#tech support


Customer: (says spelling of email really fast)

Me: Please go slower and give it to me phonetically.

Customer: Are you not a millennial? They talk like ZOOM and I’m able to keep up. Why can’t you?

~5 mins later ~

Me: (gives directions at a slow, snail pace)

Customer: Stop! Why are you saying it so fast? I can’t keep up!

Me: May I have your email please?

Customer: Billy!

Me: At where?

Customer: Billy!!!!

Me: Yahoo? Gmail? @ where?

Customer: Billy!! Because I am Billy and I am gangster!

Me: Excuse me?

Customer: I am gangster!!!

Me: Okay, cool. So… can I still get that email though?

Customer: I don’t need that, because I am larger then the email! I don’t do the generic AOL, I am above that!

Me: Well, I can’t pull up your information without your email…

Customer: I am Billy! You should know this!

Me: If I had your email, I would…

Customer: My SIM card is not working.

Me: Did you insert it correctly?

Customer: Well, I did file it down to make it fit.

Me: Just follow the on screen instructions.

Customer: How do I do that?

Me: The instructions are on your screen. If it asks for your name, type your name.

Customer: I don’t understand.

Me: Use two of your fingers to tap the screen and activate that accessibility option.

Customer: How do I use two fingers?

Customer: I can’t believe you want me to do these steps. What a waste of my time. I expect this to be fixed now! I shouldn’t have to do anything!!

Me: Restart your computer please.

Customer: I feel I shouldn’t have to do that.

Me: It’s part of the installation process.

Customer: No. I feel like I shouldn’t have to do anything you tell me.

Me: You called in for help. I can’t continue if you don’t follow the steps.

Customer: I don’t need too.

Me: Than I don’t understand what we are trying to accomplish here.

Customer: -hangs up-

magnolianfarewell:simplyanjuta: Blog Pages cannot have JavaScript anymoreYou guys, apparently ther



Blog Pages cannot have JavaScript anymore

You guys, apparently there were some security changes on Tumblr and JavaScript is no longer allowed for blog pages, which probably affects a lot of blog pages that use a custom theme. You need to contact support & ask to make an exception for you if you want to keep using it - which is what I did now (waiting for a reply).

Keep reading

Yep. Won’t be able to update my downloads page tumblr really wants me to quit.

We had this problem too! To anyone running into the ‘you can’t use java’ issue, @glenthemeswrotea whole guide on how to submit a request, complete with what to say. We submitted at the end of May and had access five days later. :3

Post link
If my dog ever got a job

If my dog ever got a job

Post link


Since the 17th about 12 of my posts where flagged as adult content and when I went to try and appeal it there was no appeal button. I went through their help and read the whole article. I even contacted support who then copied and pasted their help page not even trying to assist me.  All I know is that there was supposed to be a button for the original creator to click and allow up to appeal but there wasn’t.

On my computer:


On the app:


See no button for appeal.

It has taken me days to figure out this work around and I thought some other people out there might be having this issue.

Now here is how you appeal your post when you don’t have the appeal button

Now go through your blog and find all your pages with censored posts clicking on them to take you to the original post.


Take a look at the url.


See that number there? Copy it!

Open up a new page and type in this:

https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/your url/

At the end paste that number.


When you hit enter you will get this:

The appeal button is finally there! Click it!


You’ll get this message and then you’ll click appeal again.


Your post is now being appealed.

You can check that it was fixed just by refreshing your blogs page.


And that’s it! I know it is stupid and ridiculous to do such a ridiculous back method but unfortunately it’s the only solution I’ve come up with.

Also no you can’t just use the weird sidebar dashboard to find it as any flagged posts don’t actually show up at all in it.

Anyways I hope this helps you guys.

I’ve been doing this. It definitely works, but it’s REALLY clunky.

You ALMOST CERTAINLY have flagged posts that Tumblr didn’t notify you about, so you should check.

The easiest way to find them (and it’s kind of a beating) is to go to [yoururl].tumblr.com/archive. (ex. I’m talesofdrunkennessandcruelty.tumblr.com/archive.) You’ll be able to scroll through thumbnails of everything you’ve posted, separated by month. If anything has been flagged, then you’ll see a thumbnail graphic like the very first one at the top of this.

Open the flagged post in a separate window. It will say that the post wasn’t found, but that’s fine. All you need is numerical listing that’s in the link. Copy that then follow the instructions above. 

Sometimes it takes a second or two for the post you want to load, so all you’ll see initially is your dashboard. GIVE IT A SECOND, and you should see the flagged post along with the option to appeal.

I really hope this helps someone.

I just got an email from Tumblr saying “you recently uploaded content onto your Tumblr, talesofdrunkennessandcruelty, that has been flagged as adult content.”

This is a SFW blog, so I can’t imagine what they removed, but I’ve gone back through all my posts since Halloween. I don’t see ANY content that’s been flagged. I’ve got 28,029 posts (including this one.) It will take WEEKS to search every last one. Are there any better ways to find what was flagged?

I don’t know why I bother since I stopped posting on December 17. I guess it’s the principle. Meanwhile, I’ve gotten close to 100 new followers since then AND ALMOST ALL OF THEM are spambots. Tumblr hasn’t done a THING about those…or the thousands of fakes/hoaxes/spammers/scammers I’ve reported/blocked in the past. They just care about nipples, apparently……..
