#tw nazi

socialistexan: emdots:thattallnerdybean:[clutches my pearls] Trans people in 1921?!??! But I thought




[clutches my pearls]Trans people in 1921?!??! But I thought trans people were trendof today’s youth!

I’d like to add my great great aunt Flora!

Y'all wanna know why we don’t see or hear about trans people from that era?

That’s because that picture was taken at what is known in its native language as Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, it is the place where the first trans healthcare was developed, where the term transsexual was coined.

Do you want to know what happened to the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft?

It was the victim of the very first Nazi book burning. Their teachings were outlawed and their books destroyed. Their leaders - such as Magnus Hirschfeld - were criminalized and exiled, if not outright murdered.

The fascists exterminated not just a generation of trans people, but they erased our history from the books almost entirely. It took us almost a century to get back to where we are now.

We’ve always been here, but our future is not guaranteed. We have to fight for our survival, because it’s happening again.

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how come goyim will make 30k note posts about why not to use antisemitic memes but ignore the SEVERAL hate crimes that have been committed since chanukah started

for those who don’t know

dec 8: an anne frank memorial in the united states is tagged with nazi imagery, including the hooked cross

dec13: a member of a jewish community center is hospitalized after being attacked

dec 15: a hebrew elementary schools website is hijacked and text is replaced with violent antisemitism

non jewish people are encouraged to reblog


I am absolutely begging non-Jews to stop framing the Holocaust as a “more respected” tragedy in comparison to other genocides and atrocities. There seems to be a general belief amongst non-Jews that everyone knows a lot about the Holocaust and is respectful of it. In reality multiple studies have shown that this is not the case. The general public in many places (yes including America) know little about the Holocaust and a shocking number hold antisemitic beliefs about it. Personally in America the education I received on it went only so far as to paint America as a heroic nation while glossing over its own rampant antisemitism including its refusal of Jewish refugees all while showing me graphic images of dead and tortured Jewish people.

I think it’s also important to acknowledge that a lot of meaningful awareness, documentation, etc. of the Holocaust has been fueled by Jewish people in spite of how society has treated our history and not because of it. Nations have minimized their involvement, history has been avoided, justice has often been denied us. We, like every other marginalized group who’s faced similar atrocities, have had to fight to keep our history alive when oppressive systems have done their best to erase it. To believe otherwise is to minimize the effects of both past and present antisemitism on the treatment of our voices.

I also often see non-Jews say things like “well [x] insensitive thing would never be said/believed if it was about the Holocaust” and every time it’s something I absolutely have heard said/believed about the Holocaust. I have had people defend their nazi soldier grandparents to me, been casually told the Holocaust was for the best, met my fair share of Holocaust deniers. Not to mention the general insensitive misconceptions I regularly hear tossed about.

All this to say that y’all need to stop treating Jewish people like some OppressedLite™️ group. Stop talking about antisemitism in the past tense and talking about our history in a way that erases our continuing struggles to keep it alive. Don’t bring us up as a coddled minority. It’ not only inaccurate but fucking dangerous for us when you completely ignore the oppression we’re still facing.


Mikey Walsh (@thatbloodyMikey) says, “I don’t know what I should be more gutted or disgusted by here… the kind of Racism that GRT people are forced to live with every day… that’s it’s still absolutely ok to demonise us & our demise as a joke… or the reactions of whooping & cheering from the audience..”

On video, comedian Jimmy Carr says, “When people talk about the Holocaust[…] they talk about the tragedy and horror of six million Jewish lives being lost to the Nazi war machine. But they never mention the thousands of Gypsies that were killed by the Nazis. No one ever wants to talk about that, because no one ever wants to talk about the positives.”

The audience proceeds to clap and cheer.


This comes from Jimmy Carr’s 2021 Netflix special, Jimmy Carr: His Dark Material. No, I didn’t link to it. I don’t recommend you watch it. Don’t benefit Jimmy Carr financially. Don’t bolster Netflix’s decision to stream the special.

The entire hour is full of truly horrifying shit. He has an extended bit about people with dwarfism toward the beginning that is just awful.

At the end, he goes to great lengths to explain that he’s presenting “career ending” jokes. The Holocaust joke finishes out this section, 5 minutes and 40 seconds from the end of the hour-long special.

This joke receives the biggest reaction of the entire “career-ending” bit. The audience lovesit. People actually whistle in agreement.

Carr goes on to say, “That’s a very good joke for the following three reasons. Firstly, fucking funny. Well done, me! Secondly, edgy. Edgy as all hell. A joke about the worst thing that’s ever happened in human history. And people say, ‘Never forget.’ This is how I remember! I keep bringing it up. Third reason that’s a good joke is that there is an educational quality.” He then goes on to mock the murder of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

I understand that Jimmy Carr’s comedy is, in general, not meant for me. I’m not white enough for it. I’m not rich enough for it. I’m not nihilistic enough for it. I’m not his target demographic.

That said, the joke itself–coupled with the audience reaction–is a fucking nightmare. It’s disgusting. Can I call it moredisgusting than the rest of his special? No. The whole thing is terrible. Can I honestly say I’m surprised by the audience’s reaction? No. People have been gleeful about murdering Roma for thousands of years. All that said…

You never really get used to hearing people cheer your own death.

