#tang shen


Thinking about the parallel of both Splinter and Raphael experiencing the fear and pain of the woman you love dying in your arms

Splinter and Raph have a lot more in common than the show’s canon or even the fandom acknowledge and it hurts to think of the wasted potential

Things From TMNT 2012 That NO ONE Talks About and SHOULD Talk About

- Casey HATES dubbed anime. He’s also played by Josh Peck from Drake and Josh.

- April was failing trigonometry at one point, but at the time she was still tutoring Casey.

- April has an aunt that we’ve never met. Casey has a dad and a sister. Karai and Shinigami had been friends since childhood and Karai never mentioned her.

- Alopex and Tigerclaw probably killed their parents and joined the circus.

- Raph has a drum set in his room. He also sleeps with a teddy bear.

- Karai’s makeup has never smuged and it took us 5 seasons to see April with her hair down.

- Raph grew a beard, so the turtles can grow hair?? Maybe idk??

- The guy who played Donnie played Raph in the 1987 series. Mikey’s VA plays a character in ROTTMNT. Leo has had 3 voice actors.

- Mikey wears a pair of underwear because he can.

- Irma was LITERALLY A ROBOT and they kinda just forgot she existed.

- What happened to Timothy?? Like is he still in Donnie’s lab??

- Master Splinter has cheese popsicles in the freezer the entire time.

- In the future apocalypse, Casey is dead and Raph just kinda keeps his skull.

- Mondo Gecko got kicked out by his parents after he was mutated.

- Casey is afraid of rats. April is afraid of bats. Mikey is afraid of squirrel monsters. Donnie is afraid of April hating him. Raph is afraid of cockroaches. Leo is afraid of loosing his brothers.

- Tang Shen has a robot toy in her window.

- Leo held baby Karai when they went back in time.

- Mikey makes everyone breakfast in the morning.

- Raph read the same magizine for like 5 years. Did he ever finish it tho?

- I have a headcannon that the Little Girl Leo has tea with is actually Casey’s little sister.

- Leo still continued to have tea parties with the little girl, whose name is Chloe.

- Leo was a clumsy baby and fell over a lot.

- Renet didn’t tell the boys about the apocalypse.

- Donnie and Casey still have unexplained gaps in their teeth.

- In the episode with the ghost that possessed Leo, Mikey, and Raph, you can see on Donnie’s computer that he was taking a Buzzfeed quiz about which goat he is.

- Raph is probably a fan of Resonance art since he names Chompy “Chompy Picasso” and Y’Gbtha “Mona Lisa”.

- This is the second version of Mona Lisa to appear ever.

- Mona is part of the Mutanimals.

- Leo had a crush on his half sister.

- The 2012 boys met the 1987 boys. That was a greattt episode.

- April used to have braces and wear glasses. She’s also a sophomore.

- Karai kissed Casey.

- It’s cannon that in the later seasons, Casey may not have a crush on April anymore.

- Bigfoot LITERALLY had a crush on Donnie.

- Raph stayed up for nights on end to watch over Leo when he was in a coma.

- Casey had a toxic friend named Tony.

- April helped volunteer at a soup kitchen.

- Casey has a diary.

- Raph still plays with action figures.

- Mikey used Leo’s comics as toilet paper.

- April was almost black and Raph almost had feelings for her.

- The boys were born in 1999.

- The 2012 series ended 2 years ago.

This is completely hypothetical, but I do believe rottmnt can be revived either on Netflix or Paramount+.

If it’s on Netflix, then I think we can expect at least 10-13 episodes a season. On paramount+, I think somewhere between 20-26 episodes. This is all with the understanding that two 11-minute segments make up an episode to fill the 22-minute slot. 

I really don’t like it when the episodes are dropped all at once, and would rather it release them weekly because it would give people enough time to process and discuss them. So, the only way I can see Netflix doing something similar to that is if they split the season with releasing one part first, then the second part at a later date.

Considering that the movie will be released on Netflix, I guess it would make sense for the potential revival to end up on there. But I heard that Netflix been having some problems lately so I’m not sure about that.

Now that I got through all the technical stuff, I can dive into what I would want from this (technically) new series.

  • See and expand more on their friends and allies like Sunita, Piebald, Frankenfoot, and DIGG. I would also like for Gentry (from the witch town episode) to be brought back.
  • Have the opportunity to see what Casey’s dynamic with everyone else will be like. Definitely would want to see their take on her and Raph’s friendship.
    •  Totally minor but wondering if she’ll be referred to with nicknames, with the exception of Casey. Like Cass, CJ, or maybe she’ll jokingly still be called Foot Recruit at some points.
  • (If the movie doesn’t have time to address it) Mayhem and Shelldon have to show up again.
  • I do think Karai could still come back as a spirit and get to learn more about the Hamato Clan as a whole.
  • I would like for them bring in Tang Shen and for her to be alive because (1) I think Splinter deserves to have more friends and (2) I would like her being something of an aunt to the boys and April.
  • I am very interested to see Rise’s take on Miyamoto Usagi y’know because him showing up in the franchise is something kind of expected in each iteration. Or, the show can just have a crossover with his descendant from the series Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles.

TMNT as Shit I Did as a Kid

Leo: Adopted literally every neighborhood kid so we could all play on my swingset together because no one else had a swingset and I was lonely and sharing is caring (#onlychild)

Raph: Almost got suspended for accidentally throwing a hand full of pebbles at another kid

Donnie: Drank pen ink because I was convinced I was a certified doctor and that I had found the cure for cooties

Mikey: Would stick my head through the banister on the stair case every day. Eventually leaned my lesson when my parents stopped coming to help get me out

Splinter: Would pretend to have a belly ache because I thought the medicine tasted good

April: Tried to crawl out of my crib by climbing on a toy tent I had in my room. Fell and cried.

Casey: George Lopez was my personal idol and I worshiped him as a god

Shredder: Almost had a mental break down because my friend’s backpack as slightly bigger than mine

Karai: Convinced a younger kid I was “God’s chosen one, coming to pillage the world of all sin”

Tang Shen: My parents thought I was autistic because I was born partically deaf
