
AttentionThe following text contains potentially repugnant passages, and should only be understood aAttentionThe following text contains potentially repugnant passages, and should only be understood aAttentionThe following text contains potentially repugnant passages, and should only be understood aAttentionThe following text contains potentially repugnant passages, and should only be understood aAttentionThe following text contains potentially repugnant passages, and should only be understood aAttentionThe following text contains potentially repugnant passages, and should only be understood aAttentionThe following text contains potentially repugnant passages, and should only be understood aAttentionThe following text contains potentially repugnant passages, and should only be understood aAttentionThe following text contains potentially repugnant passages, and should only be understood a


The following text contains potentially repugnant passages, and should only be understood as dystopian science fiction literature with topical reference in direct speech! I invoke freedom of expression and freedom of art.

If you are a sheep and yell for censorship, just unfollow my blog and enjoy your next booster.

Kill femininity to dry up feminism!

Guys I really hate most western women and their trained beta male supporters since they are vegan carbon neutral cunts who just talk shit. Strikingly, all of these atheistic substitute religions merge: Vegan illness, decarbonization madness, Coronoia and leading feminism. It’s rare that all of this bullshit doesn’t come together in one cunt. Feminism is just the ultimate brainfuck! I puke on the spot when I see these Greta-worshipping scumbags conceitedly believing they are doing the right thing, but in doing so are instrumental in the destruction of mankind. Since it’s also the same cunts that babble about freedom with multiple shots in their weak arms wanting to force us to be just as pathetic! Honestly, if Republicans were smart enough, they’d actually encourage abortion to stop that filth from propagating! There is nothing more disgusting than feminist battle lesbians who are pregnant.

Masculinity cannot be toxic, but healing and culture-enhancing! Let’s eradicate femininity by replacing it with what this wimpy western populace despises so much: Raw brutal masculinity reclaiming its place! Today we have the necessary knowledge and all possibilities to create a purely male future. Evolutionarily, we can overcome women. And the irony is: I only got that idea from the gender bullshit when I saw trans men for the first time. It was like a revelation for me that the solution lies in this civilizational disease itself! I think the preachers of “diversity” garbage had something else in mind. They didn’t expect that a crazy German would come up with the idea of ​​replacing women with hypermasculine macho pussy men in this way, who embody “toxic masculinity” entirely except for between their legs! I love perverting their gender shit and weaponizing it against themselves! I no longer even question whether this is possible, because if man managed to breed a poodle out of a wolf, then it should be even less of a problem to overcome women evolutionarily. It’s just a matter of will, power and time.

I picture it like that, where we creep into power to eventually take over entire fucking states turning them into a purely male domains. Everywhere, our heavily armed and well-trained warriors with mummed faces take power to ruthlessly carry out the orders of the Brotherhood. Any resistance to the brothers is cold-bloodedly nipped in the bud. The death of non-bros is not a loss but a purification. Once the genetic material we need is secured, they are no longer of any use to us except as slaves. All young women are then selected to determine whether they are naturally male enough to be made into men by means of testosterone and bodybuilding, who, after their correction, donate “male egg cells” and get permanently impregnated as prime broodmares for our bulls. The other women, if they are not in line with us, get exploited as birthing machines fixed in factories to finally perish after the 6th or 8th birth with the maximum yield of new brothers. This is my vision of the future for this “colorful feminist society” that I long for. I despise them so much that only in systematically erasing them do I find anything resembling satisfaction. That seems like a worthwhile goal to me. I work for it, and if I don’t make it in this life, then in my next reincarnation: Masculinity is “toxic”? Of course, because our masculinity have an effect on them and their shit like highly caustic acid. Let our manhood consume them! It is my mission to promote this idea and to realize it with you! Otherwise our lifes would have no meaning! But a true man needs his destiny, a higher purpose, which is worth living for! Therefore, I must confess that I am deeply grateful that today’s postmodern society gave me this purpose.

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Men need a pack and not governments!Only defensive masculinity is true masculinity. Yet your manhood

Men need a pack and not governments!

Only defensive masculinity is true masculinity. Yet your manhood should not be sacrificed for any existing state, government or religion, for they are all false: They are nothing but corrupt, ruthless and utterly destructive pigs. It is a natural law of human civilization that the dumbest come to power, for they are the easiest to control as puppets. The American President is no exception, he is just the most powerful puppet among all these remote controlled and insane governments.

