#tw antisemitism







List of Idivult Blogs

Idivult- Originating from the For Honor community, the word has a different meaning on Tumblr. Someone who uses Crusader and/or Christian imagery, sayings, scriptures, etc. to justify some shape and form of bigotry. Typically islamophobia, there are cases of anti pagan rhetoric, anti Native rhetoric, anti Semitic rhetoric, homophobia, and the occasional blatantly racist blog that doesn’t even bother to hide it. In general all are xenophobes who inaccurately use the symbols, sayings, etc. to their own wicked ends.

  • warchaplain
  • ecmshock
  • militant-holy-knight
  • bransrath
  • europanime
  • dragonkp
  • ludwig-wittgenstein
  • illyricum-croatorum
  • tokillthedragon
  • vescerebracismeisblr
  • militantwarriorsaint (Blog is still there not making anymore stuff the blogger left)

A new addition to this list of Idivults, shieldmaiden-of-christ, a transphobic, out spoken anti feminist, anti choice trying to insert herself into the Crusader Community.

A new addition to this list, gotenforst, an openly blatant Nazi and misappropriating scum lord.

A new addition to this ever expanding list when it should be fucking shrinking: presidialista. They post about the Cristero conflict in Mexico. That’s fair enough, what lands them on this list is their constant and deliberate use of a disproven anti Semitic conspiracy theory that goes by the wretched name of the Judeo-Masonic Theory. It’s a horrible and wrong theory about a secret coalition between Jews and Masons trying to take over the world. Avoid them like the plague that they are.

This nightmare just won’t fucking end. Another addition to both the Idivult list and to the Nazis the Vikings want to stab list. odalblog is the blog’s name, and promoting fascists like Mussolini and the SS is their horrid little game. @we-are-viking, I’m tagging you so you would know about this dickhead.

Thank you very much for the heads-up, friend! I’ll block them IMMEDIATELY and I implore everyone else to do the same, as well as report their blog. We’ve taken down many so far via swarming their fascist asses with repots, we can do it again for this fucker, too.





Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

11 million+ murdered. Jews, Roma, Sinti, the disabled, queer folks (mostly homosexual men), Soviet POWs, Slavs, political prisoners…

It seems so long ago. It wasn’t. My great aunts were there, my grandmother (z”l) was there. This happened in the modern world, in living memory.

Stand up. Fight back. Never forget. Never again.

Why should I care about you? You don’t care about how atheists are mistreated and instead just lump us in with Christians.

Why should I fight for you when you wouldn’t do the same for me?

This really is a masterclass in Western Athiest morality. All the righteous fury of an evangelical and the rootless nihilism of Western Capitalism. Maybe you don’t care about the Jews or the other groups the Nazis would kill, but think about this: a Nazi takeover would almost assuredly delay or cancel the next Marvel/Star Wars/Harry Potter movie. That’s enough to get every Western atheist in America forming militias right there

Again why should I care about anyone that doesn’t care about me? Op would gladly watch me die. She already doesn’t care about atheists getting killed all over the world.

Wow, leave the internet for a couple of days to handle things in meat space, and people start saying exactly what they mean. Good to know. I should try that at work.

Dude, I have no problem with atheists. I genuinely do not care if you believe in a deity or not. I never have. And, as I have mentioned, multiple times, atheists also can face persecution in various countries to include my own. To use a phrase common in my day job: what evidence do you have?


1) An atheist raised in a Christian hegemonic country is still inculcated with Christian worldviews and culture whether they themselves are Christian or not.

2) Structures built under Christian hegemony disadvantage, on a systemic level, people with minority religious cultures (including those that are atheist) to a greater degree than others. Including other atheists.

3) To equate the non-systemic oppression of individual atheists in the west to the Holocaust, which resulted in the death of 11 million people regardless of faith (at the hands of an officially secular state no less), shows you for who you really are. It’s amazing how many fascists wear leftist hats these days.

I’ve never wished harm on atheists of any cultural background, I simply point out how much of the culture of the west is steeped in Christianity. Your discomfort with acknowledging that says nothing about me.

I am willing to entertain a fair amount of debate, but debate with those who “don’t care” about the Holocaust (which, again, murdered 11 million people) because they dislike one Jew? No. Get the fuck out. Enjoy the block, it’ll begin in one hour to give you time to read this. And don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out, the door doesn’t deserve that.


Tonight begins Yom HaShoah.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day is the day the international community remembers the horrific atrocities, the world’s indifference, and the victims of the Holocaust. Ideally, anyway, but that’s a conversation for another time.

This is not that. This is the day Jews around the world mourn our 6,000,000+ dead. Two-thirds of European Jews. One-third of the world’s Jewish population.

Our population still has not recovered.

