

There are several advantages of spying on mobile phones and that I will explain to you how you can spy on a mobile phone. You can track their place and your children activities. It’s quite popular for grabbing someone that’s cheating on you. You may use it as a backup program to maintain logs of your discussions, text, and mails. Spying applications is also quite useful in recovering stolen mobile phones. There are tons of different reasons to utilize this spying applications, but I believe you get the notion.

Is a few mobile phone computer software. It’s crucial to select a very good software which can work across all mobile types. It’s ideal to select software which can send the logs directly to your pc. You can get software that can send the logs into your cellular phone, however this isn’t quite as great as using them on a pc. Another fantastic point to bear in mind when picking out cellular phone software is to locate a business which has a money-back guarantee. This may eliminate any danger while purchasing the program.

I purchased my applications from the website call spouses. It had. It’s a little program that gets installed onto your PC. You’ll also have to put in it on the cell phone that you would like to spy. It just took me three minutes to put in it, but you need to devote ten minutes to put in it.

The computer setup is quite straightforward. You double click on the program and it’ll install. The mobile phone setup is somewhat harder. You’ll have to move the file on the phone to put in it. I did so by sending an email to the telephone. It is also possible to do this by texting, or simply by syncing the telephone to your PC. You can open it, As soon as you’ve the document on the telephone. It’ll take about a minute or less to set up. It won’t appear anywhere on the telephone, since it’s totally concealed. You’ll have to delete the first file which you sent into the telephone. If you do not delete this document the individual might find out there is something on the telephone. Visit official guide for more details on how to track and spy on others phone.

The program is set up and you’re now prepared to spy. You open the app in your pc, and you’ll see all the action with that telephone. Everything that individual does on their telephone will be available that you see in your PC.

Free Phone Spy App is growing quickly among the most wanted mobile software now, particularly by parents, business owners and spouses that consider that their spouses are having an affair. Among the qualities that cellular phone spy-ware provides, every one of those groups will find inside a terrific advantage for all the particular needs.

In terms of parents that are constantly concerned about where are their kids or adolescent children. Every parent has such a concern but the children [especially teenagers] find this to be somewhat intrusive and overbearing. These children won’t discover so intrusive is if their parents to purchase for them high-end smart-phone mobile phones such as Black-Berries or even i-Phones. The parents compensated for them and are the owners of those phones. This also gives the parents the legal right to set up Free Phone Spy applications on them also have the capability to understand the location of the kids constantly with Google Maps, a characteristic that’s among the advantages this program provides.

Another alternative this spy-ware has is the ability to determine exactly who’s calling their children and that are their children calling too. This information includes the time and length of the telephone, in addition to the title that’s been delegated to the amount called or received. Another attribute is that the parents are going to have the ability to read each text that’s sent and/or obtained by the telephone, even when kid accomplishes it.

Obviously same attributes can be gotten by business employees, even though their motives to understand differs from that of parents. Employers that provide mobile phones to workers do so because they need them to utilize them for business functions, not for long distance calls for a girl they fulfilled. By tracking the activity of the employees with cell phone spy-ware, they may be comforted that the money that they pay on cellular calls is used for business uses only. The best part is that it is not as expensive as most would believe. That is because the employer does not need to install cell phone spy software on each cell phone. They could install it from the workers whom they suspect and grabbing them will make all workers believe their telephone is being tracked also. There are even some websites which will provide this software for free check it over here https://freephonespy.net/install-free-phone-spy/.

Finally, for partners who suspect their partner is having an event, this are the cheapest means to test on them. Employing a detective could cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. This spy-ware saves a bundle and concern too. We also really ought to remember that a number of spouses could be plotting murder of the partner. There have been lots of instances where a partner was connected with somebody who had been in on the storyline through their mobile phone. The partner who had been the goal of the had any suspicions but didn’t have anything tangible to continue. Whether this software was readily available to them AND they understood about it, possibly their lives could have been spared. There are lots of what ifs on the planet but if you suspect your partner of getting an affair it isn’t something that’s benign. The opposing side of this coin is that the partner could be

WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins: We appreciate how inconvenient it might be to have our websites unavailable. And hacked in the past. To understand how to repair your malware-infected WordPress website, follow our step-by-step The Ultimate WordPress Security Guide.