Anyway, keep yourselves so safe for me.

XOXO, Earnest

Something’s getting lost in the response to this…

Non-Roma seem fixated on Carr, on his bigotry, on what an asshole he clearly is and apparently has always been. That’s all well and good. But I don’t give a fuck about Jimmy Carr.

It’s the audience. Look at the audience.

That’s a full house. It’s not a laugh track. How many of the people in the audience went home after that show feeling good, feeling happy? How many told their friends it was a great night out? How many laughed again, days later, thinking about some of his funnier bits?

Now let’s expand on that.

Jimmy Carr didn’t debut any new material at the taping of his special, friends. He’s been traveling around the country performing these jokes. He’s workshopped the shit out of it. Carr would never have taken a risk this massive, right at the end of his set, unless he was absolutely sure of the audience’s reaction.

This wasn’t about one particularly bigoted audience… but about audience after audience after audience, across the U.K. and possibly around the world.

He knew that the majorityof people would laugh at that joke. He was absolutely sure. That’s how deep the anti-Romani bigotry runs.

It’s easy to look at a man like Jimmy Carr and say, “He’s the problem! Eliminate the problem!” But the problem wasn’t really Jimmy Carr. It was the people clapping and cheering and whistling their agreement. It was their enthusiastic approval of Roma genocide.

So, yes. Fuck Jimmy Carr! But don’t get comfortable, thinking he’s the problem here. How many of your neighbors would’ve gone home feeling good, feeling happy? How many would have cheered?

XOXO, Earnest

Wondering how my Jewish followers feel about Oscar Isaac playing Moon Knight(Steven Grant/Marc Spector) in the upcoming series?

Isaac’s mother is Guatemalan and his father is Cuban. Apparently, he has some Jewish heritage on his father’s side. However, that same father was an extreme evangelical Christian.

“My dad was a man of extremes. And the way my mom was raised, she followed her husband. So if God spoke to my father one day and said we were not supposed to have a TV in the house, it was suddenly gone. The Hernandez home became the site of a kind of ongoing tent revival … I was never frightened by it. I was more curious why I wasn’t feeling the real thing myself,“ he told GQ.

Given that Moon Knight is canonically Jewish-American, and the son of a Rabbi, I just wondered how you guys are feeling about this?

For those unfamiliar with Moon Knight, and without spoiling too much: The fact that Marc is Jewish is completely central to his storyline. An antisemitic attack is the reason he first recognizes his unique physical abilities. The trauma that causes his dissociative identity disorder is also directly related to that attack.

I saw no evidence whatsoever that Moon Knight is Jewish in the trailer. I’m really nervous about possible erasure, given Disney/Marvel’s track record. I’m also worried that his DID might be used as an excuse to gloss over his religious and ethnic background.

To make matters weirder, Ethan Hawke is also playing Arthur Harrow. (SPOILER ALERT! Possibly?) Harrow is a minor villain in Moon Knight: Fist of KhonshuNo. 2 by Alan Zelenetz and Chris Warner. He’s a former-Nazi scientist performing horrific human experimentation, and his work began in Auschwitz-Birkenau. That appears to be a completely different character than the one played by Ethan Hawke, though?

It bothers me that the trailer focuses on Steven Grant rather than Marc, since Steven in the trailer has no similarity (that I could see) to the Steven of the comics, who is a wealthy playboy. It gives us a complete unknown. They don’t appear to be following the comics very closely, if at all, which gives Disney/Marvel all the wiggle room they need to write out Moon Knight’s Jewish background.

I really like Oscar Isaac, but I have to wonder what motivated him to take a role like this. I’m reminded of the decision to cast Lucian Msamati to play John Faa in His Dark Materials. At the very least, Msamati was ready for an international breakout role, which makes me somewhat more sympathetic to his decision.

Oscar Isaac is already an international superstar; he was named one of Time Magazine’s ”100 Most Influential People“ in 2016. He’s coming from Star WarsandDune.At a certain point, we need to ask big-name actors whythey’re agreeing to take on characters who really ought to go to people with different marginalizations.

Thoughts? Am I prematurely concerned? Should I stay in my lane? Or are we looking at another example of an MCU television series with complete erasure of the character’s Jewish roots?

XOXO, Earnest

got myself into an argument on fb and needed to comic it out to vent. apologies in advance for spellgot myself into an argument on fb and needed to comic it out to vent. apologies in advance for spellgot myself into an argument on fb and needed to comic it out to vent. apologies in advance for spellgot myself into an argument on fb and needed to comic it out to vent. apologies in advance for spellgot myself into an argument on fb and needed to comic it out to vent. apologies in advance for spellgot myself into an argument on fb and needed to comic it out to vent. apologies in advance for spellgot myself into an argument on fb and needed to comic it out to vent. apologies in advance for spellgot myself into an argument on fb and needed to comic it out to vent. apologies in advance for spellgot myself into an argument on fb and needed to comic it out to vent. apologies in advance for spellgot myself into an argument on fb and needed to comic it out to vent. apologies in advance for spell

got myself into an argument on fb and needed to comic it out to vent. apologies in advance for spelling errors, bad image quality, and the sheer length of this beast ;_;

((Reblogs and likes OK, but please do not edit or re-post to here or other social media))!

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