Those are big numbers. So let me bring them home to smaller ones. My grandmother (z”l) was born into a family of eight (she made the ninth). My grandmother and four others survived the Shoah. Four perished. Two in KZ Ravensbrück. Two more at the hands of the SS Politzei. May their memories be for a blessing.

The survivors? Two hidden children. A young seamstress that survived brutal work camps. A boy told to ride his bike as far away as he could that found a way onto a kindertransport. A young woman who’d been on a teen trip to the British Mandate who heeded her parents warnings not to go back home. Two of them are still alive today, and the rest lived to ripe old age and saw their lineages pass down to children, grandchildren, and, in my grandmother’s case, a great-grandchild.

They were the lucky ones, but what they survived left permanent marks. They cannot forget the Shoah and neither shall I.

There are only two of them left, and their biggest fear is that the Shoah and its tragedies and lessons will be forgotten.

Remember them. Remember their family. Remember the Shoah.


Never forget. Never again.

May the names of the millions be for a blessing.




it’s holocaust remembrance day, and in light of the most recent news, here is maus iandmaus ii

especially important in light of this:

Petition to protest the book’s banning



my jewish fandom ass wants to write an essay about how Stan Pines is the perfect deconstruction of antisemitic caricature characters–initially we think he’s this tricky, stingy, money-obsessed character, and that’s played for laughs, but then later it’s revealed that he was forced into that lifestyle and mindset out of a desperate need to save his family. (Echoing the experience of a lot of Jewish people who were historically forced into professions like moneylending as the only way they could make a living, provide for their families, and escape destitute poverty. Which then was weaponized against them in the creation of viscous antisemitic stereotypes and tropes.)

I want to write that essay, but I feel like a lot of people on this website would willfully misunderstand me

Okay so, this is likely not going to be the most formal piece I write, but, I have some thoughts that I want to get down:

Initially we are led to see Stan as this stingy, tricky character obsessed with money. This is played for laughs, and it actually becomes one of his key character quirks early on. To the point that this is how we see him in the intro sequence:


We see this over and over again from the first episodes of the show. 

But, as the series progresses, and more of Stan’s backstory is revealed, we learn that that he was forced into that lifestyle and mindset out of a desperate need to save his family, and his brother in particular. In A Tale of Two Stans, he explains:

I couldn’t leave my brother’s house until I figured out how to save him, but I needed to pay his mortgage somehow. For once in my life, people were actually buying what I was selling…By day, I was Stanford Pines: Mr. Mystery. But by night I was down in the basement, trying to bring the real Stanford back.

(Besides which, we learn that those skills originated because he was literally expelled from his home, and was subsequently on the brink of poverty. Sound familiar?)

Crucially, after we learn this about Stan, these behaviors don’t go away. Even though Ford is back, and he no longer needs to “save him”:


But these behaviors are all cast in an entirely different light now. Sometimes they’re still funny…but they’re not only funny. 

And, money is not Stan’s top priority (as we now know it never was). This becomes explicit in the last episode. When Stan and Ford tricks Bill into entering Stan’s head so that Ford can erase him, this conversation occurs:

Stan:  You’re a real wise guy, but you made one fatal mistake–you messed with my family!

Bill: You’re making a mistake! I’ll give you anything: money, fame, riches, infinite power!

Bill offers, in short, all the things that we might have expected the person we thought Stan was in s1e1 to desire above all else, (all the things that antisemitic stereotypes and tropes say that Jewish people desire above all else.) The only cost for Stanley would be to let Bill go and thereby betray his family.

This is how Stan responds to that offer:


Something that is worth noting is that Stan’s character does not change in this regard throughout the series. He doesn’t lose his stingy tendencies. He doesn’t come to understand that his family is worth more than “money, fame, riches, infinite power.” He’s always known that. It’s our perspective and understanding of those traits in him that change. 

That’s why this is effective as a deconstruction. More context shows us that our initial perspective on his character–and therefore that type of character--was incomplete. We see sympathy where we might not have before.

And what do I mean by that type of character? The most frequent place we see this type of character is in the antisemitic trope character of “the greedy Jew.” 

Historically, this trope came out the reality that in medieval Europe, Jews frequently worked as moneylenders (the precursor to modern day bankers), because antisemitic laws prohibited them from working in other other careers. The options were poverty and likely starvation for themselves and their family, or this career path which frequently earned them scorn among their by-and-large Christian neighbors. Ultimately, this reality was weaponized against them; the “Jewish moneylender” became vilified in ways that often led to violence and murder, and “the stingy Jew” became a stock villain in media of the time, and later–sometimes to this day (though in contemporary instances, sometimes the Jewishness is implied.)

Perhaps the most famous English language example of this is the explicitly Jewish moneylender Shylock from Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice, pictured here in an artistic rendering by John Hamilton Mortimer:


In this play, Shylock is about as villainous at they come, (even though Shakespeare fleshes him out a bit more than many of his contemporaries.) 

