#russell brand


Comedian Russel Brand Lashes Out at Racist Halal Comments: Why Eat Meat?

Russell Brand doesn't back down in his attack on meat-eaters.
Russell Brand doesn't back down in his attack on meat-eaters.

Russell Brand doesn’t back down in his attack on meat-eaters.

British comedian Russell Brand has published a video decrying the racism behind a campaign against Pizza Express over their “failure” to “inform” their guests that their food is halal. He launched into the angry tirade, but goes beyond the racism to question why anyone would care about how an animal is killed, considering eating…

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russell brand

video starts he is bored, by his tone,  with the song, cant be bothered to pronounce wap correctly, dismissive but has some insight..ok

he is more interested in what the media is saying about the song so he is being a gossip instead of an art critic off the bat but maybe he’d say social critic
weak cop out with him reading the guardians definition of the video instead of what cardi and meg say or even give his own summary of the song

also side note i heard the song and thought it was average and video was boring
it also is weird to me we are stuck on the hamster wheel of female sexuality in rap at least
like didnt lil kim foxy brown trina nicki minaj my neck my back my pussy and my crack already put a period on these convos

when he says that cardi and meg are aspiring to the patriarchies values which completely duhumanizes them and takes their agency away, like they just actually enjoy their wet ass pussies and its a human value not a systematic inoculated value. so stfu

there is no replicating values from males its just females getting to be female and it has nothing to do with hierarchy or patriarchy…which is revolutionary

then she starts going on about TRADITIONAL VALUES so dumb , defining what men and women are generally but ignoring you cant apply averages to individuals and thats even ignoring the fact that bravery is considered male in his diatribe…

then calling margaret thatcher a woman man and saying she expels male values like wtf do you hate yourself that much and see women and people who arent white as innocent pure sinless waifs….part of humanity is our potential for evil and dismissing that to sexism or racism is an insult on top of the pity

conventional female values— gagging

maybe he didnt mean these things but talked about them from societies perspective but he still seems to be talking from that side—- there is nothing wrong with objectification he is a complete lunatic - you can objectify all day and still see humanity beyond the objectification - its fun to be objectified its fun to objectify its fun to make an object (art piece) of your self if that is your job as a visual artist like cardi and meg, and even if not everyone agrees objectification is good is my opinion void because it doesnt agree with yours what kind of revolution are we having here…and russell take your tattoos off then those are objects those are false idolss

if meg and cardi lived in the perfect utopia that russel envisions, and wanted to express their sexuality - how would they do it without being objectified… focusing on the body or sadnesss or happiness apart from the complete humanity of someone is objectifying that one part and if we were in utopia it would still be consumed as a commodity…whats wrong with a commodity…exploitation of commodities through not paying workers or raising prices unfairly is wrong but just now the idea of commodity is wrong…isnt that video he is making to be a gossip also a commodity

wap isnt doing enough cause it isnt calling out who has power in the systems that so dumb - go live in an artless world til everyone is fed then why is he wasting his time on philosophy of the mainstream people are starving out there. cardis bernie campaigning wasnt enough now her work and personal self expression needs to be exploited by your cause for revolution

isnt a youtube video about as far away from a product as you can get - how is it different than making a vlog like he is doing - they both selling the product of themselves in both cases they are objectifying their authenticity

its still the same aesthetic its the same values and ideals…uhhh no its not women in rap changed the definition of what men in america find attractive and in different time periods different body types were attractive cause it changes with cultures
there was a womens body revolution and it has 99% percent to do with thicc women in hip hop not conforming to the “male” but i would say human standards of the 50s-80s at least 

before capitilism were their women owning their sexuality…yes so its not a product of capitalism

we should be aspiring to an entirely different set of values not who has the power in these values…so he is saying cause women are taking power in the same system its not a good thing and shouldnt be celebrated..i do agree with that to a degree but i also could see the power shift as a step on the way to a different value system, but also im not going to be zealot and hate on cardi and meg for not having my same level of desire for a utopia revolution or a rapture

i also dont see wap as a commentary on social structures just maybe dating when you are younger power which russell was a part of, like he says as ive gotten older my values have changed, welll then maybe the same will happen for the young women doing the same shit you were doing, old and wise is only old and wise when you dont see it as a personal revelation you had instead of seeing all older people change their values to more conservative back in my day bull shit

so he is scared of power and attractive to him cause, o my god these women are so beautiful, the whole video is about his own sex addiction and blaming the pretty girls for getting grabbed on

what are we looking for, something fun to dance to, something to give me confidence, something to make silly videos undermining the sexuality entirely, its not just porn porn porn like he is trying to claim so fucking stupid

this russell brand video is the same as the ben shapiro

i aint squeamish about sex but this is not making people equal….wtf are you talking about

he also wont go as far to say what the ideologies cardi and meg are fighting which im curious about

ooo so now he says meg and cardi dont need to be doing anything other than commodity, admits hes puritanical, sees it through a warped lense what was the point of this video. spend 15 minutes seemingly arguing that they are being too sexual, just capitalist pawns, not radicals and will make poor russell want to packer his peepee

then say in one minute well that was all bullshit and should cardi and meg be doing something different…no

so dumb

Nearly a year in…

#stay positive    #positive    #positives    #positivity    #positive quotes    #quotes    #lifestyle    #russell brand    #mindset    #motivation    #motivated    #motivating    #motivational quotes    #real talk    #wisdom    #stay woke    #consciousness    

So right out the gate - spoilers for this ‘un if you haven’t seen Kenneth Branagh’s follow-up to The Orient Express. 

Stevie and Emmet have thoughts! 

Poster for Kenneth Branagh's Death on the Nile

Also - Emmet has a comic story with Jeferson Sadzinski, Cardinal Rae and Marcela Corrêa Müller titled How To Win A Raid in the second volume of The BeBop from Bird’s Eye Comics. The anthology is now being Kickstarted, so please share and support. 

Hopscotch Friday is relaunching - as a podcast. So join us, Stevie and Emmet, for a pop culture discussion of deep cuts and pillow talk.
