#tomura x yn


Pairing: Shigaraki x Female Reader
Characters: Tomura Shigaraki, Dabi, Mr. Compress
Content: eating out, public, alcohol use

I just realised I had been spelling “pairing” wrong on like all of my posts, kill me now smh.
Anyways! Hey guys! Today’s treat is my fucking baby Tomura Shigaraki. I always have and always will simp for him idc what anyone says he is fine asf

Shigaraki is cannonly 20-years-old! (I think it’s 20?) The point is, he is over 18


“We need a better plan.” Dabi grumbles, sipping at his half-full glass of straight whiskey. “It won’t work.”
Compress sighs exasperatedly, growing tired of Dabi’s bossy personality. “Okay then, what is it you think we should do? You must have some sort of an idea.”
Typically, the sight of Dabi picking an unnecessary fight with someone would piss you off, but it seemed you had other things on mind. 
“Never said I had a plan, just said we need a better one.” Dabi glances over towards you as you stand behind the bar. “What about you? Got any ideas?” His questions leads Compress to face you as well, both awaiting your reply. 
Well isn’t this terrible timing.

~5 minutes ago~
You search behind the bar for something to drink. Nothing too harsh, yet all you can spot is hard liquor. You sigh and settle for a half-empty bottle of vodka. Light footsteps echo from the hallway, you recognise the walking pattern of Shigaraki, the leader.
He pokes his head out from the doorway. “What are you up to?” He asks. It seems he was also searching for something to drink as he squeezes past you to reach the high cabinet. Kurogiri’s not-so-secret stash.
“Same as you, drinking away whatever I can.” You hold up the bottle for a cheers as he snickers to himself. “Hey we might die so I may as well get drunk one more time.”
Shigaraki shrugs his shoulders and fetches a glass. “Can’t argue with that.” He takes a gulp from the dark liquid, whatever it was. “So you think you might die and you decide to get drunk?” He smiles a little to himself.
You lean onto the counter, spinning the bottle between your fingertips. “Gotta do the fun things just in case I can’t do it again.”
Shigaraki tilts his head a little, studying your face. “While I do like that idea, I think you’re going about it the wrong way.” 
You raise an eyebrow, looking at him with a hint of suspicion. “Oh yeah? And what is it that I should be doing?” You ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes. 

“Something that makes you feel good.” He steps closer, snatching the vodka from your grip and taking a swig. “Drinking does make you feel good but there’s definitely something that’ll make you feel a million times better.”
You chuckle apathetically with narrowed eyes. “Do tell.” You smirk, playing along with his little game. 
Shigaraki takes yet another swig, only this time he doesn’t swallow. He pulls you in by your waist and presses his lips to yours, brushing his tongue against you, asking for entrance. Once you give it to him, the liquid from his mouth spills into yours, some dripping down your chin. Despite already swallowing, neither of you pull away. Your tongues swirl against each other as he pulls you further in against his body. A shiver runs down your spine. Whether it’s the heat from his body or from the liquor, you feel incredible. You never want the feeling to end. 

Distant bickering from the hallway sends you into a panic. You grip Shigaraki’s shoulders and push him to the floor, out of sight. Out from the hallway emerges Dabi followed by a tired looking Compress.
In your state of shock you hardly notice Shigaraki’s hand running up your thigh, right between your legs. You jolt and look down at him now pulling your bottoms down. 
“Hey pour me a whiskey will ya.” Dabi demands, not even looking at you. Dick. You reach for the glasses, trying to act as casual as possible. Shigaraki waited. Waited for the moment you started pouring the whiskey to run his tongue over your inner thigh. Your hands shake but you still manage to pour the drink without spilling too much. This can’t be good.

