

I’m a Seventh Day Adventist, meaning I go to church on Saturday/make Saturday a special day. I grew up with things that we should/shouldn’t do on Sabbath, e.g. homework, reading secular books/watching secular movies, shopping etc. I’ve had conversations with people about this, and I think the general perception of this is wrong. The thing about doing or not doing on sabbath ((or sunday, for non-SDA’s) isn’t about the rules or what’s allowed, it’s about keeping sabbath special and separate. If you do nothing different, sabbath won’t feel different. So while there’s nothing morally wrong with reading Harry Potter on sabbath, it just means that the rest of the week seeps into it, making it less special. 

At the moment I feel very lonely and depressed, like even the smallest task is too much. The only thing that feels like it helps are my plants. Does anybody of you know the feeling of being trapped and can give me some tips that might help to get out of this hole?
