#tmnt raph x reader




Have a request? Have a prompt? Want a matchup? Want to say hello? Have a theory? Want to be on my tag list? Send it on over! My ask box is always open, even if you just want to say hi! I like saying hi back. Seriously look at all of the (*). You guys fuel my writing so much and it means the world to me.

Never be afraid to comment or reblog or like anything of mine! And if you like what I write follow me! I write more all the time!

Current Prompt List: 200 Prompts (or any prompt list you want! Just let me know!)

( * - requested)

Dating Headcanons:

Raphael     Leonardo*    Donatello*    Michelangelo*

Misc. Headcanons:


Spooky Season*


Baby!Reader (Raphael)

Dangerous Woman (+18)*

Distractions (Quarantine)


Human*   Greek Gods*     Fairytale (Raphael)


The Devil’s Backbone

Friends Don’t

Beautiful Ghosts

Raphael x Reader Oneshots:

What’s In A Name (mutant!reader)*

A Second Chance


Human HC

Just Open*

True Colors* (Mutant!Reader)

True Love(Angel!Reader)


A Perfectly Good Heart

My Place In All This 

My Love, My Mission (Angel!Reader)

I’d Give Anything

Leverage (Soulmate AU)*

Nothing Left To Lose (Firebender!Reader)

Conflict of Interest

Raphael x Reader Series:

Archangels and Mutants:

 Part 1     Part 2     Part 3

Miss Beauty and Her Beast:

Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5    Part 6

You Belong With Me (Highschool AU):

Part 1    Part 2     Part 3    Part 4    Part 5

Soulmate AU:

Part 1  Part 2   Part 3

Night Ride (Biker!Reader):

Part 1    Part  2    Part 3    Part 4

Donatello x Reader:


Only Want You*


Ways to Break My Heart*

Michelangelo x Reader :

What Love Really Means

It’s Nice To Have A Friend*

Christmas Gift* (Dancer!Reader)

Michelangelo x Reader Series:


Part 1    Part 2   Part 3

Leonardo x Reader Oneshots:

Rules, No Words, and Gentle Hero (Autistic!Reader)

Hesitant to Leo HC

Take A Chance*


A Perfectly Good Heart

Omega* (Werewolf!Reader)

One Day Too Late*


Delicate (Highschool AU)

Leonardo x Reader Series:

Soulmate AU:

Part 1    Part 2

Art Pieces: 

Six Character Challenge (TMNT)

Miss Beauty and Her Beast

Disney Collage


Easter Sunday




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Another Update Lovelies!!!

Tags:@brightlotusmoon@boatloadsofheart@legandarybeauty@crazywritingbug@bitch-kms@ravn-87@just-a-casual-fangirl-011@unicornjoos@stuckoutsideofthebox@ilikestuffproductions@whygz@coffee-addicti@sugarspooks15@leslieebee@serperiorkb@blossom-skies@fantastical-67impala-fangirl@coresan@big-banging-red@iceprincess2019@raphaeladdict@thirstyforvenom @merindagriese@depressedemo-152@bengewatch@corabmarie@bitemebro522@tmnt-queen@muleka-loka@violet-sky-96@curadopordeus@artemismohr18@thewhisperpen @xjupitermoonsx@bisexualbumblebeesstuf f @merindagriese @oceans-daughter-3@dixonreedusfangirlforever@shanidenise@thegayestfish441@lovelyyroseee@yourlieberhoe@dolphincommander@molzies-fanfics@fuzzy-panda@msmcsmutt@zombiesnips-blog

Raphael X Biker!Reader

Part One     Part Two

Summary: Tomorrow arrives at your doorstep… but Raph doesn’t. Instead another brother does that leads to a perilous night out. 

A/N: Woo! Part three! This one is a bit more angsty but cute and well, who doesn’t love some good angst? I love you guys so much and all of the feedback that you offer. Always keep fighting. 


Music played softly as it rained again, and I waited by an unlocked window. Some part of my memory knew that he would be here, though I couldn’t tell what the truth happened to be or what happened to be a dream. It all seemed like a dream to me. A wonderful dream.

A knock interrupted my thoughts as I opened the window, expecting one turtle and getting another.

Leo?” I asked curiously. “What’s… why are you here?

“Is Raph here?” He demanded; his eyes swept my apartment not even looking at me as he talked.

“No?” I frowned. “What the hell is going on?”

“Raph went out tonight and he hasn’t been back, and I assumed he was here.”

“No,” I shook my head, fear growing in my chest for my lost rider. “Give me a minute, I’ll help you look,” I arrived at the conclusion.

“You can’t. Not in this weather, it’s not safe,” Leo scolded. “You stay here.”

Damn it, Leo! I can do what I want when I want, and you know you need me out there! You know I know him better!”

Cold blue eyes met mine, but I dug my heels in. Nothing would sway me from this. Looking for Raph became my number one priority.

“Meet at the alley in twenty minutes. Donnie will get you connected with the rest of us.” Leo didn’t meet my eyes as he ducked out the window. “And whatever happens to you is not on me.”

With that he vanished.

“Gee,thanks,” I mocked at the window and quickly changed for the ride ahead, my anxiety racing out of control as I muttered to myself the questions that I needed answers to. 

The one above them all: Where was Raphael?

I didn’t enjoy riding in the rain, it was cold and wet and hurt if you went fast enough, but I’d do it for him. Anything for my reckless rider. Sliding my helmet on, I sped off.

I arrived at the alley way and like Leo said, Donatello stood, equipment in hand.

“Hello,” He greeted, stammering slightly, “This will connected to your com system that you have set up and will pick up our radio frequency,”

I unlatched my helmet and handed it over, running a hand through my hair as the rain started to soak it through.

“Do you have any idea where he would be?” I asked as the turtle in purple worked quickly.

“Your guess is probably better than mine,” He muttered. “I figured that you would be the first place he went to after fighting with Leo,”

That was new information. That Leo conveniently left out.

“Fighting with Leo? About what?” I pressed, urgently. “Please Donnie this is important. If I’m going to find him… I need to know what happened.”


“You’renot going out tonight. There’s no need.” Leo stood in front of his brother.

“Get out of my way Leo,” Raph muttered. “I’ll be fine,”

“It’s too dangerous!” Leo shouted.

“And since when do you care whether I get hurt or not? Since when do you stop me from going out? Who do you think you are?” Raph stalked up to his brother agitated.

“Since you met her.” Leo answered coolly. “She’s dangerous,”

Raph scoffed and almost laughed as he paced away, growing more aggravated as each second passed.

“She’snot dangerous! Are you fucking kidding me!?” Raph pulled out his sais: a reflex. 

“Even now, she’s turning you against me,” Leo circled with his brother, keeping a distance.

No, I’m pretty sure you’re doing that all on your own fearless,” Raph snarled. “So, don’t you dare go blaming her,”

“You think she actually wants to see you Raphael? We don’t belong in her world and she doesn’t belong in ours,” Leo hissed.

“Ohyeah, and it was okay for you to go after Karai!Sure! That makes total sense!” Raph roared.

“Karai was forced into our world! Are you really selfish enough to make her belong in ours!?” Now Leo had his blades drawn.

“Wedon’t belong anywhere Leo! But she’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to belonging, even when it’s with you three,”

“We are your family!” Leo shouted.

“Then fucking act like it!” Raph yelled, fighting back tears.

He had to get away. He had to get to you. You would know what to say, or at least what to do… or maybe you could give him solace from it all.

So, he took off and didn’t look back.


I stared at Donnie in shock as he handed me back my helmet after testing it. 

“And Leo had the nerve to…” I growled slipping it back on.

“He went to apologize,” Donnie tried to soothe my fury.

Oh, I’m sure he did,” My voice dripped venom through the comm.

“Yo!Y/n!” Another voice chimed in over the headset in my helmet. It had to be Mikey, the only brother I hadn’t met face to face yet.

“Hey Mikey,” I gritted out, taking a left down Jefferson.

The wind and rain picked up step, making it hard to see. But I had a good idea of where I was going, a few ideas actually.

I sped to the tunnels, slowing as I reached the outskirts, killing my engine and slipping of my helmet.

“Raph!?” I called into the hollow caverns.

No response. I growled and dove back out into the storm.

“Do you guys see anything!?” I demanded over the intercom.

“Nothing,” Leo’s voice held an air of calm and collected.

Oh, I was so going to punch him in the face next time I saw him.

My next destination located itself in the middle of the Brooklyn bridge. Raph and his bike were nowhere to be found. Huffing, I set off again.

“Come on Raph,” I muttered. “Where are you?”

My hope waning, with one more spot left on my mental checklist, I turned carefully and headed towards the outskirts of the city. To a place Raph had never been. A road I had taken what seemed like months ago, leading him out of the city lights.

The city ways quickly became dense forest.

“Come on Raph, please,” Tears of fear and worry started to blur my vision. “Please, come back to me,

I slowed my bike, having to. Through the rain and my tears, there was no other option. On the side of the road, I got off my bike, and took off my helmet, leaving them on the side of the road as I started to keep walking down the dark road.


Stupid seemed like a good word to describe what I was doing.

Soaked to the bone, my tears fell freely.

What was I doing?

I was alone on a road, with no hope of finding a way back until the rain cleared, looking for someone who didn’t want to be found in the entirety of New York and I had nothing to go on.

Please,” I begged to no one. 


I almost dropped in relief. 

Raph?” I called.

“What the hell are you doing out here?” He was beside me instantly, his figure shielding the rain that seemed to be coming in sideways with the wind.


“What are you doing out here!?” She shouted back. “We’ve been looking for you everywhere! Why… what the hell were you thinking!?” Her voice sounded raw as tears mixed with the rain.

“You’ve been looking for me? In this? Y/n, were you seriously riding in this!” Raphael’s voice rose.

“Whatelse was I supposed to do! Leo came to me; said you were gone! Then Donnie told me about what happened and God Raph!” Trembles racked her frame as she continued to yell. “Do you know how worried I’ve been!? How scared that something happened to you!?”

In a desperate attempted to stop shaking, her arms wrapped themselves around her frame. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and hold her close, to give her comfort.

He never thought that she would care enough to come out looking for him. Or why the hell Leo would go to her of all people.

“I’m…sorry Y/n,” He mumbled, barely audible above the howling wind.

Please, come home,” She shivered. He could see her paling and her lips turning blue.

“No, we’re gonna get you home, and dry, and warm,” Raph, against his better judgement again, picked her up and walked over to where her bike waited.

Sitting her in front of him, helping her with her helmet, he tore off down the road, back to the city. Back somewhere where he could get her warm and safe.


Whimpers let my lips against my will as I shuddered from the bitter cold. I could hear voices over the comm, but the words didn’t make much sense… not that I paid much attention.

Every cell in my body was screaming to get warm, and fast. I barely processed the effort it took to stay on the bike until Raphael pulled up to my apartment complex.

With head he lifted me and climbed the fore escape, forcing my window open.

I collapsed in the warmth, against him and his warmth. His face was fuzzy… everything was fuzzy. I tried to blink the haze from my eyes, but soon my eyelids were too heavy to reopen.


“Donnie get over here and fix her,” Raph hissed into his comm. 

Raph?” The three brothers all responded.