Engage a security specialist to remove malware on your behalf.  The easiest option to remove malware from your website is to hire a website security specialist. Delegating website cleanup to a professional, you have the peace of mind that you will not be confronted with technological issues that you are unfamiliar with.

Is your WordPress website malware-infected?  

There are numerous tactics and tips you can use to harden the security of your WordPress installation.

The next step is to implement a checking and monitoring system that tracks every activity on your website following backups. This includes file integrity monitoring, failed login attempts, and virus checks, among other things. Fortunately, all of this is possible using the most amazing free WordPress security plugin available, Sucuri Scanner. You must first download and install the free Sucuri security plugin. For additional information, see our step-by-step guide to WordPress plugin installation.

Hackers adore scanning WordPress. With millions of out-of-date installations, it’s the equivalent of bullying a small child at school. It’s simple and even enjoyable for some. Even if you maintain an up-to-date website, you may be shocked at the amount of information that can be pulled from a WordPress website. Information gathering is a critical phase in any intelligent attack. Earlier this year, the hacker who compromised a key government security contractor released a do-it-yourself hacking tutorial. Numerous phases detail the usage of numerous tools to gather data on the target.


Why Website Security is Important?

WordPress security issues on web servers are typically caused by two issues: unpatched software and exploitation of default settings. It is critical to identify security misconfiguration risks and vulnerabilities such as the following:
Web application upgrades that have been missed
Incorrect permissions on a file or directory
Numerous websites that use the same PHP process
Passwords that are not secure.

An out-of-date plugin is a frequent source of website performance issues and an entry point for hackers and harmful programs. As such, another critical safeguard is to keep your WordPress up to date. This section contains all of the core WordPress files, extensions, and themes that are adjusted for a reason and include vital security upgrades and bug fixes.

Defender security is a well-acclaimed security plugin for WordPress developed by wpmudev. The plugin safeguards your website in various ways, including by avoiding brute force assaults, SQL injections, cross-site scripting attacks, or XSS. The plugin takes care of everything necessary to harden your website’s security, allowing you to concentrate on more important matters, such as your business.

Yes, those bothersome messages reminding you to update your website to the latest version of WordPress are critical for security.  If you continue to use a version of WordPress from a previous version, hackers can use known security flaws to get access to your website. The remedy is straightforward: pay attention to notification messages and update your WordPress installation within a week after the release (but sooner would be even better). Unfortunately, no service updates WordPress for you due to the risk of causing damage to your website.

wordpress security best practices

The Role of WordPress Hosting

Your WordPress hosting provider is critical to the security of your WordPress website. A reputable shared hosting provider, such as Bluehost or Siteground, takes further precautions to safeguard its servers from typical attacks. This is how a reputable web hosting service protects your websites and data in the background. They check their network for suspicious behavior constantly.

This is one of the most critical WordPress security recommendations to follow to safeguard your business. A secure web hosting environment is critical for the security of your website. A reputable host protects your website with numerous layers of security and monitors it 24 hours a day for malware and assaults. The majority of newcomers make their first error by purchasing cheap hosting. They would rather have inexpensive hosting than excellent hosting. Essentially, cheap hosting lacks adequate security features and performance. In this manner, hackers may easily target and hijack your website.

Certain information pieces are “need to know,” and the same criteria apply in the case of security access. For instance, when creating WordPress user accounts, you can assign users who are not real administrators roles such as “editor”, “author”, or “contributor”.

The security of your WordPress site is contingent upon several factors, one of which is your web hosting provider. Indeed, your hosting provider is the most critical component of your website’s security and protection. As a result, you must work with an exceptional shared hosting company. We go above and above on a daily razor to ensure that our hosting infrastructure is secure and available when you need it.


WordPress Security in Easy Steps (No Coding)

If you’re following all of the advice we’ve given thus far, you’re in reasonably excellent shape. However, as is typically the case, there is additional work you can do to harden your WordPress security. Several of these processes may necessitate the use of programming expertise.

