#the gaming terroriser


⭐️“Hey now, we’re the bugstars!” ⭐️

Hope everyone is having a good holiday with loved ones!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

What is up? I drew Terroriser in the Yugioh style. He showed us his Yugioh cards during a stream so this is why I drew this. I already tweeted him this and he apparently loves it. xD


Working on something big

(And by big I mean I’m on frame 144 out of 5141)


Changeable style of painting?



I apologize in advance for mistakes in words, English is not my first language

Irish Lads Genshin!AU

This is an unexpected AU that no one asked so here I explain through this.

Ireland - Dendro nation

starting with ireland which resembles in dendro nation because i thought of its famous agriculture of potatoes and grassy fields (farms, poultry, etc.) and in ireland, we easily obtain ingredients to cook (additional potatoes as ireland’s specialty). dendro nation is known for the God of Wisdom and the quote from Dainsleif said,

The God of Wisdom’s enemy is wisdom itself, and the oasis of knowledge is a mirage in the desert of ignorance. In the city of scholars there is a push for folly, yet the God of Wisdom makes no argument against it.

it might fitting for ireland as the nation.

When it comes to the Irish Lads, I think that they’re fitting for this cameo, such as;


- vision: pyro; weapon: claymore (was considering he changed his weapon to sword bcs of his shoulder pain)

- he’s the one who leads the army of knights in ireland (aka. the captain bcs inspired of the former e-sports captain)

- has trusty subordinates named Jim Pickens and Turg Turg (the exact opposites)

- basically he got his vision bcs he burned someone until death “by accident”

- his passion of fire leads him to get his vision though, it’s weird

- literal best buds with daniel bcs he spent most of his time in ireland with him

- he’s silently a cult leader (bcs he also rebels to the nation in discreet)

- obv. the cult is also under jim’s commands

- he has high mischief and mysterious, loves to burn things for “fun”


- vision: cryo; weapon: catalyst/book

- he owns an alchemy and writes books under the author Magistrex

- his books??? maybe some fantasy stuff or alchemy tutorial but who knows. he also writes stuff about theories on dendro archon

- ppl mistook him as a holy one bcs he attends prayers at church

- probably not bcs he’s the voice of chaos alongside kevin

- he is the one who initiate it while kevin makes it worse

- gotten mistaken as an adeptus bcs of his wisdom though he isn’t

- then again don’t mess with him bcs he’s probably freeze u to death

- he got his vision bcs he lost his dearest cat which he often wrote in his books and he’ll be missed forever (rip george)

- still have an arachnophobia which is why he stays away from kevin while in fight

- also he partnered with kevin just to babysit him in knights


- vision: dendro; weapon: polearm

- bring back his green hair phase bcs he’s the archon but this is much newer look like an irish gladiator

- his polearm is based on cú chulainn’s polearm which is consider that he has those plant powers

- plants?? plants!!!

- people mocks his hair as if it’s grass or moss, probably moss

- but also he is a vigilante wannabe

- kind??? but also mischievous

- he shares his wisdom along the way but no one took him seriously

- then again he had enough for that so he caused chaos on purpose

- that is when he met kevin and dan

- as an archon he is also rebelling bcs his people are starting to cause havoc and greedy of wisdom, especially those scholars

- yes he taught them wisdom

- until his gnosis got stolen by the fatui

- if he dies, he probably turned into a clover


- vision: geo; weapon: claymore

- he is a hard worker but also having anger issues

- an adeptus? he might be, he might be not. who knows?

- an “ordinary” adventurer with brian

- he left ireland for adventure but then he returns for the sake of his “family”

- back then he was saved by seàn when he is something that is easily perished. by his powers, he is made as an adeptus by seàn

- probably he met with dan and kevin when he wanted to meet seàn but he is nowhere to be seen

- 24/7 banter with the irish lads, mostly kevin and brian

- deep down he doesn’t want to lose them even though their friendship has been rocky


- vision: electro; weapon: claymore

- he got injuries on his left eye before he got his vision in which it replaced by laser eye with the help of advanced technology in the nation and fatui

- he was once an actor in a play which told about the dendro archon’s story

- he is one of daithi’s victims on pranks, he doesn’t know why he always targets him at first

- but then he pranks him back which is why they always prank each other and banter

- he is an ordinary adventurer but he got vision bcs of his ideals

- his ideals? we won’t know

- he often to question kevin bcs he is suspicious of him but he realized that kevin is just a chaotic lad at heart

- he often to go on adventure with daithi at this rate

- people often mistook him as a cyborg, in which he isn’t

- he supports the lads so often so he helps them with anything without any cost
