#tumblr exodus


TEXT POST! Maybe don’t scroll through this one though - and I’m SO SORRY for those scrolling on their phones for the slab of text interrupting your porn, if that’s what you’re here for. I love you. I’d love it if you’d read this one… It’s about all of us here on this place. Because websites are “places” kinda, and social networks are kinda real in ways this 80′s kid couldn’t have conceived. And because in ten days you won’t be able to browse for porn here and that’s stupid. 

In my OTHER online life I’m prone to #rants and they just organically emerge these days. This one is about porn. Yep, that thing that most human beings in this day and age consume in one form or MANY others for all sorts of reasons. That thing which we CANNOT AND MUST NEVER TALK ABOUT… for SOME reason.

For Those Blissfully Unaware: Tumblr is, as of December 17th (the day AFTER my Birthday, dammit), arbitrarily BANNING and then REMOVING ALL “explicit” content from the site.  And in single person TMI news… I wasn’t too bothered by this impending porn ban because over the years I, and I’m sure most of we, have all gone through many different platforms and sources for things like… that. (is that TMI? or have I just admitted that I’m a human being? Let all keep our heads people)

But then I read THIS article, which highlights the ludicrous manner in which they are going about the process. And then I read ANOTHER article which highlighted how damaging and regressive the move is for, well, everyone. And then I thought to myself, heck, the LGBTQI, the marginalised and oppressed, the questioning and uncertain… they BUILT and MADE Tumblr what it is today. And today (for the next 10 days) it is a safe place for ANYONE consenting (they have had explicit content and blogs flagged without being blocked previously) to explore themselves.

This is worse than Melissa George disavowing Home and Away, because Tumblr, being built by the fringe and marginalised, actually HELPS people (Melissa George was just blonde and pretty and good actor needing opportunity who then decided her French bulldog and croissants in Paris made her better than her roots - no help for anyone there except her dog IMO). 

But in 10 days a “female-presenting nipple” will be a bridge too far and will be banned, unavailable, removed - except if it is “medically” useful or important. Apparently they’re breastfeeding-positive. Yay team. So AGAIN women’s bodies are reduced to their “primary functions” and further, queer bodies, other bodies, new and undreamed of personages and existences, are hidden, are denied visibility. They are made to be shameful or unworthy by dint of their being INVISIBLE. And it’s not just body parts, it’s attitudes, poses, suggestions… all incredibly arbitrary, unscientific, and SUBJECTIVE. Humanity, we’ve been there. It’s not fun. 

At the same time, AND THIS IS THE KEY, READERS, Nazi blogs, White Power blogs, any other hate speech blogs… they’re all fine (one wonders about those BIZARRE BDSM and gay Nazi blogs which, hopefully, SURELY, will also be banned).


Tumblr wants to make their platform SAFE FOR CHILDREN so they are removing “female-presenting nipples” and pictures of men kissing (and male models, and Garfield, and cartoons…) BUT leaving swastikas, Confederate flags, Hitler-love, lynchings and guns (sorry Americans, I truly love you but I’m an Aussie so guns get caught up in the hypocrisy for me when it comes to “child safety”)

Lady Nipple = BAD
Sexy Man = BAD
White Power = TICK

I’m (seriously) no social justice Warrior (apparently that would mean “leftist”), but I believe in social justice (apparently that would mean “liberal”? Or would it be “centrist?” Fuck it, I don’t care, I want my citizens, wherever they are, ALIVE and SAFE), and I agree with the fundamental principle espoused by Marian Wright Edelman that “you can’t be what you can’t see.”

Some of my Facebook connections are suddenly worried and concerned by the “tide” of trans* people in the media, or even just LGBTQI people. News Flash: it’s because you can’t be what you can’t see.

Ten years ago, as a gay man, I couldn’t see myself in many places except as an outrageous caricature, or as a tragic stereotype doomed to die by my own hand or others, or to “decide” to be straight and satisfy the status quo. But I saw myself in enough places to (eventually) fight through the stigma and social rejection and bullying to accept myself as I AM. Many, many queer folks are still going through this because despite our achievements we’re still not there. I was damn lucky.

Trans* people are really only barely beginning this process. We’re really only beginning to see trans* people on TV and film, and only barely beginning to see them as themselves and not as stereotypes.

So Tumblr is basically shooting it’s core client base in the FACE and expecting to continue on, business as usual. And corporate Earth being what it is, they’ll probably somehow survive. But they will be a pale remnant of what they were if they do. I hope fervently that the desertion in droves of users causes them to fail totally and collapse. Free market bullshit and all that.


novel idea…

…change your mind. Politicians, corporate juggernauts, men, HR Managers, cats, all find it very hard to do this simple thing which is CHANGING ONE’S MIND. In another life I would drop the wisdom that changing your mind is the true essence of MAGIC. Refusing to change one’s mind is a rejection of the covenant we enter into when we a born into this world - to live in it, to experience it, and to learn from it. The last one is the one we need to focus on. Not changing is not learning. 