Numerous automated services exist to assist in identifying code bugs. To mention a few, there is Exakat, SonarSource, and phpstan, as well as a personal favorite of mine, coderisk.com, which provides an easy way to identify some of the most prominent security flaws in your code. This company analyses the public WordPress.org repository for all WordPress plugins. Their program can scan and identify hundreds of distinct sorts of security vulnerabilities based on various coding standards.

Hackers adore scanning WordPress. With millions of out-of-date installations, it’s the equivalent of bullying a small child at school. It’s simple and, for some, even enjoyable. Information gathering is a critical phase in any intelligent attack. Earlier this year, the hacker who compromised a key government security contractor released a do-it-yourself hacking tutorial. Numerous steps detail the use of numerous tools to gather information on the target.

Nowadays, a website is a necessary component of any organization. You must be present online, as this is where your customers are. When it comes to website hosting, there is no doubt that the most popular platform is WordPress. It’s simple to use, and you don’t need to be familiar with complex coding or changeable themes. WordPress users can enhance their experience even further by practicing proper online hygiene. You must safeguard your personal information. While you’re working on your website, there’s a chance you’ll enter the information you shouldn’t.

Install a WordPress Backup Solution – WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins

If you continue to use out-of-date versions of WordPress, plugins, and themes, you expose yourself to significant security risks. Version updates frequently include fixes for code security issues. As a result, it is critical always to utilize the most recent version of any plugins or software installed on your WordPress website. As a result, you should establish a habit of backing up your data each time you log in and then running any available updates. Most users find updating their website a chore and postpone it, which puts their website at risk.

Codeguard is not often associated with security plugins, however, it is a WordPress website backup solution that is automated (with a built-in feature for easy restoration). However, it has a monitoring feature that monitors daily changes to your website and notifies you promptly if malware or other signals of criminal activity are detected. Similar backup solution providers, such as vault press or managewp’s easy administration dashboard, offer similar daily activity and virus scan monitoring services. WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins

WordPress Database

The WordPress database is clean and well-organized upon initial installation. As a website develops in size, it gets increasingly unmanageable and can harm its performance. This is because the WordPress database holds all of your posts, pages, comments, categories, users, tags, custom fields, and other WordPress configuration information. It would be beneficial to clear up your database prior to it becoming unmanageable. WordPress database plugins include wp-optimize, wp-dbmanager, and wp database backup. Install and configure them to maximize the performance of your database.

Cleaning up a WordPress website may be highly time-consuming and complicated but very important to help keep out hackers. Our initial recommendation would be to consult a specialist. It is important to prevent hackers from installing trojans and backdoors to your website.  More on WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins

Move Your WordPress Site to SSL/HTTPS – WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins

Update: The Azure marketplace listing for the scalable WordPress template has been removed. WordPress is a lightweight content management system (CMS) that enables you to construct dynamic websites in a matter of minutes.  Each cloud hosting platform has its own set of best practices for maximizing platform performance. If you’re operating your WordPress site on a Lamp or Wamp stack and wondering how to transfer it quickly to Azure websites and take advantage of all the cloud has to offer, including auto-scaling, load balancing, and self-healing, then this article is for you.

Importance Of A Vulnerability Scanner – WordPress Security Best Practices

The vulnerability scanner included with the plugin is effectively obsolete and no longer functional. This is not because we become sluggish and ceased updating it. That is because the lovely individuals who created the original data chose to remove it – they disapproved of us using it for you. This is an odd contrast to their stated objective of safeguarding WordPress sites.

It’s pretty simple to do these online scans: enter your website’s URLs, and their crawlers will search your site for known viruses and harmful code. The majority of WordPress security scanners are site-specific. This brings us to the following section, which describes how to clean malware from compromised WordPress sites.

200,000+ active installations

Additionally, the plugin features a robust firewall that stops known malware from exploiting known weaknesses in plugins. This plugin’s free version has the following features:

Scan for malware – manually scan for, detect, and eliminate backdoor scripts, database injections, and other security concerns.

The Article WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins was found on

This post WordPress Security Best Practices – Tips And Plugins first appeared on
Walrus Video

How to Teach Strategies for Teaching Reading Remotely

We will be discussing teach strategies for teaching reading remotely. Unfortunately, the pandemic has complicated teaching all subjects, especially for young kids in preschool and elementary school.

