


It’s her birthday today. To see her happy means a lot to me. I hope you had a great day today. All my love, respect, and admiration to you. Thanks for being a part of my life- Happy Birthday @hipsncurvesplus

Awe thanks boo boo! Love you too!

Within Five Days, I’ve lost two of my top five favorite artists- Tuesday 5/3/2022, it was Neal Adams and today 5/7/2022, George Perez. Once in high school, my art teacher was giving me my quarterly portfolio review and noticed my comics influenced art. He critiqued that my pencils were tight, but loved the compositions and imagination of borders and backgrounds. He asked me why comics, and I told him it was imagination illustrated. He laughed and said he loved that response. He then told me to never grow old. I chuckled and asked him why. He said that I would have to say goodbye one day.

I didn’t know what he meant, and didn’t want to know why. It was weird, but in his eyes, I remembered that they kind of watered up; he gave me a great review and encouraged to loosen up a bit on my work. Years later, I now understand what he meant. I get it, and remembered this conversation years later the day he passed. Rest In Peace George and thank you for inspiring me and so many others to be artists.

George Perez: 6/9/1957- 5/7/2022

My contribution to The Batman; lineart by @tincan21 from DeviantArt, with inks and colors by me

Barry Allen as The Flash!

Traditional pencils by Jeff Johnson, digital work by yours truly.

Clark Kent as Superman

Traditional pencils by Jeff Johnson, digital work by yours truly.

Doctor Stephen Strange- Sorcerer Supreme. Traditional pencils by Joe Quesada with digital inks and colors by me