THANK YOU for reading all of this (if you actually have!). 

As an addendum to this rant, out of curiosity I went to check how many followers my Tumblr has - yeah I’ve never really worried about that before. I have over 2,500 followers! That’s 2,500 people I’ve been sharing with that I don’t even know. And yet I you’re all awesome and marvelous, and you all deserve to be able to see and share what makes you happy. If you’ve actually read all of this #nickrant I applaud you and thank you. Now I’m REALLY angry.


Where to find me, just in case:

Please keep in mind most of these all look barren or have been inactive for years because they were just recently created or I didn’t see much of a reason to use them before.

punpunichu (this is also where I will keep an up to date list of links)


punpuniarts (I want to keep it mostly for art in the future)
punpunichu (personal + doodles/sketches; locked)

punpunichu (for traditional art)

- (maybe if they open registration again? Definitely plan on getting an account therewhen possible.)


Where to find me, just in case:

Please keep in mind most of these all look barren or have been inactive for years because they were just recently created or I didn’t see much of a reason to use them before.

punpunichu (this is also where I will keep an up to date list of links)


punpuniarts (I want to keep it mostly for art in the future)
punpunichu (personal + doodles/sketches; locked)

punpunichu (for traditional art)

- (maybe if they open registration again? Definitely plan on getting an account therewhen possible.)


Where to find me, just in case:

Please keep in mind most of these all look barren or have been inactive for years because they were just recently created or I didn’t see much of a reason to use them before.

punpunichu (this is also where I will keep an up to date list of links)


punpuniarts (I want to keep it mostly for art in the future)
punpunichu (personal + doodles/sketches; locked)

punpunichu (for traditional art)

- (maybe if they open registration again? Definitely plan on getting an account therewhen possible.)

Where to find me, just in case:

Please keep in mind most of these all look barren or have been inactive for years because they were just recently created or I didn’t see much of a reason to use them before.

punpunichu (this is also where I will keep an up to date list of links)


punpuniarts (I want to keep it mostly for art in the future)
punpunichu (personal + doodles/sketches; locked)

punpunichu (for traditional art)

- (maybe if they open registration again? Definitely plan on getting an account therewhen possible.)

Hi yall, I finally got a twitter set up for this account! I’m not sure where I’ll be headed next but I want to continue writing this content in some form or another. Follow me on twitter to stay in touch. Please reblog :)


Since they flagged the last one despite the picture not containing anything against the rules that a

Since they flagged the last one despite the picture not containing anything against the rules that aren’t even active yet, here we go again:

So after looking at the alternatives, I’ve come to the conclusion that they are all shit, none are viable long-term, and I don’t trust them and you shouldn’t either.  

I’m off building my own thing and when it goes live, I will let ya know where to go.  Also new logo.

Here is a new Sara render, her nipples are not presenting.  Her dick is so I had to make it safe…

Link to the image + bonus image.

Post link
So after looking at the alternatives, I’ve come to the conclusion that they are all shit, none are v

So after looking at the alternatives, I’ve come to the conclusion that they are all shit, none are viable long-term, and I don’t trust them and you shouldn’t either.  

I’m off building my own thing and when it goes live, I will let ya know where to go.  Also new logo.

Here is a new Sara render, her nipples are not presenting.  Her dick is so I had to make it safe…


Link to the actual image + bonus image.

Post link




Y'all should go subscribe to writers on their ao3 accounts if you haven’t already…

Artists too!


and artists and podficcers!!!  SUBSCRIBE!!!!!! 


I’mhere, if anyone would like to add me.

Tumblr’s “Female-Presenting Nipple” fiasco is mighty unfortunate. 

While they say they aren’t removing erotica (for some reason), and I could continue to write these stories… I’ve always felt the GIF attached added to the excerpt. 

I think my blog would be alot less interesting without them. Not to mention all of the people who only come to tumblr to enjoy porn are leaving. 

Honestly, at this point, I’d like to find somewhere new to take all this, but I don’t know where. I’m curious what you all are doing about this change. 

Are you leaving Tumblr? If so, let me know where. I’m in the market for a new home while Tumblr either sorts itself out, or dies.

 7+ years        

3500 posts         


Although this bog has always been rated PG, a couple of posts have already been flagged, per the new tumblr policy, and I have little interest in disputing posts (or the time to do so). 

Thank you all for following, liking, and sharing this content through the years. It was an enjoyable experience being a part of this weirdly wonderful community. I’ll remember you all fondly.


Since Tumblr’s crashing and burning, here’s a list of other places you can find me making art, videos, crafts, writing etc.

