#tog reread



We gonna talk about the parallels between Manon and Dorian and Elena and Gavin now or do we wait a couple more years?

Seriously though if I had the time to workshop a longer post I’ll talk more about it but if you think back to Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight—you have the physical description of Elena while she pushes back the “demons” (now we know them as the Valg) while the fight with Cain is happening, where she’s described as wearing a crown of stars, an imagery associated with the Crochan Queens and Manon later on in the series. It’s one of the most striking points made about Elena during that scene (as well as the “party trick” fire parallel for KoA but that’s a whole other thing) as well as the note about her white hair.

Then, in Crown of Midnight, we get introduced to the witches through Dorian’s point of view, if I’m not mistaken he’s the first person who talks about the Witch Kingdom and it’s history while speaking with Baba Yellowlegs, and is the first person to mention the crown of stars the old hag wears, ironically, again, if I’m not mistaken, he’s also the narrating voice when Manon wears the crown, so it’s a nice full circle kind of moment.

And that’s as far as I have gotten in my reread so ignore me

We gonna talk about the parallels between Manon and Dorian and Elena and Gavin now or do we wait a couple more years?


One day I’ll list my favorite Manorian moments and overanalyze it like the overzealous English major I am and then you will ALL SEE

At first it was a joke but now??? Not so much, there’s too much slander happening pause