Even the majority of people are not worth dying for! Likewise, it’s the stupidest thing in the world to go to war just for a piece of earth, because those who are responsible for war don’t give a shit about you. You are just a tool for them to increase their power. And like any tool, you will break prematurely with increasing use. Is that what you want to die for as a patriot?! What is it that men went into battle and killed each other for?! If we’re being honest, no reasons were ever worth it!

Only your brothers and the survival of your kind are worth your life, because through them you live on, whereas corrupt governments as well as dumbing religious authorities only care about their own interests. All these authorities want to train you to be an obedient sheep and eventually sacrifice you for their own ends. After you’re slaughtered, and if there is anything left of you, they wrap your dead body in a silly flag that really means nothing to them, but is merely a patriotic accessory to make your sacrifice more meaningful than it is. But a true man sees through this and only fights for himself! However, a single man is completely defenseless against this mass of scum and their supporters. Consequently, a man needs a strong pack! And the Brotherhood is that pack!

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And the Prophet said: Blessed are the bald and bearded, for they are inevitably marked as men by AllAnd the Prophet said: Blessed are the bald and bearded, for they are inevitably marked as men by AllAnd the Prophet said: Blessed are the bald and bearded, for they are inevitably marked as men by All

And the Prophet said: Blessed are the bald and bearded, for they are inevitably marked as men by Allah.

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Arab MissionMarvel at your perfect dark manhood. Enjoy your beefy body armored with hard muscles and

Arab Mission

Marvel at your perfect dark manhood. Enjoy your beefy body armored with hard muscles and wrapped in warm fur. Thank Allah and the Brotherhood every day for giving you this gift! Honor them all by fucking your potent seed into the most masculine mares for many more hairy Muslim warriors! And slay every adversary of the Brotherhood! Only your brothers and sons deserve a future!

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You owe yourself the love that you so freely give to other people.

Guide to Meditation

Many times, it is said that one must meditate by emptying their mind of thoughts, but this is only one method of meditation. In truth, meditation is much more complex than many may think, as there are many uses of it, but it is at the same time one of the easiest ways to improve your spiritual discipline. There are two primary ways of meditating: the silencing of thoughts, and the meditation where you focus on something (a spiritual teaching, a method of healing yourself, a sigil, etc). Personally, I have found the meditations of focusing on things to be much more rewarding than the silencing of thoughts, but you can do either or use both whenever you wish.

How to meditate: For any meditation, you need to begin by sitting somewhere comfortable (it can be in complete darkness, or during the daytime if you want; either way, you need to be alone). You can lay down to meditate if you need to, but it is best to do this while sitting up-right since your focus and flow of breath is better in this position. As you sit relaxed, you close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly, relaxing your thoughts and bringing yourself into the present. As you breathe in, hold your breath for a couple seconds and then release it slowly, continue this for a few repetitions as you relax your mind.

Once you do that, you either stop your thoughts or you begin focusing on whatever you need to focus on (like a spiritual teaching). The only meditations where you don’t close your eyes are when you want to stare directly into a sigil, yantra, or talisman in order to gain its benefits (you cannot use sigils or talismans without meditating on them, simply placing them somewhere doesn’t have any affects since your mind must connect with it). Additionally, meditation cannot be done by simply sitting relaxed and thinking of positive things, since this is simply relaxing and doesn’t go deeper than that. 

If you find difficulty focusing or staying still during the process, you need to continue doing meditations and repeatedly discipline the mind and body to do as you wish. This can be painful, but it will gradually work if you remain determined with it, and the process will become easier. Also remember that during meditations where you must focus on something, you need to stay focused on it as much as possible; if you notice your thoughts drifting, make sure to immediately bring them back to your focus.

As you meditate, the process should gradually lull you into a deeply relaxed state. And so by the time you finish, your mind should feel rejuvenated. The effects of meditation become stronger the more often you meditate, so it may not seem to be doing much at first, so you must remain patient and continue until you gradually become more attuned to the impacts it has. For more experienced meditators, a meditation should normally last from 30 minutes to an hour, or longer if desired. If you are at this stage, deep meditation should begin to feel as if you are entering a trance-like state where your mind enters a different frequency which is lower and less active; this low frequency allows for better access to one’s astral senses if they’ve been developed enough. If you are a beginner to meditation, you should meditate for at least 10 minutes, but ideally for 20 minutes or longer. Overall, if you are a spiritual person, especially one who is focused on gaining Awakening throughout the years, you should meditate at least twice a week.

