
Gif of Number Five from the Umbrella Academy TV Show. It is a promo clip from Season 3. He leans to the side and, with a little smile on his face, faux-jovially says "Can I get five minutes?" ALT
Gif of the smile falling off Five's face, his eyes and his expression hardening as he continues, sharp, "To relax."ALT

I just spent the past twenty straight days saving the world. Twice.

Number Fiveinhis promo trailer for The Umbrella Academy Season 3

Gif of Klaus in S1E07. On the search for his brother Luther, he is standing outside a nightclub, fighting with the ghost of his brother Ben. He gesticulates wildly and throws his arms up, yelling "It's not my responsibility! I didn't sign up to save you or him!"ALT
Gif of Klaus in S3E01. He is standing in the living room of what is the Sparrow Academy in this timeline, talking to the alive version of Ben that never grew up with him. He throws up his arms and yells, "You shut your mouth and just hug your brother!"ALT
Gif of Umbrella Ben arguing with Klaus outside the nightclub. Angrily, he says, "You're right! You didn't. But if you were in trouble"ALT
Gif of Sparrow Ben punching Klaus in the face so hard he topples over.ALT
Continuation of Ben arguing with Klaus. He goes on, "there is nothing in this world Luther wouldn't do"ALT
Gif of Luther immediately getting into Sparrow Ben's face after the punch, yelling at him, "WHAT THE HELL?!? You didn't have to do that!" ALT
"to save your scrawny little junkiee ass." is how Ben concludes his yelling at Klaus.ALT
Gif of Sparrow Ben dismissively grimacing at Luther. He says, "Oh, I'm pretty sure I did!" ALT

S1E07 ‘The Day That Was’ ||| S3E01 'Meet The Family’