Shigaraki guides your legs to spread before using his tongue to lap up all of the wetness caused by the steamy kiss. You squeak a little at the unexpected feeling yet neither Dabi nor Compress notice. They’re far too caught up in their own conversation. 
He tongue finds its way to your clit that was throbbing with desperation. You bite your lip as your eyes flutter shut. One of your hands tangles into his hair, gripping him for balance with newly weakened legs. Shigaraki grins and flicks his tongue faster. You cover your mouth before the gasp can escape from your lips. 
You look down at Shigaraki who appears to be quite pleased with himself. He slips one of his gloves off and rests 4 fingers on your thigh, his thumb just barely hovering over your skin. The fear the strikes through your body turns up your intensity by almost double. A warmth spreads in your chest, who knew you could get so worked up from him threatening you. 
This clearly unhinged man was scaring you with the thought of death all to add to your arousal. How truely vicious. 

Shigaraki throws one of your legs over his shoulder, providing him with better access. 
The stimulation from his tongue hitting that spot over and over was driving you mad with desire. You want him. You want him to slam you against a wall and do what he pleases. Yet here he is, the leader of the League of Villains, on his knees eating you out. 
Your voice quickly becomes breathy, far more noticeable than before. It isn’t until Dabi turns to you that you remember two of the other members are sitting opposite you.
“What about you? Got any ideas?” He asks with some sort of impatient expression. With both sets of eyes on you, you know you have to work twice as hard to keep what’s happening behind the bar under wraps.
You clear your throat and blink slowly, eyes slightly glazed. “Uhm well… perhaps instead of all going in from one area–” You pause at the feeling of Shigaraki speeding up. The knot in your stomach begins to tighten, adding to that burning feeling that fills your body. 
Dabi raises an eyebrow warily, unknowing as to why you’re acting so strange. 
“M-maybe we spread out into small groups or pairs. Less chance of catching us off guard.” You almost whine out the words, using too much brain power to think of a coherent sentence. 

Compress and Dabi sit in silence for a moment, thinking over your completely improvised idea. “I mean that sounds logical to me.” Compress shrugs, adjusting his gloves. “It would be best if we let Shigaraki know.” He states, sliding off of his chair and heading for the hallway. 
“Yeah.” Dabi jerks his head to speak to Compress, yet he never takes his eyes off you. “I’m right behind you.” He leans over the counter and catches an eyeful of Shigaraki ravenging you. Dabi smirks and grips your face between his fingers. “I knew it. Oh how I’d love to be the one to put that erotic expression on your face.” And with that, he leaves.
You let out a stifled moan that you had been holding back for a while. Shigaraki wraps his arms around both of your thighs, locking you in place and hitting the spot that makes your toes curl.
You whimper and tilt your head back. “Right there! Don’t stop!” You beg, quickly catching on to an upcoming orgasm. 
Shigaraki slightly laughs with amusement at your pleading but still does as you say, making sure to flick his tongue quickly yet strategically. 

You can’t even form a sentence, all you can focus on is the pleasure that courses through your body. You pant through the build-up, seeking the air that can’t seem to fill your lungs. With final flicks of his skilled tongue, your entire body shakes, forcing you to fall to your knees. You cry out into Shigaraki’s shoulder and grip onto him as you ride out the orgasm. 
You pull away from him and pout, body still slightly shaking. “What- what was that for?!” You ask. Your voice still breathy and a bit broken. 
Shigaraki smiles maliciously and licks his lips clean. “Just wanted to prove that i can make you come with no hands.” 
Half of you wants to punch him, the other half desperately wants to fuck him…

I wonder which side you should listen to :) Stay tuned for part 2
Slightly cut that my Toji post got no hype, man is the dilf of all dilfs! Like how?! Y’all need to acquire some taste my babies! If you’d like to read it click here (shameless plug) 
 Anyways, I would sell my soul for a night with Shigaraki istg. PLEASE JUST ONE NIGHT I BEG.
Also sorry it’s a bit short BUUUUUT the second part will definitely be longer x Thank you all for the constant support <3 MWAH

Request:  “ Hey I’m a really new follower but I like your writing a lot♥️ anywho- since requests are open- I just went through a messy breakup litteraly 3 hours ago and I just want comfort lmao idrc which character (idk who to choose I’m sorry) but shigaraki is probably my fav MHA character if that helps”

Pairing:Tomura Shigaraki x Reader

Summary:After ending your long term relationship you return back to headquarters feeling terrible. You probably look worse. All you want to do os avoid everyone and hide away but Shigaraki sees you and offers a comforting Shoulder to cry on.

