

It Was a Good Idea

Damien: Why are you smiling?

Rosalie: I had an idea!

Damien: What’s your idea?

Rosalie: I think I’ll keep it to myself.

Damien: Well, that sounds like a good idea!

*laughing sarcastically*


Physical torture is great and all.

Good hard beatings that leave the prisoner a bloody, wheezing, heap on the ground…


Little physical or non-physical gestures to fuck with the prisoner’s mind. Reminding them of who is in control. Knowing that they know it too. Despite their unwillingness to admit it. That good psychological shit. Much more interesting and effective than just 20 kicks to the ribs.

Grabing their face or chin. Making them look up to their captor, not giving them a choice. Tilting it from side to side as of for inspection, as if they are a thing and not a person. A mocking gentleness, showing they don’t need to be rough to be intimidating, to be in control. Or just a painful bruise-inducing squeeze.

Grabbing their hair and yanking it back. Dragging them by it. Throwing them to the ground or hoisting them up.

Wiping blood or tears from their face. Mockingly. Inspecting the liquid with disgust as if it were some vile substance that came from an animal.

Perhaps even wiping blood from a wound elsewhere on the prisoner’s body, across their face mockingly, or even pretending to wipe away a tear and leaving a blood trail behind.

Feel free to add.
