#shigaraki x yn


hey shigaraki stans I have a headcanon to present:

disrespecting his queen?? his beloved wife he would literally die for?? his player two for life?? uh, out of the question!!!

disrespecting and dusting literally anyone else that isn’t the League or his beloved?? hell yes!!!!


Pairing: Shigaraki x Female Reader
Characters: Tomura Shigaraki, Dabi, Mr. Compress
Content: eating out, public, alcohol use

I just realised I had been spelling “pairing” wrong on like all of my posts, kill me now smh.
Anyways! Hey guys! Today’s treat is my fucking baby Tomura Shigaraki. I always have and always will simp for him idc what anyone says he is fine asf

Shigaraki is cannonly 20-years-old! (I think it’s 20?) The point is, he is over 18


“We need a better plan.” Dabi grumbles, sipping at his half-full glass of straight whiskey. “It won’t work.”
Compress sighs exasperatedly, growing tired of Dabi’s bossy personality. “Okay then, what is it you think we should do? You must have some sort of an idea.”
Typically, the sight of Dabi picking an unnecessary fight with someone would piss you off, but it seemed you had other things on mind. 
“Never said I had a plan, just said we need a better one.” Dabi glances over towards you as you stand behind the bar. “What about you? Got any ideas?” His questions leads Compress to face you as well, both awaiting your reply. 
Well isn’t this terrible timing.

~5 minutes ago~
You search behind the bar for something to drink. Nothing too harsh, yet all you can spot is hard liquor. You sigh and settle for a half-empty bottle of vodka. Light footsteps echo from the hallway, you recognise the walking pattern of Shigaraki, the leader.
He pokes his head out from the doorway. “What are you up to?” He asks. It seems he was also searching for something to drink as he squeezes past you to reach the high cabinet. Kurogiri’s not-so-secret stash.
“Same as you, drinking away whatever I can.” You hold up the bottle for a cheers as he snickers to himself. “Hey we might die so I may as well get drunk one more time.”
Shigaraki shrugs his shoulders and fetches a glass. “Can’t argue with that.” He takes a gulp from the dark liquid, whatever it was. “So you think you might die and you decide to get drunk?” He smiles a little to himself.
You lean onto the counter, spinning the bottle between your fingertips. “Gotta do the fun things just in case I can’t do it again.”
Shigaraki tilts his head a little, studying your face. “While I do like that idea, I think you’re going about it the wrong way.” 
You raise an eyebrow, looking at him with a hint of suspicion. “Oh yeah? And what is it that I should be doing?” You ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes. 

“Something that makes you feel good.” He steps closer, snatching the vodka from your grip and taking a swig. “Drinking does make you feel good but there’s definitely something that’ll make you feel a million times better.”
You chuckle apathetically with narrowed eyes. “Do tell.” You smirk, playing along with his little game. 
Shigaraki takes yet another swig, only this time he doesn’t swallow. He pulls you in by your waist and presses his lips to yours, brushing his tongue against you, asking for entrance. Once you give it to him, the liquid from his mouth spills into yours, some dripping down your chin. Despite already swallowing, neither of you pull away. Your tongues swirl against each other as he pulls you further in against his body. A shiver runs down your spine. Whether it’s the heat from his body or from the liquor, you feel incredible. You never want the feeling to end. 

Distant bickering from the hallway sends you into a panic. You grip Shigaraki’s shoulders and push him to the floor, out of sight. Out from the hallway emerges Dabi followed by a tired looking Compress.
In your state of shock you hardly notice Shigaraki’s hand running up your thigh, right between your legs. You jolt and look down at him now pulling your bottoms down. 
“Hey pour me a whiskey will ya.” Dabi demands, not even looking at you. Dick. You reach for the glasses, trying to act as casual as possible. Shigaraki waited. Waited for the moment you started pouring the whiskey to run his tongue over your inner thigh. Your hands shake but you still manage to pour the drink without spilling too much. This can’t be good.