Warnings:None, Fluff fic. Soft!Shigaraki

A/N: I hope this Fic came out the way you wanted it to and that you’re feeling better.




That was the only thought turning in your head the whole way back to Base.

Why did it end?

Why did it go Wrong?

Why did it have to hurt?

Nausea crawled up your throat and made you dizzy. Head spinning you reached forward to open the door. Inside the base, it was empty. Not a single soul was milling around. Perfect. You didn’t need Dabi’s jokes or Toga’s pity. And as appreciated as it would probably be, you didn’t want Twice’s awkward attempts to make you feel better either. You want to crawl up into a ball. You want to hide away for a week. Drown in your sorrow and mourn for the dead relationship.

You want to disappear. Possibly forever. Your heart clenches at the idea. You will not see them anymore and if you do, what kind of terrible encounter would it lead to?

The sound of creaking hinges draws your attention and you pause. You’re standing before your door, ready to open it and bury yourself in blankets and tissues. Your eyes are still red from crying. You sniffle.


His rough voice echoes down the hall. A fool. You feel like a damned fool. As a new recruit, the last thing you want is Shigaraki to see you in such a sorry state but his words send a shiver through you. All he uttered was your name, but it rolled off his tongue delicately.

Your heart squeezes as you turn around. Shigaraki stands at the end of the hallway. His gaze seemed to study you from head to toe. His eyes wandering over your arms and legs as if he’s looking for something. As if inspecting for some kind of clue as to why you are crying. He’s dressed in a surprisingly casual manner. Jeans and an old T-shirt, no hands in sight. His pale blue hair hangs loose around his face, strands of hair fall across his eyes. His hair looks soft, you want to wrap your fingers around it and find out just how soft.

“What happened?” he asks. His normally cool manner is disturbed. His eyes narrow and fists clench at his sides. The bite in his voice surprises you.

You don’t know if you should tell him. The situation feels private and he’s your boss. Your personal affairs shouldn’t concern him. Does he even care or is he simply being polite?

But you have no one to talk to. The pain swelling in your chest needed some form of release and so you couldn’t help but want to let the dam burst. Tell him your sorrows and woes. A small part of your mind urged you to do it, urged you to trust him. So, you do.

You tell him everything. You let out all your worries and regrets. You tell him about your failed relationship. The highs. The Lows. Eventually you tell him why you broke up. You tell him the details that you originally weren’t supposed to. You even tell him how insecure you feel about it. Your sudden doubt about whether or not the relationship should’ve ended has been clawing at you since you saw them turn tail and leave.

Shigaraki listens in quiet contemplation. He moves to lean on the wall but his eyes do not stray from your figure. In this hallway you feel like an idiot. Snot and Tears running down your face You’re currently dumping all your baggage on the man you’ve known for, what? Three weeks?

But the ball’s rolling and everything is spilling out in a mess. A jumbled mass of words broken up by your occasional hiccups and wailings. A small part of you tells you to stop, to remember that this is your boss and he doesn’t give a shit. The larger part, the one that needs to vent, doesn’t give a shit either so you don’t stop. Your frustration pour out like a raging river until it eventually trickles to a stream.

When you’re done, there is nothing but silence. It stretches out between the two of you. The awkwardness of the situation finally hitting you. He feels miles away and now you feel silly. Shame burns on your cheeks as you realize what you’ve done.

“Are you done now?” Shigraki asks.