Teachers have had difficulty coming up with lessons that will help children learn in the future. As parents, it can be challenging to provide for their children at home when they have other commitments, like their jobs. Adults who are not teachers may find it challenging to help kids learn if they don’t know-how.

It is understandable that teaching these skills for some subjects, such as reading and math, can be more difficult when they are done remotely. For example, teaching reading in the digital age can seem impossible, but some strategies make it possible.

One popular teaching strategy is hands-on activities, and tools are often used to help students recognize and form letters. When teaching reading, whole-class demonstrations and small-group work with peers of similar ability are typically undertaken. Before exploring remote strategies for teaching reading, it is essential to look at how to use online learning best.

Critical Rules for Strategies for Teaching Reading Remotely

Strategies for Teaching Reading Remotely

We can see from the Modern Language Association that reading scores are going down in America. That means that teachers were already struggling with teaching reading before classes went online last spring. If you are a teacher or parent faced with ongoing virtual learning, These are a few things to keep in mind when teaching reading.:

Encouraging a love of reading early on is the first step to teaching reading.

As children learn to read, teachers focus on two reading skills. First, reading fluency is when you can read the text. Second, reading comprehension is figuring what it means.

Without reading fluency, it will be hard to read. You need to first have the building blocks for reading fluency and text comprehension. When you do this, you can practice your reading and make sure that you understand what you are reading.

Quickly and accurately, know how to express words.

Studies show that reading is essential. Children need help reading before they can read on their own. They need to be able to read out loud and understand what they are reading. Adults can help by reading aloud with children or picking a favorite book for them to learn.

Provide a variety of books.  Teach Strategies for Teaching Reading Remotely

Children need to read different books in the classroom and at home. Teachers can read books with the whole class and give each student a book that is right for their level. Families may not get books from school, so they should print simple reading books at home on their printer. Teachers can also tell parents about ways to buy or borrow more books for their children, even if these are online.

Parents should also pick out books for their kids to read. They can pick books of different topics and from different periods that match what the child is interested in. Then, when they read together, it will be fun! To do this, they might go to the library or talk to their teachers.

Be open-minded about new digital tools.

Many grownups enjoy the sensation of holding a hardcover book in their hands and smelling it before they read it. While some people are sticklers for reading physical copies, there are many ways to get kids interested in books online.

Microsoft’s “Immersive Reader” A tool that can read the text online and highlight words. It can also make them bigger.

Reading apps that include eBooks with audio.

Document cameras are tools that allow teachers to show texts from books, magazines, and videos to children. Teachers can do this with Virtual subscriptions or apps.

Lessons should be short and not too long.

If you’ve ever been on a Zoom call, you know that it can be hard to focus on the screen. For an energetic first grader, it is even harder to pay attention than it is for adults. It is tough enough to manage student behavior and keep them all focused in the classroom on an average day, but it can be nearly impossible when there are distractions around them.

It may seem like the time your child spends in school is shorter, but that does not mean they are not learning. Teachers and parents should keep lessons short and complete them in a short amount of time. They need to be long enough, though, for students to learn what they need to know. Teachers also need to spread out their reading and writing assignments not to become too tired to focus on one thing for too long.

Use your digital device to read aloud during the day.

Many teachers schedule reading time into their daily routines. In some classrooms, this is done at the beginning of the day with everyone gathered around the teacher on a rug. It may be another set time that promotes reading as a positive activity every day in other classes. Keep this routine in your digital courses and choose a large, colorful book that will capture your students’ attention.

Parents, help your child to read. Reading aloud is very important for kids. It does not need to be a digital book, but feel free to find more books on topics that interest your child! You can do this at bedtime or another time of day.

Teach Strategies for Teaching Reading Remotely

Make reading fun.

If you want reading to be exciting and fun, do the following. First, try different things, such as combining art projects or games with reading. It will make kids want to read more often. Second, use your imagination when you read and show that you are having a good time.

By being creative and taking your reading projects outside, you will inspire kids to write stories about themselves.

