#theyre awesome

The Bleeding-heart Monkey “The gelada is often referred to as the gelada baboon and the bleeding-hea

The Bleeding-heart Monkey

“The gelada is often referred to as the gelada baboon and the bleeding-heart baboon but is not a true baboon. These brown and grey primates are Old World monkeys that do bear some similarities to baboons. Twice the size of females, males are as big as a large dog and are equipped with vampiric canines, which they often bare at each other as a display of dominance or aggression. Both sexes have large, fluffy manes, as well as distinct, hourglass-shaped, bald patches of skin on their chests. They also have the most opposable index fingers and thumbs than any other primate.”

African Wildlife Foundation / Gelada

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corsolanite: Official Artwork for Legendaries Koraidon and Miraidon for Pokémon Scarlet & Violetcorsolanite: Official Artwork for Legendaries Koraidon and Miraidon for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet


Official Artwork for Legendaries Koraidon and Miraidon for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

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“everything in your story should be there for a reason” well yes the reason my character has an Irish wolfhound is because I’ve always wanted one

put things in your writing because you love them. sometimes your subconscious makes it important later, sometimes you edit it out during revisions, sometimes it stays for no reason at all, other than it made you happy.


Do you walk the valley of Kings?

Glitter & Gold - Barns Courtney