You nod. He doesn’t hesitate before righting himself and striding towards you. You Panic but don’t move, you have no idea what he’s thinking but the idea of being kicked out of the league scares you. The invasive thought slams into you and you wish you could eat your words and act as if nothing happened. Your eyes remain attached to his. He moves closer and you attempt to stutter out an apology but the words get stuck in your throat. You feel stupid. Ashamed even.

However, Shigaraki does something unexpected. His right arm grips onto your wrist and he tugs you towards him. Before you can even register what’s happening, he’s engulfed you. His soft warmth envelops you and your tears surge forward again. You sniffle against him and try to push away.

“Your shirt-”, you attempt to warm him. Shigaraki only laughs before dragging you back into the safety of his arms. You place your head on his chest as he rests his chin on your head. Your sobs subside as he gently strokes your hair. His fingers comb through it, every once in a while he twirls a lock of your hair through his fingers. Despite the oddity of the situation you close your eyes. You want to savour this moment of comfort.

“Don’t worry about my shirt.”, his voice is surprisingly smooth. Like honey.

You don’t want to move and he doesn’t push you away. It appears that he will not move until you do. You breathe in his warm scent, as you begin to take slow calming breaths. Surprisingly he smells strongly of deodorant but it isn’t unpleasant. You revel in the warmth, feeling safe. Eventually you pull away slightly and he reluctantly lets you move away. Both Hands remain on your waist, keeping you close to him. His chest only a breath away and you’re tempted to dive back into the warmth all over again.

His warm eyes stare into your soul. The red accompanied by shades of bronze and gold. His eyes are glinting like precious jewels.

“Thank You”, you say.

He smiles and raises his gloved fingers to push your hair to the side. His hand does not move away though, instead he allows it to rest on your cheek.

“Whatever happens, I am here for you” he says, “It may not feel better today or tomorrow, but you are strong enough to recover from this. You’re part of the League for a reason.”

He pats your head before finally letting you go. He turns around to walk back down the hall. You want to call out to him. Tell him to stay and hug you again. You want to latch onto him and possibly spend the night together drowning in one another. He didn’t laugh or make fun of you. He listened intently and then hugged you. It was so unexpected of someone considered so vile.

Before turning the corner he shouts back, “We’ll have a movie night today. Come out of your room later.”

You can only nod silently as he disappears as if he can see you. His heat is already being missed.

You think you will join them for that movie later.

Clearly Not Loud Enough




Warnings:Sub!Shigaraki x Fem!Dom!Reader, So much Smut, Pegging, Vocal Shigaraki, Shiggy is also a bit of a Brat. A tad bit of Fluff at the end!!
Oral (M. Receiving)  

Pairing:Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 1 720

Summary:Dabi compliments Shigaraki on his excellent Bed Skills as it’s generally very loud. However, You’re not very impressed with the comment. Clearly Dabi doesn’t understand who’s Really in Charge in the Bedroom.

18+ ONLY

Clearly Shigaraki Needs to be a Lot Louder.



“You know, you guys really need to keep it down”, a very drunk Dabi says, sprawled over the couch. One foot propped up on the coffee table. A half empty bottle of beer sits in his hand as he swings it around for emphasis.

You raise an eyebrow at Dabi before you say, “Keep what down?”

“You know”, he says, “it.”

Toga throws Dabi a look before reaching for her third bottle. “Their Sex life doesn’t concern you, Dabi.”

“But all that thumping and groaning, never would have thought Shigaraki to be such a beast in the bedroom”, he sends a wink your way.


Shigaraki stands up from the couch, completely sober as he hasn’t touched a drop of alcohol. He doesn’t bother to respond to Dabi’s statement but he does latch on to his beer bottle, completely disintegrating it. Dabi lets out a whine of complaint as Toga laughs at him.


