#the hopscotch friday podcast


So right out the gate - spoilers for this ‘un if you haven’t seen Kenneth Branagh’s follow-up to The Orient Express. 

Stevie and Emmet have thoughts! 

Poster for Kenneth Branagh's Death on the Nile

Also - Emmet has a comic story with Jeferson Sadzinski, Cardinal Rae and Marcela Corrêa Müller titled How To Win A Raid in the second volume of The BeBop from Bird’s Eye Comics. The anthology is now being Kickstarted, so please share and support. 

Hopscotch Friday is relaunching - as a podcast. So join us, Stevie and Emmet, for a pop culture discussion of deep cuts and pillow talk.

Ten years ago Emmet had the opportunity to interview Larry Cohen, to promote a visit to Australia as part of MonsterFest October 2012. This episode features segments of their conversation, released as a tribute to mark the 4 year* anniversary of Cohen’s passing. 

Larry Cohen posing with models of the 'child' from It's Alive

During their conversation, Cohen raises his feelings about the use of CGI effects in horror cinema, how his themes have allowed a new generation of film-fans to rediscover his films, as well as shout outs to Bruce Campbell, Quentin Tarantino, and The Big Lebowski. 

Also for no apparent reason Emmet decides to shit on Sydney as a filming location!? 

Hopscotch Friday is relaunching - as a podcast. So join us, Stevie and Emmet, for a pop culture discussion of deep cuts and pillow talk.