Shigaraki guides your legs to spread before using his tongue to lap up all of the wetness caused by the steamy kiss. You squeak a little at the unexpected feeling yet neither Dabi nor Compress notice. They’re far too caught up in their own conversation. 
He tongue finds its way to your clit that was throbbing with desperation. You bite your lip as your eyes flutter shut. One of your hands tangles into his hair, gripping him for balance with newly weakened legs. Shigaraki grins and flicks his tongue faster. You cover your mouth before the gasp can escape from your lips. 
You look down at Shigaraki who appears to be quite pleased with himself. He slips one of his gloves off and rests 4 fingers on your thigh, his thumb just barely hovering over your skin. The fear the strikes through your body turns up your intensity by almost double. A warmth spreads in your chest, who knew you could get so worked up from him threatening you. 
This clearly unhinged man was scaring you with the thought of death all to add to your arousal. How truely vicious. 

Shigaraki throws one of your legs over his shoulder, providing him with better access. 
The stimulation from his tongue hitting that spot over and over was driving you mad with desire. You want him. You want him to slam you against a wall and do what he pleases. Yet here he is, the leader of the League of Villains, on his knees eating you out. 
Your voice quickly becomes breathy, far more noticeable than before. It isn’t until Dabi turns to you that you remember two of the other members are sitting opposite you.
“What about you? Got any ideas?” He asks with some sort of impatient expression. With both sets of eyes on you, you know you have to work twice as hard to keep what’s happening behind the bar under wraps.
You clear your throat and blink slowly, eyes slightly glazed. “Uhm well… perhaps instead of all going in from one area–” You pause at the feeling of Shigaraki speeding up. The knot in your stomach begins to tighten, adding to that burning feeling that fills your body. 
Dabi raises an eyebrow warily, unknowing as to why you’re acting so strange. 
“M-maybe we spread out into small groups or pairs. Less chance of catching us off guard.” You almost whine out the words, using too much brain power to think of a coherent sentence. 

Compress and Dabi sit in silence for a moment, thinking over your completely improvised idea. “I mean that sounds logical to me.” Compress shrugs, adjusting his gloves. “It would be best if we let Shigaraki know.” He states, sliding off of his chair and heading for the hallway. 
“Yeah.” Dabi jerks his head to speak to Compress, yet he never takes his eyes off you. “I’m right behind you.” He leans over the counter and catches an eyeful of Shigaraki ravenging you. Dabi smirks and grips your face between his fingers. “I knew it. Oh how I’d love to be the one to put that erotic expression on your face.” And with that, he leaves.
You let out a stifled moan that you had been holding back for a while. Shigaraki wraps his arms around both of your thighs, locking you in place and hitting the spot that makes your toes curl.
You whimper and tilt your head back. “Right there! Don’t stop!” You beg, quickly catching on to an upcoming orgasm. 
Shigaraki slightly laughs with amusement at your pleading but still does as you say, making sure to flick his tongue quickly yet strategically. 

You can’t even form a sentence, all you can focus on is the pleasure that courses through your body. You pant through the build-up, seeking the air that can’t seem to fill your lungs. With final flicks of his skilled tongue, your entire body shakes, forcing you to fall to your knees. You cry out into Shigaraki’s shoulder and grip onto him as you ride out the orgasm. 
You pull away from him and pout, body still slightly shaking. “What- what was that for?!” You ask. Your voice still breathy and a bit broken. 
Shigaraki smiles maliciously and licks his lips clean. “Just wanted to prove that i can make you come with no hands.” 
Half of you wants to punch him, the other half desperately wants to fuck him…

I wonder which side you should listen to :) Stay tuned for part 2
Slightly cut that my Toji post got no hype, man is the dilf of all dilfs! Like how?! Y’all need to acquire some taste my babies! If you’d like to read it click here (shameless plug) 
 Anyways, I would sell my soul for a night with Shigaraki istg. PLEASE JUST ONE NIGHT I BEG.
Also sorry it’s a bit short BUUUUUT the second part will definitely be longer x Thank you all for the constant support <3 MWAH


ㅤㅤㅤ꧁༒☬ ㅤ .ㅤ ☬༒꧂


ㅤㅤㅤㅤminors,ageless&empty blogs donotinteract.