Later that evening you lie on the bed and wait for Shigaraki to come in. By now you’ve sobered up completely. Shigaraki walks in through the door, closes it and hops onto the bed. His arms wrap around your waist as he brings you closer. His head landing on your shoulder with a content sigh. You begin to play with his hair, the soft locks slipping through your fingers like silk.

“I’ve been thinking about what Dabi said”, you whisper.

“Leave him, he’s drunk and an idiot.”

You extract yourself from his arms and stand up. You walk to the foot of the bed before turning back to Shigaraki, a look of confusion on his pretty face.

“But don’t you think it’s odd?” you ask, “He just assumed that you were the dominant one in this relationship. He complains about all this noise and yet he’s clearly misinterpreted something.”

“Babe, just ignore him and come cuddle”, he says with a pout.

“You didn’t correct him”, you say stubbornly.

“Baby, he’s drunk and in any case, I figured it didn’t really matter if he knows or not.”

You place both hands on the bed and lean forward before you say, “I think I’m doing something wrong.”

Shigaraki immediately sits up at this, fully prepared to defend your sex life but you silence him by raising a hand. He gets the message and watches you carefully.

“For there to be such a mistake made”, you begin. “Clearly, you’re not loud enough.”

Shigaraki swallows as you continue. “How about we correct the misunderstanding?”

You fully crawl onto the bed and silence Shiggy by wrapping a hand around his neck. Fingers digging into his soft skin. You proceed to push him down onto the bed and straddle him. You lean forward and whisper into his ear, “Tonight is going to be slightly different, Baby Boy. It’s time to show me how loud you can get.”

Your purring in his ear has him squirming beneath you in excitement. His red eyes have darkened considerably, fully overtaken by lust. You release his neck, sliding your hands down his chest you grab onto his arms and lift them above his head. You raise your body and lean over to open the side draw. You rummage around for the handcuffs. The cold steel brushes against your hand. Found them! You grab them. Shigaraki’s body hasn’t yet stilled beneath you. Raising his hips, he attempts to rub against your leg. His breaths heavy, cooing and whining beneath you. He’s being such a Brat. Before restricting his hands you place your lips next to his ear and silently ask for his consent. He moans out and nods his head. Satisfied, you begin.

You move away from him and seat yourself onto his crotch. You begin to remove his clothing, stripping him of his T-shirt, you push him back down and yank both of his arms up again. Carefully, you handcuff both arms to the headboard. You take note of the bulge growing in his pants. Slowly you run your hands over it, pressing down slightly. Applying just enough pressure. He jerks and moans. However, unexpectedly, he closes his legs. You’re still sitting on his lap. A smirk crawls onto your lips, Eyes turning to slits at his rebellious nature.

“Shiggy, don’t be naughty. Open Up.”

Your gaze meets his and through his pants he’s still able to smirk at you. Don’t be foolish Shiggy. You’re not winning here.

“Now, now”, you coo, “don’t be a Brat.”

You grind your hips down. He gasps. He bites down on his lips, to keep quiet though. His smirk grows. Defiance shining in his eyes.

You bring your head down, hovering over his chest. Your tongue slips out and begins to trace around his nipple. One hand moves from his hips and slides up his body to pinch the other. With the other you raise yourself up and slip it between his legs, attempting to spread them.

“Open up, Baby.”

Shiggy proceeds to smile as he shakes his head at you. Alright, you want to play games? Let’s play games. Your tongue drags across his nipple again before you bite down.

“FUCK Y/N!” He shouts.

He jolts upwards and in his surprise your hand yanks his legs open.  You drag your hand along the inside of his thighs as you move to sit between his legs. See, it wasn’t that hard. Although, looking down, something else clearly is. You begin to unbuckle his pants and slide them off. Perfect. Before You, is a meal waiting to be devoured. Shigaraki sits on a golden platter. Hands Cuffed. Legs Spread. Completely Naked. His breaths coming short in his excitement. You make eye contact with him and lick your lips. Red eyes sparking with excitement.

“Please”, he says.

“Please what?”

