#tolkien illustration



My fifteen watercolours depicting Tolkien’s Second Age. They’re for a book which I’ll post more info on soon. From tomorrow evening, A4 prints (10 copies per motif) will be up for preorder at my Storenvy. They’ll be ready for shipping in a fortnight. https://khorazir.storenvy.com/

The prints are up for preorder now. For those who want all of them, two complete sets are available at a reduced price. If there is more demand, I will offer more, so let me know.


My fifteen watercolours depicting Tolkien’s Second Age. They’re for a book which I’ll post more info on soon. From tomorrow evening, A4 prints (10 copies per motif) will be up for preorder at my Storenvy. They’ll be ready for shipping in a fortnight. https://khorazir.storenvy.com/

“Númenórean steel-bows”

Fifteenth and final new watercolour depicting Tolkien’s Second Age. I will post a compilation of all fifteen motifs later today, with information about where to acquire prints.

“The silent watchers”

Thirteenth of fifteen new watercolours depicting Tolkien’s Second Age.

The reprints (and new print in the case of the third) of my Tolkien Postcard Books have arrived. They contain art inspired by The Silmarillion,Unfinished Tales,The HobbitandThe Lord of the Rings. All three versions are in stock now and can be ordered here:


Since one of the prints of my Second Age watercolour of “Sending out ships” is slightly damaged in the upper lefthand corner, I’m giving it away. If you’re interested in entering the draw, reblog/retweet until tomorrow, Sunday 22nd May 23h GMT+1.

Also, because the two complete sets of all my 15 Second Age artworks sold out so quickly, I’ve made another two sets available at my storenvy:

“Stealing the fruit of Nimloth”

Twelfth of fifteen new watercolours depicting Tolkien’s Second Age. I hope to finish the series by the end of April.

“Defending Osgiliath”

Eleventh of fifteen new watercolours depicting Tolkien’s Second Age.

Digital prints of my Tolkien art “The Woody End” and “Pippin and Faramir” are available for preorder at my shop: https://khorazir.storenvy.com/

There’s also a new Tolkien Postcard Book (#3). Below are the artworks contained in it (from The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings):

Tolkien Postcard Books #1 and #2 are also available again.

Experimenting with rubber masking fluid again for my in-progress Second Age Tolkien illustration. Can anybody guess which scene this is?

“Greenwood the Great”

The tenth of fifteen new watercolours depicting JRR Tolkien’s Second Age.
