

Scelidosaurus finds a Kayentachelys hiding out in the shade. They better not get too close though. I got a feeling they’re both biters.

My 2018 Dinovember Powerball is finally over! Major props to everyone who decided to do this with me (basically @goldenchocoboand@sailorgojirarex1997 from what I can tell). Some fantastic art got made (some I never expected at least from myself given the prompts) so I’m hoping it was worth all the extra work it involved for everyone. Now I can finally relax a bit and go back to more periodic posts. Although that JP Palettes Parasaurolophus was like *that* close to being done before I decided to take this monster challenge on a whim, so that should be up soon. I hope everyone enjoyed seeing all this art and maybe I’ll do it again next year if I’m not really busy and ready to bring on such an undertaking again. Thanks!

sailorgojirarex1997: Dinovember Day 23. An old and weathered Stegosaurus stenops preparing to make a


Dinovember Day 23.

An old and weathered Stegosaurus stenopspreparing to make a stand at the approach of a predator. 

His once vibrant colorations have dulled with time and his skin has begun to sag. The dorsal plates on his back have begun to erode, while the spikes of his thagomizer have been worn down from use in combat. And all over his body, he bares the scars of numerous failed attacks from the likes of CeratosaurusandAllosaurus.Now he prepares himself for one final battle…

This is the first time in a long time that I’ve ever done a Stegosaurus,at least an accurate one. It took me a while to get the neck length, as well as the size of the osteoderms, down correctly. I’ve been so accustomed to drawing Stegosauruswith a shorter neck that it felt kind of weird lengthening it. I used the specimen currently on display at the Natural History Museum in London as a reference for the design here.

Originally, I was going to set this at high noon, but I later decided to have it take place at dusk. Sort of as a means to symbolize how this one animal is reaching the end of the road. How he’s lived a long and hard life and is going out with grace and power. 

Post link

Tarchia finds some water in an interdunal oasis. And Avimimus finally gets a break from the heat. I won’t get a ton of opportunities with the month coming to an end, but hoping to do more “extended stories” within the same formation like in this piece.
