
Picture from a menu; under a photo of three panini sandwiches, the text "The house special LGBT panini" is writtenALT

I heard the author’s note of the Ashtadhyayi includes a statement about their experience as a queer linguist

the more colorless old man has raced past russia furiously than i have


Respect the pouch! Respect it!

wait why is it gastropod and not gastropus

a database where we list out concepts and the seminal papers for them, including small and big stuff (like, Principles and Parameters; but also Iamitives (s/o Bruno Olsson hope you’re doing well)) if we all come together we can get a lot of things and help SO many students

well, everyone really! not just students this can’t be a new idea but like, what’s stopping us tbh

mispelt “concert” as “conference” so that’s where i’m at

Seeing mBERT and singing mmmbop

The fact that Hurdu has lekin,par, AND magar…is kinda OP

Kinda cool how just a dot in different places means many different things in devanagari
Up top? Assimilated nasal
Down below? Lenition (frication)
Also dot below? Flap
Also dot below? Alveolarization/backing
Three below? backing
On the side? Approximation
Two on the right? -h

[ID:A text between me and a friend. Them: “like?? so many wonderful varieties of types of music played at diff nights for dancing and AHHHH not even big on *Dancing* but like. yes”
Them: “with my friends? weeeeee”
Me: “God i miss dancing”
Me: “No but like definitely it’s be so fun!”
Me: “It’d*”
Me: No! It’ll* aha!
They gave the ♥️ reaction to the last message from me
Them: ahhh can’t wait ugh
Them: it’LL!!!!
Then: it fucking ’LL
I gave the reaction to their last message]

I know it’s widespread and we’ll documented, but god love how sentence prominence can take place of syllable prominence in determining when infixation with “-fucking-”

cool how it specifically comes to light with this silly focus construction on a TAM suffix

Real time vs apparent time studies are only going to become more common as we enter the future, and I’m excited

How might one search for attestations for languages that aren’t Englishes? I’m especially looking for a way to find chronology of attestations My current curiosity is when Sankalpam was borrowed into Malayalam

Hortative Hears A Who shirt where elephant presides over court and opens by saying “let’s hear our next case” and it’s a Who

Distributed morphology yertles the (syntax) turtles all the way down

The lorax who speaks for the syntax trees

[ID: A matrix with the first row having SUBJ on the left and a smaller matrix on the right whose first row has the labels PERS and 1, and the second row has NUM and PL; the second row of the outer matrix has MOOD and HORT, and the final row says PRED and ‘go’]


(made this so we can say LFG as in “let’s fucking go” but in LFG as in lexical functional grammar)

that vowel can’t be lengthened

it’s like that foo fighters song

it’s never long

telling ppl about how my parents dont put a pause if they’re saying “twelve thirty one” to mean around 12:30/1 such that it’s homophonous with 12:31 and getting a bunch of “that doesn’t make sense that’s so unclear” like buddy, that’s language

this and other videos on the channel are super good!! i’m not super deep into work w/ Hokkien varieties but it’s cool that this person isn’t afraid to use useful terminology and still explains everything really well

i wish there was more lg materials like this

happy UNESCO International Decade of Indigenous Languages!!

In case you haven’t heard of it, the UNESCO International Year of Indigenous Languages in 2019 has paved way for the decade of 2022-2032 being declared the UNESCO International Decade of Indigenous Languages!!! And it’s officially 2022 for me now :D

OT? with all those fatal violations? you might as well call it OSHA!