I won’t give a whole plot summary about him or what he does in the play, but I would like to draw attention to one line of his in particular. At one point in the play, Shylock’s daughter Jessica, the only family he has, runs away and steals a great deal of money and jewels from her father when she does. When Shylock finds out, he reacts like this:

I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear! Would she were hearsed at my foot, and the ducats [money] in her coffin! (Merchant of Venice III.i)

There’s obviously a lot to unpack there, and none of it is good. But what I want to focus on for our purposes is the fact that Shylock here is literally saying that he would trade his daughter’s life in this moment for wealth. For “money” and “riches.” I bring this up, because to me it seems apparent that, intentionally or not, Stan’s conversation with Bill in Weirdmaggedon is in dialogue with this moment. 

Shylock is obsessed with money as an ends to itself, over everything, including his daughter. He makes it clear that he would choose money over his only family member’s life.

Stan is obsessed with saving his family and sees money as means to that end. Bill offers to trade money for his family’s lives, and Stan responds by punching him in the face. 

The obvious reality is that the vast majority of Jews, including and perhaps especially the historical Jewish moneylenders, are, like all people, much more like Stan than like Shylock. Stan’s character helps us see that, and helps us deconstruct those very harmful tropes that still unfortunately continue to exist.

One more thing I’d like to touch on. If Stan Pines is going to function as an effective deconstruction of harmful tropes, it’s important that he doesn’t fall into those same tropes himself. And this is why I actually think it’s important that his own explicit Jewishness isn’t mentioned in first level canon, by which I mean the show itself.   (I know, Alex Hirsch, the show creator who is himself Jewish, has noted that Stan is Jewish, and Journal 3 mentions that Stan had a Bar Mitzvah, but this is all at the very least second-level canon and word-of-God type stuff, and the average viewer of the show is not necessarily familiar with Alex Hirsch’s twitter account, nor have they necessarily read tie-in material.) 

To understand the reason why I think this is a good thing, we have to remember that Gravity Falls originally aired in 2012, well before streaming and binging were possible. Whole seasons weren’t released at once, and in fact gaps between episodes were so large that each new episode premier was treated as an event. A Tale of Two Stans, the episode in which we learn about Stan’s backstory, was the 32nd episode of the show, and didn’t air until July 13, 2015–over three years since the show began.

Before that, before we have all the context from that episode, we don’t know that Stan’s supposed stinginess comes from any other source than an obsession with money for 30+ episodes…which was 3+ years in real time. If Stan had been explicitly acknowledged as Jewish in that time, what evidence would we have had that he wasn’t just another example of a “greedy Jew” archetype? He wouldn’t have been a deconstruction; he would have been part of the problem.

I don’t think it’s incidental, then, that the only hint we get in the show itself that Stan is Jewish comes in the same episode when we get his backstory, all that crucial context, in the moment in which he’s being expelled from his home:


Amezuzah on the doorframe.

Thanks for reading! (feel free to reblog)


PSA - Delete any asks you receive about “joyofsatan.org!”

We’ve been through the “Gold Star Lesbian” spam asks, as well as the amegaotaku/rekka007 ones, and it seems that the new copypasta spam ask everyone is receiving is one where people are asked what they think of Joyofsatan.org, claiming them to be “the largest Satanist organization in the world.”

These asks are mostly sent to users who frequently talk about the occult and/or witchcraft, feminist bloggers, and Jewish users, with the message slightly altered for each person it’s sent to. Here are the two most common variations of the ask:

“What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Pagan Goddess Lilith/Lalitha, they’re pro-choice and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.” <- This one also occasionally includes “they support women’s rights” after “they’re pro-choice.” This also seems to be the most commonly sent ask.

“What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan and they’ve become the largest Satanist group in the world.”

Although these asks are usually sent on anon, they’re also sent by the burner account 88643468, presumably to bypass anyone who has anon asks turned off, so I suggest blocking that account, especially if you have anon asks turned off.

Now, the reason you should delete these asks, instead of engaging, is because the Joy of Satan Ministries in question is a Neo-Nazi group, as detailed on the Wikipedia page I just linked, and these asks appear to be a recruiting tactic, going by the types of users most commonly spammed with the asks, and how the asks are re-worded depending on who they’re sent to; instead of a singular copypasta that gets sent to everyone, it’s variations of the copypasta that are each targeted towards a different demographic.

The people sending these asks want you and your followers to go to the Joy of Satan website, so that it gains more traffic and, of course, to suck people into their white supremacist cult.

So please, please, don’t engage, just delete the asks and block the 88643468 account, and if someone you follow answers one of these asks, urge them to delete their post and to block the 88643468 account for extra measure. Right now is also a good time to disable anonymous asks, or even take it a step further and only allow asks from people you follow, just in case 88643468 isn’t the only burner account.