Keep it light or funny, so they can’t help but laugh at their mistakes.

Virtual classes offer some flexibility when it comes to instructional content and time spent in class. For example, students can be more independent in their out-of-class work when watching a lecture or reading material from home.

The best way to do reading and writing is to be creative. For example, you could tell your family to find something in nature that would inspire them to write a story. Or you could ask children to read books in different places, such as on the porch, under a tree, or on the picnic blanket in the backyard.

There is no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic has changed how we teach reading and writing. As schools struggle to balance operations, teachers must improvise with what resources they can find outside of school to reassure young children returning to reading for education practices to return as close as possible to normalcy.

Strategies for teaching reading remotely. Why is remote learning so hard?

The problem isn’t just that teachers lack experience with remote instruction. For reasons scientists only partially understand, it’s harder to learn via video than in person. … But they can’t maintain the necessary attentional focus for an entire Zoom class, so learning suffers

Set realistic expectations (And make it fun!)

Learning at home can be frustrating for kids if they want to learn something quickly and do not have much patience. You need to make sure that you repeat the skill many times to work on it and get better. And it is best if you are practicing skills that are simple and easy, but also fun. For example, games or activities can help adults homeschooling children without complaining about learning new things.

3 Strategies for Teaching Reading Remotely

If you teach reading intervention remotely, how do you ensure that the student is following directions correctly? There are a few strategies.

1/ Have them read aloud or talk about their reading assignment with an adult on the phone.

2/ Use Skype video conferencing while using document camera software to show and discuss the content together as if there were in person.

3/ Sending emails back and forth with questions related to daily work, homework, understanding of text concepts, etc., all within five minutes at most.

These three ideas can also help teachers working with students restricted by time constraints since these activities take up minimal time but offer huge benefits, including improving reading and comprehension skills, a sense of connection to the student’s home community, and an opportunity for socialization.

How can remote learning help struggling Children

If a student struggles with reading, it’s essential to encourage them to pick up a book, magazine, or comic book every day. Then, sit down and help them sound out any words they can’t read because that’s the best way to help teach someone about reading.

The more interested children are in a topic, the more likely they will learn how to read quickly. Always make sure you check their comprehension of what they just read by asking questions about the story after they’re done reading it because this helps measure if children understand anything they’ve just been taught before moving onto new material.

The strategies mentioned above and tips for Teaching Reading Remotely can help young learners in the classroom, but it is most important to foster a love of reading. It is also vital to practice as much as possible, no matter the setting.

The Article Teach Strategies for Teaching Reading Remotely was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com

This post Teach Strategies for Teaching Reading Remotely first appeared on
Walrus Video

This article highlights just how people choose to begin a firm. We talk about how our interpretation of the past, today, and also the future impacts our decision.

First and foremost, not all ideas are good ideas, but a lot more significantly, not all excellent ideas are opportunities, and without an appropriate system for doing away with great ideas, individuals obtain active discovering them and also are not able to choose to do something about it and establish them. I use a basic methodology to clarify how to pick excellent ideas from ideas and opportunities from excellent ideas. In entrepreneurship, when a person locates an opportunity, she or he likely starts a service.

Otherwise thrown out, ideas, as well as excellent ideas, sidetrack possible entrepreneurs as they will certainly be using their energy and time on an idea that is not mosting likely to involve them sufficiently to determine to take the plunge as well as ‘make it take place.’

If an excellent idea is not attractive enough to press a specific to take activity, it might still be a good idea, however not the opportunity for that certain individual. What commonly occurs is that people stick to the good ideas and also these restrictions their capacity to browse for or find chances. You can also check https://kulturehub.com/inventhelp-support-inventors/

I can assume at least 10 business ideas every day. Exactly how numerous individuals are committed to zealously secure their ideas and also have your mind occupied in those ideas or have filled up folders with ideas and strategies that are not carried out?

This post will enable you to have a process to divide the ideas of excellent ideas and good ideas from chances. Doing so will allow you to concentrate your efforts on establishing a great possibility and also free your focus from ideas that you will certainly not pursue.

What are the good ideas?

