#trollhunters angor rot


You stare at Jim longingly as he talks with Claire about something. Your mentor a Redeemed Angor rolls his eye as he carves something.

Redeemed Angor: … Tell him.

You choke in response as Angor continues carving.

Magic Reader: I can’t.

Redeemed Angor: Humans confuse me.

Magic Reader: Look Claire and him are kind of courting if I get in the way of that I’ll ruin everything and they’ll hate me.

Angor goes silent as he looks at you. Humming he shrugs.

Redeemed Angor: Kill her.

You: A n g o r!

Redeemed Angor chuckles as you smack his arm ignoring how the other Trollhunter children look at him confused.


“The last Troll you will only see when I rip you to shreds.” his teethed bared at the other, in a defensed posed.

Garnet then said as she looked at him"I wouldn’t try that if I were you"

Garnet summoned her weapons and said"I don’t want to fight Angor rot"


@unique-heroes liked for a starter

“What creature is this?”

“I’m a crystal gem"Garnet said

Garnet takes her visor off and says"and you are troll”

She puts her visor back on