Please share this.

Edit: They do in fact have another burner account; please block jezebel-tarot. Also, as many people have pointed out and I myself noticed while typing this out, the other burner account’s URL starts with “88” which is a Neo-Nazi dogwhistle.

They are also targeting the following groups:

  • Hindu users, now claiming that JoS is “the largest Hindu group” and claiming to follow Shiva in an attempt to attract them.
  • Black users, attempting to attract them to the site by talking about Blacks for Satan and ATRs.
  • Catholic users and Christian users, unsurprisingly, no doubt to get hateclicks as traffic to their website, and “debate” from the person receiving the ask.
  • Atheist users, probably with the same intent of getting hateclicks and “debate.”
  • In general, they seem to target anyone who follows any religion, again no doubt to get “debate” out of them.

Speaking of how these people are trying to bait others into “debating” them, here is one of the four lovely asks I received just this morning, which I’ve noticed other people also receive this specific ask after telling these bastards to fuck off for being white supremacists:

“Joyofsatan.org are not white supremacists.Joyofsatan.org (JoS) is ran by people of color. JoS follows non-white Pagan Gods and gay Gods. JoS has a black high priestess, Asian high priest, Hispanic High Priestess, etc. Josafrica.com was created by Shannon Outlaw whom is a black woman and the high priestess of JoS.The JoS websites have repeatedly stated that people of any race can join them. According to ancient-forums.com which is the official JoS forums, there’s thousands upon thousands of non-white and mixed race JoS members that have their own spaces on the forum. I’m a mixed race person of color.The Abrahamic religions are anti-Satanic, anti-Pagan, anti-women and anti-gay so why can’t JoS be anti-Abrahamic? JoS supports women’s rights and gay rights. JoS was founded by a woman and worships Pagan Goddesses.”

The fact I and others have received this ask, and variations of it making similar claims that JoS is “ran by people of color” and isn’t actually racist, all after pointing out that they’re a white supremacist cult, is EXACTLY why I am urging people to delete the asks they receive instead of engaging. As I said before, they WANT people to “debate” them as it gets them more attention.

I know this post has over 8.5k notes at the time of me making this edit, but I urge people to reblog this edit instead.

sun-ni-day:Given vulcans have green blood, shouldn’t Spock’s lips be also green, like that? (and gre


Given vulcans have green blood, shouldn’t Spock’s lips be also green, like that? (and greener skin too…)

May we try to not do this?

I’ve been told that portrait Vulcans as green skinned can be hurtful for cultural reasons related to Nazi/antisemitic propaganda.

Here on Tumblr thisandthis are the best post I’ve found about this.

Post link



Ppl are already getting those damn number tattoos from season 4 of Stranger Things and like…so y’all dont see the issue? Hello?

absolutely insane to me that THIS will happen which is so obviously ignorant and antisemitic i dont even have to say anything about it but also like. one of the places stranger things season 4 was filmed was a prison in lithuania that previously imprisoned and killed thousands of jews. you can now PAY TO STAY IN A CELL INSIDE THE PRISON for a true “”stranger things experience.”” the lack of respect or even acknowledgment of the holocaust is truly fucking horrifying and painful to see as an eastern european jew. like i actually cant fucking believe it though i shouldn’t be surprised.

some asshole(s) vandalized our synagogue’s cemetery this weekend, spray painting swastikas on the street, and I swear to fucking god, the cops told us that it wasn’t an imminent threat against our congregation

in case you needed evidence as to where the cops who ‘protect’ you during shabbat worship stand



Ppl are already getting those damn number tattoos from season 4 of Stranger Things and like…so y’all dont see the issue? Hello?

absolutely insane to me that THIS will happen which is so obviously ignorant and antisemitic i dont even have to say anything about it but also like. one of the places stranger things season 4 was filmed was a prison in lithuania that previously imprisoned and killed thousands of jews. you can now PAY TO STAY IN A CELL INSIDE THE PRISON for a true “”stranger things experience.”” the lack of respect or even acknowledgment of the holocaust is truly fucking horrifying and painful to see as an eastern european jew. like i actually cant fucking believe it though i shouldn’t be surprised.





Hi guys do me a favor and report this pig.

Thats all have a wonderful weekend❤

the account is pedophilic, racist, homophobic, anything you can think of this bitch is it, report him !! dont look thru his account, its gross and creepy, just report and block !!!

