
 One down, 2…or 3 to go!! (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)

One down, 2…or 3 to go!! (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)

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 Uh..oh…. I havent used Tumblr in a LONG time so I thought id pop in and see how y’all doingI


I havent used Tumblr in a LONG time so I thought id pop in and see how y’all doing

If you dont know, I am FAR more active on Twitter! so if you have an account and want to see me post more regularly head on over!


(And yes, Tesoro from One Piece is my new obsession, ENJOY!)

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Che bello che sei.

Che bello che sei

quando ci sei

che quando mi sei accanto

non lo so, però tutto diventa più bello;

quando sorridi se ti sorrido,

quando mi guardi e

ti perdi nei miei occhi.

Che bello quando mi guardi dormire

e io faccio finta di non accorgermene

perché in quel posto,

in quel momento mi sento al sicuro

e al riparo da tutto il resto.

Che bello che sei

quando ci sei

che mi lasci sfogare,

quando ascolti i miei silenzi

ed i miei sbalzi d’umore

provando a farmi ragionare.

Che bello che sei

quando mi sei accanto

quando ci sei per davvero

che mi dici “Ma cosa sei?!”.

Quando senza di me non sai stare,

quando metti da parte l'orgoglio

e fai di tutto per fare la pace.

Che bello che sei

quando mi baci e mi stringi forte,

quando durante la notte mi cerchi

e sbuffi se non ti considero.

Che bello che sei

quando mi baci dappertutto

e mi chiedi “Ma quanto ti amo io?”,

e continui perché

non ne hai mai abbastanza,

di me, di noi!

Quando devi andare,

ma rimarresti ancora un po’,

quando se devo andare,

mi preghi di restare

qualche altro minuto,

anche un altro soltanto.

Che bello che sei

quando mi abbracci

anche in mezzo agli altri,

quando mi guardi con gli occhi dell'amore,

e ti mordi il labbro.

Che bello che sei

quando facciamo l’amore,

che mi guardi e poi chiudi gli occhi,

che mi sfiori, che mi tocchi,

mi baci e mi mordi.

Che bello che sei,

che bello che ci sei per davvero.

Las cosas no salieron como debieron, pero ¿qué se le va a hacer? Hay que aceptar la vida como venga y sacarle el mejor partido posible.

Yann Martel

Se cerchi un tesoro devi cercarlo nei posti meno visibili,
non cercarlo nelle parole della gente, troveresti solo vento.
Cercalo in fondo all'anima di chi sa parlare con soli silenzi.

Alda Merini

Unfortunately the Pivo lost us across the diagonals, and tomorrow I might try filming from a different spot, but today we ran through first level test three in preparation for our show this weekend! Our trot work feels just the way I want it to, so really pleased with that! The canter is a bit more involved and needs very careful maintenance during the movements, but it really comes together when my aids are on point. Tomorrow we will run through this again, and then Friday we will practice it at the showgrounds!


Continuing to prepare for our next show by working on staying straight through our various shapes. Warmed up with some wibbly-wobbly in-and-out circles, some leg yields, even more circles, the canter loop from First Level Test Three, and some simple changes. We are also chipping away at our adjustability by lengthening both the trot and canter and bringing them back with my seat.


So a quick thing I wanted to say about my tack. Some of you may have noticed my tack has changed a lot lately! I love my matchy-matchy, and I am all about the the aesthetic, but we have sadly had to let the rhinestones go for now. Don’t get me wrong, that kit is fabulous and I love it dearly, but while it fit Tesoro fine it was negatively impacting my balance as a rider. Which of course, negatively impacts the horse I am trying to ride.

While very plain by comparison, this saddle puts me in the proper position and allows me to ride at my best. We’ve also played with a few bits over the past couple months, which probably nobody noticed, but the one we are currently using is the one he has liked the best so far. And as you can see we are giving the anatomical bridle a try, just to see if it makes a difference.

Tesoro is an extremely sensitive horse, so every decision I make about the equipment we use can have a huge impact on him. His comfort absolutely has to come first if we are going to be the best dressage team we can be! So for now we might be using a pretty “boring” set of tack, but don’t worry, I’ll still put cute matching saddle pads and boots on him ;)


It might seem tedious, but all these transitions are the best way to create a balanced, adjustable horse! At the end we show off a little bit of the self carriage all these transitions have earned us!


Using counter flexion to aid our balance and achieve straightness, then focusing on getting lightness in the canter by really riding from my seat (and testing it by throwing the reins forward)! Trying to keep turning all of this information into habit. Transitions, transitions, transitions! It started out as a whole lot of stuff I had to remember all at once, but bit by bit it’s becoming more natural with practice! 


Now that I have a Pivo y’all are going to see a lot of my lessons. Filming everything is going to be such a great training tool! My trainer loves it so much he got one too LOL you can see it in the center of the arena because he also started filming all his rides

Still using lots of transitions to work on our adjustability and balance, trying to stay light in the front end i’m really engage the back. Finished off today with some sitting trot work!

A few little clips from today’s lesson. Continuing to urge him to carry his nose out further while chipping away at shoulder and haunch control by moving between leg yields and straightness.


Also here’s a fun little moment not included in the original video where I just dropped to the buckle at the canter and went full on western pleasure  I’m still a little bit of a cowgirl even in the sandbox

The nice thing about having two trainers around is that sometimes you can shake things up and get a different perspective! Today we worked on getting Tesoro to really reach forward from the base of his neck and lift his poll instead of curling up and falling forward. He still needs a lot of support, but we are finding our balance!


Day two at Morven Park, and I think we improved! It does seem like his weaker left hind was pretty fatigued by today, which affected some movements. Behaviorally though I couldn’t be prouder of him, especially considering he was so anxious at our practice session on Friday that we couldn’t even get through our test at all! Just have to keep building his experience and confidence (and muscle)!


Our first level test three ride from today! When we warmed up on the showgrounds yesterday he was extremely tense, and I was honestly really worried about how today would go. He was still slightly tense, but we were still able to do all the right things in mostly the right places. Points off for the bobbles and tension of course, but really pleased with how we managed to keep it together! His ridability has improved tremendously, we just need to keeping racking up more miles until we can perform consistently!


We’ve got our brights brightened and dapples beaming for show weekend!

Benvenuta piccola “mostrina”


 Piratas a la vista (Remake 2015)  Yo Ho,Yo Ho, Un gran pirata soy… :) Art by Francisco Javie

Piratas a la vista (Remake 2015) 

 Yo Ho,Yo Ho, Un gran pirata soy… :)

Art by Francisco Javier Cruz Domínguez (Javhier Cruz)



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