#this gives me feelings




“…And… Logan…”

“…and… and Virgil!”

Trope: when A is taken in by B, after being found hurt and unconscious

I open my eyes to the feel of something cold pressed against my chest. All I see is a blur of color, and all I can feel is pain. Pain in my side, my legs, the muscles of my arms, the sharp throb in my head.

Consciousness, it seems, is cruel—and I want to go back to sleep. But I can’t. Something feels wrong.

Then slowly, as I blink a few times, I see the metallic object take form into the metal shape of a stethoscope. They don’t press too hard against my chest.

Confused, I watch as the hand moves from one side of my chest to the other. They try to go lower, and I move my hand to stop them.

“You’re awake.” The voice comes from somewhere above me. Faintly, I recognize it. My pulse picks up.

I try and roll off the surface underneath me when their hand catches my shoulder, firmly rolling me back. At the touch, a soft whimper slipped through my lips— I bite down hard to silence the sound, but I know it’s already too late.

“Don’t move,” they say. Their words sound clipped—almost irritated. But the tone is gentle.

How… how could they find me? I shouldn’t be here. I had no memory of how I arrived.

good guy, or the bad guy?
