#platonic trollhunters


You stare at Jim longingly as he talks with Claire about something. Your mentor a Redeemed Angor rolls his eye as he carves something.

Redeemed Angor: … Tell him.

You choke in response as Angor continues carving.

Magic Reader: I can’t.

Redeemed Angor: Humans confuse me.

Magic Reader: Look Claire and him are kind of courting if I get in the way of that I’ll ruin everything and they’ll hate me.

Angor goes silent as he looks at you. Humming he shrugs.

Redeemed Angor: Kill her.

You: A n g o r!

Redeemed Angor chuckles as you smack his arm ignoring how the other Trollhunter children look at him confused.

Angsty Song Fic~

(Hold on I still need you By: Chord Overstreet)

Loving and fighting, accusing, denying

You stand with Jim fighting in the Forge together as you train. You look away from him after the hard session and your eyes flash gold. You get up a moment later and join the others smiling and laughing together.

I can’t imagine a world with you gone

You see the Eternal Night. Bular and Gunmar roaring in victory. Changelings running rampant. Jim, Claire, Toby, Eli, Steve, Darci, Mary, Shannon, Aarrrgh, Blinky, Draal, Vendel their all stone or dead or ash and it’s your fault.

The joy and the chaos, the demons we’re made of

You smile as Jim, Toby, Claire, Blinky, Aaarrgh, and Draal give a group hug.

You frown your arms pulled close as Bular growls something threatening at you. Strickler, Nomura, and Otto stand in front of you but don’t defend you otherwise.

I’d be so lost if you left me alone

You sit on the ground tears running down your face as you stare into a puddle golden eyes staring back. Jim, Toby, and Claire are disgusted as your changeling mentors laugh behind you. They told you this would happen, they love your persona but they could never love the real you.

You locked yourself in the bathroom

You stand between your friends and your changeling family. Slashing your weapon on instinct rocks fall separating Jim, Claire, Toby, Draal, Blinky, and Aarrrgh from you Strickler, Nomura, Otto, and Bular.

Lying on the floor when I break through

Your shaking realizing what you just did. How much you just messed up. Bular roars before he throws you. You make impact against one of the cave walls before they leave you to die. The changelings walk away as you lay on the ground bleeding and in pain. You reach out but they don’t look back. Not until your eyes close and your hand goes limp.

I pull you in to feel your heartbeat

Jim and the others break through the rock and find you unconcious and wheezing as you fight for your life. Your bleeding and injured but not quit dead yet. Jim holds you close and you begin crying in your sleep hearing his heartbeat.

Can you hear me screaming? Please don’t leave me

They’re hugging you, begging you not to leave as they begin sobbing. Blinky picks you up from Jim as they frantically search for a safe way out of the cave.

Hold on, I still want you

Blinky notices the Janus Order insignia on your arm as they carry you out of the cave running you towards the nearest human hospital but he doesn’t care. None of them do.

Come back, I still need you

Aarrrgh Blinky and Draal wait in the bushes outside the hospital waiting for news. All your other friends from school are shocked to hear the news as Jim, Claire, and Toby make calls in the hospital lobby. They all rush to your ward where they sit in your room or out in the hallway waiting for you to wake up.

Let me take your hand, I’ll make it right

You’re on life support in the hospital and Jim is there with all your friends. He holds your hand as your friends surround your bed. Barbara keeps Strickler, Nomura, and Otto from entering threatening them with a call from CPS. Strickler looks up and through the window he sees Jim holding your hand with the insignia and how the others truly care for you despite your original intentions.

I swear to love you all my life

Jim holds your hand to his head begging you to please wake up. His thumb brushes against your insignia as he curses the Order under his breath.

Hold on, I still need you

You smile at Jim after your first mission together. You took down an enemy in the Forge and you’d never felt more alive.

It flashes and your laying in the hospital bed. Your vitals aren’t looking good…

 Long endless highway, you’re silent beside me

Jim thinks of you clinging to his back as you both ride his vespa after school. Your humming something as you hug him close staring at the stars.

Driving a nightmare I can’t escape from

It hits Jim Claire and Toby as he begins humming the song in the hospital that it’s Nomuras song, Peer Gynt in the Hall of the Mountain King. The signs were always there.

Helplessly praying, the light isn’t fading

They don’t care. The trollhunters don’t care. Their begging and praying, pleading with whatever’s listening for you to wake up. They want answers but they also more than anything just want you alive.

Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones

Strickler, Nomura, and Otto walk in as Barbara was told by Sheriff Scott to let them through. They couldn’t be proven as the abusers that caused your accident. Jim clings to you but Strickler pushes him aside and puts his head to yours whispering something in changeling.

They took you away on a table

Strickler steps back as doctors and nurses rush in to handle your comatose state. He slips something up his pocket and Jim notices. Somethings gone wrong and the heart monitor flat lined. The trio glares at Strickler as the others leave to watch the surgery or wait again in the waiting room.

