#the letter e




A collection of words beginning with the letter E that are often used in context to the craft

  • EQUINOX Equinoxes happen twice per year when the sun crosses the celestial equator resulting in a day and night that are the same length. The vernal equinox marks the beginning of spring and the autumnal equinox marks the beginning of autumn. Each equinox takes place on a different day for the southern and northern hemispheres. The word itself comes from the Latin for ‘equal’ and ‘night’.
  • ENCHANT Put something under a spell or intent.
  • EVOKE to evoke a spirit or to call it up, to summon it or bring it forth
  • ELEMENTEarth, Air, Water,Fire and spirit are all examples of elements
  • ELIXIR a magical potion/drink that is often infused with an intent and other tools such as herbs to help enhance the intent
  • ELEMENT North, South, East and West are all examples of elements

you have anything to add please do! And please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! I’ll respond asap!

If you like this post check out the master post for part one ofTHE WITCHIONARY