Your forgot antisemetic

fuck i did forget that

also incase ppl want proof, cw for pedophilia, antisemitism, homophobia, racism


in the wake of dracula daily and subsequent ongoing discussions of the antisemitism that drives the book, i thought i’d throw together a verybrief primer based on little strands of research i’ve done in the past around some of the history that scaffolds dracula.i’m not trying to scold people for participating in the more lighthearted end of this cultural moment – i love dracula,i’m also reading dracula daily and enjoying everyone’s little jokes about jonathan harker and his paprika and so on – but i amtrying to provide what i hope is a somewhat useful resource for deeper engagement with the text, a necessary critical skill if you want to have anything meaningful to say about it. i’m not really interested in coddling people’s feelings about antisemitism, and i think it’s in everyone’s best interests to provide a little bit of a framework for how we approach and think about and talk about what is a pretty unambiguously bigoted book.

for what it’s worth, i find the most productive way to approach this text, as with any text that emerges from a tradition of immense violence (ie. pretty much any work of english literature from the nineteenth century, all of which write from the heartlands of imperialist plunder and the formation of nationalist cultural norms) is as a historical document. there’s a difference in these discourses between a piece that’s made today, where we might ask whywe’ve allowed particular cultural conditions to facilitate the telling of narratives that are attempting to naturalise conditions of bigotry, and one created in 1897, where our relationship to that historical moment should be one of self-reflection and analysis with an eye to informing our understanding of present-day violences. my point is that a text which locates itself within the british antisemitism of the late nineteenth century is one which can enhance our understanding of that antisemitism and its present-day legacy.

i also want to clarify that i don’t intend to reduce the bigotry of draculatojustthe antisemitism – it is clearly shaped by broader strokes around racism and imperialist race science in particular, but the specific british-jewish cultural history within which it is grounded happens to be the one that i have a relatively coherent understanding of, and wanted to share. i don’t at all intend to frame this as a complete account – i’m more just putting what i have to hand out into the world for others to do with what they will and ultimately come to their own conclusions about the text and how best to engage with it.

i think it’s worthwhile to also touch briefly on the fact that draculais by no means alone in invoking antisemitism where vampires are concerned – what often gets missed in discourses around what vampires can represent (parasitic capitalism being an incrediblycommon discursive invocation, to the point where it’s kind of embarrassing that so-called marxists can’t make the very short leap) is that much of the vampire mythos is shaped by antisemitism. the draining of blood closely resembles a blood libel, ie. the smear that jews drink the blood of christian children; the state of being repelled by a crucifix should be self-explanatory; the construction of the vampire as a parasite leeching off of communal social formations forged within white imperialist societies closely reflects anxieties regarding the allegedly parasitic presence of jews both in eastern + central europe andnew immigrant communities in britain. the vampire is immortal as the jew is eternal – the ‘eternal jew’ is a nazi smear drawing from the antisemitic canard of the ‘wandering jew,’ which in turn dates back to the thirteenth century. the vampire threatens the national body and so does the jew. the rush to point to the vampire as an apt metaphor for the parasitism of capitalism too quickly falls into the mire of discourses that entwine capitalist violence with jewish populations (jews are all moneygrabbing leeches and so on), and redirects anger towards capitalism into antisemitism. whilst the history of the vampire as a folkloric figure is far richer than just ‘jews bad,’ it is undeniable that this cultural scaffolding exists,and informs draculaeven before stoker comes to personally intervene in discourses of antisemitism specific to the conditions from which he was writing.

this excellent paperondraculaand the gothic response to anxieties of imperialist decay – ie. fear of a ‘reverse colonialism’ – that did the rounds on this website a few days ago covers a lot of important and helpful ground for this text, and i would highly recommend giving it a read. what it misses, however, is that draculais rooted not only in these abstract notions of imperial decline and external threats to ‘britishness,’ but in the very definite, concrete historical moment in which new discourses of antisemitism were emerging in britain – and that is the history that i want to touch on now.

in 1882, in the wake of the assassination of tsar alexander ii for which the jewish population of the russian empire were scapegoated, a set of highly repressive laws known as the ‘may laws’ were passed. in short, these laws heavily restricted jewish freedom of movement within the empire, almost entirely limiting jewish settlement to the pale of settlement (a portion of land in the westernmost part of the russian empire, encompassing modern-day belarus, lithuania, and moldova, and parts of poland + ukraine) and restricting property ownership + establishing strict administrative quotas across various sectors that severely limited jewish participation in russian society. this in turn brought about expulsions of portions of the jewish populations of moscow and st petersburg where these quotas were exceeded. crucially, these repressive laws were tightened over the next decade, which, alongside a series of brutal pogroms, caused mass emigration of the ashkenazi population from the russian empire. one significant epicentre for jewish settlement at the end of the nineteenth century was the east end of london. this was, of course, coterminous to the writing of dracula,in which an eastern european man imbued with a number of antisemitic smears attempts to inculcate himself within the population of london and imitate britishness with the eventual intent of sucking it dry – you see the very obvious lines being drawn here.