Trying to keep his head above water has never been something that actually bothered him. After all, he felt like he had drowned years ago. If swimming underwater and holding his breath in dark waters is what he was doing, at this point it had turned so natural that he never stopped to introspect or question himself about it. 

It was as if life had taken a different flow. At first, it had hurt — the life that could have been ripped away from him in the way a merciless, giant wave hits the coast and destroys everything in its way. A feeling in his heart of feeling so lost, so helpless. If only someone had reached out a hand to him that day, he thought, and did never understand why he was just so unworthy; in the end, he concluded that society just tosses aside some people, and he just happened to be one of the left-outs. 

 Afterthat day, he had managed to remember it clearly as water, only that not with the same emotional charge as he once used to. Naturally, once the wave hits you, it stings once. Numbness comes after, his heart forced to grow colder, washed over any feeling that was not hatred or anger, to the point he had forgotten what it felt like (if he had once felt it.) The current had pulled him in close, dragging him to depths that, eventually, he had accustomed himself to swim in.

He has not even seen the water even swelling, that day. At least, when you are used to a dead calm, you do not expect it; it is not something one can see from underneath the surface. But, for sure, something had stirred inside him. It was annoying at first since, of course, what is unknown causes distress. What you cannot predict or control sweeps you upside down. That’s how you felt, to him. But all he knows is that, with time, he couldn’t just be without you. It felt like you brought him afloat like a kind of lifejacket thrown to him. He will not be able to place why he needs you so badly, why when he’s with you he feels like he doesn’t actually despise you as much as he despises pretty much everything; some things remain still for him to get into the swim. 

What is undeniable is that you growing into him felt like a source of air he did not know he needed, as if he had held his breath for so long that he had actually learned to keep himself alive, or to live in a permanent drown — again, some things remain uncertain still. What he does know is that you brought a part of him to the surface, that having you side by side when you came to the League gave him a different taste of the usual saltiness of water he’s used to. Rather than that, you’re agua dulce. Fresh like the air that entered his system after a gasp when he made it past the surface, after a practically uncondensed life at the bottom of the sea. 

With time, Tomura Shigaraki discovered the value of sometimes keeping one’s head above water. And to say that he wasn’t keen on the feeling, he would be lying.


all rights reserved. do not recommend my work outside tumblr. plagiarism will not be tolerated.


Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader

Summary: You are currently undercover at U.A High School as Aizawa’s teaching assistant. One day on a field trip with Class 1A the League of Villains shows up and you now have to pretend that you’re definitely not in love with the leader.
Of Course, Maybe you took it a tad too far.>-<

Warnings: None, Fluff. Slight bit of Angst but otherwise it’s just a pouty Shigaraki..

Word Count: 2 057


“Shigaraki is dead ahead moving into the back alley. Y/n, I need you to cut them off,” Aizawa’s voice echoes in your ear. “I’ll handle Kurogiri.”

Your feet continuously pound against the stone floor. You pass several run down buildings as you sprint down the deserted streets. The League of Villains recently attacked an old hospital currently experimenting on quirk enhancement. Seeing as the U.A. students were conveniently nearby, the Saturday school trip has turned into yet another effort to finally get a hold of Tomura Shigaraki, head of the League of Villains. Because God forbid, we actually do something normal for a change.

As Aizawa’s newest teaching assistant, that he reluctantly agreed to, you were now careening around corners on foot to catch up to him and cut him off from behind while Aizawa took chase from the front. So far, you just wish you had stayed home.

As you make your way around the final corner you run into the man himself. His cotton blue hair billowing behind him, his cloak flapping around in the wind. His trademark hands are currently in place blocking your view of his handsome face.

“Hello Villain”, you say.

He says nothing in response, simply tilting his head at you.

“I’ve been ordered to stop you here”, despite not being able to see his face you can tell by his body language, he isn’t pleased with the idea. “Why don’t we have some fun.”

“Let’s not”

You quickly slip the knife waiting in your belt into your right hand. Using your quirk you block off all the exits except for the one in the direction of Aizawa. You lunge forward and swipe your knife at him but he jumps backwards in time to avoid the edge. You swipe again, he dodges again, and like this you proceed to dance around another with jabs and slashes. Despite his size and lowered visibility, he is able to move rather smoothly.