Yes. Donnie, she passed out from being in the rain and cold too long and I need your help,” He growled, trying to keep his panic and worry to a minimum.

He had already stripped her riding jacket, shoes and socks, and currently, he cradled her in his lap cocooned in her throw blankets. Anything to give her warmth.

Donnie was ducking in through the window in minutes, and his brother looked at the limp girl in his arms and got to work. Taking her pulse and checking her vitals, Donnie seemed to relax.

“She’s in a stable condition, just a bit of hypothermia. What you were doing is what you should have been and need to keep doing until she wakes up and can shower and get dry clothes,” Donnie spoke softly.

Raph nodded, and his brother neared the window, hesitating slightly before ducking out into the driving rain.

Raphael held her closer in his arms as he moved to sitting on the floor, trying to keep himself together. He didn’t want to lose her, not like this. And he didn’t want to admit that maybe Leo was right… she didn’t belong in his world; she could get hurt… or worse.

But her eyebrows furrowed as her eyes fluttered open, and he knew that there couldn’t be any other place that he belong except right there.



Like my stuff? Here’s my masterlist!

Part One of: I Can Play The Piano Still Ft. When She Still Loved Me.

This quarantine isn’t keeping me down. I can knit bake play the piano read draw write… I could maybe go without the internet and live in a turn of the century novel and survive perhaps.

Raphael X Biker!Reader

Part One

Summary: Rain prevents you from riding the next few days and you’re growing restless. You wanted to ride. You wanted… to see him. You missed him against your better judgement. But what was wrong with missing him? Nothing at all. What happens when he misses you too?

A/N: As requested a Part Two to Midnight Rider!! I loved the responses on it and I wanted to thank you all for such positive feedback. Here’s something a bit softer and cozy for the hard times. Let me know if you want another part and what you think of this one!! I love you guys! ((P.S. I just finished my last paper-a twelve page research paper-for the semester so now I have more time for creative writing!!))

Bob Seger Vinyl Ft. in this Fic

Tags:@brightlotusmoon@boatloadsofheart@legandarybeauty@crazywritingbug@bitch-kms@ravn-87@just-a-casual-fangirl-011@unicornjoos@stuckoutsideofthebox@ilikestuffproductions@whygz@coffee-addicti@sugarspooks15@leslieebee@serperiorkb@blossom-skies@fantastical-67impala-fangirl@coresan@big-banging-red@iceprincess2019@raphaeladdict@thirstyforvenom@merindagriese@depressedemo-152@bengewatch@corabmarie@bitemebro522@tmnt-queen@muleka-loka@violet-sky-96@curadopordeus@artemismohr18@thewhisperpen@xjupitermoonsx@bisexualbumblebeesstuff@merindagriese@oceans-daughter-3@dixonreedusfangirlforever@shanidenise@thegayestfish441@lovelyyroseee@yourlieberhoe@dolphincommander @molzies-fanfics @fuzzy-panda​ 

Rain pattered against my window as the sun went down leaving New York in total darkness. I sighed and wished for sunshine or a clear night when I could ride again. When I could see him again. It had been a few days of constant rain and I was becoming stir crazy. But I wasn’t stupid enough to go riding in the rain. It wasn’t worth the risk.

I stared out my opened window and watched the raindrops race against each other. Curling up in a large sweater with a cup of tea, I settled down for the night.

A dark form in front of my window made me jump and curse, adrenaline racing. Then I realized who blocked my window. It was my daredevil rider.

I pushed the window open, throwing my hands up in dismay.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I scolded. “It’s raining, it’s not safe to be out there,”

“I had to see you,” Raph admitted sheepish as he ducked in through my window.

I headed to my small bathroom and threw him a towel or two to dry off, turning a light on in my wake. The gentle fairy lights glowed with the candles it accompanied.

“Gotta say, didn’t think your place would look like this…” Raph trailed off, his eyes taking in my studio apartment. “It’s so… cozy,”

“Thank you,” I smiled and stood by his side admiring my handiwork with him. 

I had made it cozy. My solace. My safe space.

“How’s your shoulder?” I asked, picking up my mug of tea.

“Fine,” He replied a bit too quickly.

“Well, you’re welcome to come and hang out… if that’s what this is.” I gave him a dopey smile. “I can make tea for you if you want.”

Raph stared at me like I had two heads.


“Not what you were expecting?” A smile played at her lips as she curled up in an armchair. 

“Not at all,” Raph muttered.

In his head he had this version of her.

Y/n. Her name forever engraved into his mind.

She was strong, confident, badass. She took no prisoners and always knew what to say. But this?

She was soft, and gentle, and he had seen it the other night in her concern. But what he saw before him, he wouldn’t have imagined. She was kind, and soft behind all of the edge and angst she gave off.

He almost loved it more, knowing that she offered both in who she was.


“So, what brought you around?” She mused, tucking herself under an afghan.

“It’s been raining, I haven’t seen you in a while,” He admitted again, taking a spot on her rug leaning against her couch.

A smile played at her lips and in the soft light, she was just as beautiful as she was in leather on a motorcycle. She didn’t make fun of him either, His brothers did. They thought it was ridiculous that he went to find her. Leo ordered against it. As if.

He had grown bored again with the rain coming down and he wanted to see her. 

“You haven’t been riding have you?” She asked, concern coloring her voice. 

“No,” It was the truth.

Mainly because he knew that if she found out, she’d have his ass for sure.

“Good,” She seemed pleased.


Knowing sleeping had left my short-term plans, I uncurled from my chair and headed over to my record player and started the Bob Seger vinyl that I didn’t put away from earlier.

“You’re a classics fan?” He mused as the music started

“My mom was… I picked it up from her,” I admitted. “Now that I’m up do you want that tea?”

I made my way to the kitchen despite his answer and began to make another cup.

“You like classic rock then?” I asked back, leaning against the counter.

He had shifted so that he could still see me from my vantage point in the small kitchen. 

“Zeppelin,” He offered. “Though my vinyl collection isn’t as impressive as yours,” He muttered. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

Why am I not surprised you like Zeppelin,” I laughed. “Find something more original, Bon Jovi, Meatloaf! Hey, you might actually like Meatloaf,” I paused in thought. “Not that I know what you like… it just seems like… a very you band.”

“Whatthe hell is that supposed to mean?” He acted offended, but there was a smile on his face.

“I dunno,” I could feel my face flushing. “They just seem like… you.” I gestured. “I can let you borrow my record.”

“No, I can’t ask that.” Raph shook his head, standing in protest.

“You’re not asking, I’m giving it to you.” I smiled and offered him his tea as we both settled back in my living room area.


Raph still tried to figure her out. There was still the fire in her veins that he had seen when he rode with her. This was that same fire, but in a softer way. In one that made him take care of himself, and that allowed her to be selfless.

She hummed softly to the music and sipped her tea absentmindedly, lost in thought he presumed.

“How is your family?” She asked after a while. “It’s been a while since you guys have done anything.”

Raph laughed.

“Yeah, there isn’t much to do anymore. It’s why I started to ride again. And we’re okay, I guess. Mikey has vowed to watch ever Doctor Who episode with Donnie and it’s taking them a while to get through it all.” Raph rolled his eyes.

“I should do that.” She murmured. “I haven’t watched it in a while.” 

“You like that nerdy show?” He raised an eyebrow.

A laugh bubbled from her lips. It was soft and carefree. Somehow, even though he wasn’t racing through the streets of New York, he still felt free. A sort of freedom that crept in slowly and comforted him like a blanket.

“I do,” She smiled. “You might,”

“You keep saying that,” He challenged.

Oh?” A smirk grew on her face and a fire in her eyes.

“That I’ll like things when you don’t really know me,” Raph contested.

She went quiet, a smile still on her lips.

“Maybe I don’t know you that well, but I think I have a good idea of what you might like.” She quipped.


She nodded, her smile growing.

A clap of thunder shook her windows as lightning flashed. She didn’t flinch. Fear didn’t occupy her features. He knew Mikey was afraid of thunder, and Donnie didn’t prefer it, but she seemed almost at home among it.


“Tell me then,” I whispered. “Who are you?” I moved onto the couch and curled up on the side, waiting and listening.

“What do you wanna know?” His voice held a note of uncertainty.

“How old are you?” I mused. “That’s an easy one.”

“Is this twenty questions now?” Raph raised an eyebrow.

I chuckled. “That would mean yes or no answers, this is just… a conversation.” I decided. 

“Alright, but if you get to ask questions, so do I,” He countered.


“Eighteen, you?”


We went on like that for a while, question after question. His favorite singer was actually Billy Joel; I hated the Beatles; he never thought to read anything other than magazines; I couldn’t remember the last time I had read a book; he had never been out of the state; I had been along the east coast on road trips; he hated spinach and cucumbers; I hated smoothies and tomatoes; he had four brothers; I had one.

“Where did you learn to ride?” He asked as it neared one am.

“My mom,” I yawned, blinking slowly. “She’d take me on her bike when I was little… my dad was a mechanic…” I gave a small shrug. “Why do you ride?” I countered.

“It’s…freedom.” He replied.

I nodded, knowing what he meant. It’s why I loved to ride. No one telling you where to go or what to do or who to be, you could just ride and not stop.

“Did you miss me?” His question came softly and hesitantly.

I nodded, my eyes slipping closed from tiredness. Talking to him like this made me feel safe and more at home than I ever had before. Like I was a child, curled up on a winter night waiting for Christmas as snow fell softly into the quiet of the night. A simpler time.

“I did. It’s not the same when I’m not around you… I looked forward to our rides.” 


Raphael watched her eyes droop closed as the hours passed. He was on a high learning so much from her and letting his walls down over stupid trivia that had him laughing and her blushing.

But being up late tonight didn’t seem to rest well with her despite their late-night rides the week before. He wondered if it was the rain that lulled her to sleep.

It didn’t really matter what it was, she was all but fast asleep on the sofa above him. Peace washed over her like this, though no smile was on her face, a gentle expression rested in her features.

Y/n?” He asked softly, standing and stretching. He loved the feeling or her name on his lips.

She hummed a response, not opening her eyes. He wanted to laugh.

“You need to get to bed,” He muttered, taking her mug and his and carefully putting them into her sink, very conscientious of the space around him.

“Too far,” Her voice grew jumbled. “I’ll sleep on the couch,” She seemed resolved about this.

“No, you’re not,” He smiled and shook his head at her antics. “It’s not that far, lazy,” he teased gently.

“M’fine,” She tried again, her words slurring.

Raph stared at her curled-up form and her bed that rested against the back wall of her apartment.

Maybe the rain had calmed him too, or maybe being near her had let him be someone who didn’t thrive on anger and deflecting, but he carefully lifted her from the couch and walked her over to her bed and gently laid her down.

She immediately stretched out and found her way under the covers, cuddling a pillow. Her eyes never opened.

“Thanks,” She mumbled, the faintest smile playing at her lips. “Tomorrow?” 

Tomorrow,” He promised.



Like my stuff? Here’s my masterlist!


Imagine getting a gift for your turtle…

Being mutants living in the sewers, they only ever had the scraps of society. Broken toys, beat up books with missing pages, disks scratched to near oblivion, and discarded consuls in need of repair. Unwanted things taped, tied, and glued together as much as they could be. They were grateful for what they got but maybe there was something they’d always wanted…

Is that Samurai Ren?”

