#the dark world


my main concern in life rn is how Lokis hair is going to look in Thor 2

hoping for shorter hair

expecting a ponytail






So I’ve been seeing people talking about TDW, calling it the “worst” mcu film, a “bad” movie, ETC, and I feel it’s my duty as a Loki stan to say this.


This is my comfort/stan movie!

I’m being completely serious when I say I don’t want to see anyone come onto my blog and insult TDW (I’m not saying to hide your opinions, I’m only asking that you don’t come to me and talk badly about a movie that means a lot to me)! I understand and respect that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s totally valid and ok - I wholeheartedly respect your opinions, but please also respect mine ♡

YES!!! I managed to find someone on here that loves TDW as much as I do

TDW stans RISE!

I absolutely love TDW and what it did for Loki’s character and what more it could have done if Feige hadn’t fucked it up. Does it have flaws? Absolutely. Is it the worst? ABSOLUTE FUCKING NO.

Hypocritical series and Gagnarok fans especially, that never allowed us our opinions when we didn’t like the show ON OUR OWN BLOGS can especially fuck off from our blogs, if you’re coming here to shit talk TDW and by proxy Loki. That’s the og characterisation. You can pry him from our cold, dead, fingers.

I couldn’t reblog two responses together, so have one as a pic because both opinions I agree with. Anyone who thinks TDW is crap hasn’t watched Ragnarok or the Loki series, there’s no way, I refuse to believe it. (Or they just don’t gaf about Loki….)

Can we actually start using the tag The Loki Trilogy/Loki trilogy? It would make things so much easier for those of us who want to pretend anything after TDW doesn’t exist.

 I love how both Loki and Thor refused the offer to rule because they found a greater purpose in lif

I love how both Loki and Thor refused the offer to rule because they found a greater purpose in life.

It’s really profound because at some point both Loki and Thor chased the throne for their own reasons, and then, thanks to various challenges and experience throughout their stories, they realized a throne is not what they want or need

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