Again, you decide to emit your quirk to land a blow on him which he narrowly avoids. However this time, as he dodges away he latches all five fingers onto a column supporting a nearby building. His quirk manifests at an alarming rate and eats away at the majority of the column before swiftly shifting over to eat away at the bricks and chipping paint of the building itself.

“Wait! NO!” You lunge forward intent on stopping him, knife discarded. The area didn’t have any time to be evacuated, therefore, many people were still residing in the houses. If the building collapsed, it could definitely take a life or two.

Surprised by your sudden cry, he jumps away from the wall. Between the fingers, you can see his eyes have widened considerably. Before you had any time to say or do anything that could potentially explain the sudden outburst, you hear Aizawa’s voice shouting from behind.

“Y/n, get him now!”

Right. Remain focused.

You turn back to the task at hand only to freeze. Rushing towards you at an alarming rate was Shigaraki, hand outstretched, aimed at your face. On pure and absolute instinct, you drop down into a crouch before swinging your left leg around to connect with the corner of his knee. The blow lands with a sickening crunch and he immediately drops like a sack of potatoes as you roll out of the way. Adrenaline thrumming through your veins as you roll onto your feet again, turning to face Shigaraki. He’s lying on his side, hand fallen beside him and face in full view. Shigaraki’s face twists in pain as he lets out a strangled cry. However, this time,  Kurogiri sits beside him and without wasting time, the two disappear. 

“Dammit!” Aizawa says as he rocks up beside you. “Nice job though, that will definitely throw a wrench in their plans.”

You look up at Aizawa, confusion written all over your face.

He chuckles softly, “Nice job on breaking his leg, it’ll give the heroes a chance to breathe and track them down.” Aizawa begins to walk away and motions for you to follow so that you can meet up with the students. However you remain frozen in place as realisation begins to set in. Guilt immediately floods over you. You broke Shiggy’s leg. You gave him a clean break to HIS LEG. You wander after Aizawa in a daze. Meeting up with the students feels like a nightmare as each one compliments you on a job well done. It doesn’t feel like a good job. You plaster on a realistic smile as you pretend to revel in the glory. It’s an incredibly strange feeling to be praised for doing something you really didn’t want to do.

You’re never going to hear the end of this.


Three agonising days pass before you’re allowed off campus. You send in a request with Principle Nezu and he allows you to stay off campus on Friday night for your ‘Mom’s birthday’. Aizawa gives you papers to mark and sends you off with a pat on the head and a request to remain safe. 

“I doubt Shigaraki’s allies will be too pleased with you, stay out of the spotlight.”

You gave him your thanks before leaving campus. Now you stand in front of a rundown warehouse, cake in hand, mentally preparing yourself for the shit you’re about to get into. God can only prepare you for the amount of petty, pouty rage, Shiggy’s about to send your way. You move forward and slowly open the door. It swings open on its hinges anyway, screaming into the open space. On the musty couch sits Dabi and Toga watching some god awful American drama.

Dabi looks up and with a teasing smile and proclaims, “Would you look at that. It’s the hero.”

“Shut up, Dabi”

“Oh, Y/n, Y/n, Y/n”, he tuts. “I feel like maybe you should be a little nicer, especially with the mood he’s in right now.”

“Don’t you think I know that”, you hiss back, holding up the cake tin.

“You think Cake is going to fix this?”

You pause before softly mumbling a tired ‘maybe’. Dabi bursts out laughing while you throw a venomous look at him.

“Oooohh, no need to be like that, or are you going to break my leg now too– ow!” He shouts out, rubbing his head. Toga raises her arm again, TV remote in hand. A warning written all over her face. 

“He’s in the back Y/n”, she says. She offers a smile, hand still raised. “Don’t worry too much about it.”

You thank her and send Dabi another mean look as you duck around the corner, striding towards the back room. As you reach the door you release a breath before entering.

Shigaraki sits on the couch, head in his hand as he watches the news. Surprisingly enough he’s staring intently at the sports channel. He’s avoiding you, you realise. You walk in on soft feet to stand in front of the couch. You place the cake on the coffee table. You decide to be straightforward and address the elephant in the room.