Excellent ideas arise from ideas. Ideas that any person has in his or her head or that records from communication with others. Small modification, translational experiences, creative conversations, unmet needs, etc … Great ideas are different from ideas based upon 2 unique thoughts. One is an exterior evaluation that needs to do more with the marketplace, and the other is an internal analysis that needs to do even more with your tale and abilities. What is likewise called your human funding?

A market is composed of a set of clients that buy a similar product or solution as well as act. Some specialists declare that markets are a parish of consumers that can communicate amongst themselves.

The voice of the marketplace.

Ideas in a market are identified by the phase of market development. The enjoyment and turmoil from these new markets vanish and also, on one hand, the enjoyment relocates to a brand-new market, as well as, on the other hand, the previously growing market clears up down, declines, or even disappears.

Market stages should be taken into consideration to produce a large number of ideas to select from:

In this phase of the market, it is vital to determine those prospective clients that will certainly take threats of utilizing or testing your product or service. Likely, a small or brand-new firm would certainly not have the sources to pay for developing this demand, yet it is likewise feasible to obtain the assistance of a complementary service to profit from the development of this new market as well as supplies a new firm with resources because if the new firm fails, failing for the big firm goes unnoticed, and if the brand-new company prospers, the large one has a competitive advantage both strategically and economically. In this instance, the sub-market entry technique needs to be based on the capacity to conveniently and also rapidly reach prospective customers, and not on the standard 'segmenting’ methods a lot more ideal for fully grown markets.

In the growth phase, there is space for lots of firms as well as there are no criteria, so it is hard for consumers to separate in between one business and also one more. Capturing customers is fairly simple and also the danger for a business lays a lot more on the danger of obsolescence. Concerning the market, this is the simplest time to release a firm.

Fully grown markets likewise existing chances, particularly in segmentation, manipulating niches that are either very little or are not functional by large businesses. Supporting companies, such as audit services, marketing, transportation, or market analysis companies can be established up to aid various other brand-new or much more well-known companies. Find out more advice by visiting https://midhudsonnews.com/2020/05/10/how-does-inventhelp-support-new-inventors/

Your unique voice

The marketplace analysis is not nearly enough to produce great ideas. You have special competitive advantages that enable you to be much more reliable in a detailed location. This benefit has been obtained in two means: via experience or education. Throughout individual and also specialist advancement you have been exercising various activities as well as shined on those in which you have natural abilities. If you have no experience in an area where you intend to develop an idea, you can look within various other previous experiences and also theorize you’re discovering too that location, and also you can obtain an education. Having experience is far more appropriate than education and learning, but as we claim in my nation: Nobody is birthed discovered.

Your experience or education and learning will certainly not help you run your service but will be important in choosing your strategy, for instance, imagination, as well as analysis, are two extremely distinctive approaches. If you believe you are imaginative, you will certainly utilize it as take advantage of: you will certainly design new products and services, work on improvements or adjustments to products and solutions, distributors’ connections, making programs, working with, funding, creating tactical partnerships, and also lots of various other features within the firm. Your company needs to then make the most of your strength.

If you believe that you are strongly analytical, after that you will focus on generating processes, lowering expenses, raising efficiency, incorporating devices, specifying markets, and so forth. As in the previous instance, your company will take advantage of your abilities as well as your company will certainly draw in customers that require those abilities.

Choosing chances from good ideas.

The major challenge for potential entrepreneurs (called 'inceptive’ business owners in academia) is the trouble to pick one idea from numerous. Usually, you have several business ideas in your head, yet you can only engage in one by one, at the very least till you have sufficient experience and to continue with an additional company or expand your firm to another location.

The options process of good ideas for chances is based on a crucial question: what do you want to do in the future. Otherwise, is it just a terrific idea that will certainly not involve you.