Leonardo looked up, blue eyes catching a glimpse of his favorite childhood toy…an old action figure of the hero Samurai Ren, beat up and beloved. His swords were cut from cardboard and his left leg was missing but still…he had loved that toy. Memories flooded in, a smile slowly spilling upon his face as Leo picked up the toy.

“Yeah…it was my favorite show as a kid.” He murmured. “Samurai Ren, brave and kind! Always showing up to defeat bandits or monsters, searching through Japan for his lost love…Raph was the one who found him for me.”


Leo nodded, returning the samurai to his place on the shelf.

“Found him in some dumpster and came running home to give it to me. I didn’t even care that he was all beat up, I was just so happy to have my own toy. Besides, most of our stuff was in rough shape anyway.”

“Did Ren ever find his love?”

“Lotus Blossom…they were reunited in the final arc of the show. They released a doll of her too, but it was limited edition and I never was able to find one…I think I just used a little cut out of her from an advertisement to play with instead. They’re crazy expensive now.”

There laying on the shelf was a folded and rather worn out piece of paper, frayed at the edges and starting to lose color. Pulling it apart, Leonardo smiled at the familiar sight of Lotus Blossom’s long hair and red lips, so lost in childhood memories that he never saw the glimmer of recognition in your eyes…and as the night went on, he quickly forgot about the whole thing.


A week later, you were back in the lair after visiting your parents back home for a couple of days. After a dinner with his father and brothers, the two of you slipped into his bedroom for a little bit of alone time…

“I have a little something for you.”


“Before I was born,” you explained, “my uncle and dad had a falling out and didn’t speak for years and years. When I was nine, they made up and Uncle Teddy showed up with a gift for all of the birthdays he’d missed. And one of them was this really pretty doll…”

From out of your bag you pulled out an old but rather lovely doll, one the Leonardo recognized at once. She was dressed in a pink and white kimono painted with flowers, a red obi tired neatly around her waist. Her long black hair hung to her tiny feet, a red smile painted on her face. Though her dress was a little worn and her hair a little messy, she was still nearly perfect.

“Lotus Blossom!”

There was the doll he’d been looking for since he was a turtle tot, having been sitting in a box in your closet for years and years. Handing him the doll, Leo couldn’t stop smiling. All those years spent looking for Samurai Ren’s lover…only for her to be with his own love this whole time.

It was fate.

The doll was tiny in his large hands, looking up at him with darkly painted eyes as you smiled at him excitedly.

“I always meant to give her a samurai boyfriend and I happen to know a pretty lonely one.”

“Are you sure?” Leonardo asked. “I mean, she’s yourdoll…”

Which means that I can do whatever I like with her…so now she’s yours. I think they deserve to be together, after spending all these years looking for one another…I know that they’re only toys but it’s still a little romantic in my mind.”

Setting her on the shelf, Leonardo smiled at the sight of them: a beat-up samurai and his flower. He felt you beside him and wrapped a large hand around yours, squeezing softly as he did.

“Thank you…”

He moved so slowly, watching you carefully to make absolutely sure that you wanted this, that you wanted him…and you did. You had always wanted him and always would. Pulling you into him, Leonardo kissed you softly and slowly and so terribly sweetly…the ninja and his blossom locked in a perfect, wonderful embrace.

What’s up, Mikey?”

Michelangelo almost didn’t hear you, those baby blue eyes still looking at the screen. But your voice, sweet and familiar, slowly pulled him back to reality as his name fell from you lips…something he loved to hear.

“Oh…it’s just nothing.”

But it wasn’t nothing.

You knew that and he knew that you knew it…so he didn’t bother hiding his screen away. Instead he allowed you to look over his shoulders at the laptop, the video still playing on the screen. It was an old advertisement and you didn’t even need to have the sound up to hear the song. It was still playing in your head after all these years.

“Oh! I remember those! This was always playing on TV.”

“Yeah!” Mikey laughed, glancing at you with a smile. “I used to love watching this…I always wanted one but, you know…it just wasn’t gonna happen. It was too expensive for us to buy and impossible to find…so I just never brought it up.”

Sometimes it was easy to forget.

They had such a cool home and great stuff but…it was mostly scavenged and repaired, almost nothing was ever new to them. Mikey loved his father too much to ever complain, not wanting Splinter to feel guilty for their lot in life, you knew that…

And you knew how much Mikey lovedart.

He’d been using odds and ends of supplies that he’d found and painting on pieces of cardboard for years, taking whatever he could get his hands on. But looking back at the screen and watching those kids open the art set made you remember that Mikey had been a kid too…just a little turtle tot, watching this advertisement over and over again and wanting things he knew that he could never have.

Finding the case wasn’t hard.

The red plastic briefcase like thing came empty, just in need of a cleaning and waiting for the second phase of your plan. Art supplies soon filled the empty slots: oil pastels, acrylic and watercolor paints, color pencils, markers, and pens too. You bought brushes and erasers and sharpeners, setting everything in its place until it was finished, filled, and perfect, even getting him a thick black sketchbook and some painting paper too.


He was playing some game, eyes on the screen and face breaking into a big, goofy grin when he heard your voice.

“Babe!” He laughed. “Did you come to cheer me on?”

“No, not this time. I actually came to give you a surprise…so close your eyes!”

Ar once his eyes were shut and you were giggling as he guessed all of the things it could be. A fleet of Ferrari’s, a space ship so he could fly to the moon, maybe even the moon itself! Oh, you would give him the moon if you could! But perhaps this would do for now…


Those brilliant blue eyes snapped open and for a moment, still laughing…until he saw it. Mikey looked shocked for a second, green hands running over the smooth red box, the very one he’d spent years dreaming of.

No way…you found this?”

“It was empty when I bought it but I got all the stuff it would have come with if it had been new! Better stuff, not the kid’s stuff.”

“You…you did all that for me?”

“Yeah, Mike.” You said softly, unsure of what to say or how to say it. “Of course I did. You make me happy so I wanted to -oh!”

Before you could finish saying a thing, Mikey was was pulling you into his arms. The hold he had on you was tight but not in a painful way…in a wonderful way. It was warm and safe and he was holding on like he would never let go. It was a kind of hold that felt right and good, made for lovers holding onto one another.

“You’reamazing,” Michelangelo sighed. “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.”

The rest of the night was spent laying at his side as Mikey tested his new stuff. Color pencils moved across the page, slowly creating a scene before you…a city sketched against a sunset sky, two figure sitting on the roof together.

I didn’t know you liked Yu-gi-oh.”

Donatello grinned, putting away his work for a moment to look at the tin of old cards you’d found on his shelf. The box was half rusted and falling apart (it actually would fall apart if one didn’t handle it right), a pile of old cards inside. The cards were damaged, torn or cut or taped together, some were even water damaged to boot, but they were his.

“Oh!” He laughed. “Oh, yeah, I was really into it when I was a kid.”

Flipping through the spells and traps and monsters, Donnie pointed out his favorite cards as you looked through them together.

“I used to make my brothers duel me sometimes. But mostly I just collected whatever card that I could find, even if it was kind of lame. People were always tossing out the weaker cards and I would pick ‘em up. Oh, hey!”

There were four card that were held together by an old paperclip, almost like some Frankenstein creature waiting to be summoned. Golden arms and legs were bound by chains, the cards themselves wrinkled from water damage.

“Exodia the Forbidden One! I almost collected all of the cards to complete him…just never got the head.”

“Hard to find?”

“Yeah.” Donnie said. “I always thought I’d buy it one day but then we started, you know, fighting crime and as it turns out, that is a really expensive hobby. So I just put this aside and forgot I guess…jeez, it’s been forever since I looked at these.”

“Can we duel?”

“That, my dove, was a big mistake…I happen to be the King of Games.”

It was just a silly little thing to do, Donnie dueling you and talking all about his favorite episodes and characters. Getting the turtle away from the lab (or some other work that needed doing) could be a difficult task at times, but when you managed to do it, oh, it was so worth it! Still, you didn’t stop thinking about that card…the image of little Donnie searching through scraps and trash for that one card, that one little thing he wanted…it was sad.

So you found it for him.

Once more Donatello was in the lab, working away. He heard you before he saw you, the sound of your footsteps and voice coming closer.

“Later, Raph!”

And then the door was opening and he was smiling, setting aside his tools in order to greet you with a kiss. The feel of you in his arms was like heaven, the both of you melting together so perfectly…just what he needed right now!

“Got you something.”

From behind your made came a small box, made out of gold-painted metal and covered in Egyptian designs.

“Oh! The Millennium puzzle box!”

“I saw it and thought of you…look inside.”

Opening the lid, Donatello was amazed to see the very card his childhood self had dreamed of and searched for endlessly…Exodia the Forbidden One.


“I know how much you wanted it.” You said. “And I thought it was time that poor thing finally got a head! He’s been all arms and legs for too long.”

Quickly, Donnie placed his cards inside a box, the rusty old tin now empty and waiting for a new purpose…though he knew that he might just keep it around for sentimental purposes. The now completed Exodia was the last to fall in, all five pieces neatly sliding into place and he smiled like a little kid.

“Thank you, darling.” He sighed. “It almost feels like it’s too much.”

“Nothing’s too much for the King of Games.”

“You know…” Donnie said with a teasing little grinned. “If I’m the king, that ought to make you my queen.”


“Oh, yes!”

And then he was pulling you into another kiss as you laughed, falling right back into his arms…right where you belonged. Playful kisses were peppered all along your face and neck, your laughter filling his ears and he kissed and kissed and kissed you.

Raph, what’s this?”

Raphael turned to see what you were talking about, only to jump up at the sight of a very old, very beat up red notebook.

Oh. Crap.

“That’s just-”

“Are these song lists?”

“It’s nothing, babe.”

“Then why do you got that look on your pretty face?”

He sighed, a large hand rubbing the back of his neck. As embarrassed as he was, Raph figured that he might as well just tell you…he told you everything after all.

The big stuff, small stuff, and now…stupid stuff too.

“There was this show I watched, when I was a kid,” he said as he sat down next to you. “Kinda sucked…but the guy, he gave his girl a mix tape…and I liked that. Wrote down all the songs, used to listen to ‘em all the time.”


“Yeah…I just liked it. Making something like that for someone…”

And then he didn’t bring it up again.

You knew that things had been hard for Raph. Growing up surviving off of the discards of society, he’d been hungering for a lot. He’d been lonely.

And he was a lot more romantic then he appeared to be.

It was one of those things that you loved about him. That sweetness hiding beneath a tough exterior, just waiting to come out. Bit by bit you had encouraged it, allowing Raphael to leave behind the tough guy act when it was just the two of you. And because you took every chance you got to encourage it, you immediately got to work.

A couple days later, he was picking you up from work.

Though he’d practically had to rip the keys to the van from Don’s hands, Raph was finally able to get his turn. There was something so right about sitting with you at his side, music playing as he drove through the city streets.


Your lips pressed to his skin several times, teasing his jaw and neck as Raphael just melted away for you. It was something he’d always wanted, a weak spot of his that he’d kept hidden for years…until he met you. Laughing breathlessly, Raph allowed you to kiss and tease to your heart’s content before slipping away with a smile.

“Made you something.”


