#the elder scrolls

Happy late summoning day!(Reuploaded because Tumblr deleted the last one out of nowhere)

Happy late summoning day!
(Reuploaded because Tumblr deleted the last one out of nowhere)

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Stormcloak Headcanon

Toilet paper was not invented in Tamriel until a random Stormcloak requested a copy of the White-Gold Concordat.

Stormcloak Musings #1

POV: You’re a neutral speaking to a Stormcloak who actually knows his history.

You: But the Stormcloaks wouldn’t help anyone else if the Thalmor attack again!“

Gudlin Far-Thrown: Did the Empire help when the Argonians attacked the Dunmer? Did they help when the Thalmor subjugated Elsweyr and Valenwood?

Gudlin: "No, the empire ignored the rising threat until it was literally too late, and after the war forced them to pay attention, they signed a peace treaty that gave Thalmor operatives the right to wander the empire and judge imperial citizens and summarily execute them without any due process.”

“That same treaty renounced Hammerfell as an Imperial province. The Dogs of Cyrodiil literally threw the Redguards under the bus to save their own skin.”

“The worst part is the Empire has the nerve to call that a "victory.” And why? Because they can exploit their colonies until they’re dry again, and as long as things are fine in Cyrodiil (and even then only certain parts of Cyrodiil) they don’t see it as a negative.“

"Why in the name of Oblivion would anyone be loyal to an empire that can’t or won’t return that loyalty?”

“The temptation is to call you Imperials milk drinkers, but you’re not even that.”

“You’re a Kneeler. Bend that knee all you want and prostrate before an empire too weak to rule you. It will do you no more good in future than it has in the past.”

Whenever someone says something like “The Empire is the last hope for unity against the Thalmor” an image along these lines always flashes in my head.

Like, it’s one thing to say that the Empire is a force of cohesion in Tamriel, but I don’t think you’re paying much attention if you can tell me they’re doing a good job of it.







i installed Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall and IMMEDIATELY got bonezoned by a goddamn rat no bigger than my boot in the second room of the tutorial

rolled a new character, went with a tits out look and kicked the first rat to death

her name is Blungo the Harlot of Garbage because i didnt expect to get this far before having to reroll again and now i guess im stuck with that name

the default controls are absolutely inscrutable so after taking some time to remap everything (DID YOU KNOW THE MOUSE LOOK WE’VE COME TO EXPECT FROM FIRST PERSON GAMES ISNT THE STANDARD OPTION???) i made my way out of the tutorial dungeon and found a sick evening gown along the way

im in the city of daggerfall now and my crime spree can finally begin

this lady was so infuriating i murdered her and it crashed the game. thanks for watching my playthrough of Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall, please remember to like and subscribe.

Grab yourself some art of your oc for the holidays! Or gift your friends!After this mess of a year, Grab yourself some art of your oc for the holidays! Or gift your friends!After this mess of a year, Grab yourself some art of your oc for the holidays! Or gift your friends!After this mess of a year, Grab yourself some art of your oc for the holidays! Or gift your friends!After this mess of a year,

Grab yourself some art of your oc for the holidays! Or gift your friends!

After this mess of a year, I’m getting back into commissions for December. These will be only single character commission + no background. Don’t hesitate to hit me up if you’re interested or if you have questions! 

Here are the fandom whose aesthetic I’m most familiar with : (but if you have enough references, I can do pretty much what you want)

-Star Wars (+SWTOR)


-The Arcana

-The Elder Scrolls

-The Witcher

-Harry Potter (FBAWTFT included)

-Legend of Zelda

-Pirate of the Carribean


-Far Cry games

-The Dragon Age franchise

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ace-memelord: thank you beloved @irithyllians​ for drawing Amicia and Fennorian, they have my heart


thank you beloved @irithyllians​ for drawing Amicia and Fennorian, they have my heart ☺ 

bonus (for u Bel):


batboy.exe has stopped working ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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I recently commissioned the wonderful and talented @irithyllians for a sketch of Sanguine and Raan being goofy and I love it so so much! Thank you again, Bel! ❤

I’m so happy you love it!

One of my favourite parts of this commission piece was the original pose reference:

“I Used to be a marathon runner like you, but then I took a bomb to the knee.”Once again

“I Used to be a marathon runner like you, but then I took a bomb to the knee.”

Once again I do sympathize with the victims of the bombing, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have a sense of humor about it too.

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speaking of todd howard: 

i’m kinda disappointed that TES VI wasn’t obviously Black Marsh or Elsweyr. :I 

I’m still holding out hope for Elsweyr, honestly – the terrain in the teaser is varied enough to account for all the different kinds of Khajiit we’ve been told there are, and there was some remark about “you’d say we didn’t have the technology to do it if we described it to you” and that would be accounted for by having to program exciting new glitches for all the different possible Khajiit body plans.

Yes, this is entirely wishful thinking.

Transmute Crystal Packaging

The preview article tells us that you can create an item for an amount of transmute crystal, which is more if you’ve only collected one item than if you’ve collected all of them, and simply deconstruct it later to get all those crystals back.  This sounds like an invitation to store any transmute crystal as items with more than 50 crystals per item slot.  Helpful because you collect them slowly and might use many at once.  If you want to do this, make sure at least one set in the game has just one piece collected (sell the rest to guild store).

Edit: On release it was clarified the refund is 25 transmute crystals, not whatever you put in.  Therefore it’s in your best interest to max out any sets before reconstructing.  They’ve also boosted the carrying capacity to make this less relevant.

Guild Store Prices

We may see sets going for more when the system rolls out, but will the prices drop once everyone’s collected? I think in general they’ll be higher than they are now.  By having the collection you can reconstruct a set piece for a number of transmute crystals, effectively costing you the value of the time it took to collect them.  If that’s 50 crystals, that’s a pretty big cost.  This will make players feel like we can destroy all these set items in November, but when we want access to them in January we might find ourselves saying "Why spend my crystals when I can just pay gold?”  Now you’re buying an item you had sitting around in your bag two months ago.

Should I Keep or Stickerify?

As someone who collects anything I might vaguely want to use in the future, and anything I’m keeping because that trial took all night to finish, I really feel this feature.  It gives me security to destroy the old set pieces I’ve never actually used, especially those I can’t buy.  It’ll also be neat to see it fill up.  But pieces I might actually use will still be stored away, because creating them isn’t free.  I think Zeni knows this won’t stop set item farming, and it may paradoxically increase it.

Хэй, привет. Пришлось немного помучиться, но теперь я здесь. А что я тут делаю? Пишу фанфики и расск

Хэй, привет. Пришлось немного помучиться, но теперь я здесь. А что я тут делаю? Пишу фанфики и рассказы собственного произведения 
 ヾ( `ー´)シφ__
Предпочитаю фэндомы Overwatch,The Elder Scrolls и могу в Artfic (художник доволен). В данный момент работаю над большим фанфиком про Солдата-76 и Жнеца (нет, это не то о чём вы подумали).
А из ориджиналов… А, что в голову залезет, то и пишу  ⌐■_■)
Особенно люблю тематику ящеролюдей и других чешуйчатых антропоморфов. Когда-нибудь меня будут помнить и ассоциировать с ними.
Вот тут https://ficbook.net/authors/2092531 со мной можно познакомиться
А вот здесь https://vk.com/reaptileread ещё один мой личный бложик, где я беру заказы. Подробности по ссылке.
Заходи, будет весело! 

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