When you decide that the idea is worth going after not as a result of the marketplace however because you will feel ecstatic about it, you model the company to fit with your capacities and also your desired future:

  1. how do they purchase and make choices? What exists in the market.
  2. What is my business style? Do I intend to directly communicate with consumers as well as providers, which is the suitable size for my company, what is my excellent timetable (some individuals prefer to work at night, others days, others on weekend breaks), who will join me in this initiative?
  3. What do I sell? Specify as especially as possible the product or service you want to market, how is it unique, how do you make it available to the clients, and what are the sales problems: rate, repurchases, layaway plan.
  4. What do I enter return for starting this firm? The flexibility of time, even more money, duty, a leadership role or social feeling, complete satisfaction of tossing my ideas to the marketplace, verify that I am qualified, being able to leave an inheritance to my kids.

These questions concerning the future will enable you to assess whether your idea is an excellent idea. If it is not, let it go, offer it others, put it apart, let it breed.

What to do with great ideas? If you do not do anything with your excellent ideas, transmitted them. These ideas can create a barrier to discovering something brand-new.

What to do with the chances

If you decided that this is your possibility, it’s time to make an organization plan …

Eliminate points:

1. Not all ideas are possibilities.

2. The selection of ideas is a personal as well as a specific procedure.

3. You can change an idea into a great idea into a chance.

4. The possibility is a result of assessing what is your competitive advantage (from your past) with what is appealing enough to spend part of your life creating it (in the direction of your future).

5. Not releasing the ideas you will not pursue limitations your ability to check out opportunities.

6. Sharing ideas is a wonderful way to escape them yet, most significantly, a wonderful way to enhance your capability to check out and you can even find a side that will certainly transform this idea right into an opportunity or even locate an individual to assist

You may also like https://www.techtimes.com/articles/249715/20200518/how-inventhelp-gets-new-inventors-onto-the-right-path.htm

Is technology accessible to most people?  Last week I went into our neighborhood Walgreens drugstore

Is technology accessible to most people? 

Last week I went into our neighborhood Walgreens drugstore.  It looked like it had been ransacked.  I asked the security guard why there were so many empty shelves, ‍♂️and he told me it was futile to restock because so many customers have “sticky fingers.” The toothpastes were in a locked glass cabinet, as if they were aged single malt scotch! 

In Seattle, if a shoplifter is caught in the act, nothing can be done until they walk out with goods in hand. ‍♀️Thefts under $25 are usually not prosecuted, so some shoplifters return day after day. 

A few years ago, Amazon created the “AmazonGo” store. A customer gains admittance by scanning the AmazonGo app on their smart phone, which is linked to a credit card.  Shoppers can go in and grab what they need, and when done, leave without a word.  Miraculously, all the stuff you put into your shopping bag ️is charged automatically to your credit card as you walk out the door. It’s unnerving the first time, but I’ve found it works perfectly. It’s impersonal but efficient, ⏳and Amazon avoids dealing with “sticky fingers.”

Theft is factored into the cost of goods.  A service like this could help every retailer that experiences shoplifting, but it would limit access to customers who have a smart phone, an app, and a credit card.

At @alkisurfshop, ️especially since the pandemic, it seems everyone from tweens ‍to older baby boomers ‍use smart phones and plastic. Limited access is already in play at stores like Costco, which requires shoppers to have a membership or a gift card.

What are your thoughts about theft both from the standpoint of the thief and the point of view of the store owner? ‍Should technology deepen the divide between the haves and have nots?

What is the solution?
Photos: It’s #Caturdayeveryday #caturdaynight #mainecooncatsofinstagram #mainecoonlover4ever #silvertabbycat #greytabbycat #catbuddies #catinabox #catnapping shot by Charley. #technology #amazongo #stickyfingers
(at Central District, Seattle)

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Playing Doom on a pregnancy tester.

why? because. 

Bruh imagine you take your pregnancy test and it’s like yo there are demons inside of you… but it’s okay. It’s under control. It’s being handled.


Yeah I’m a little sus that “why” would be asked before “how”. I’m… really… gonna need a walk through of this award-worthy feat.

#how to hack    #gaming    #extreme gaming    #technology    
Really??? #cocacola #soda #technology #wtf #future #firehouse #subs (Taken with Instagram at Firehou

Really??? #cocacola #soda #technology #wtf #future #firehouse #subs (Taken with Instagram at Firehouse Subs)

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dreamingnautilus: Solar powered electric tree! If The Grid had trees…


Solar powered electric tree!

If The Grid had trees…

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