#trans people of color



there is something grotesque about all the random people saying that marriage ‘equality’ should be on the same level as ensuring the basic survival of trans kids (see this for context)

i wonder how many of them clicked through to see that the tweet was written by a trans woman of color?

literally get the fuck out of my face

if you cannot understand why making sure that trans kids (and adults)

have roofs over their heads, have food in their bellies, and clothes on their backs

needs to be prioritized over and above marriage ‘equality’

Reasons once again to not trust that mentality of, we’ll do the easier, less controversial stuff first and get to you later. Cause everyone who gets pushed lower and lower on the list is always the most marginalized in whatever community.

It makes me even question the emphasis on “rights,” and that’s pretty sad. Rights can be granted and taken away. And these rights are important, but they’re relative luxuries compared to basic survival needs.

Like yeah I understand that you want visitation rights if your partner is in the hospital, but at least in the u.s. access to & safety in a hospital is a fucking LUXURY. Knowing you won’t be deported or assaulted or sterilized. Having access to a real hospital because you aren’t homeless or in prison or uninsured.

The first rights anyone needs to be fighting for are the rights of survival for the most marginalized in your community. Again, it’s pathetic that that’s even a question.

This white gay bourgeoisie agenda needs to step waaay back.

Wading into the often problematic abyss of Twitter can cause you to think many things, especially if you’re a trans person of color. Like the world has a lot of growing up and learning to do when it comes to the gender spectrum. Or that the only trans folks mainstream society tend to know about are celebrities. Sometimes, you even feel like you’re just one unique blip on the social media radar.

All of those are true, but you’re not alone. There are plenty of trans folks of color spilling T, discussing their experiences, and in general, just taking up space (and rightly so). Here are some dope people that you should follow immediately (only if you want to get your *intersectional* life on a daily basis)!

Check out the list here.
