#transgender children


Pink News reports that countless trans people are speaking out about their childhoods by writing letters to transgender kids in order to give them some perspective and hope for the future.

Here’s the latter from  Arthur Webber, a transgender man:


“I was a trans kid.

My nights were spent praying that in the morning would be a boy. would wake up disappointed.

However, I already was a boy no divine intervention required.

On Christmas Eve aged 7, l cut off all my own hair and enthusiastically told my family that I finally was a boy. I had been watching The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, so perhaps took the image of children coming out of a closet too literally. 

However, I already was a boy no (terrible) haircut needed.

When I met other children on holiday, I would tell them I was a boy. I’d avoid giving them my name and say I was born without one. Which everybody is, really. The devastation I felt when my family would fetch me using my deadname and reveal that the outside world believed was a girl still lingers with me.

However, I already was a boy. was a trans kid like you. It’s a limited edition gift with no receipt. Sometimes you’d give anything to return it because it’s too hard to look after, but most of the time you’re thankful that it’s unique.”

More letters for trans kids here!

The letter in the photo at the top is from Harrison Browne.

A Letter to Trans Kids

Jessie Gender has made this great video addressing  transgender children and youth.

She says: 

I’m a trans person that’s been out for such a long time and confident in my identity and who i am and so i can’t even imagine what it must be like for all of you out there who may be younger, who may be a young trans kid trying to figure out how to walk that path, and feeling all of this horrible ways that the world feels like it’s treating trans people right now.

And i wish i could tell you differently, but I can’t tell you that it’s not understandable to be afraid and scared. But what i can tell you is this: The journey that i have been on has made me the happiest that i’ve ever been. 

I know that if i went back in time and got to meet my younger self my younger self would be so shocked and happy to see who I become.

So I want you to never doubt that the journey of being trans is a beautiful one, an amazing one. And you are so lucky to be who you are. 

And life is all about figuring ourselves out and you are already on the path to doing that .You’re doing it before many of us were able to, or even could articulate it, and on that note you inspire me so much.

Watch the whole video above.

Photo:  Iurii Krasilnikov