Things that can help meditation:

  • Mala beads
  • Incense
  • Tibetan singing bowls
  • Low-frequency ambience (not too much noise; a good example is Cryo Chamber)
  • Some people may meditate better in a dark room than a bright room
  • Best times for meditation tend to be either in the early morning or late night (calmer times of the day)

Meditation Examples:

Core meditation – This is the meditation to achieve core awakening, where you gain permanent access to your higher self and obtain easier communication with them. You must focus gently on the centre of your abdomen, right beneath your ribcage, and imagine a golden orb of light here. This needs to be done for 20 minutes, and to be performed every single day for at least one year (or else the progress is lost and it needs to start over). Ideally, this meditation should be done once you know of your higher self’s identity and name.

Meditation on the colour magenta – This colour has a specific frequency that helps you to gain access to your astral senses; this process happens very gradually and needs many repetitions, as well as your own training to gain these skills. You only need to stare into this colour (even an image from your phone) for at least 10 minutes, and to do this often. While you meditate on the colour, make sure you keep in mind your intention to gain astral abilities.

Meditation on a sigil, talisman, or yantra – Staring into a working sigil, talisman or yantra (these all need to be created in specific ways, not just designs). The meditation should last for at least 10 minutes.

Meditation while chanting a mantra or enn – This can also be done while staring into a yantra or sigil.

Meditation on a spiritual teaching – Any spiritual teaching you receive that you wish to ponder deeply upon.

Meditation without thought – Stopping the flow of thoughts so you can become mentally still; this is a meditation best for those who follow the Right Hand Path, seeking to remove their sense of self.

Meditation on the breathing-in of fire element – If you want to gain some closeness to the element of fire and gradually use it to help you become more empowered and aware of the strength you have, this is a good meditation to use (especially if you are following Demonic teachings). To perform this, begin the meditation process as usual and then project yourself into a vision- a temple with a blazing fire at the altar. Stand before the fire and focus on breathing it in deeply, hold it within yourself for a couple seconds, and then release it. Continue doing this as long as you need.

Meditation of the releasing of inner-burdens – This is a good meditation to help you become relieved from built-up stress. Begin the meditation as usual and then visualize yourself in the depths of space when ready, with only darkness and stars in the distance. As you breathe in, visualize your inner-burdens gathering up together inside you, then hold it, and breathe out slowly as you exhale the burden into space. Continue this as long as you need.

Meditation of oneness with Nature – This is for sitting outside in a tranquil area with trees and plants. Sit comfortably in the grass and begin the meditation as normal. As your mind relaxes, vividly imagine that you are a tree and have spent all your life in this spot, communicating through senses with the other plants. Imagine you have roots going deep into the ground, and pay attention to what you sense from nature’s energy.

Meditation to rise above despair – When you are feeling strong emotions of despair, and these are threatening to take hold of you and cause you to weep, you can use this meditation if you use your will-power. As you are experiencing this pains and mental darkness, visualize yourself in the labyrinth of your mind and begin projecting bright flames into all the corridors, destroying the lies of your Shadow so you can begin seeing the truth of what is happening. Tell yourself that you know it’s just a lie repeatedly, and then project yourself quickly upwards as if you have giant wings, so you expand beyond the labyrinth, high above it. Imagine yourself as a burning black flame here, and hold your focus to bring yourself into a more controlled state of mind. Focus on filling your mind with either a tranquil darkness or a blazing light, whichever best suits you.

Meditation of fire-staring – This is a traditional meditation method in Tantric practices. You simply need to light a candle in a dark room and sit before it. Stare directly into the flame without blinking for as long as you can.

Meditation of the Wasteland – This is a meditation for more serious practitioners who wish to challenge themselves; though refrain from this if you are prone to depression. For this, begin the meditation as usual and then vividly visualize yourself in a bleak wasteland, with only grey craggy rocks and a dark cloudy sky above. There are no plants or other signs of life, only you and silence. You must walk through this wasteland and come to terms with what has been lost in the past, and what must be lost in order to grow (negative habits, toxic people, arrogance, envy, materialism, etc). As you wander the wasteland, pull these negative attachments out from yourself, as if they are a black vapour, and throw them into the distance where they dissipate. Exit this meditation whenever you feel ready.

