

“I believe in a world of love somewhat like heaven and that world is with you, you are a deliriously beautiful creature beckoning for my soul.. and I can do nothing but fall not so gracefully into your grasp.”

Your heart sings a song to my soul, come hither.. come hither and be with me for eternity - eUë


Batwoman S01E02-04

The perfect summary: They torture him, then forget about him for a week, causing a stab wound in his leg to get infected. They take him to a doc to treat him, he wakes up delirious and confused, so the doc ups the morphine to make it worse so she can get some answers from him :)



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Пришел арт в голову.  Art came to mind. [Speedpaint]

Пришел арт в голову.  
Art came to mind. 


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пхахV: ‘’ time of sacrifice ‘’ 


V: ‘’ time of sacrifice ‘’ 

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Проба маркеров ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Brave New World S01E02/03


The man himself

luna4635:i liked this game and i thought it would be fun to make some fanart with these guysluna4635:i liked this game and i thought it would be fun to make some fanart with these guysluna4635:i liked this game and i thought it would be fun to make some fanart with these guysluna4635:i liked this game and i thought it would be fun to make some fanart with these guys


i liked this game and i thought it would be fun to make some fanart with these guys

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Changeable style of painting?




OMG BORENII HAS A TUMBLR??? HOW DIDNI NOT KNOW THIS? I LOVE HIS DEL AND WILDCAT! And recently he’s been drawing Evan so cuuutee!!! And his one time of Terroriser killed me it was amazingggg


I couldn’t find many videos on Cartoonz+Delirious moments so I made my own because I love their friendship.


Ok I know I said no more drama but last thing -

Del changed the videos title since then but the OG title is INSANE FJSKDJSKCNSKNV THE SHADEEEE


Ok I know I said no more drama but last thing -

Del changed the videos title since then but the OG title is INSANE FJSKDJSKCNSKNV THE SHADEEEE


Character A: Omg, you’re way too hot!

Character B, delirious from a fever: Eyyy, I’m glad you noticed! *finger guns*

Character A: ……

I couldn’t resist.

I needed to draw it with my boys

Character B is TOTALLY Ethan