it goes without saying that the establishment of a new immigrant population in london would stoke the sort of reactionary sentiments that we can locate in dracula; however, we might look beyond just a loose historical correlation and consider the possible relationship between the whitechapel murders (colloquially known as the jack the ripper murders – whitechapel is located in the east end if you didn’t know) and stoker’s novel (published seven years after the last of the murders) amidst the adjacent discourses that said murders generated. in addition to the fascination with an ‘underside’ to victorian society in which sexual + social moralising was inverted and voyeurised by the moralist bourgeois class that these murders, targeting poor sex workers, amplified (think the kind of sensationalism we see with true crime culture today – very much the prototype of that), the projection of sensationalised sexual degeneracy and lechery onto the murders in turn invoked antisemitic discourses in which the east end’s jewish population became a nodal point of sorts where these spectral anxieties could be projected. a physical description of jack the ripper at one point included a dark beard and a foreign accent, with a sketch that added a hooked nose, and the famous goulston street graffito in 1888 which read ‘the juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing’ has, though unproven, been treated as though it were written in connection with the whitechapel murders. john pizer, a jewish man, was at one point arrested for the murders (and later released), and police reports around this referred to emergent broader anti-jewish sentiment in whitechapel. the point is, there’s a case to be made for the whitechapel murders having amplified already-extant antisemitism in the east end, and a furthercase to be made for this specific blood libel adjacency to have shaped bram stoker’s novel. (to compare; this is, for example, the same discourse that scaffolds the joke in what we do in the shadows about laszlo being jack the ripper.) whilst we don’t knowthat stoker consciously, explicitly had jack the ripper in mind, 1) it is a theory that has been critically posited before, and 2) at the very least, the novel’s unambiguous antisemitism that locates itself most prominently within a blood libel would have been informed by discourses specific to london, of which this was a major one.

that dracula himself is something of an antisemitic caricature is, i would hope, obvious; and of course, the text is laced with the language of physiognomy and the fear that an immigrant might sufficiently imitate britishness to the point of being able to pass himself off as british wholesale. to take this further, we might, for example, think about how stoker depicts lucy westenras – a ‘blonde, demure’ white woman representative of the british imperialist fantasy of white womanhood becomes a vampire and feeds off of the same children that she (as a white woman) is socially conditioned to care for and reproduce, thus rendering the vampiric threat as one that targets white women and their reproductive roles within the imperial social formation. we might similarly point to the whitechapel murders and the simultaneous sensationalising of sex workers’ murders against the figure of the ‘good’ bourgeois white woman + the subsequent anxiety that the jewish population of the east end might represent a real, immediate threat to london’s womanhood.i don’t want to be overly didactic about this book, and i think that after a certain point this scaffolding is such that people can go away and do the work themselves – like, i’m not going to sit here drawing out point after painstaking point about how draculais peppered with the language of race science and imperialist anxiety at points x, and y, and z. my intention here was to provide a bit of specific background context for how & why this novel came about, from the relatively meagre well of information that i have to hand. my closing remarks might be that we could use all of this discourse as a launchpad for thinking about the points of convergence of subjugation within the vampire myth, and what that can tell us about how imperialism refortifies itself + against which values it does so – in dracula,in sheridan le fanu’s carmilla,in samuel taylor coleridge’s christabel,and in the broader corpus of myth to which all of these texts are responding, we can identify repeated convergent themes of othering the jew, the irish population (le fanu was anglo-irish and a popular reading of carmillais as representative of the colonisation of ireland), the homosexual (draculais incredibly homoerotic, and both carmillaandchristabelare fairly explicitly lesbian), the racialised + colonised populace, and the projection of lechery and sexual degeneracy onto all of these subjects in the ultimate interest of reifying white gentile imperialist sexual formations. the somewhat effete feminising of dracula comes against the masculinising of the imperial british man, for example; the ‘othered’ populace exists in threat & opposition to the imperial norm (and the feminised jewish man is a classicof antisemitism, eg. as far back as the medieval smear that jewish men menstruated). all of these figures clustered under the broad umbrella of the vampire are rendered as threats to reproductive white heterosexuality, and as such, to the reproduction of the imperial order, and to capital, and i’ve always found this to be the most elucidating angle from which i can engage with the text critically. i hope at the very least this is a helpful little conjunction of Thoughts that people can do something with?

Tw: antisemitism, antisemitic dogwhistles

So, to any inclus, exclus/transmeds, block magic/dayz for antisemitism. Do not interact with or harass or send threats to him though. Please.

So let’s start from the beginning to understand the situation. magic/dayz posted this:

To which I sent this ask that he replied to (but didn’t add my tag because I figured maybe they’d listen if I didn’t use my openly inclus main blog):

Ok, ok. I figured this could be a kid who just doesn’t understand why this is not good. I wasn’t able to screenshot my original reply to him from the notes because he blocked me immediately after sending me this.