“God”, he breathes out in frustration. “Please suck me off”

His teeth grit together. Face flushing.

You lean down and blow on his dick. Precum dribbling down the side. Hard as a Rock.

“Do I look like God to you? Shall I go get him instead?”

“Y/n! Please, Please suck me off.”

You giggle. A short breath of laughter rolling from your lips. His moans ricochet off the walls. Baby, let’s not forget who’s in charge. You lean down and swipe your tongue over the tip. Gently you take the head into your mouth. You suck softly. Moving slightly lower you take more of him into your mouth. He yanks on the restraints. Back arching.

“Don’t Tease”, he whines out.

You stop moving altogether. You make no other movements. You wait. Shigraki realizes his mistake. He should never try to order you around in bed. Especially not after Dabi’s commentary. You stand up and he whines.

“Someone obviously got a little too Confident today”, you say.

His Cock is standing up in an almost painful manner. You move around to the side draw and grab some of the more ‘special’ toys. He stops moving. Acting like a good boy. Suddenly, very obedient.

You move back to the original position between his legs and apply some lube onto your fingers. You place your index finger on the head of his cock before slowly trailing it down to the base before continuing down. Your finger meets his entrance. You apply the lube and slip in a finger. He’s tight. Very Tight.

He groans. His cock leaking precum. You add a second finger.

“Don’t worry, I won’t ‘tease’ you anymore”

You add a third finger and Shiggy’s legs are shaking. His moans are getting louder. He’s drooling at this point. Begging you to put it in. You slip on your strap-on and place the tip at his entrance. He breathes out. He relaxes. His breaths are heavy. Slowly you push forward. Surging. The tip enters and stretches his little hole open. Slowly, inch by inch you fully sheath yourself inside him. His eyes water slightly. You make eye contact with, pausing for as long as he needs.

“Baby, what’s our safeword?”, you ask.


You hesitate. That’s a new one. You glance up at his glossy eyes and decide: “Okay, Cucumber it is”.

After a minute he begins to rock slightly, his way of telling you, that you can move. You retreat. Slowly, before thrusting to the hilt in one swift motion. Shigaraki moans out. You repeat your actions.

He’s begging you to go faster. He’s such a good little boy. He’s taking everything in so well. The lube creates obscene squelching noises. He’s moaning like a whore. You quicken your pace. Thrusting in and out as he cries out.

“Y/n! Oh My God! Ngh!”

He’s gasping and shaking beneath you. You grab onto his hips and push them downwards, hitting deeper. The Lewd slapping noises fill the room but are mostly drowned out by Shiggy’s constant whining. His moaning reaches a crescendo. The headboard banging against the wall with every thrust.

You watch him intently. Shigaraki’s eyes have gone bleary. He gasps out breaths while shouting half coherent thoughts. He’s so far gone that he barely registers the command to cum. He releases thick white ropes of cum all over himself.

After finishing, you wait for a minute, patiently, before pulling out gently. You remove the strap on and grab a cloth. You wipe his body gently as his breathing slows down. His eyes find focus on you as you toss the cloth aside. You reach up above him and release his hands.

“Are you okay?” you whisper as you nuzzle into the crook of his neck.

He releases a long breath and nods slowly. He places his hands around you, dragging you flush against his side.

“You realize that that was completely unnecessary, Right?“ He whispers back.

“I admit, that it was probably unnecessary, but at least we made Dabi uncomfortable with that shouting of yours”, you joke back.

He hums.

“What I mean is, Dabi passed out from the alcohol, along with everyone else.”

You freeze and raise your head to look him dead in the eye.


“Yes, except Twice, who was still sober when I left them”

Oh. OHH. Oh NO

Oh No, the poor Innocent Baby Twice. Not Twice.

You bury your head into Shiggy’s chest. You can’t believe you forgot about Twice. The ever bashful Twice, who flushes at the mere mention of sex!

“Oh Fuck”