It was a tape. Glancing at you, Raph took the tape and slipped it into the slot, allowing a song to start playing…and then he knew.

There’s a time and place for everything, for everyone, we can push with all our might but nothing’s gonna come…”

“Did you…you made made the tape?”

“Yeah.” You replied. “I was feeling romantic.”

Oh, could you let it be? I wanna hold you and say…”

He felt like…there wasn’t any words to describe how he felt. It was like fire, but nothing like he was angry. It was like he was flying but he wasn’t dreaming, not anymore. This was real, this was perfect…this was you.

And he was kissing you.

And no matter what you say or do, you know my heart is true, oh, I can’t stop lovin’ you…”

(Just something short and sweet for my fave boys…I write a lot about the turtles giving gifts but I wanted to write something where they were the ones receiving. After all, they deserve just as much love as they give!)


According to You // TMNT x Reader.

You never noticed how nasty things had become.

Some part of you would have liked to say that you’d been seeing him for what he was but the truth was…you hadn’t. Eyes closed toght, you had been blind to it for far too long. It had been going on for so long and you had gotten to the point where you just took it.

When he called you names…

According to him, you were stupid and useless, never ever doing anything right.

When he criticized you endlessly…

According to him, you were so damn difficult, so hard to please, alwats screwing up anything you touched.

It hurt.

It hurt like hell.

But you took it all, every word and every barb, always saying nothing. Doing nothing. Like a good little punching bag.

Somehow, the toxicity of your relationship had become your new normal. You had begun making excuses for Adam for years, telling yourself that every boyfriend acted like this. It was a bad day, a bad mood, a bad time. Or it was a rough patch, right? Everyone went through rough patches but…it would be fine. It was normal, it was okay, everything was okay.

Until it wasn’t.

Until you met the turtles.

It had happened so suddenly, a series of accidents that lead to a masked turtle saving your life. And from there, a friendship begsn to blossom. You never told your boyfriend about any of it. He never wanted to hear what you had to say anyway so…you kept it to yourself.

Everyday, you came home to the same old thing.

Useless. Disastrous.

Insults thrown your way, a screaming fight in which you never uttered a word. You only sat there and let yourself be screamed at before Adam stormed out, leaving you to weep.

And every night, you ran off to something new…something wonderful.

One turtle in particular had taken to you, always slipping away when no one was looking. A rooftop overlooking the city and stars became a special sort of place. There you would hear and feel everything you didn’t even know you had wanted.

Beautiful. Intelligent. Funny.

He told you that you were all kinds of wonderful. That you were everything he had ever dreamed of, all that he had ever wanted…and that you deserved so, so much more then that bastard.

And for the first time in forever, you believed it.

They weren’t the biting remarks you were so used to, they were like honey…warm and sweet, and you began to crave it.

You began to fight back.

When your boyfriend snapped at you, you snapped back.

Teeth bared, claws out, you weren’t backing down anymore! He was shocked the first time you dud it, standing there with a stupid look on his face. Damn, did that feel good! When Adam tried it again, he found that this wasn’t a fluke. It was courage. It was you, the you that had been gone for so long, broken down by cruelty…and brought up by love.

“Shut up!” He had screamed, storming towards you.

But you didn’t back down.

You didn’t run and hide.

Pushing back, you glared up at him and, for the first time, you saw Adam for what he really was. Ugly. Evil. A tyrant that had ruled over you life with cruelty and abuse for far, far too long. But tyrants fall and empires crumble, new life springing ftom the ruins of what once was.

“No!” You screamed back, “No! I’m sick of this and I’m sick of YOU! People don’t act like this when they love each other so you don’t love me…so just leave!”

He’d laughed bitterly, smirking that smug like smile, it made you want to smack him.

“Who could ever love you?” Adam sneered. “Who could ever want you? You’re lucky that-”

No. No.

He wasn’t doing this anymore. He wasn’t going yo break you to bits again. You weren’t going to let this happen, not now and not ever. No one else was going to treat you like that ever again. Fire burned within, a raging anger bursting forth and interrupting his little tirade.

“I love me! I want me!” You shouted, shoving him away. “And I am so fucking done with you.”


But you weren’t going to hear any more of it. Throwing him and all his stuff out into the rainy street, you glared down at the man you had once loved…the man that had become your nightmare. Every nasty thing he’d ever said to you ran through you mind, destroying any pity you may have felt for the pathetic little creature. There was no parting kiss or kindness for him. The last thing you would ever say to Adam was a simple order:

“Never come back.”

The door was shut. The locks were changed. In fact, you changed everything. New sheets (you hated the ones he had slept in), a new look (you wore everything he had told not to), a new you.

It was…awesome.

Laying back in the sunlight, you felt as though everything had changed for the better. The nightmare was over and your eyes were wide open…and your phone was going off.

The name displayed on the screen made you smile, a message flashing brightly.

“Meet me on the roof?”


Waiting on the roof, you wore a smile on your face and a dress in his shade. The sun set slowly, stars beginning to appear one by one by one, and from out of the shadows, a figure appeared.


“Hey, you~”

That toxic love had up and died but you would not mourn it. A sweeter love had taken its place…and you were ready to live again.

(This is based of According to You by Orianthi. Moral of of the story, treat your girlfriend right or she will find someone else who will)


Imagine getting a gift for your turtle…

Being mutants living in the sewers, they only ever had the scraps of society. Broken toys, beat up books with missing pages, disks scratched to near oblivion, and discarded consuls in need of repair. Unwanted things taped, tied, and glued together as much as they could be. They were grateful for what they got but maybe there was something they’d always wanted…

Is that Samurai Ren?”

Leonardo looked up, blue eyes catching a glimpse of his favorite childhood toy…an old action figure of the hero Samurai Ren, beat up and beloved. His swords were cut from cardboard and his left leg was missing but still…he had loved that toy. Memories flooded in, a smile slowly spilling upon his face as Leo picked up the toy.

“Yeah…it was my favorite show as a kid.” He murmured. “Samurai Ren, brave and kind! Always showing up to defeat bandits or monsters, searching through Japan for his lost love…Raph was the one who found him for me.”


Leo nodded, returning the samurai to his place on the shelf.

“Found him in some dumpster and came running home to give it to me. I didn’t even care that he was all beat up, I was just so happy to have my own toy. Besides, most of our stuff was in rough shape anyway.”

“Did Ren ever find his love?”

“Lotus Blossom…they were reunited in the final arc of the show. They released a doll of her too, but it was limited edition and I never was able to find one…I think I just used a little cut out of her from an advertisement to play with instead. They’re crazy expensive now.”

There laying on the shelf was a folded and rather worn out piece of paper, frayed at the edges and starting to lose color. Pulling it apart, Leonardo smiled at the familiar sight of Lotus Blossom’s long hair and red lips, so lost in childhood memories that he never saw the glimmer of recognition in your eyes…and as the night went on, he quickly forgot about the whole thing.


A week later, you were back in the lair after visiting your parents back home for a couple of days. After a dinner with his father and brothers, the two of you slipped into his bedroom for a little bit of alone time…

“I have a little something for you.”


“Before I was born,” you explained, “my uncle and dad had a falling out and didn’t speak for years and years. When I was nine, they made up and Uncle Teddy showed up with a gift for all of the birthdays he’d missed. And one of them was this really pretty doll…”

From out of your bag you pulled out an old but rather lovely doll, one the Leonardo recognized at once. She was dressed in a pink and white kimono painted with flowers, a red obi tired neatly around her waist. Her long black hair hung to her tiny feet, a red smile painted on her face. Though her dress was a little worn and her hair a little messy, she was still nearly perfect.

“Lotus Blossom!”

There was the doll he’d been looking for since he was a turtle tot, having been sitting in a box in your closet for years and years. Handing him the doll, Leo couldn’t stop smiling. All those years spent looking for Samurai Ren’s lover…only for her to be with his own love this whole time.

It was fate.

The doll was tiny in his large hands, looking up at him with darkly painted eyes as you smiled at him excitedly.

“I always meant to give her a samurai boyfriend and I happen to know a pretty lonely one.”

“Are you sure?” Leonardo asked. “I mean, she’s yourdoll…”

Which means that I can do whatever I like with her…so now she’s yours. I think they deserve to be together, after spending all these years looking for one another…I know that they’re only toys but it’s still a little romantic in my mind.”

Setting her on the shelf, Leonardo smiled at the sight of them: a beat-up samurai and his flower. He felt you beside him and wrapped a large hand around yours, squeezing softly as he did.

“Thank you…”

He moved so slowly, watching you carefully to make absolutely sure that you wanted this, that you wanted him…and you did. You had always wanted him and always would. Pulling you into him, Leonardo kissed you softly and slowly and so terribly sweetly…the ninja and his blossom locked in a perfect, wonderful embrace.

What’s up, Mikey?”

Michelangelo almost didn’t hear you, those baby blue eyes still looking at the screen. But your voice, sweet and familiar, slowly pulled him back to reality as his name fell from you lips…something he loved to hear.

“Oh…it’s just nothing.”

But it wasn’t nothing.

You knew that and he knew that you knew it…so he didn’t bother hiding his screen away. Instead he allowed you to look over his shoulders at the laptop, the video still playing on the screen. It was an old advertisement and you didn’t even need to have the sound up to hear the song. It was still playing in your head after all these years.

“Oh! I remember those! This was always playing on TV.”

“Yeah!” Mikey laughed, glancing at you with a smile. “I used to love watching this…I always wanted one but, you know…it just wasn’t gonna happen. It was too expensive for us to buy and impossible to find…so I just never brought it up.”

Sometimes it was easy to forget.

They had such a cool home and great stuff but…it was mostly scavenged and repaired, almost nothing was ever new to them. Mikey loved his father too much to ever complain, not wanting Splinter to feel guilty for their lot in life, you knew that…

And you knew how much Mikey lovedart.

He’d been using odds and ends of supplies that he’d found and painting on pieces of cardboard for years, taking whatever he could get his hands on. But looking back at the screen and watching those kids open the art set made you remember that Mikey had been a kid too…just a little turtle tot, watching this advertisement over and over again and wanting things he knew that he could never have.

Finding the case wasn’t hard.

The red plastic briefcase like thing came empty, just in need of a cleaning and waiting for the second phase of your plan. Art supplies soon filled the empty slots: oil pastels, acrylic and watercolor paints, color pencils, markers, and pens too. You bought brushes and erasers and sharpeners, setting everything in its place until it was finished, filled, and perfect, even getting him a thick black sketchbook and some painting paper too.


He was playing some game, eyes on the screen and face breaking into a big, goofy grin when he heard your voice.

“Babe!” He laughed. “Did you come to cheer me on?”

“No, not this time. I actually came to give you a surprise…so close your eyes!”

Ar once his eyes were shut and you were giggling as he guessed all of the things it could be. A fleet of Ferrari’s, a space ship so he could fly to the moon, maybe even the moon itself! Oh, you would give him the moon if you could! But perhaps this would do for now…


Those brilliant blue eyes snapped open and for a moment, still laughing…until he saw it. Mikey looked shocked for a second, green hands running over the smooth red box, the very one he’d spent years dreaming of.

No way…you found this?”

“It was empty when I bought it but I got all the stuff it would have come with if it had been new! Better stuff, not the kid’s stuff.”

“You…you did all that for me?”

