#tw alcholism


First and foremost! This movie has strong triggers dealing with alcoholism, suicide and possible parental abuse so please keep that in mind. 

Went to see A Star is Born after hearing amazing reviews about it, and definitely worth it. The story is intense and passionate and downright weird at times, and has an amazing soundtrack to boot. I don’t really love bluegrass music, but this movie has definitely made me a fan. And I loved seeing this side of Lady Gaga, she is so beautiful and was an amazing actress. After a tumultuous ride, the ending was almost cathartic if also heartbreaking and as you can all tell from my title, I think it’s going to be a strong Oscar contender. 


  • Bradley Cooper produced and directed this movie and he’s an evil evil man for making me feel so hard 
    • He’s also fan-fucking-tastic in this role. He’s gruff but sweet and sensitive and vulnerable and aggressive and stubborn he just wowed me
  • Lady Gaga is! so! gorgeous! And with a powerhouse of a voice. I loved her music in this movie, mostly the songs where she really lets her talent shine
  • Bradley’s brother in the movie is a very underrated character but I adored him and his relationship with Jackson. 
  • Their puppy! I’m sobbing! 
  • Anthony Ramos! My not so curly haired angel on the big screen for all to admire! He was so excited this whole movie, just bouncing around and smiling his whole face off. God I love him. 
  • Soundtrack is amazing. I didn’t love the more pop-esque music that Ally did, but the bluegrass stuff was awesome and I downloaded the soundtrack the second I got home
  • The cinematography was very unique and I liked how they cut scenes together. They didn’t utilize a lot of standard use transitions, instead just leaping into the next scene. It adds to the overall feel of the movie
  • The relationship between Jackson and Ally is really odd at first and kinda made me uncomfortable with how forward Jackson was, but it evolves into something more tender as the movie progresses
    • I do think they’re some very harmful elements to their relationship though.I think the way Ally takes care of him and the way Jackson idealizes her is borderline toxic, but I can also admit that they have a very strong love for each other. 
    • The circumstances they end up in are really just tragic at the end of the day, but they do love each other and to them that was all the really mattered. Which is very romantic and heartwarming to think about. 
    • The final song kinda drives that home and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house

My overall rating is a 8/10. A Star is Born is real and tragic and heartwarming and I think it’s a must watch. It’s a remake and while I haven’t seen the previous version, I do think this one stands apart simply because of the way the events are planned. So I’m going to listen to Shallow another 15 times and not cry, so please grab your tissues and head to the theater!

Also I want to touch on something in the movie that isn’t spoiler free so I’ll include it below. Please don’t continue if you don’t want to be spoiled. TW: Suicide

So one of the most important parts of the movie, at least to me, was at the very end when Ally and Jackson’s brother (Bobby) are talking and Ally is crying and overthinking about what she last said to Jackson before he died and Bobby looks at her and tells her it’s not her fault that he died, it’s Jackson’s fault. This really meant a lot to me and I’m glad they included that in the movie, because at the end of the day when someone commits suicide it is their fault. And I don’t mean to say that in a negative, victim blaming way like people just do this for no reason– there’s always a reason and it’s always important. The reason isn’t their fault, but the action is. I just remember when I was depressed and suicidal in my teenage years and how I would blame my parents and my friends and society and my circumstances for why I was feeling suicidal and my current therapist told me that if I killed myself, I couldn’t blame anyone but myself. Because at the end of the day, no one is forcing you to die and there has to be some option out there that’s better than dying. That was really a turning point in my life and I’m really glad the movie touched on this. 

And I don’t intend to speak on behalf of anyone who has felt or is depressed because my opinions and situations are not universal and I totally understand if people disagree with me. 






this might be a hard pill to swallow for college students but getting drunk all the time isnt a personality trait it’s alcoholism

Here’s another pill: companies and ad teams know that your 20s are extremely stressful and they purposely target you because they don’t care about making us all alcoholics as much as they care about profiting off of us.

cooler pill that I’d wish I’d known about when I was younger: if you’re struggling with alcohol, AA isn’t your only option. AA can be a bit dogmatic and sometimes hostile to certain communities, especially the LGBT.

there’s a group called SMART Recovery that has free meetings just like AA, but it’s all science-based and secular.

and here’s the thing for college students: unlike with AA, it’s okay if your goal is moderation and not abstinence. no one is going to make you feel like a bad guy for being young and just wanting help getting healthier, but perhaps not wanting to commit to being totally abstinent. google SMART Recovery, guys. they’re awesome. :)

Reblog for non-religious version of AA

Just be careful to avoid these groups. The Church of Scientology loves to use substance abuse support groups as a front.






this might be a hard pill to swallow for college students but getting drunk all the time isnt a personality trait it’s alcoholism

Here’s another pill: companies and ad teams know that your 20s are extremely stressful and they purposely target you because they don’t care about making us all alcoholics as much as they care about profiting off of us.

cooler pill that I’d wish I’d known about when I was younger: if you’re struggling with alcohol, AA isn’t your only option. AA can be a bit dogmatic and sometimes hostile to certain communities, especially the LGBT.

there’s a group called SMART Recovery that has free meetings just like AA, but it’s all science-based and secular.

and here’s the thing for college students: unlike with AA, it’s okay if your goal is moderation and not abstinence. no one is going to make you feel like a bad guy for being young and just wanting help getting healthier, but perhaps not wanting to commit to being totally abstinent. google SMART Recovery, guys. they’re awesome. :)

Reblog for non-religious version of AA

Just be careful to avoid these groups. The Church of Scientology loves to use substance abuse support groups as a front.