This blog won’t be going anywhere as long as Tumblr doesn’t delete it, but I’m archiving some of it over on AO3.


Where to?

Seems like maybe tumblr threw the baby out with the bath water?

I’m not going anywhere (though I may additionally pop up in new places), but if you are planning to leave tumblr because of the adult content ban, please be vocal about where you’re going!

I don’t want to miss you! When LJ was dying, so many friends just vanished. I don’t want that to happen again.


I have made a twitter and an instagram.

BE AWARE that I’m not leaving Tumblr, but I will probably slowly move my activity elsewhere. There are too many cool artists that have been forced to move and I can’t give up my art crack.


hello all!! in light of Recent Events™ here’s where else you can find me hauntin’ the net!

while this account is probably safe from the purge you’ll have much better luck reaching me thru twitter/discord (but i’ll still pop in once in a while cuz y’all are great and i’ll miss this trash site)

love u long time!!!!!



From someone who’s survived MySpace, livejournal, deviantart, and fanfiction.nets’ content purges and bad policy updates, here’s some advice on how to get through tumblr’s recent bullshit:

- don’t knee jerk delete. I know it’s tempting to peace out immediately but hang on and do the other steps first. Out right ghosting and erasing everything is how fandoms die.

- archive everything on your blog you want to keep

- tell your followers how they can archive and keep your work too. A lot of fic and art were only saved from ff.net and lj because other people saved it first. If you’re cool with other people saving your work for them to personally keep, let them know this. You can absolutely discourage reposting but I really do highly recommend you allow people to personally save fic and art they like and are worried will disappear forever. Digital Dark Ages are a real thing.

- tell people where you’re jumping ship to. Give links. Keep that info up, even if you’ve left the site.

- go through who you follow and find out where else you can follow them. Save their work if they’ll allow it. It’s tedious as hell but if you want to keep up with people on here clicking on their page to check in is the best way to do it.

- support places like ao3. This is exactly why ao3 asks for donations a few times a year. They are a 100% anti-purging, judgement free, ad free non profit run by an elected board and protected by lawyers. Places like ao3 literally save fandom so please continue to support them and other similar archives. This is exactly why ao3 is so important.

piczeltv: We at Piczel.tv are sad to see Tumblr’s stance against NSFW artists, and would like to off


We at Piczel.tv are sad to see Tumblr’s stance against NSFW artists, and would like to offer up our services as an alternative to Tumblr’s arbitrary shadowbans, deletions, and general stupidity.

We’re happy to host adult artists who are looking for a new place to call home, and are planning a few key upgrades and features. 

Effectively immediately though, our gallery upload size restriction has been removed, to be likely raised to 10MB in the near future for non-premium users.

As always, we support image sets, and don’t compress anything.

Firstly, for those that have been using tumblr as a portfolio, you’ll need a way to download all of your art, if you don’t have backups somewhere else. We are planning a tool for Piczel.tv that will import zip files full of images, including titles and descriptions if we are able.

Second, we’re planning the following upgrades to piczel in the coming weeks:

1. Bulk upload/import to your piczel.tv gallery
2. Gallery UI cleanup and improvements
3. Gallery performance improvements
4. Gallery comments with in line image and custom emote support
5. Site-wide PMs (in the vein of tumblr asks, but better)
6. Archive button for your piczel account

Don’t forget to follow us on twitter, we may be deleted on the 17th with everyone else. Until then, we’ll make posts here to keep everyone in the loop

Please consider reblogging this to help artists in need.

Post link


Hi all,

As you know, Tumblr has begun the fuckening. I am someone who is a part of so many great Captain America fandom communities, and I’d hate to lose touch with anyone as a result of this nonsense. 

Because of that, I’ve created a Captain America Fandom Lifeboat spreadsheet where people can list their alternate contact accounts, from Pillowfort to Twitter. Please feel free to share this across Cap fandom, or even into the wider MCU! 

Link to sheet


Tumblr has BTE (big thanos energy) cause they just killed half the userbase and didnt solve any problems at all

… and then after kissing and light play she asked me to bite her thighs, “I want bruises, baby.”I la

… and then after kissing and light play she asked me to bite her thighs, “I want bruises, baby.”

I laid my teeth into her soft, warm flesh and bit down.

She didn’t even squeak.

I struggled as I bit harder and harder on her perfect, fragrant thighs. It immediately felt like a game of chicken….. soon I was terrified I’d draw blood. She was in control. She did not tell me to stop. I started to doubt that she would.

I finally relented before she did. She moaned and cooed and told me I was a good girl. I blushed. I wanted to do better.

Encouraged and emboldened, I sheepishly tried the other side for good measure. Again, she held out longer than I could. Her strength scared me. I felt genuine awe. I was enamored.

-Excerpt from my most recent TinyLetter. Don’t forget to subscribe: tinyletter.com/kinkycasey  

Post link