“Hey Baby, how’s the leg”, you say gently.

“Hi Darling,” he starts off, “It’s fine.”

Darling, he says. That one’s new.

“Are you mad?” you whisper. He finally meets your eyes. Crimson eyes burning with heat.

“Why would I be mad? It’s not like you broke my leg”, he says, gravelly.

“Baby, I promise you, it wasn’t on purpose. You caught me off guard. I barely even knew what I was doing, it was all on instinct”, You start off desperately. “I swear, it will never happen again. Aizawa just caught me off guard.”

His eyes fixate on you. He’s studying you thoroughly, doubt swirling in his eyes. His calm face remind you of someone in mourning. He leans forward, hands interlace, elbows resting on his knees. He doesn’t look at you again. Instead, he stares into the spot above the TV. Ideas turning behind red eyes. You feel your heart drop. Does he no longer trust you? Is this the end of the relationship? You’ve always known Shiggy’s trust was difficult to earn but you never thought it would be lost, especially not like this.

“Do you not trust me?” he asks at last.

You still. Do you not trust him? That’s ridiculous. Of course you trust him. You’d lay down your life for this man. For the opportunity for him to be happy, to burn the world down that betrayed him. To cripple a society that is unequal and cruel.

However, the scene plays back in your mind, the sight of his hand moving towards your face. His pinky tucked beneath it, only the thumb and forefinger truly posing as some form of a threat. Granted the only reason you had done what you did, had more to do with an object coming towards your face then a lack of trust in him.

You kneel down in front of him and rest on your knees. You remain on the side of his good leg, eye-level with him.

You reach forward and grasp his interlaced hands, unlocking them and entwining your own within his gloved fingers. Slowly you lift each hand up and place a kiss on the knuckles.

“I love you so much, of course I trust you.” You say gently. “This will never happen again.”

He smiles and then proceeds to lift up your hands in order to place kisses on your knuckles. Sincerity pooling in his eyes.

“I love you too. Please be safe.”

You send him a wink, “Always, and one really good thing came from this. The Pro’s trust me a whole lot more now.”

His smile drops suddenly and so does your heart. Maybe that came out wrong.

“I’m still in a lot of pain”, he says, looking away with a pout, “I’m still mad.”

You climb onto the couch next to him and place a kiss on his cheek before whispering, “I brought cake.” You beam up at him and he lets out the softest little chuckle.

“What kind of cake?”

You giggle.

“Chocolate, Delicious Chocolate.”

“Alright, I’ll eat the cake and then see if I’m still mad.”

You let out a laugh before kissing him full on the lips. Slightly chapped as his lips are, they’re still soft to the touch. He places a hand on your cheek and deepens the kiss, groaning. Warmth spreads over your body as you feel at peace.  Wrapping his arms around you, you fall into him. The worrying for the past few days suddenly feels silly now as his gentle heat engulfs you.

You pull away breathless. Eyes like plated Mars, stare into your own. His beauty is stealing away all reasoning. Taking away the very air of your lungs.

“Cake?” you ask, a blush spread across your cheeks.

He nods back, “Cake.”

You reach over for the Cake tin and hand it to him before reaching down again for the spoons. As you turn back you see that he’s already opened the tin, a card sits in his hand as he stares down at both, a look of confusion written all over his face. 

Oh Yeah, that’s what you forgot to do. He looks at the card, then at you before lifting the cake out of the tin and displaying it for you. Out of the corner of your eye you can see the card has been placed aside. Without looking at it you already know what it says. 

A quick note to “Enjoy the precious time spent with family” signed by Principal Nezu.

“Babe”, he says “Why does this cake say ‘Happy Birthday Mrs (L/n)’”

You Throw him a sheepish smile.

“Happy Birthday, Mom”


A/N: There is nothing anyone can say to convince me Nezu wouldn’t do this.


Word Count: 1 728

Pairing:Tomura Shigaraki

Summary:The League of Villains decide to go bar hopping one night and Shigaraki boasts about his impressive tolerance. Impressive indeed, six shots later and he is literally barely able to function. It is now Y/N’s job to see him home safely.