(@rittz is an exclusionist who basically said that the anon I sent was right about the antisemitism)

But what I said in replies was basically, antisemitism is deeply rooted and often heavily influences media. Even if the people making a show don’t intentionally do something antisemitic, this is so deeply rooted that people often make antisemitic caricatures without fully realizing that they’ve done it. That doesn’t make it any less antisemitic. I remember using Mother Gothel from the Tangled movie’s design as an example because it ticks a lot of boxes.

I was upset and frustrated so I sent this anon that was more aggressive than I meant it to be and tagged it this time:

And his response was this:

And after that came this because I was upset that he kept brushing off a Jewish person telling him he was saying something antisemitic:

And there we go. I think I explained things pretty well in the asks about whats bad and why even if they were much more aggressive and emotional that I’d have liked.

So again. Block, don’t interact or harass.


I am absolutely begging non-Jews to stop framing the Holocaust as a “more respected” tragedy in comparison to other genocides and atrocities. There seems to be a general belief amongst non-Jews that everyone knows a lot about the Holocaust and is respectful of it. In reality multiple studies have shown that this is not the case. The general public in many places (yes including America) know little about the Holocaust and a shocking number hold antisemitic beliefs about it. Personally in America the education I received on it went only so far as to paint America as a heroic nation while glossing over its own rampant antisemitism including its refusal of Jewish refugees all while showing me graphic images of dead and tortured Jewish people.

I think it’s also important to acknowledge that a lot of meaningful awareness, documentation, etc. of the Holocaust has been fueled by Jewish people in spite of how society has treated our history and not because of it. Nations have minimized their involvement, history has been avoided, justice has often been denied us. We, like every other marginalized group who’s faced similar atrocities, have had to fight to keep our history alive when oppressive systems have done their best to erase it. To believe otherwise is to minimize the effects of both past and present antisemitism on the treatment of our voices.

I also often see non-Jews say things like “well [x] insensitive thing would never be said/believed if it was about the Holocaust” and every time it’s something I absolutely have heard said/believed about the Holocaust. I have had people defend their nazi soldier grandparents to me, been casually told the Holocaust was for the best, met my fair share of Holocaust deniers. Not to mention the general insensitive misconceptions I regularly hear tossed about.

All this to say that y’all need to stop treating Jewish people like some OppressedLite™️ group. Stop talking about antisemitism in the past tense and talking about our history in a way that erases our continuing struggles to keep it alive. Don’t bring us up as a coddled minority. It’ not only inaccurate but fucking dangerous for us when you completely ignore the oppression we’re still facing.


TDC Facebook Update

This post is to educate and warn people only,not to cause or start or renew any drama.

I was upset when I made my other post yesterday, and still am. Thank you for everyone who signal boosted and gave me some insight on ‘why’ this may be happening. This franchise has meant a lot for me, kickstarting my art and having so many fun, positive experiences in a fandom. So, this is a really bitter pill to swallow.

The Facebook page I’ve mentioned is called ’The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance’ [and there are some emojis next to it.]

[Image ID: A banner image of The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Show showing Rian wearing his helmet and Deet in an image of The Dark Crystal against a purple fading to black background. Below the image is text reading; The Dark Crystal age of Resistance. End image ID]

They have gone private, so that’s at least a relief but if you were in the group like me before it turned the way it did, here is a warning;

Trigger warnings for; war, racism, anti-semitism and fascism beyond this point.

This page has become a very far right, anti-Semitic, racist, and fascist and the admins don’t care. I’ve send some reports and after a send like three there was a sudden new update to the page that 'no one was allowed to report posts.’

They post racist and other horrible rhetoric plastered over TDC characters. Make comparisons to real life wars and invasions to the ones in the show and laugh about it in the comments. One person commented that they 'couldn’t wait for the liberal snowflakes to find this post and get upset about it’

There are endless distasteful comments about real life wars. Making posts that 'skeksis are quicker than xxx-army’ or comparing people from invaded countries to podlings but then backtracking because 'at least podlings had an enough spine to fight back and resist.’

There have been made pictures of people photoshopping garthim over tanks. Tanks that were invading countries and caused real life deaths.

And a few of their members compared BIPOC to animals so… yeah. Disgusting shit all around.

There are also a lot of anti-vaxx posts, with the whole brainwashing, money grabbing schtick. Adding vaccine logo’s or text over the draining scenes and comparing skeksis to the government.

Like@shitposts-by-thuban said in response to my other post;

“I remember seeing some posts a while ago talking about how conspiracy theorists were saying the show was literally showing what’s going on behind the scenes and the reason it got cancelled was the gov’t was trying to hide it”

This is literally how a lot of active members in that group think. Also I hope you don’t mind I added your tags;

[Image ID: Grey text against a white back ground saying: tbh nazis try to hijack literally anything to recruit people and create dog whistles and coded language. End Image ID].