“Yeah, Mike.” You said softly, unsure of what to say or how to say it. “Of course I did. You make me happy so I wanted to -oh!”

Before you could finish saying a thing, Mikey was was pulling you into his arms. The hold he had on you was tight but not in a painful way…in a wonderful way. It was warm and safe and he was holding on like he would never let go. It was a kind of hold that felt right and good, made for lovers holding onto one another.

“You’reamazing,” Michelangelo sighed. “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.”

The rest of the night was spent laying at his side as Mikey tested his new stuff. Color pencils moved across the page, slowly creating a scene before you…a city sketched against a sunset sky, two figure sitting on the roof together.

I didn’t know you liked Yu-gi-oh.”

Donatello grinned, putting away his work for a moment to look at the tin of old cards you’d found on his shelf. The box was half rusted and falling apart (it actually would fall apart if one didn’t handle it right), a pile of old cards inside. The cards were damaged, torn or cut or taped together, some were even water damaged to boot, but they were his.

“Oh!” He laughed. “Oh, yeah, I was really into it when I was a kid.”

Flipping through the spells and traps and monsters, Donnie pointed out his favorite cards as you looked through them together.

“I used to make my brothers duel me sometimes. But mostly I just collected whatever card that I could find, even if it was kind of lame. People were always tossing out the weaker cards and I would pick ‘em up. Oh, hey!”

There were four card that were held together by an old paperclip, almost like some Frankenstein creature waiting to be summoned. Golden arms and legs were bound by chains, the cards themselves wrinkled from water damage.

“Exodia the Forbidden One! I almost collected all of the cards to complete him…just never got the head.”

“Hard to find?”

“Yeah.” Donnie said. “I always thought I’d buy it one day but then we started, you know, fighting crime and as it turns out, that is a really expensive hobby. So I just put this aside and forgot I guess…jeez, it’s been forever since I looked at these.”

“Can we duel?”

“That, my dove, was a big mistake…I happen to be the King of Games.”

It was just a silly little thing to do, Donnie dueling you and talking all about his favorite episodes and characters. Getting the turtle away from the lab (or some other work that needed doing) could be a difficult task at times, but when you managed to do it, oh, it was so worth it! Still, you didn’t stop thinking about that card…the image of little Donnie searching through scraps and trash for that one card, that one little thing he wanted…it was sad.

So you found it for him.

Once more Donatello was in the lab, working away. He heard you before he saw you, the sound of your footsteps and voice coming closer.

“Later, Raph!”

And then the door was opening and he was smiling, setting aside his tools in order to greet you with a kiss. The feel of you in his arms was like heaven, the both of you melting together so perfectly…just what he needed right now!

“Got you something.”

From behind your made came a small box, made out of gold-painted metal and covered in Egyptian designs.

“Oh! The Millennium puzzle box!”

“I saw it and thought of you…look inside.”

Opening the lid, Donatello was amazed to see the very card his childhood self had dreamed of and searched for endlessly…Exodia the Forbidden One.


“I know how much you wanted it.” You said. “And I thought it was time that poor thing finally got a head! He’s been all arms and legs for too long.”

Quickly, Donnie placed his cards inside a box, the rusty old tin now empty and waiting for a new purpose…though he knew that he might just keep it around for sentimental purposes. The now completed Exodia was the last to fall in, all five pieces neatly sliding into place and he smiled like a little kid.

“Thank you, darling.” He sighed. “It almost feels like it’s too much.”

“Nothing’s too much for the King of Games.”

“You know…” Donnie said with a teasing little grinned. “If I’m the king, that ought to make you my queen.”


“Oh, yes!”

And then he was pulling you into another kiss as you laughed, falling right back into his arms…right where you belonged. Playful kisses were peppered all along your face and neck, your laughter filling his ears and he kissed and kissed and kissed you.

Raph, what’s this?”

Raphael turned to see what you were talking about, only to jump up at the sight of a very old, very beat up red notebook.

Oh. Crap.

“That’s just-”

“Are these song lists?”

“It’s nothing, babe.”

“Then why do you got that look on your pretty face?”

He sighed, a large hand rubbing the back of his neck. As embarrassed as he was, Raph figured that he might as well just tell you…he told you everything after all.

The big stuff, small stuff, and now…stupid stuff too.

“There was this show I watched, when I was a kid,” he said as he sat down next to you. “Kinda sucked…but the guy, he gave his girl a mix tape…and I liked that. Wrote down all the songs, used to listen to ‘em all the time.”


“Yeah…I just liked it. Making something like that for someone…”

And then he didn’t bring it up again.

You knew that things had been hard for Raph. Growing up surviving off of the discards of society, he’d been hungering for a lot. He’d been lonely.

And he was a lot more romantic then he appeared to be.

It was one of those things that you loved about him. That sweetness hiding beneath a tough exterior, just waiting to come out. Bit by bit you had encouraged it, allowing Raphael to leave behind the tough guy act when it was just the two of you. And because you took every chance you got to encourage it, you immediately got to work.

A couple days later, he was picking you up from work.

Though he’d practically had to rip the keys to the van from Don’s hands, Raph was finally able to get his turn. There was something so right about sitting with you at his side, music playing as he drove through the city streets.


Your lips pressed to his skin several times, teasing his jaw and neck as Raphael just melted away for you. It was something he’d always wanted, a weak spot of his that he’d kept hidden for years…until he met you. Laughing breathlessly, Raph allowed you to kiss and tease to your heart’s content before slipping away with a smile.

“Made you something.”


It was a tape. Glancing at you, Raph took the tape and slipped it into the slot, allowing a song to start playing…and then he knew.

There’s a time and place for everything, for everyone, we can push with all our might but nothing’s gonna come…”

“Did you…you made made the tape?”

“Yeah.” You replied. “I was feeling romantic.”

Oh, could you let it be? I wanna hold you and say…”

He felt like…there wasn’t any words to describe how he felt. It was like fire, but nothing like he was angry. It was like he was flying but he wasn’t dreaming, not anymore. This was real, this was perfect…this was you.

And he was kissing you.

And no matter what you say or do, you know my heart is true, oh, I can’t stop lovin’ you…”

(Just something short and sweet for my fave boys…I write a lot about the turtles giving gifts but I wanted to write something where they were the ones receiving. After all, they deserve just as much love as they give!)

Meant to Be (Soulmate AU, the end.)

:) I know it’s been a lot of time in between each chapter, but I’m glad I saw it through, I think it’s a nice wrap-up to this.

Pacing her apartment, the girl, covered in little bruises still, slapped a palm to her forehead. Stupid, stupid! She’d just let him take off before they could even work anything out, no place, no time—what had she been thinking? 

“I am such an idiot,” she moaned into her hands. As Raphael had instructed, she had, in fact, called the police once her strange rescuers fled from the scene, but the procedures that ensued from an assault case had occupied her for a few days. Three, it was; too long for her liking. She racked her brain trying to figure out how to find him again. And if she didn’t, all she could do was hope he was the smarter of the two and would find her. 

Raphael. The corners of her mouth dared to smile a bit despite her current issue. That name suited him. 

It appeared that he’d lived a rough life in some capacity. There were scars on his face from God knew what, and he carried weapons and tough stride. Though, his colleagues were all a little different in appearance and gestures. Where did they rest their heads, she wondered. Not in a place like hers, clearly. And his clothes…

Yes, Raphael was gruff. But maybe just a little handsome, in a way—she blushed at the thought. You can’t not remember that character. He looked like he could bench a truck. 

She’d lately been taking a cab home due to the incident, but there was only one place they could possibly convene: the alley. A dank, kinda dirty, rat-here-and-there kind of place. Or the rooftop, if she could even get up there.  Who wouldn’t want to get to know their prince here, she thought sarcastically.

What do people usually do when they’re getting to know their one true love? 

On the window sill her phone chimed twice, calling her over. She wandered to her window and gazed out. On the sidewalk below, a couple strode down the concrete, both holding a bag of takeout between them. And suddenly, she had an idea. 

Where exactly was that alley again? 

He jumped past one, thought it didn’t look familiar and went on to the next. It was about the hour that they’d crossed paths and he felt rushed like he was running out of time, impatient as he was. Until his phone vibrated from his pocket and demanded his attention. 

The screen lit, Donnie’s ID. He pursed his scarred lips and picked up. 

“Need some help?” asked Don in his cheeky way. Raph could see the smile across the phone.He’d been expecting some kind of nagging or squawking over his departure, but it was just Donnie trying to be helpful as usual. He would have to pay him back for the solid. 

“Sure,” answered Raph. 

“Sending the location now. It should show up on your GPS. Oh, and don’t worry about you-know-what." 

"Say what?”

Studying the address, he opened his mouth to speak, but Donatello was already cutting him off. “Gotta go, bye!”

“Don?” Raph said. The call ended and he stared at the address, puzzled. This was four blocks over and not where he remembered it to be. He wasn’t that unobservant. It was the only real lead he had to go by, though, so he set off toward the new destination. 

He flipped over an AC unit and landed on the lip of a roof adjacent to the one that marked the tiny red dot on his phone, skidding to a stop at what he saw. 

Little candlelights littered around a blanket with white boxes and a couple of plates, the girl in question scuttling around trying to get things prepared. There was a container of some kind of sweet. Raph watched as she multiple times relit the same candle, only to have the breeze blow it out, followed by her anxious groan. She went back and forth with it until she gave up and fell back onto her rear. 

You’re kidding me, Raph thought, scooting to cover. The whole display was a bit pitiful. Now he understood the mysterious address. But how did she know to come up there? Don’t tell me Don contacted her? 

A typical dinner date with a mutant, stuck onto the top of a building to accommodate his…conditions. She didn’t really think that was how it could go, right? That they could just sit down and have a meal together like nothing was wrong with that picture? It all seemed so wrong, too casual for what it was, false comfort. All of the candles went out and left her sitting alone in the dark, making her dig through her bag for her phone. 

She rubbed her forehead and leaned back onto her hands, looking all around her as if surveying the cityscape for something. Her foot was tapping more and more rapidly. Cracking open one of the boxes of takeout, notably, no steam rose. Raph felt a pang of pity.

It was awkward and he just couldn’t understand the idea of hers, but never had anyone do anything like that for him. Not like I ever had ‘em lined up to take me out to dinner. But after some consideration, for someone like him, he supposed that it was the thought that counted. It didn’t make the approach any easier. He stepped out into sight and whistled curtly, holding up his hands as if to say he wasn’t a threat. 

No, this ain’t awkward or weird at all. Couldn’t be, he mused with sarcasm. His long strides had him there a little quicker than he would have liked. He felt lumbering and intrusive.

“You’re not serious, are ya?” he asked from the distance, eyeing the setup skeptically. She closed the gap between them as she fixed up everything and made it neat again. He waited for her to finish, shifting around on his feet.

She responded, “Your…brother told me to meet you up here. I don’t even know how he got my number.”

“He’s got the means. And the fancy little dinner was his idea, too?” he snorted. 

Her face fell almost imperceptibly. Back it up, put it in reverse, he sighed to himself. Why was he like this? Why did he always have to say what he was thinking? 

“'Cause it just…seems like something…he’d do,” he added reluctantly, wanting to wince. “That’s Donatello for ya.” A few uncomfortable seconds went by. He started to panic when she gave him a questioning look. “But I know he didn’t, I’m just bein’ an ass.”

