
kauriart: Dragon Age Portraits Masterpost This series started as a way to get me comfortable illustrkauriart: Dragon Age Portraits Masterpost This series started as a way to get me comfortable illustrkauriart: Dragon Age Portraits Masterpost This series started as a way to get me comfortable illustr


Dragon Age Portraits Masterpost

This series started as a way to get me comfortable illustrating different skin tones & to build up palettes for all the characters. But I’m finding myself really digging doing the quick portrait sketches.

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I take the soil in
my clean fingers and to say
I weep is untrue, weep is too
musical a word. I heave
into the soil. You cannot die.
I just came to this life
again, alive in my silent way.
Last night I dreamt I could
only save one person by saying
their name and the exact
time and date. I choose you.

Ada Limón, from “Invasive,” The Hurting Kind

Today I was able to meet Felicia Day. It was so huge for me, and I’m so glad I was able to. She was so kind and understanding when I was having a panic attack. I was crying, and she came around the table to give me a hug. I am so lucky that I was able to meet her.