I feel this is becoming more and more true, sadly. And I know a lot of fans of this show are younger, and I hate to see them fall for these tricks. These 'memes’ aren’t jokes. They are cruel and disgusting.

Also@skekheck thank you as always for spreading the information! And to reply to your tags:

[Image ID: Grey text against a white background saying: I thought nazis fell off after the first few months of the show coming out. End image ID]

It sadly has seem to be gotten worse. At least on Facebook. I also know some were active on Twitter but I’ve got those blocked before I saw anything.

I know a lot of people have their art / cosplays posted in that group. So my advice is to remove those. It has become private so that may become harder now. Just be careful out there, don’t go into this weird fucked up rabbit hole people in that group are trying to dig.

Thank you for reading so far, I’m a bit more clearer minded now, thank you both for your reblogs and responses.

Debating which of the two is cringier: writing real person x reader fanfiction or real person x original character fanfiction

(I’d stick to fictional character ships normally but considering my main fandom for that type of story was created by an anti-Semitic TERF, I’m taking a step back from creating works in that realm for the moment)



Omg there’s an anti npd tag let’s see what’s in there

dndxnnsnxnd there’s one person who tags their posts with “anti npd” but also “christophobia”

Ok i looked at their blog and ,, their whole blog feels like an act, like I would assume this person is trolling if it weren’t for the several normal posts in between


“The Shadow Rider

She/Her (only SO people stop assuming I’m male) WARNING: This user posts pro-christian and pro-conservative content Anti-SJW Anti-Christophobia, Anti-MAP ZERO sympathy for Narcissists and block them and their enablers on sight. To call me Ableist against my abusers is a gaslight.”

I’m not going to go out of my way to harass her but it’s just,, the whole thing is rather silly. “pro conservative” you don’t have to put the “pro” in there you can just say you’re conservative!

She’s also antisemitic, racist, anti vax, and a covid denier! Why are you on tumblr of all places?

If anyone wants her URL so you can block her just message me, I don’t want to post it bc morals or whatever

- Unknown Headmate







Lol do you honestly think that all those atheists are going to like you religion when they find out more about it? Because I hate Judaism now more than I ever did by watching they way you jumblr jews talk down to people. Fuck you and fuck your religion. I don’t have to respect it.

Lmaoooo you have an unbelievably shallow concept of religion if the only other one you could think of was western Judaism

Also, isn’t it SUPER weird that this person went straight to Judaism and was just like really hatey about it, that’s a red flag from me dog

They had been reblogging a whole string of posts from Jewish users to hate on. On a whole range of topics, like, just hating on Jewish people saying anything about being Jewish at all.

Their likes are (were?) public too, and they were similarly filled with posts critical of Jewish, and a few posts FROM Jewish people who felt disenfranchised from Judaism/completely secular Jewish athiests criticizing religious Jews too. So. It seems they’re also doing that old antisemitic thing where you seek out the one Jew in 10,000 who agrees with you, call them a “good Jew”, and condemn ALL the rest of us.

So. This person obviously has bias and hatred towards Jewish people inside themself, and is actively looking for outlets to express it. So that’s upsetting.

And apparently feels empowered to do so, also, after recent events.


Just one thing I want to make clear regarding my knowledge of Christian theology and scripture.

I hate that I have it.

Like, legitimately, I am angry that I have it.

I grew up in a very socially isolated enclave of Orthodox Judaism. I knew nothing about Christianity beyond “They kill Jews for fun so you need to behave or they’ll come and take you away and kill the rest of us.” I was nine when I had a Christian child run up to me and scream in my face that “You killed Jesus!” Around that same age, I was confused by a scene in Batman: The Animated Series where Batman calls a priest “Father” because I thought his father was dead.

So I grew up as isolated from Christian thought as was possible in a Christian-dominated society.

And now I can literally out-debate and out-quote born-and-raised Christians when it comes to their own holy books and their own theology.

Do you know why I can do that?

Because I had to.

Because I have literally been stalked by missionaries. I have had people try to trick me into accepting baptism. I have been libeled, threatened, and assaulted by Christians. I have been called a liar for existing as a Jew with my own Jewish perspective, by both right-wing and left-wing Christians.

So I had to learn about Christianity in self-defense, to maintain my own heritage and identity in the face of people who want to destroy it. Completely without meaning to, I have become a Jewish folk hero archetype–the learned Jew who can beat Christians in a rigged debate.

So every quote, every new testament citation, every Christian theological argument I make? It comes from a place of anger and fear and “You forced me to learn this. See how well I’ve learned!”

I had a coworker last year who told me she could convert me in 10 minutes. MF me and a few other Jewish kids went to Christian school for two years and we didn’t buy into it.
