#tattoo au




Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader, Steve Rogers x Female Reader, Bucky Barnes x Female Reader x Steve Rogers
Summary: Bucky and Steve brand their best girl.
Word Count: Over 6.6k
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), spitroasting, threesome, dirty talk, tension, possessive behavior, porn with feels (it’s me, c’mon), tattooed Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers (they’re warnings, okay?)
A/N: Welcome back to my tattoo AU! Have you missed them? I know I have! Beta read by the wonderful @whisperlullaby ​but any and all mistakes are my own. Thank you, lovely! Banner created by yours truly, but Bucky and Steve photos were provided by the talented @nix-akimbo ! This AU wouldn’t exist without them. Divider by the beautiful @firefly-graphics and banners by the lovely @vase-of-lilies. And thanks to @lookiamtryingand@drabblewithfrannybarnes for our new reader nickname.

Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Please comment and reblog as it means the world!

It was a beautiful day as you sat between Bucky and Steve in Thor’s truck, gazing through the windshield as the three of you drove through town. The boys had just finished setting up your new dining room table and Thor was kind enough to let them use his truck to pick it up and deliver it from the store. Ever since you moved into their place, they had done everything in their power to make the place more like your own. That included upgrading some of the furniture, which you tried to talk them out of in the beginning. You didn’t want them turning their home upside down for you. They, of course, argued that it was your home now, too.

Keep reading

NAVYYYY I’m a mess right now! In more ways than one but I feel like that’s to be expected with your stories hehe. I love this trio so much and watching their relationship grow has been amazing. I literally started crying when they started talking about what she meant to them and the tattoos and then the whole ending, I fucking melted I also really like the way you incorporate what she’s thinking too, showing her excitement and fear and nerves, I think it’s great! AHHHHHHHH I’M A WRECKKKKK


@pineapplebread ‘s tattoo AU many eons ago lol my lovely friend Jay said she’d be happy to see her boys in my style. Hope I did them justice!


Commission for @pineapplebread featuring her gorgeous Tattoo AU designs. Thanks for being a supportive, awesome friend Jay

Commission for @pineapplebread featuring her gorgeous Tattoo AU designs. Thanks for being a supportive, awesome friend Jay

Marauder Ink written by @jennandblitzI’ve only read part 1 so far, but I felt the urge to draw this

Marauder Ink written by @jennandblitz

I’ve only read part 1 so far, but I felt the urge to draw this Look, because damn. Tailcoats, tatooes and Sirius are a very good combination. Also I haven’t used this many references since a very long time, tattooes are the hardest to draw, really. All my respect goes to tattoo artists, you guys are the Real Deal.

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sorenphelps: Tattoo AU: Engagement. I wanted to draw something for Lindsey’s birthday, and the tatto


Tattoo AU: Engagement.

I wanted to draw something for Lindsey’s birthday, and the tattoo au she wrote about a week ago seemed just perfect, but I have no idea how it turned out as a coloured comic, my art is out of control again. More about the tattooes here. Anyway, have a very happy birthday snapslikethis, I hope you like this silly nonsense!

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sorenphelps: i had a little free time so i coloured this and this prev pic of tattoed sirius. let me


i had a little free time so i coloured thisandthis prev pic of tattoed sirius. let me tell you, i’m quite satisfied with the result.

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sorenphelps:Tattooed AU. Finally finished! This pic was inspired by prongsvssquid’s pic, and here’


Tattooed AU.

Finally finished! This pic was inspired by prongsvssquid’spic, and here’s the list of their tattooes as I promised.

Sirius has Mischief Managed on his chest, his motorbike on his right side, also added some black stars there, cause you know, basically it’s his signature. On his right arm there’s a black tattoo with them running in their animal forms under the full moon. There’s also the constellation Canis Major, but I doubt it’s visible enough. On his right shoulder there’s that arithmany stuffsnapslikethis talked about. On his left arm there’s the phoenix, and the footsteps from the Marauders’ Map.

James has Up to No Good on his right collarbone with their footprints, a lily flower with an L.E. on his heart and a stag on his right lower side. On his right shoulder there’s the matching arithmany tattoo, under that the important dates of his life, such as his marriage, Harry’s birthday, etc. Lower on his right arm there’s baby Harry’s foot and handprint and some wise sentence written with runes. On his left arm there’s a quidditch tattoo with the snitch and a broom, also his broomsticks’ names. And the Order phoenix tattoo also.

Oh, and they both got undercuts cause undercuts are awesome.

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