“You’re not,” she let a breath out, mustering a hesitant smile, “I know it’s kind of stupid. I just thought that…" 

He rose a brow.

Sitting herself down on the blanket, she looked up at him, and his heart started to quicken. "You ever had takeout from here?” she asked in a soft tone, forcing a laugh. He knelt down rigidly. The whole thing was uncomfortably small for him. "I don’t know what you guys eat in the sewers, but I figured that this was the least I could do. For us.“ 

He’d been opening up one of the boxes and inspecting the contents when his eyes went wide. ”'Us’?“ he parroted, dropping the  container and spilling some of the noodles. 

"No, no, no, not ’us’ us, I meant as in, getting to know us, we—getting us to know each other,” she stammered. “Sorry. No, that’s not what I meant. I just thought it would somehow be less weird.”

“You’re sittin’ across from a mutant turtle freak, don’t you think that’s weird?” he said. 

Raph could have let out a sigh of relief, but felt he wasn’t out of the thick of it yet. 

He wasn’t expecting the smile, the warm eyes. The “I don’t think you’re weird.” he heard. 

Needing something to occupy himself with, he snatched one of the cans of cola and popped it open. Before he started to chug, he replied, “Sure, ya don’t think I’m weird." 

"Okay, then I’m weird too,” she said, tilting her head to catch his eye. He glugged the whole can of cola. 

“Oh, you’re weird, alright,” he chuffed as he wiped his chin with the back of his hand. “I mean, look at ya. Putting together all this so you can eat cold noodles with a giant turtle ya just met. Is this what you call 'fun’?”

“They’d still be warm if you’d gotten here earlier. And for the record, I am having fun,” she said, dipping into her own food. “Come on, eat, Raphael. Please." 

He started to refute it, tried to get his guard back in place again, but his mind couldn’t find the words. How badly he wanted to say "you’re not having fun, you’re just tolerating me,” or “you’re kidding yourself”.

After a moment of squirming and trying to find something to bite back with, he picked up his chopsticks and began to eat. “Nah,” he finally said. Then mumbled, “No way." 

"Way,” she chuckled, taking a sip of her drink. Raph shook his head. 

A silence befell them. The self-consciousness was somehow worse when he was only being observed, which he knew by the gaze he could feel on himself past the chopsticks feeding noodles into his mouth. She can’t possibly like what she sees. Get real. I’m gross. 

“Can you stop your starin’?” he eventually snapped, narrowly avoiding crushing the takeout box on the concrete beneath them. “Didn’t your mom or whatever ever tell you that’s rude?" 

It was pretty dark around them, but between talking and eating, she’d managed to keep a few of the candles lit. The warm glow it casted on her face didn’t miss him, neither did her sheepish expression that held the possibility of a blush. She uttered an apology and averted her eyes. She couldn’t have been looking upon him with any kind of joy. That’s what Raph truly believed, at least. So why did it feel bad?

"I think I just can’t stop looking at you, Raphael, truth be told,” she said. His heart did skip that time. Oh, how he hated yielding.

He narrowed his eyes, “Whaddya mean?" 

"You’ve got a lot of scars,” she mumbled, leaning in. Without the disgust he’d imagined she would. “And your eyes are pretty." 

"Pretty?” he scoffed. He was getting up, now. She scrambled onto her feet as well and reached out, just missing his arm. 

He’d yanked his arm away. She corrected herself, “They’re not like anything I’ve seen!" 

Well, you don’t have any business looking at me that close. 


Her smile left. He stood square before her as if on display. But his brow ridges were furrowed in, creating the intimidating visage she recognized as the first thing she’d ever seen of him. "What?” she asked. 

Motioning to all the stuff at their feet, he questioned, “What’s all this for, really?

“I–I don’t think I understand." 

"You, doin’ all this. Over some silly birthmark?” he pressed. “I can’t figure out what’s goin’ on in your head and it makes me—" 

She interrupted him. He went still as she slowly took his hand and balled his shaking hand, cupping it in hers. Lightly trembling, not from anger, not from fear. Those trepidatious shakes he’d felt many times before, but never with another person. Never like that.

 "Confused? Mad?” she finished for him. All the words he couldn’t quite find found themselves in the flutter of his stomach. They were caught on his tongue. 

She was wrong. That wasn’t it. “No,” he could finally say, his voice low. “I don’t know.”

It took two of her hands to wrap fully around one of his, but she wouldn’t let go. Raph wouldn’t dream of trying to tear away from her delicate grip. “Do you think we can figure it out together, then?” she inquired softly. 

“I…I don't—" 

Lifting his hefty hand, she planted a light kiss on his knuckle, feeling the rough skin on her lips. Raph was absolutely stunned and could not move. 

"I hope this tells you all you need to know,” she stated, drawing away. Her back turned to him. The longest ten seconds of his life passed and he only regained the ability to move once she started to walk back to the stairwell, lunging forward to grab her shoulder before she caught the door. Careful to not hurt her.

Turning her around to him, he swallowed, “We ain’t had dessert yet.”

Raph never wanted to stop seeing her eyes shine like they did. 

He prompted them to sit down this time, his hand running down her arm as he leaned back. Even then he was too shocked to smile, or make any other face, for that matter. She simply smiled at him. 

“Right. Dessert,” she winked. 

In the end, Raph still couldn’t totally shake his  tough shell off. But he suddenly had the patience to try, just maybe, a lopsided grin forming as she divided the cake. 

“…and two for you, because you’re a big guy…" 

He let her continue for a moment before getting closer. "Ya know, think I want to get to know ya without these stupid birthmarks, (Y/N),” said Raph with a smile that he didn’t bother to hide. She glanced up at him, wondering. “So let’s do it over again. I’m Raphael, but it’s Raph to you." 

Taking her focus off the cake, she slid his plate to him. "Without the marks?" 

"Forget about 'em. We’re strangers." 

She laughed sweetly, "Then I’m (Y/N). Nice to meet you, Raph." 

After that, they shook on it over dessert, and marked the night that the walls Raphael had put up began to crack.

Imagine getting a gift for your turtle…

Being mutants living in the sewers, they only ever had the scraps of society. Broken toys, beat up books with missing pages, disks scratched to near oblivion, and discarded consuls in need of repair. Unwanted things taped, tied, and glued together as much as they could be. They were grateful for what they got but maybe there was something they’d always wanted…

Is that Samurai Ren?”

Leonardo looked up, blue eyes catching a glimpse of his favorite childhood toy…an old action figure of the hero Samurai Ren, beat up and beloved. His swords were cut from cardboard and his left leg was missing but still…he had loved that toy. Memories flooded in, a smile slowly spilling upon his face as Leo picked up the toy.

“Yeah…it was my favorite show as a kid.” He murmured. “Samurai Ren, brave and kind! Always showing up to defeat bandits or monsters, searching through Japan for his lost love…Raph was the one who found him for me.”


Leo nodded, returning the samurai to his place on the shelf.

“Found him in some dumpster and came running home to give it to me. I didn’t even care that he was all beat up, I was just so happy to have my own toy. Besides, most of our stuff was in rough shape anyway.”

“Did Ren ever find his love?”

“Lotus Blossom…they were reunited in the final arc of the show. They released a doll of her too, but it was limited edition and I never was able to find one…I think I just used a little cut out of her from an advertisement to play with instead. They’re crazy expensive now.”

There laying on the shelf was a folded and rather worn out piece of paper, frayed at the edges and starting to lose color. Pulling it apart, Leonardo smiled at the familiar sight of Lotus Blossom’s long hair and red lips, so lost in childhood memories that he never saw the glimmer of recognition in your eyes…and as the night went on, he quickly forgot about the whole thing.


A week later, you were back in the lair after visiting your parents back home for a couple of days. After a dinner with his father and brothers, the two of you slipped into his bedroom for a little bit of alone time…

“I have a little something for you.”


“Before I was born,” you explained, “my uncle and dad had a falling out and didn’t speak for years and years. When I was nine, they made up and Uncle Teddy showed up with a gift for all of the birthdays he’d missed. And one of them was this really pretty doll…”

From out of your bag you pulled out an old but rather lovely doll, one the Leonardo recognized at once. She was dressed in a pink and white kimono painted with flowers, a red obi tired neatly around her waist. Her long black hair hung to her tiny feet, a red smile painted on her face. Though her dress was a little worn and her hair a little messy, she was still nearly perfect.

“Lotus Blossom!”

There was the doll he’d been looking for since he was a turtle tot, having been sitting in a box in your closet for years and years. Handing him the doll, Leo couldn’t stop smiling. All those years spent looking for Samurai Ren’s lover…only for her to be with his own love this whole time.

It was fate.

The doll was tiny in his large hands, looking up at him with darkly painted eyes as you smiled at him excitedly.

“I always meant to give her a samurai boyfriend and I happen to know a pretty lonely one.”

“Are you sure?” Leonardo asked. “I mean, she’s yourdoll…”

Which means that I can do whatever I like with her…so now she’s yours. I think they deserve to be together, after spending all these years looking for one another…I know that they’re only toys but it’s still a little romantic in my mind.”

Setting her on the shelf, Leonardo smiled at the sight of them: a beat-up samurai and his flower. He felt you beside him and wrapped a large hand around yours, squeezing softly as he did.

“Thank you…”

He moved so slowly, watching you carefully to make absolutely sure that you wanted this, that you wanted him…and you did. You had always wanted him and always would. Pulling you into him, Leonardo kissed you softly and slowly and so terribly sweetly…the ninja and his blossom locked in a perfect, wonderful embrace.

What’s up, Mikey?”

Michelangelo almost didn’t hear you, those baby blue eyes still looking at the screen. But your voice, sweet and familiar, slowly pulled him back to reality as his name fell from you lips…something he loved to hear.

“Oh…it’s just nothing.”

But it wasn’t nothing.

You knew that and he knew that you knew it…so he didn’t bother hiding his screen away. Instead he allowed you to look over his shoulders at the laptop, the video still playing on the screen. It was an old advertisement and you didn’t even need to have the sound up to hear the song. It was still playing in your head after all these years.

“Oh! I remember those! This was always playing on TV.”

“Yeah!” Mikey laughed, glancing at you with a smile. “I used to love watching this…I always wanted one but, you know…it just wasn’t gonna happen. It was too expensive for us to buy and impossible to find…so I just never brought it up.”

Sometimes it was easy to forget.

They had such a cool home and great stuff but…it was mostly scavenged and repaired, almost nothing was ever new to them. Mikey loved his father too much to ever complain, not wanting Splinter to feel guilty for their lot in life, you knew that…

And you knew how much Mikey lovedart.

He’d been using odds and ends of supplies that he’d found and painting on pieces of cardboard for years, taking whatever he could get his hands on. But looking back at the screen and watching those kids open the art set made you remember that Mikey had been a kid too…just a little turtle tot, watching this advertisement over and over again and wanting things he knew that he could never have.

Finding the case wasn’t hard.

The red plastic briefcase like thing came empty, just in need of a cleaning and waiting for the second phase of your plan. Art supplies soon filled the empty slots: oil pastels, acrylic and watercolor paints, color pencils, markers, and pens too. You bought brushes and erasers and sharpeners, setting everything in its place until it was finished, filled, and perfect, even getting him a thick black sketchbook and some painting paper too.


