







Satine’s hand brushes against Obi-Wan’s cheek. Her fingertips linger on his cheekbone, just for a moment. Her lips part, ready to ask the question, ready to bind him to her- but then her eyes rest on the tightly wound braid. With the ghost of a touch she reads the promise there, and she knows.

When they meet again an eternity later, separated by a war and by the years and by a strand of hair that has long since been cut off, she sees the ever committed Jedi in his steady eyes.


Adi’s aunt frowns over the holo, her expression hard to read. Adi keeps her eyes firm and her attitude respectful, striving to embody the confidance and humility of a Jedi Knight. She’s only a Padawan, but even then it seems to hit the mark.

“You’re very serious about this life, aren’t you?” her aunt says.

There is a long pause. And at last, her aunt commits.

“Stass will go to the Temple.”


“But why not?” the boy asks, his eyes supplicant, his mouth hungry. He radiates incomprehension and desperate longing.

Aayla shakes her head, feeling a bit sad, mostly for him.

“I’m a Jedi,” she explains again, “my life is not my own. It belongs to the people we defend and protect.”

“But who would that even hurt, us being together, just for a bit?”

She gives him a single kiss, nothing more than a quick peck so he’ll at least have that to carry with him: being the boy who kissed a Jedi girl - and she shakes her head again.

“You wouldn’t want someone who’d break her commitments.”


Rig feels she might just pass out from exhaustion, sweat trickling down into her eyes. She keeps going, moving from patient to patient until her head is buzzing and she can’t tell one moment from the next and the Force is the only thing sustaining her.

A hand settles on her shoulder, a voice speaks of the only transport off world of the month leaving soon.

“I promised I’d stay,” she says. So she does. Jedi keep their promises.


“I can master this,” Tiplar insists, copying Tiplee’s stance once again.

Their masters watch from the sidelines.

Tiplee studies her twin sister’s face. This isn’t about Tiplar’s pride and it’s not coming from fear of inadequacy either. There is only pure determination in the Force.

They will both be Jedi Knights. They are meant for this path, and Tiplar will fight to walk in it and be worthy. Nodding, Tiplee resumes the kata.
