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write that book. publish that blog. apply for that job. dye your hair. cut your bangs. pick up that hobby that you’ve always wanted to try. wear that outfit that you loved but were too afraid to put on in public. life is way too short. be whoever you want to be, and do whatever you want. stop waiting for the right moment, because there will never be one. sometimes you just gotta say fuck it, and do it! live your life the way you want, and don’t ask for anyone’s approval.


drink tea you’ve never tried, reread your favorite book, get up to watch the sunrise, write a letter, listen to the birds, knit a bad sweater, bake an ugly cake, sing at the top of your lungs, jump crazily to some music. feel, really feel life without any restrictions, no matter the size. 


There’s nonbinary people that don’t bind because they don’t have boobs

There’s nonbinary people that don’t bind because they don’t want to

There’s nonbinary people without boobs that want them

Stop acting like the nonbinary experience is “have boobs, hide boobs”

lxgstad:You are important! Every single person that reads this has a value and I love you and your elxgstad:You are important! Every single person that reads this has a value and I love you and your elxgstad:You are important! Every single person that reads this has a value and I love you and your elxgstad:You are important! Every single person that reads this has a value and I love you and your elxgstad:You are important! Every single person that reads this has a value and I love you and your elxgstad:You are important! Every single person that reads this has a value and I love you and your e


You are important! Every single person that reads this has a value and I love you and your every flaw.

Buy these as stickers on my redbubble: http://rdbl.co/1LYFUfn

Post link


There’s power in telling yourself ”no we don’t do that anymore” in response to self destructive urges.


For people with anxiety about filing taxes, here’s what things that happen when you make a mistake on your tax return:

- it gets corrected

- you get a letter in the mail either asking for some additional information or a letter showing the adjustment

- you pay the amount (there’s options for payment plans too!) or get a refund

Things that do nothappen

- you’re “in trouble”

- you are charged with fraud

- you go to jail

I know that most people are probably just joking/exaggerating when they say a mistake on their return means they get thrown in jail but when I worked with the public I always would encounter people who believed that would happen and they would be panicking about it. So I like to put this out there every year because if I can even prevent one person from feeling that way, it’s worth it


It’s okay to admit that you’re tired. You don’t need to be positive all the time to say that you’re trying. 



Please don’t be surprised when a homeless person doesn’t want to leave their encampment or spot for a cooling center; this is the type of opportunity cops will take to clear out encampments while the owners of the stuff they’re throwing away are in centers trying to survive.

If you really want to give them some peace of mind, offer to rent them a storage locker for a few days so they can rest easy in cooler, less oppressive temps without losing everything they have left.

Source: I was homeless many times.

I see this is making rounds again, I just want to update this to say that this goes for any sort of weather event. It’s really not that hard to make life easier for our unhoused neighbours, and frankly, we shouldn’t wait until an emergency to do so.

Thank you for those who have spread this message and understand the circumstances.

Thank you for being human.


you guys HAVE to take “is dumb” off the end of your username. you have to take “my shit rambles” out of your talking tag. you have to stop apologizing for existing. I get so sad for every url I see like “[name]’s-stupid-reblogs” and every blog I open with a title like “pointless posts” and every opinion post I see tagged something derogatory by op!! speaking as someone whose post tag used to be “makes bad posts.” stop actively putting up roadblocks for yourself!! why do we always say bullying is bad but never when we’re bullying ourselves


“Nonbinary people don’t owe you gender neutrality” means “nonbinary people can have full beards and look 110% masc and not tuck and still be nonbinary” just as much as it means “nonbinary people can have long hair and wear makeup and have boobs and still be nonbinary”

Nonbinary does not mean “feminine lite” it means “nonbinary”


Support giant clunky loud mobility aid users!! I see a ton of positivity for cane users, which is good cause y’all rock, but people who use bigger ones that don’t really come in easily hideable/foldable options rock too!! Fuck the part of your brain that tells you that if you’re not discrete as possible then you’re doing something wrong!! Be big and loud!! Be indiscrete!! Take up a much space as humanly possible!! If people don’t like it then they’re more than welcome to send their concerns to the trash!! 


Writing Reminders

  • Create whole new worlds every day
  • Write that trope you want to write
  • Give your WIPs a rest, you can always come back to them
  • Drop a WIP if it just doesn’t feel right
  • Write as slow or as fast as you need to
  • Ignore that writing advice if it doesn’t work for you
  • Create characters that are a mix of all your own insecurities and personality traits
  • Create characters that are nothing like you
  • Don’t get discouraged by other people’s writing
  • Seek inspiration from every place you can get it
  • Write that imperfect first draft, you’ll make it beautiful later
  • Writing is a wonderful thing to do, so do what makes you happy


You can be nonbinary and have any collection of other labels, too.

You don’t need to make “nonbinary” your most important label to have a place with us, because you already bring so much good to our community just as you are.


-support trans women who have pattern baldness and can’t wear their hair in “feminine” styles.

-support trans women who have sensitive skin and can’t shave every day.

-support trans women who have pigment allergies and can’t wear tons of makeup.

-support trans women who have blood disorders and other health problems that make surgery a preventively high risk.

-also, support trans women who do not have these problems but still do not feel obligated to live up to your cissexist standards of femininity.


you deserve people on your level. you deserve people who can reciprocate your energy. you deserve people who go out of their way to love you like you do for them. you don’t need to constantly be the giver in relationships and/or friendships that leave you drained at the end of the day.


if you could do it as a child, you can do it as an adult, whether that’s making new friends or creating something new without worrying what people will think of it.

you can do it.


wishing gender euphoria on all trans people, wishing for all trans people to feel at home in their bodies, to be absolutely and entirely in love with and at peace in their bodies


You will make mistakes, you will act irrationally. You will commit some wrongs that cannot be fully righted. People will dislike you and misunderstand you for all sorts of reasons. None of these things make you a bad person. All you can do is try your best to be kind, to learn and grow.
