#to me anyway



you have to admit that there’s something objectively funny about shuu going through with this evil plot and having the upper hand pretty much the entire time only for his harmless ditzy coworker to pull a gun on him and shoot him multiple times, seemingly out of absolutely nowhere

This is part of why I love Hitori SO much. On the one hand it’s so fucking funny how he seems to come out of nowhere, but on the other it’s such a good demonstration of how COOL he is! That he was able to keep his cool for that long, that his act was THAT good, that he managed to be so nonthreatening and go undetected for YEARS, that when his whole plan finally came together, and he finally made his move it seemed completely out of left field. He spent YEARS scheming, and when he finally made his move it was completely sudden, it looked totally out of left field. No one ever suspected a thing. He did that good of a job concealing his intentions. Concealing his whole identity. Isn’t that SO impressive? Yuuya couldn’t manage that. And that’s no dig at Yuuya, he is brilliant and talented, but absolutely could never do what Hitori did.

Just the fact that Hitori manages to pull off both one of the funniest moments, and the most badass impressive moments of the whole game simultaneously. He is fucking hilarious as a joke character, and deeply impressive as a serious character, and he does it all simultaneously. The RANGE!!!


Continuing from my previous post on the aro community’s obsession with creating labels instead of addressing root issues. This time, I’ll be talking about sexuality, and/or lack thereof.

Those of you who have been active in the aro community within the past six months or so are no doubt familiar with the way asexuality is seen as the default for aros, leading those of us whoaren’tasexual (such as myself) to start advocating for ourselves more, and being firm about who we are. We’re allo aros, we’re here, and we’re going to make a place for ourselves. That’s all fine and good, but that leaves those who don’t quite fit into either box sort of left behind.

The fact is, as mentioned, asexuality is seen as the default for aromantics. You can’t just say you’re aro and have that be that, because people can, and will, assume that you’re ace. If you’re not ace, that’s so unusual that you’d better have a way to describe it! Are you straight? Gay? Bisexual? What do you mean, you’re “just” aro? Oh, so you’re a non-SAM aro, then?

In reality, everyone’s sexuality is their own business, and they shouldn’t have to disclose it to anyone, or have any specific labels if they don’t want to. For some people, they may not know exactly what their sexuality is, or they may not want to say what it is, or they may not care what it is. They should be able to say they’re aro, without any assumptions being made. Aros should be able to have, and talk about, whatever sexual attraction they do or don’t experience, without being pressured to lay out an exact description of what specifically they “are” to everyone else. Aro, as an identity, should come with no assumptions about sexuality.

Allo aros, in many ways, aren’t describing ourselves as such because we love the term allosexual. We’re describing ourselves as such because we’re tired of being assumed to be asexual. Any little bit of not fitting in with the ace community, imo, is enough to be welcome with us. But the way things are happening makes it come across as if you have to be either strictly allo or strictly ace, which leaves aros who don’t quite fit in those boxes feeling excluded*. Thus terms like non-SAM or neuaro are coined, and sure, those can be helpful to some… But they’re still clunky and overly specific terms that not everyone wants to use, yet they still feel forced to, because if they don’t, guess what’ll happen? Yup, you got it. They’ll be assumed to be ace.

“Aro” should be enough. Aro shouldn’t come with any assumptions about sexuality. But it does, and instead of coming together to change things so that asexuality is no longer assumed to be the default, the aro community is more focused on coming up with terms to describe aros who aren’t Aroace™, and then subsequently bickering about said terms. We need to address why these terms are necessary, rather than arguing about them and piling on more and more fancy bandaids that ultimately change nothing.

*Aces, don’t you dare try to use this as an excuse to criticize the allo aro community and our self-avocation. Don’t you dare try to silence us again, I’m not having it. If you have a problem with the ace/allo binary, then you need to start dismantling the whole system that led to its existence, not paint over one end and call it a day.

the basketball scene in the first episode was the most unintentionally hilarious thing I’ve ever seen.

Like imagine you’re presumed dead after closing a gateway to another dimension, or really dead after breaking through whatever mind control the monster from another dimension had on you and sacrificing yourself to save someone else’s life, or dead because you got absorbed into said monster from another dimension, and not only does the government completely cover up your deaths, but some random asshole you probably talked to like, twice total, uses your deaths as a rally call for a fucking basketball game.

that boy would be getting haunted by me for the rest of his fucking life. they’re dead jason i promise you none of them give a shit about your championship game.

the way i’m so conflicted on my fave seasons of euphoria bc season one was BEAUTIFULLY written and season 2 was a bit off kilter and a bit of a trainwreck for most storylines and charcater progression but WOW i have never laughed so hard in my life
