me to finally check it out. I honestly still winge with reflexive disinterest a bit when I think about it, but the Tales of the Jedi comic is no doubt one of the best bits of 90s Star Wars, certainly in comics but even in general. Like Dark Empire, it is a fever dream of Star Wars, but one that actually feels correct in some fundamental way. Freedon Nadd! Exar Kun! Holocrons! Lightsabers with wires connected to little power packs! Not to mention paving the way for two excellent videogames.

The Tales of the Jedi Companion (1996) attempts to translate this remote epoch to the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. It draws from just the first two series — Tales of the Jedi and The Freedon Nadd Uprising, a mere seven issues — and everything from the setting to the tech feels pretty accurate to the comics. It is a big undertaking for a single 180-page book though, to set up an entire galaxy. So while I think the content of the comics is well represented, I struggle a bit to see how to play beyond the bounds the comic has clearly laid out. That might be a me thing (I did pass on the comic initially, remember) but I file this sourcebook as more one for folks who want to read about Star Wars than play Star Wars. Maybe I’d feel differently if it took into account all 36 issues. (It also bugs me that I can’t find comic writer Tom Veitch’s name in the credits anywhere).

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