I pace back and forth as you lay still

Jim is outside in the woods with Aarrrgh Blinky and Draal. He paces nervously as the trolls try and comfort him. The others are in the surgery hall hoping for better news. Strickler, Nomura, and Otto are in the hallway as well but leave the kids alone.

They pull you in to feel your heartbeat

Jim walks back into the hospital and sits down hours later. He eventually wakes up when Barbara shakes his shoulder Strickler standing behind her. You’re being wheeled out of the surgery hall after a long operation to fix your damaged organs. He runs up to you and follows you back to your room holding your hand the whole way.

Can you hear me screaming? Please don’t leave me

The others get up and shift awake from their sleeping positions as they hear the gurney. They run after Jim and you. Otto advises Strickler against Visitors but Strickler shakes his head letting you have this.

Hold on, I still want you

A montage of all your friends coming to talk to you privatley. Their unsure if this is the last time they’ll ever see you again.

Jim mentions past adventures. Fondly going over training and all the things you’ve both accomplished.

Toby talks about all the fun you’ve had. About the stories you’ve all made together and how TrollMarket misses you.

Claire mentions sleepovers and long nights of studying magic, trollish, and school subjects together. How you made her life interesting.

Mary babbles for awhile not sure what to say. She brings you up to date on what’s happening at school and the latest news. But she also whispers how much she misses you.

Darci is quiet for a moment before she makes a joke. You don’t laugh but thats okay. She updates you about her mascot stuff and brings you up to date about all the sports teams.

Steve isn’t good with people being sick. With loosing people. He tells you, you need to get better soon cause he’s dedicating the next big game too you. He asks you to please heal up soon.

Eli talks about classes and what your missing in the supernatural world but also what everyone’s saying at school. He mentions a new video game and how he won’t play it until you wake up to play it with him.

Mary is a bit shy but she’s also no stranger to death or tragedy. She closes her eyes and sings you a little song she knows you like. By the end she’s crying and she has to leave but she hopes it made you feel a little better.

Come back, I still need you

Flowers and other mementos slowly fill your room. Your surrounded by boquets, cards, books you enjoy, treats you love, and various gifts. As you remain comatose Jim sits alone with you unable to concentrate on anything else.

Let me take your hand, I’ll make it right

Everyone else is gone and Strickler silently walks into the room. Otto and Nomura are not with him but they wanted to be.

I swear to love you all my life

Strickler knows there aren’t cameras in the room. He slips out what he gave you earlier to finish the job. Closing his eyes he begins shaking.

Hold on, I still need you

He stops and slips the curse that’d kill you back into his pocket. He begins crying as he takes your hands in his own and puts them to his forehead shaking. He can’t do it. None of them can. Not to you.

… I don’t wanna let go

Strickler gets up and takes out his phone. He calls Jim and tells him they need to hurry. The part of the curse already inside you couldn’t be healed by modern medicine. He takes your hand and promises he’ll make this right.

I know I’m not that strong

He slowly walks to the door and locks it. Carefully he turns off your machines and picks you up heading towards the window. Opening it he holds you close waiting. The trolls would be here soon with Jim to take you to HeartStone TrollMarket.

I just wanna hear you

Strickler slowly hands you off to Aarrrgh who carefully takes you cradling you close. Toby’s on his back as Jim looks up at Strickler. He opens his mouth so many unspoken words needing to be said. So many apologies to be made and amends to make. And yet the changeling looks away dismissing the trio. They don’t hesitate and take off.

Saying, “Baby, let’s go home”

As they run through the woods your getting sicker. The infection having spread thanks to the curse. You were shivering in Aarrrghs hold as he held you closer. Draal runs ahead opening the TrollMarket door. Aarrrgh rushes through.

Let’s go home

The kids following as Blinky Aarrrgh and Draal carry you through TrollMarket the HeartStone so hopefully Vendel can heal you as normal medicine can’t. Your continuing to worsen.

Yeah, I just wanna take you home

Vendel looks up from his reading. Getting up pushing everything off his desk your carefulky laid down on it, as a Heartstone is placed into your hands. Blinky, Aarrrgh, Draal, Claire, and Toby watch as Jim holds your hand and Vendel does his magic.

… Hold on, I still want you

He’s whispering how he forgives you. How it’s okay and he doesn’t blame you for what happened. How when you wake up it’ll all be okay someday. You just need to wake up and talk to them. Whatever kind of trouble your in they’ll save you. They’ll protect you.

Come back, I still need you

Your eyes open glowing with a golden glow as you gasp for air.

Your friends laugh glad to see your alive as you slowly begin to heal.

And Strickler packs his things away Nomura and Otto helping him as none of them could do what needed to be done.