Birth Family

  • The family environment growing up was reserved in nature
  • Most likely raised in a practical and modest sized family
  • The parents, siblings and relatives were helpful and caring
  • Parent’s we’re probably realists and worked hard for a living
  • The household growing up had routine and efficiency to it
  • Growing up in the birth family had traits that felt like a job
  • Living environment was systematic and well defined
  • Everyone was expected to hard work and keep the household functioning
  • People in the family we’re extremally busy and focused on improving things
  • An intellectual vibe embodied the house hold. Everything had a logical reasoning.
  • The childhood unfortunately may of felt missing or void of fun to a degree
  • Stress was constant and never ending
  • Higher chance then normal parents were critical or judgemental
  • The environment most likely felt inhospitable and hard to settle into

Early Childhood Teachings

  • The importance of being a realist was stressed
  • Encouraged to be practical in approach to life
  • Taught to humble and patient, await for good things
  • Always care, nurture and give your most to be helpful
  • Versed on the importance of education
  • Be curious and always seek to improve yourself
  • Pushed to analyze and look at all facts
  • The value of hard work was accentuated in the teachings
  • The importance of having usable skills that solve problems
  • Being productive and dependable will get you far in life
  • Educated on health. Be fit, tidy and clean

Value System

  • Lives to be dependable and reliable
  • Values productivity and working hard
  • Loves to be systematic and be well organized
  • Places importance in being perfect as possible
  • Values skills and being the best possible version of oneself
  • Embellish in the importance of health and staying in good physical or mental shape
  • Can be judgemental concerning value system
  • Have excessive values that might be overwhelming
  • Irritable when challenged concerning values

Gained Assets

  • A realist when it comes to what it takes to earn resources
  • Extremally motivated and willing to work hard to make money
  • Aims for a modest paycheck
  • Wants to do the best job possible to generate income
  • Patient for the right income opportunity to come
  • Intelligence, logic and analytics are used to maximize money making potential
  • Uses an inquisitive nature to learn about the publics needs
  • Makes money by being caring and nurturing towards issues and problems
  • Works to improve skillsets to have the best employment opportunities
  • Feel anxiety and stressful concerning making money
  • Have issues around self doubt to be able to generate income
  • Skeptical of employment opportunities, may believe if it sounds to good to be true it isn’t
  • Cynical when it comes to making making, appears to be out for themselves

Spent Assets

  • Conservative and responsible in spending practices
  • Wants to be spend resources in the most perfect way possible
  • Aim for efficiency in spending by getting the most bang for buck
  • Patient in waiting for the right opportunity to spend comes
  • Analytical concerning the use of resources
  • Can keep books, spreadsheets and careful eye on money flow
  • Practical and responsible with money, tries not to squander it needlessly
  • Always trying to improve spending habits for the better
  • Possess a routine and efficient shopping routine
  • Anxious when it comes to spending
  • Seeking a perfect spending opportunity can feel stressful
  • Skeptical when other people try selling them something
  • Judgemental of spending habits


  • Very picky and conscientious when it comes to owning things
  • Want to own the “perfect possessions” and stay away from frivolous things
  • Self critical if it’s really important to own something or not
  • Really know the value of things that are owned
  • Nurture and take good care of the things that are owned
  • Keep things near, tidy, and well organized
  • Like to keep checklists or spreadsheets of possessions in a collection
  • Possessions can serve a purpose as means of self improvement
  • Care to own things that are health oriented and keeps them healthy or youthful
  • Embellish owning medications, healthy foods, vitamins or even exercise equipment
  • “Naging” or fault finding attitude toward imperfections in possessions


  • Humble and reserved speaker
  • Patient and waits for right opportunity to speak
  • Skillful and detailed choice of words
  • Looks to improve speaking skills over lifetime
  • Self critical over things that are said
  • Anxious and stressed about speaking
  • Can be Judgemental in the tone of voice
  • Cynical in tone
  • Inhospitable tone if not careful

What Goes into the Mouth

  • Completely health conscious eater
  • Well educated and inquisitive about food
  • Aspires for the perfect diet
  • Seeks to improves oneself through diet
  • Analytical about what goes into the mouth (Calorie counter)
  • Aims to be an an efficient eater and consume perfect amounts
  • Prefer to eat earthy foods loaded with nutrition
  • Picky eating issues
  • Judgemental and critical of everything that goes into the mouth

Return to the A Study of Astrology Masterpost

The Prophet and his Ahlulbayt have taught us to never forget the poor, especially in Ramadan. There’

The Prophet and his Ahlulbayt have taught us to never forget the poor, especially in Ramadan. There’s a lot of ways to be charitable, either by donating money, sharing a smile to brighten someone’s day, or passing out food. The Commander of Faithfuls once said - ‘The nourishment of the body is food whilst the nourishment of the soul is feeding others.’

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