#thirteenth doctor


There is a comic called Timeslip in which The Fourth Doctor Retro-Regenerates into the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Doctors and it also has Beep the Meep and the Wrarth Warriors. I’m just sayin…


Okay, so I’m still calling him Retro-Ten for now based on the rumors   that Thirteen Retro-Regenerates back into Ten, but I wouldn’t mind if it  actually ended up being Tentoo instead. Here’s how my headcannon would  work for that scenario: 


Due some weird temporal anomaly, when 13 starts to regenerate she somehow swaps places with Tentoo instead and ends up in Pete’s World. She reunites with Rose, who fills her in on what’s been happening since they last saw one another and The Doctor apologizes for how she left things. Rose reassures her that she’s forgiven her and tells her that even though she’ll always love her, she and The human Doctor got their happily ever after and even introduces 13 to their teenage daughter Mia. Over tea, Rose would then ask 13 if she’s happy and whether or not she’s traveling with anyone cause she doesn’t ever want her to be alone. The Doctor tells her about Dan and Graham and Ryan and then kind of nervously mentions Yaz and then as she talks about how kind and wonderful Yaz is, she becomes more relaxed and Rose can tell from the way she describes the young woman, with such fondness in her voice, that she’s found someone that makes her happy as well. The Doctor mentions that in some ways Yaz reminds her a bit of Rose, with her cleverness and bravery, and Rose just smiles and tells her she’s happy for her. Then they hug and there’s closure for that storyline.

Meanwhile Tentoo is trying to sort out how he got back to the main universe and is desperate to get back home to his family. He then runs into Donna and maybe somehow ends up being able to help her to remember him without causing her mind to burn, and she in turn (after smacking him of course, because even though it wasn’t that him who erased her memories, he’s still the same man and since The other Doctor isn’t around he gets to be the recipient of her ire) tries to help him to get back home while Rose and 13 are doing the same in Pete’s World. Maybe they come across some alien mystery to solve at the same time and during that they swap stories about their families. He’s delighted to find out she named her daughter Rose and can’t wait to tell his Rose about it when he gets back to Pete’s World and he tells her about his own daughter and some of the work he’s been doing for Torchwood while growing a new TARDIS. Maybe he nicks a few things from his old TARDIS as well. (Oh come on, you know he would if given the chance. He’d probably take his old coat and a few other bits and bobs to transplant into his own TARDIS)

Then ultimately, they save the day of course, and Tentoo gets to say a final goodbye to Donna before he and Thirteen are finally switched back. Upon arriving back in Pete’s World, he immediately takes Rose into his arms for a proper welcome back snog to end all snogs and their daughter Mia walks in on them and yells “Oh my god, not again!”, with a tone that suggests that she catches them going at it a lot, and she still can’t believe she’s an only child, and then thoroughly grossed out, leaves the room.

Meanwhile, back in the original universe, 13 is reunited with Donna and gets to say a proper goodbye this time, and Donna of course would probably make some joke about how she likes her much better as a woman instead of a skinny strip of nothing martian, and makes sure The Doctor knows she’s happy and doing well with her family but makes her promise to keep in touch this time before letting her leave and giving that story between them some closure. Then 13 takes off for somewhere quiet where at that point she finally regenerates into 14.


Doctor Who: The Doctor Dances / Eve of the Daleks | “Resonating Concrete” Foreshadowing

“She likes you.”
“I like her too.”
“No, I mean, she likes you.”
“I have no idea what you’re saying Dan.”
“I think you do. But for some reason, you pretend to me and to her you don’t.”

(Can’t make gifs rn as I’m with family, so take this I guess?)

In light of Thirteen flirting with herself, friendly reminder that “The Feast of Seven… Eight (and Nine)” exists:

(Minor warning that, while it’s meant to be comedically lighthearted, it is a little bit dated.)

Doctor Who: The Vanquishers | The House of Lungbarrow

“What are you waiting for, Doctor? Go inside, take a look. Meet the selves you’ve lost.”

Yaz: I’ve been dropping subtle hints that I like her.

Yaz: *walks over to Thirteen*

Yaz: I can’t stand you.

Dan: Ah shit

Thirteen: Watch your fucking language

doctorwho:Welcome to the new TARDIS. [x]doctorwho:Welcome to the new TARDIS. [x]doctorwho:Welcome to the new TARDIS. [x]doctorwho:Welcome to the new TARDIS. [x]


Welcome to the new TARDIS. [x]

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The Oncoming Storm - Thirteenth DoctorSeason 12 is coming and I really hope I can see a more serious

The Oncoming Storm - Thirteenth Doctor

Season 12 is coming and I really hope I can see a more serious Doctor.

Post link


let them hold hands or something idk

hey tumblr it’s been a while but I had to return in light of the news that Jodie is leaving Doctor Who in 2022. I’m gutted as I’ve absolutely adored her era and everything her doctor has stood for, but as always I’m looking forward to whatever comes next and I hope everyone on here is coping okay with the news


Kinda knew it was coming but I’m still Sad
