#texas gun control



We’re forcing women to birth children in a country that cannot feed babies or protect children. Tell me again how this whole pro-life thing works?

A Would-Be School Invader In Alabama Failed When The Doors Were Locked And Police Weren’t Cowards

While Democrats continue exploiting the Uvalde shooting victims to prattle on about “assault weapons” and so-called “common-sense gun control,” another school was attacked on Thursday, but it won’t make the headlines.

That’s because this school — Walnut Park Elementary School in Gadsden, Alabama — didn’t have any victims except the would-be invader, who was shot dead by police after he tried and failed to bust into the building. Here’s how it all reportedly went down.

A passerby saw a man “aggressively” trying to get into the school building. When the man was unsuccessful, he tried several other doors, all of which were locked. The responsible observer called to report the man, the school principal put the building on lockdown and called in a police officer who doubles as the school resource officer, and that officer called for backup. If the reports are correct, the chain of command worked smoothly thanks to decisive action and quickly followed protocols.

The resource officer reportedly engaged the would-be invader, who then also allegedly attempted to forcefully enter a marked police vehicle and to take the officer’s gun. More police officers rushed to the scene to help, and the assailant was shot and killed. According to the city’s school superintendent, the schoolchildren who were there “seemed to be unaware the incident occurred.”

In other words, a man who “aggressively” tried to break into a school and take the firearm of a police officer was stopped because doors were properly locked and police officers acted bravely and urgently.

Hmm. That’s interesting. Because according to President Joe Biden, failed presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, rom-com celebrity Matthew McConaughey, and late-night political scold Jimmy Kimmel, the only way to end the “carnage” of schoolchildren being murdered is to pass anti-gun laws or issue executive orders that radically infringe on the Second Amendment but are slapped with an innocuous “common-sense” qualifier so they don’t sound so bad.

Nothing else would do the trick, such people say — despite the fact that the Uvalde killer had no problem passing a background check, entered through an unlocked door, and faced little resistance from law enforcement for a disgustingly long time.

When Texas Sen. Ted Cruz responded to the Uvalde murder with calls for better school security in the form of locked doors and single-point entry, which could have prevented that killing, leftists and the corporate press ridiculed him for focusing on doors. “[S]enator Ted Cruz comes out bravely against doors,” scoffed The Atlantic’s Molly Jong-Fast on Twitter. “Are they really gonna make it about ‘too many doors on the school’? They are, aren’t they?” chimed in woke comedian Patton Oswalt.

Meanwhile, nobody on the left wants to talk about the criminal failures of the Uvalde police and the Department of Public Safety.

That’s in part because if they had done their jobs rather than standing outside like cowards for the better part of an hour, lives undoubtedly would have been spared.

It’s also because the implication of Democrats disarming responsible citizens is that the only remaining defense will be armed government employees, who may or may not have the courage to actually help anyone.

Thankfully, in Alabama on Thursday, police did have that courage, and lives were saved because of it.

But Democrats and their media lapdogs won’t speak a word of Walnut Park Elementary because it obliterates their gun “do somethingism.”

It turns out we don’t need celebrity lectures and sweeping gun control to keep schoolchildren safe.

We just need locked doors and adults who do their dang jobs.

BARSH: Why You Actually DO Need an AR-15

Dear Peace-loving Ladies and Gentlemen of America and the Internet,


How about NO ONE NEEDS AN AR-15?

Whenever I see that on social media, the plurality of responses from advocates of the Second Amendment is some version of ‘I don’t have to need it. I want it.’

While true, I’d argue that you/we/I actually do NEED an AR-15 (or a modern semi-automatic rifle). * Before we move on, be sure to challenge your anti-gun opponent with a quiz question about what ‘AR’ means. Answer below, in case a reader of this blog is on-the-fence, considering a change from being anti to pro.

Anyone who is currently — or down the road stands the chance of being — in a group considered minority or disadvantaged (without the benefit of politically-protected-class status), must have a way to effectively defend him or herself. As a Los Angeles woman, whose weight at 5’ 7’“ hovers around 102 pounds, I find the AR easy to load, hold, aim, and fire with accuracy. It’s light and manageable, despite what one idiot (truly possessing a low-IQ) California congresswoman argues.

Los Angeles is never NOT on the verge of exploding over something; and because of the ideologically twisted, pro-criminal District Attorney enabling predators, my rifle serves as an emotional crutch.