He was playing some game, eyes on the screen and face breaking into a big, goofy grin when he heard your voice.

“Babe!” He laughed. “Did you come to cheer me on?”

“No, not this time. I actually came to give you a surprise…so close your eyes!”

Ar once his eyes were shut and you were giggling as he guessed all of the things it could be. A fleet of Ferrari’s, a space ship so he could fly to the moon, maybe even the moon itself! Oh, you would give him the moon if you could! But perhaps this would do for now…


Those brilliant blue eyes snapped open and for a moment, still laughing…until he saw it. Mikey looked shocked for a second, green hands running over the smooth red box, the very one he’d spent years dreaming of.

No way…you found this?”

“It was empty when I bought it but I got all the stuff it would have come with if it had been new! Better stuff, not the kid’s stuff.”

“You…you did all that for me?”

“Yeah, Mike.” You said softly, unsure of what to say or how to say it. “Of course I did. You make me happy so I wanted to -oh!”

Before you could finish saying a thing, Mikey was was pulling you into his arms. The hold he had on you was tight but not in a painful way…in a wonderful way. It was warm and safe and he was holding on like he would never let go. It was a kind of hold that felt right and good, made for lovers holding onto one another.

“You’reamazing,” Michelangelo sighed. “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.”

The rest of the night was spent laying at his side as Mikey tested his new stuff. Color pencils moved across the page, slowly creating a scene before you…a city sketched against a sunset sky, two figure sitting on the roof together.

I didn’t know you liked Yu-gi-oh.”

Donatello grinned, putting away his work for a moment to look at the tin of old cards you’d found on his shelf. The box was half rusted and falling apart (it actually would fall apart if one didn’t handle it right), a pile of old cards inside. The cards were damaged, torn or cut or taped together, some were even water damaged to boot, but they were his.

“Oh!” He laughed. “Oh, yeah, I was really into it when I was a kid.”

Flipping through the spells and traps and monsters, Donnie pointed out his favorite cards as you looked through them together.

“I used to make my brothers duel me sometimes. But mostly I just collected whatever card that I could find, even if it was kind of lame. People were always tossing out the weaker cards and I would pick ‘em up. Oh, hey!”

There were four card that were held together by an old paperclip, almost like some Frankenstein creature waiting to be summoned. Golden arms and legs were bound by chains, the cards themselves wrinkled from water damage.

“Exodia the Forbidden One! I almost collected all of the cards to complete him…just never got the head.”

“Hard to find?”

“Yeah.” Donnie said. “I always thought I’d buy it one day but then we started, you know, fighting crime and as it turns out, that is a really expensive hobby. So I just put this aside and forgot I guess…jeez, it’s been forever since I looked at these.”

“Can we duel?”

“That, my dove, was a big mistake…I happen to be the King of Games.”

It was just a silly little thing to do, Donnie dueling you and talking all about his favorite episodes and characters. Getting the turtle away from the lab (or some other work that needed doing) could be a difficult task at times, but when you managed to do it, oh, it was so worth it! Still, you didn’t stop thinking about that card…the image of little Donnie searching through scraps and trash for that one card, that one little thing he wanted…it was sad.

So you found it for him.

Once more Donatello was in the lab, working away. He heard you before he saw you, the sound of your footsteps and voice coming closer.

“Later, Raph!”

And then the door was opening and he was smiling, setting aside his tools in order to greet you with a kiss. The feel of you in his arms was like heaven, the both of you melting together so perfectly…just what he needed right now!

“Got you something.”

From behind your made came a small box, made out of gold-painted metal and covered in Egyptian designs.

“Oh! The Millennium puzzle box!”

“I saw it and thought of you…look inside.”

Opening the lid, Donatello was amazed to see the very card his childhood self had dreamed of and searched for endlessly…Exodia the Forbidden One.


“I know how much you wanted it.” You said. “And I thought it was time that poor thing finally got a head! He’s been all arms and legs for too long.”

Quickly, Donnie placed his cards inside a box, the rusty old tin now empty and waiting for a new purpose…though he knew that he might just keep it around for sentimental purposes. The now completed Exodia was the last to fall in, all five pieces neatly sliding into place and he smiled like a little kid.

“Thank you, darling.” He sighed. “It almost feels like it’s too much.”

“Nothing’s too much for the King of Games.”

“You know…” Donnie said with a teasing little grinned. “If I’m the king, that ought to make you my queen.”


“Oh, yes!”

And then he was pulling you into another kiss as you laughed, falling right back into his arms…right where you belonged. Playful kisses were peppered all along your face and neck, your laughter filling his ears and he kissed and kissed and kissed you.

Raph, what’s this?”

Raphael turned to see what you were talking about, only to jump up at the sight of a very old, very beat up red notebook.

Oh. Crap.

“That’s just-”

“Are these song lists?”

“It’s nothing, babe.”

“Then why do you got that look on your pretty face?”

He sighed, a large hand rubbing the back of his neck. As embarrassed as he was, Raph figured that he might as well just tell you…he told you everything after all.

The big stuff, small stuff, and now…stupid stuff too.

“There was this show I watched, when I was a kid,” he said as he sat down next to you. “Kinda sucked…but the guy, he gave his girl a mix tape…and I liked that. Wrote down all the songs, used to listen to ‘em all the time.”


“Yeah…I just liked it. Making something like that for someone…”

And then he didn’t bring it up again.

You knew that things had been hard for Raph. Growing up surviving off of the discards of society, he’d been hungering for a lot. He’d been lonely.

And he was a lot more romantic then he appeared to be.

It was one of those things that you loved about him. That sweetness hiding beneath a tough exterior, just waiting to come out. Bit by bit you had encouraged it, allowing Raphael to leave behind the tough guy act when it was just the two of you. And because you took every chance you got to encourage it, you immediately got to work.

A couple days later, he was picking you up from work.

Though he’d practically had to rip the keys to the van from Don’s hands, Raph was finally able to get his turn. There was something so right about sitting with you at his side, music playing as he drove through the city streets.


Your lips pressed to his skin several times, teasing his jaw and neck as Raphael just melted away for you. It was something he’d always wanted, a weak spot of his that he’d kept hidden for years…until he met you. Laughing breathlessly, Raph allowed you to kiss and tease to your heart’s content before slipping away with a smile.

“Made you something.”


It was a tape. Glancing at you, Raph took the tape and slipped it into the slot, allowing a song to start playing…and then he knew.

There’s a time and place for everything, for everyone, we can push with all our might but nothing’s gonna come…”

“Did you…you made made the tape?”

“Yeah.” You replied. “I was feeling romantic.”

Oh, could you let it be? I wanna hold you and say…”

He felt like…there wasn’t any words to describe how he felt. It was like fire, but nothing like he was angry. It was like he was flying but he wasn’t dreaming, not anymore. This was real, this was perfect…this was you.

And he was kissing you.

And no matter what you say or do, you know my heart is true, oh, I can’t stop lovin’ you…”

(Just something short and sweet for my fave boys…I write a lot about the turtles giving gifts but I wanted to write something where they were the ones receiving. After all, they deserve just as much love as they give!)


Imagine getting a gift for your turtle…

Being mutants living in the sewers, they only ever had the scraps of society. Broken toys, beat up books with missing pages, disks scratched to near oblivion, and discarded consuls in need of repair. Unwanted things taped, tied, and glued together as much as they could be. They were grateful for what they got but maybe there was something they’d always wanted…

Is that Samurai Ren?”

Leonardo looked up, blue eyes catching a glimpse of his favorite childhood toy…an old action figure of the hero Samurai Ren, beat up and beloved. His swords were cut from cardboard and his left leg was missing but still…he had loved that toy. Memories flooded in, a smile slowly spilling upon his face as Leo picked up the toy.

“Yeah…it was my favorite show as a kid.” He murmured. “Samurai Ren, brave and kind! Always showing up to defeat bandits or monsters, searching through Japan for his lost love…Raph was the one who found him for me.”


Leo nodded, returning the samurai to his place on the shelf.

“Found him in some dumpster and came running home to give it to me. I didn’t even care that he was all beat up, I was just so happy to have my own toy. Besides, most of our stuff was in rough shape anyway.”

“Did Ren ever find his love?”

“Lotus Blossom…they were reunited in the final arc of the show. They released a doll of her too, but it was limited edition and I never was able to find one…I think I just used a little cut out of her from an advertisement to play with instead. They’re crazy expensive now.”

There laying on the shelf was a folded and rather worn out piece of paper, frayed at the edges and starting to lose color. Pulling it apart, Leonardo smiled at the familiar sight of Lotus Blossom’s long hair and red lips, so lost in childhood memories that he never saw the glimmer of recognition in your eyes…and as the night went on, he quickly forgot about the whole thing.


A week later, you were back in the lair after visiting your parents back home for a couple of days. After a dinner with his father and brothers, the two of you slipped into his bedroom for a little bit of alone time…

“I have a little something for you.”


“Before I was born,” you explained, “my uncle and dad had a falling out and didn’t speak for years and years. When I was nine, they made up and Uncle Teddy showed up with a gift for all of the birthdays he’d missed. And one of them was this really pretty doll…”

From out of your bag you pulled out an old but rather lovely doll, one the Leonardo recognized at once. She was dressed in a pink and white kimono painted with flowers, a red obi tired neatly around her waist. Her long black hair hung to her tiny feet, a red smile painted on her face. Though her dress was a little worn and her hair a little messy, she was still nearly perfect.

“Lotus Blossom!”

There was the doll he’d been looking for since he was a turtle tot, having been sitting in a box in your closet for years and years. Handing him the doll, Leo couldn’t stop smiling. All those years spent looking for Samurai Ren’s lover…only for her to be with his own love this whole time.

It was fate.

The doll was tiny in his large hands, looking up at him with darkly painted eyes as you smiled at him excitedly.

“I always meant to give her a samurai boyfriend and I happen to know a pretty lonely one.”

“Are you sure?” Leonardo asked. “I mean, she’s yourdoll…”

Which means that I can do whatever I like with her…so now she’s yours. I think they deserve to be together, after spending all these years looking for one another…I know that they’re only toys but it’s still a little romantic in my mind.”

Setting her on the shelf, Leonardo smiled at the sight of them: a beat-up samurai and his flower. He felt you beside him and wrapped a large hand around yours, squeezing softly as he did.

“Thank you…”

He moved so slowly, watching you carefully to make absolutely sure that you wanted this, that you wanted him…and you did. You had always wanted him and always would. Pulling you into him, Leonardo kissed you softly and slowly and so terribly sweetly…the ninja and his blossom locked in a perfect, wonderful embrace.

What’s up, Mikey?”

Michelangelo almost didn’t hear you, those baby blue eyes still looking at the screen. But your voice, sweet and familiar, slowly pulled him back to reality as his name fell from you lips…something he loved to hear.

“Oh…it’s just nothing.”

But it wasn’t nothing.

You knew that and he knew that you knew it…so he didn’t bother hiding his screen away. Instead he allowed you to look over his shoulders at the laptop, the video still playing on the screen. It was an old advertisement and you didn’t even need to have the sound up to hear the song. It was still playing in your head after all these years.

“Oh! I remember those! This was always playing on TV.”

