#the brotherhood


TheTangled PMV is almost HERE!! Get ready everyone!

This collaborative Tangled PMV is Coming Soon!! :)

(Big thanks to @kenmarlenn for all the hard work they’ve put into organising this production, as a tribute to the fandom. We’re all looking forward to seeing the complete product of the MAP soon!)


FromX-Men: Red Vol. 2 #001, “The Broken Land”

Art by Stefano Caselli and Federico Blee

Written by Al Ewing

One word: DAAAMN!

So I’m rewatching WATXM. 

There’s this scene were the brotherhood is on the run and Avalanche stands up to knock down some buildings. So I’m like, lol there were lights on in those buildings they straight up just murdered a shitton of people– Only for the next scene to have a newscaster say ‘the brotherhood just leveled a whole street of empty warehouses.’ 