Further, as a Jew in this state, I am part of minority group that’s neither protected nor tolerated. In fact, without going down the rabbit hole of Marxism-permeated public education curriculum, let this story speak for itself.

Every Jew should own a firearm. Just a suggestion…do what you want, of course.https://t.co/Qi8QXOdvY1

— The NonCompliant & Pissed Barsh Consulting Co. (@EmilyTVproducer) June 4, 2022

I’m also part of an unpopular group of people who embrace and adhere to the principles of medical freedom. I’ve done my homework. I follow science — the kind practiced by professionals who are loyal to facts and data. My decisions about how to navigate my risk related to the virus are just that: mine. They do not affect anyone else. Anyone who believes otherwise has not been exposing him/herself to independent journalism or apolitical peer review — the last bulwark against propaganda.

But since no amount of aforementioned facts, data, or empirical evidence has budged our officials, I live in fear. Their measures have become a hard-wired religious ritual. And they’ve weaponized the population, reminiscent of Brown Shirts in World War Two Nazi Germany.

Unarmed citizens in Australia were sent to quarantine camps. Zero-Covid-obsessed Communists have locked Shanghai residents into their apartments, in some cases welding closed their doors. Canada is moving to ban gun sales, after de-banking and in some cases, jailing, truckers who refused to be injected. Police beat people in the streets of Amsterdam for non-compliance.

And as we speak, the Biden Administration is back at the drawing board, trying to rework amendments to the World Health Organization (run by a non-medical-doctor bureaucrat) Global Pandemic Treaty (which is not a treaty) that cede American sovereignty over our country’s public health policy.

Do note, in no way do I believe our federal government is the least bit competent in this regard. (That goes for the administration that didn’t fire Fauci.) I’d just rather not have an arm of the U.N. forcing me to put an experimental and detrimental technology into my deltoid. Thanks.

Gun control does not end well for people who are not in favor. And, a 5-round .22 cal revolver is not likely to intimidate a bad guy who just got out of prison — again — was sent over the border by the cartel, or who shows up on your doorstep from your very own government.

And for a reality check.

International gun homicides chart pic.twitter.com/o2sdePVNpi

— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) June 2, 2022

Another reason people need semi-automatic rifles? Gun control is racist.

— The NonCompliant & Pissed Barsh Consulting Co. (@EmilyTVproducer) June 5, 2022

Speaking of non-whites and guns:

Self-defense is an innate human right. This is what it takes. There are not 2 sides to this. It’s liberty and security vs tyranny and terror.https://t.co/gCjRZcdHza

— The NonCompliant & Pissed Barsh Consulting Co. (@EmilyTVproducer) June 5, 2022

Recently, jaws on both sides of the aisle dropped when Joe Biden nullified the U.S. Constitution (yet again — see above re: sovereignty giveaway) by claiming the Second Amendment is not absolute. Actually it is and there shall be no infringement.

Another thing that is absolute: my right to defend myself, my family, and my property. This is not granted by government. And given the government has done a lousy job stopping the maniacs with illegal weapons and deranged minds, I’m in no mood to count on them.

If you allow them to take away your AR-15, your 9 mm rifle, your Kalashnikov, what’s next?

You do need them.

I don’t think Orwell was eerily prescient. I think he was incredibly present…and paying attention.

— The NonCompliant & Pissed Barsh Consulting Co. (@EmilyTVproducer) June 5, 2022

* ‘AR’ is short for Armalite, the manufacturer. It is not an abbreviation for assault-rifle.

If this is news to you, then you’ll also be surprised to learn that the terms ‘assault rifle,’ ‘high-capacity magazine,’ ‘semi-automatic,’ and ‘ghost gun’ are phrases conceived by the very people who wish to disarm you. They are marketing devices.

There’s no standard legal definition of an ‘assault rifle.’

Eleven rounds would be considered ‘high.’ So think about the panicked victim whose last shot is #10 and misses.

Every non-bolt-action gun in circulation is a semi. It means that ONE round loads into the chamber as soon as one is fired.

The bad guys have machine guns, aka automatics. And speaking of AKs, a Kalashnikov (aka AK-47) is a semi. It’s not a machine gun.

Oh, and finally — ‘red flag’ laws will allow your ex-whatever to fabricate a grievance, and rat you out to the DOJ. Your chances of vindication are slim to none in that case.

Joy Behar Spews SICK Racism About Black People and Guns

Joy Behar released some more of her leftist bigotry, saying that if blacks get guns, the gun laws will change. How is it that those on the Left are able to get away with these racially-charged comments?