“Yeah!” Mikey laughed, glancing at you with a smile. “I used to love watching this…I always wanted one but, you know…it just wasn’t gonna happen. It was too expensive for us to buy and impossible to find…so I just never brought it up.”

Sometimes it was easy to forget.

They had such a cool home and great stuff but…it was mostly scavenged and repaired, almost nothing was ever new to them. Mikey loved his father too much to ever complain, not wanting Splinter to feel guilty for their lot in life, you knew that…

And you knew how much Mikey lovedart.

He’d been using odds and ends of supplies that he’d found and painting on pieces of cardboard for years, taking whatever he could get his hands on. But looking back at the screen and watching those kids open the art set made you remember that Mikey had been a kid too…just a little turtle tot, watching this advertisement over and over again and wanting things he knew that he could never have.

Finding the case wasn’t hard.

The red plastic briefcase like thing came empty, just in need of a cleaning and waiting for the second phase of your plan. Art supplies soon filled the empty slots: oil pastels, acrylic and watercolor paints, color pencils, markers, and pens too. You bought brushes and erasers and sharpeners, setting everything in its place until it was finished, filled, and perfect, even getting him a thick black sketchbook and some painting paper too.


He was playing some game, eyes on the screen and face breaking into a big, goofy grin when he heard your voice.

“Babe!” He laughed. “Did you come to cheer me on?”

“No, not this time. I actually came to give you a surprise…so close your eyes!”

Ar once his eyes were shut and you were giggling as he guessed all of the things it could be. A fleet of Ferrari’s, a space ship so he could fly to the moon, maybe even the moon itself! Oh, you would give him the moon if you could! But perhaps this would do for now…


Those brilliant blue eyes snapped open and for a moment, still laughing…until he saw it. Mikey looked shocked for a second, green hands running over the smooth red box, the very one he’d spent years dreaming of.

No way…you found this?”

“It was empty when I bought it but I got all the stuff it would have come with if it had been new! Better stuff, not the kid’s stuff.”

“You…you did all that for me?”

“Yeah, Mike.” You said softly, unsure of what to say or how to say it. “Of course I did. You make me happy so I wanted to -oh!”

Before you could finish saying a thing, Mikey was was pulling you into his arms. The hold he had on you was tight but not in a painful way…in a wonderful way. It was warm and safe and he was holding on like he would never let go. It was a kind of hold that felt right and good, made for lovers holding onto one another.

“You’reamazing,” Michelangelo sighed. “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.”

The rest of the night was spent laying at his side as Mikey tested his new stuff. Color pencils moved across the page, slowly creating a scene before you…a city sketched against a sunset sky, two figure sitting on the roof together.

I didn’t know you liked Yu-gi-oh.”

Donatello grinned, putting away his work for a moment to look at the tin of old cards you’d found on his shelf. The box was half rusted and falling apart (it actually would fall apart if one didn’t handle it right), a pile of old cards inside. The cards were damaged, torn or cut or taped together, some were even water damaged to boot, but they were his.

“Oh!” He laughed. “Oh, yeah, I was really into it when I was a kid.”

Flipping through the spells and traps and monsters, Donnie pointed out his favorite cards as you looked through them together.

“I used to make my brothers duel me sometimes. But mostly I just collected whatever card that I could find, even if it was kind of lame. People were always tossing out the weaker cards and I would pick ‘em up. Oh, hey!”

There were four card that were held together by an old paperclip, almost like some Frankenstein creature waiting to be summoned. Golden arms and legs were bound by chains, the cards themselves wrinkled from water damage.

“Exodia the Forbidden One! I almost collected all of the cards to complete him…just never got the head.”

“Hard to find?”

“Yeah.” Donnie said. “I always thought I’d buy it one day but then we started, you know, fighting crime and as it turns out, that is a really expensive hobby. So I just put this aside and forgot I guess…jeez, it’s been forever since I looked at these.”

“Can we duel?”

“That, my dove, was a big mistake…I happen to be the King of Games.”

It was just a silly little thing to do, Donnie dueling you and talking all about his favorite episodes and characters. Getting the turtle away from the lab (or some other work that needed doing) could be a difficult task at times, but when you managed to do it, oh, it was so worth it! Still, you didn’t stop thinking about that card…the image of little Donnie searching through scraps and trash for that one card, that one little thing he wanted…it was sad.

So you found it for him.

Once more Donatello was in the lab, working away. He heard you before he saw you, the sound of your footsteps and voice coming closer.

“Later, Raph!”

And then the door was opening and he was smiling, setting aside his tools in order to greet you with a kiss. The feel of you in his arms was like heaven, the both of you melting together so perfectly…just what he needed right now!

“Got you something.”

From behind your made came a small box, made out of gold-painted metal and covered in Egyptian designs.

“Oh! The Millennium puzzle box!”

“I saw it and thought of you…look inside.”

Opening the lid, Donatello was amazed to see the very card his childhood self had dreamed of and searched for endlessly…Exodia the Forbidden One.


“I know how much you wanted it.” You said. “And I thought it was time that poor thing finally got a head! He’s been all arms and legs for too long.”

Quickly, Donnie placed his cards inside a box, the rusty old tin now empty and waiting for a new purpose…though he knew that he might just keep it around for sentimental purposes. The now completed Exodia was the last to fall in, all five pieces neatly sliding into place and he smiled like a little kid.

“Thank you, darling.” He sighed. “It almost feels like it’s too much.”

“Nothing’s too much for the King of Games.”

“You know…” Donnie said with a teasing little grinned. “If I’m the king, that ought to make you my queen.”


“Oh, yes!”

And then he was pulling you into another kiss as you laughed, falling right back into his arms…right where you belonged. Playful kisses were peppered all along your face and neck, your laughter filling his ears and he kissed and kissed and kissed you.

Raph, what’s this?”

Raphael turned to see what you were talking about, only to jump up at the sight of a very old, very beat up red notebook.

Oh. Crap.

“That’s just-”

“Are these song lists?”

“It’s nothing, babe.”

“Then why do you got that look on your pretty face?”

He sighed, a large hand rubbing the back of his neck. As embarrassed as he was, Raph figured that he might as well just tell you…he told you everything after all.

The big stuff, small stuff, and now…stupid stuff too.

“There was this show I watched, when I was a kid,” he said as he sat down next to you. “Kinda sucked…but the guy, he gave his girl a mix tape…and I liked that. Wrote down all the songs, used to listen to ‘em all the time.”


“Yeah…I just liked it. Making something like that for someone…”

And then he didn’t bring it up again.

You knew that things had been hard for Raph. Growing up surviving off of the discards of society, he’d been hungering for a lot. He’d been lonely.

And he was a lot more romantic then he appeared to be.

It was one of those things that you loved about him. That sweetness hiding beneath a tough exterior, just waiting to come out. Bit by bit you had encouraged it, allowing Raphael to leave behind the tough guy act when it was just the two of you. And because you took every chance you got to encourage it, you immediately got to work.

A couple days later, he was picking you up from work.

Though he’d practically had to rip the keys to the van from Don’s hands, Raph was finally able to get his turn. There was something so right about sitting with you at his side, music playing as he drove through the city streets.


Your lips pressed to his skin several times, teasing his jaw and neck as Raphael just melted away for you. It was something he’d always wanted, a weak spot of his that he’d kept hidden for years…until he met you. Laughing breathlessly, Raph allowed you to kiss and tease to your heart’s content before slipping away with a smile.

“Made you something.”


It was a tape. Glancing at you, Raph took the tape and slipped it into the slot, allowing a song to start playing…and then he knew.

There’s a time and place for everything, for everyone, we can push with all our might but nothing’s gonna come…”

“Did you…you made made the tape?”

“Yeah.” You replied. “I was feeling romantic.”

Oh, could you let it be? I wanna hold you and say…”

He felt like…there wasn’t any words to describe how he felt. It was like fire, but nothing like he was angry. It was like he was flying but he wasn’t dreaming, not anymore. This was real, this was perfect…this was you.

And he was kissing you.

And no matter what you say or do, you know my heart is true, oh, I can’t stop lovin’ you…”

(Just something short and sweet for my fave boys…I write a lot about the turtles giving gifts but I wanted to write something where they were the ones receiving. After all, they deserve just as much love as they give!)


Raph didn’t do fear. It just wasn’t his style, or not admitting it was. Course there was that one time with the Shredder and the tower but… that was it.

At least until Y/N came onto the scene.

She was Vern’s niece though Raph would swear up and down that she was a fairy in disguise. Tiny? Check. Colorful hair that always had a braid, flower, ribbon, or all three tucked into it somewhere? Check. A smile that shone like the stars? Absolutely. And somehow, the room always felt…brighter when she was in it. Even when she had just left, there was something lighter in it.

She terrified him.

She was so tiny and magical and happy and he was…him. A brute, a monster, and a hothead. He could snap her like a twig without even trying and that was exactly what worried him. So much so, that it haunted him even in his sleep.

The dreams would always start out simple, a normal day and then he’d start bickering with one of his brothers and lash out and she’d get caught in the middle. She’d get hit, kicked, or something and…just wouldn’t move. 

The nightmares always left him unable to sleep afterwards, laying in bed in a cold sweat trying to decide what terrified him more-him accidentally hurting her or just the idea of her dying. He always ended up in a tie. 

Two weeks after the nightmares started, he’d had enough. Tossing the blankets aside, he climbed out of bed, grabbing his sais and gear as he left the room. Maybe, just maybe checking on Y/N, seeing her with his own eyes would let him go back to sleep and finally get some rest. He didn’t need to talk to her, she didn’t even know that he was outside of her window, he just needed to know that she was fine.

He tucked the bulk of his frame against the wall, peering around the window frame into the living room of her appointment and let out a soft sigh of relief. There she was, settled on the couch with a blanket in the light of the TV. Huh, was that the blanket he’d made her for her birthday? She actually used it?

“You know, I didn’t take you for a peeping tom.” She didn’t even look away from the TV as she spoke loud enough for him to hear through the half open window. 

He chuckled as he slid it open all the way and climbed through. “Ya should close yer window.”

“You’re the one whose supposed to be a ninja.” She claimed as she stretched her arms above her head. “Let me guess, couldn’t sleep?”

He nodded as he eased down onto the couch next to her. As usual she didn’t waste any time turning to lean her back against the arm rest and stretch her legs over his lap.

She smiled slightly. “I’m guessing it’s nightmares keeping you awake?”

“What makes ya think that?” Raph side eyed her. Why was that her first guess? Did his brothers know and maybe tell her?

“It’s why I can’t sleep most nights either.” She sighed. “I get nightmares almost every night. There’s no shame in it. It’s not exactly something you can control.”

Raph let his words rolled over in his mind. She got nightmares? Regularly? And she was so open about it? Huh…maybe she was right, if it’s something you can’t control then there was no shame in it.

“You wanna stay here tonight?” Y/N asked after a moment. “I’m binging the Mandolorian.”

“Sure.” Raph shrugged.

It was there in the light of the TV and the stillness of the late night that something changed. Something new washed over him, a warmth that was so different than the chill that the nightmares had caused to crawl over his skin. It was a warmth that caused his heart to flutter and a smile to tug at his lips.

In a single evening he fell from the fear and into love with the girl beside him.

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