#the elder scrolls skyrim


Auri-El - Like King Midas everything he touches turns to gold

some character building for my dragonborn!his name is davril and he’s a power-hungry bastard wsome character building for my dragonborn!his name is davril and he’s a power-hungry bastard w

some character building for my dragonborn!
his name is davril and he’s a power-hungry bastard who lives for vendetta.


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You know its more than you wanted when the Falmer show up…

Stormcloak Musings #1

POV: You’re a neutral speaking to a Stormcloak who actually knows his history.

You: But the Stormcloaks wouldn’t help anyone else if the Thalmor attack again!“

Gudlin Far-Thrown: Did the Empire help when the Argonians attacked the Dunmer? Did they help when the Thalmor subjugated Elsweyr and Valenwood?

Gudlin: "No, the empire ignored the rising threat until it was literally too late, and after the war forced them to pay attention, they signed a peace treaty that gave Thalmor operatives the right to wander the empire and judge imperial citizens and summarily execute them without any due process.”

“That same treaty renounced Hammerfell as an Imperial province. The Dogs of Cyrodiil literally threw the Redguards under the bus to save their own skin.”

“The worst part is the Empire has the nerve to call that a "victory.” And why? Because they can exploit their colonies until they’re dry again, and as long as things are fine in Cyrodiil (and even then only certain parts of Cyrodiil) they don’t see it as a negative.“

"Why in the name of Oblivion would anyone be loyal to an empire that can’t or won’t return that loyalty?”

“The temptation is to call you Imperials milk drinkers, but you’re not even that.”

“You’re a Kneeler. Bend that knee all you want and prostrate before an empire too weak to rule you. It will do you no more good in future than it has in the past.”

Also working on some art of my Dragonborn from my current Skyrim playthrough WIP

Here she is in-game:

She’s starting off in the Nordic Carved Armour