Warnings: None, It’s all fluff. He’s literally an angel. 


The dingy hallway stretched forward in a rather bleak manner. The air feels musty. The lighting is terrible. Most bulbs have burnt out already while others flicker insistently. The paint is peeling off the walls and the distinct smell of urine wafted in the air. The apartment building is absolutely disgusting but funds were low and it is rather inconspicuous. The heroes most probably won’t have the stomachs to search the building or will assume the League of Villains would have more class. Whatever the case, this disgusting sack of bricks is the current residence of the most feared villains in Japan, and it’s ironically fitting. The upside to a building this disgusting is that there are barely any other tenants, and the few who remain in the building tend to mind their own business. Which is exactly what you need right now.

“Move Faster!” shouts Tomura Shigaraki, the head of the League of Villains.

“ ‘I don’t get drunk easily’, he says", You mutter under your breath. Yes, clearly Shiggy has the amazing tolerance he so desperately claims he has. Six shots later and he’s stumbling around the street yelling Christmas carols at random passers-by and claiming that they have no Christmas spirit. He then proceeded to wave using his father’s hand, which effectively created a lot of chaos. You are praying to God that no one who saw thought calling a hero was necessary.

Shiggy moves around trying to get more comfortable on your back. Of course, being the girlfriend, you now have to lug him back to his room while everyone else moves on to the next bar. You can now cross, giving a Villain a piggy-back ride, off your bucket list. Shiggy shifts again and yells out more words. You have no idea what he’s saying.

You finally see the door leading into your shared apartment, you adjust him on your back as he flops forward causing you to stumble into the door.

“Babe?” You ask.

No response. Maybe he knocked himself out. 

After fishing around for the key you’re able to get into the apartment, lock the door and enter your room. You shift Shigaraki onto the bed and he flops onto his back. You can’t help but give a quiet chuckle at his starfish shape. Cotton Candy hair framing his peaceful face. The bags under his eyes are still prominent and yet he appears to be comfortable. The air in the room is peaceful, a rare moment for the villain haunted by his nightmares. His chest rises and falls steadily and his eyelids flutter slightly. 

You leave quickly to fetch a wet towel and upon return you see that he is sitting up. He sways slightly on the bed. His clothes are ruffled and his hair sticks up slightly. His eyes are barely staying open as he rubs at them like a child. The soft expression on his face doesn’t quite surprise you, over the past few months he has slowly but surely opened up to you. His soft nature is often overlooked due to his criminal persona, but it’s always there. Tomura never yells at his comrades, always treats them nicely, and remembers small things about them. A memory pushes its way to the surface of your mind. Three weeks ago, Tomura ordered food for all of you while you were out on a job. It was only him at the warehouse and when you got back you were starving. You fully expected him to just order a few pizzas but what awaited you was a variety of your favourite dishes. Not a single person said it out loud, but you felt it. You all came to a silent agreement. This man is an Angel and you would remain loyal until the end.

If the world could see the Tomura that you see, they would understand. You see it, even now, how delicate he looks lying on the bed. You could blame it on the alcohol for stripping away most of his walls, but this person in front of you doesn’t want to harm anyone, he is vulnerable. You take a tentative step forward and lean down in front of him. Crimson eyes study you gently with vague recognition. You take your cloth and gently wipe across his eyes. 

His nose.

His cheeks. 

His Jaw. 

You pause and breathe in slowly. Strong alcohol permeates the air around him. His clothes also look uncomfortable. Although the material looks soft, it is rather thick. Possibly too warm for the night air. In the past few weeks, you have crossed a lot of boundaries ,respectfully, in this room and on this bed. Surely, he wouldn’t mind losing a few layers of clothing for a short while. 

You move to grab another shirt from the cupboard before settling in front of him again. You blush as it occurs to you that your are Kneeling directly in front of him.

No No No. He’s drunk, pull yourself together!!

You clear your throat. 

“Just Breathe”, you remind yourself. You reach for the corner of his shirt and tug gently.

“Tomura? Hey Baby, I need you to let me take off your shirt.”, You say as you tug again.

He throws his back and lets out a weird whine. You freeze and immediately let go. Crimson eyes stare at you again, however this time, it is not gentle. His expression has completely darkened. You lean away from him and watch as he holds up both hands.

“I..”, he says, but doesn’t finish his sentence. His mouth gaping open and closed like a fish.

You hum gently and watch carefully as his words fail him. He looks like a small child about to throw a tantrum. His face twists as his mouth struggles to form words. Weird huffing noises escape him. For a second, you wonder if he might actually lose his cool and yell at you. Perhaps, you overstepped?

“I Have a GIRLFRIEND!!”, He shouts suddenly. The word Girlfriend is drawn out slowly as if he were talking to a child. You freeze before your lips move on their own. A smile has officially wormed its way onto your lips. You swallow hard.

Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. Even though he is so cute right now. His lips have morphed into a pout. His childlike expression throws you off guard. Your breath catches and his eyes scrunch. How can someone with so many crimes be so adorable? How is he so beautiful? Red eyes glow in front of you, completely incandescent. This villain may kill you by looks alone. You look away feeling flushed.

“Baby, I am your girlfriend.”, You offer gently, “It’s me, Y/N”


“I’m here”

His eyes light up slightly, his expression calm once again. Until his eyes narrow at you. He’s studying you, you can feel his gaze searing into your skin as he analyses every nook and cranny of your body. His eyes seem half satisfied before he blurts out.

“You’re also very pretty. My princess is so beautiful. She’s stunning. She’s my light. I like the light.”, he babbles. His voice is surprisingly smooth. Your heart leaps forward. He’s going to be the end of you. You suddenly feel the need to hold him. To hear his heartbeat and to feel his breath against your ear while he whispers gently, the sweet sayings that can comfort you in any tragedy. His warmth, that glows strongly in someone that the world has cast away. You reach forward to grab him again but he jerks away again.

He whines again. His hands ball into fists as he raises them. His eyes are wide open. His mouth tilted into a frown. 

“I don’t want you to die.”, he admits softly. 

“You’re not going to hurt me.”

You reach forward again, this time your aim is directed to his jacket but he evades again. He appears more desperate now. His hands are even higher, as they wave around.

“Baby, please trust me.”, you say gently as if talking to a wild animal ready to bolt. He tilts his head and looks at you again. His face blanks. Void of any emotions, his face tilts in the other direction. He huffs out a breath before allowing the faintest smile to grace his chapped lips.

“Ok Y/N, I trust you.” he relents and lowers his arms slightly. The initial wariness has not left him though. You reach again for his jacket and extract his gloves. You gently raise your hand and curl your fingers around his left wrist. You whisper some words of encouragement and slip his glove on. You then reach again for his right wrist and slip that glove onto his other hand. He wiggles his fingers within the gloves.

You burst out laughing at his innocent action. His fingers wobbling about as his face shapes into the brightest smile. It overtakes the room and any uneasiness fades away. He too lets out a low chuckle and throws his head back. It’s surprisingly soft. He leans forward unsteadily and looks you dead in the eye. His right hand lifts ever so gently before running a gloved finger over your head and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He smiles again, this time, it feels softer, more intimate. His eyes have drilled their way into your soul. The glow of fireflies entrap you into his world.

“Now I can’t hurt you.”, his voice flutters against your ear. His breath is hot. Heat spreads across your face and your tiny voice of reasoning begins to soften ever so slightly. He pulls back slightly and your eyes immediately lock onto his lips. Chapped ever so slightly but full and soft nonetheless. 

Shiggy’s head sways forward, forehead resting against your own. Powder blue hair curtains around us. His breath fans against your face, fluttering against your lips. Mouth only inches from my own. Your lips part. You’re ready. Heart Beating. Head pounding. Blood rushing.

“Goodnight Love”, he whispers, before turning away.


He flops onto the bed. Head first and still shirtless. 

Are you kidding right now?

He proceeds to bury his nose into the cushions and before you know it, he’s fast asleep. 

Did he just?

Sure whatever.

You climb onto your feet and hop onto the bed next to him.
It’s fine, You’ll get him in the morning.
