#ulysses dies at dawn


Worst. Pillow talk. Ever.

Listen the thought of Ashes and Ulysses’s verse in hades blues being post hookup is both very melancholy and also funny as shit… hopefully tungle won’t merc me for the slight t*tty present in my doodle here

[Image ID: a digital drawing of Ariadne from Ulysses Dies At Dawn. She is a white woman with dark br

[Image ID: a digital drawing of Ariadne from Ulysses Dies At Dawn. She is a white woman with dark brown hair tied up in a bun. She is looking to the left and has her mouth open as if mid sentence. One of her hands is up, gesturing as she talks. She has red lip stick and black eye shadow. Her eyes are black with yellow irises and her ears are pointed. She is wearing a black shirt and a black tie with a blazer and skirt in matching black and white pinstripes. Behind her is a wall made of grey brick. The image is mainly dark apart from one beam of light coming from her left. end ID] 

@mechsalbumweek Day Two: Ulysses Dies At Dawn 

i’m just saying, if ulysses added a trial of girlboss maybe things would’ve ended differently 

Post link


“—four of the meanest bastards of the meanest streets of the meanest parts of the city.

All immaculately turned out in pinstripes.”

ulysses dies at dawn - the city (by the mechanisms)

[image ID:

Low angle perspective, done in shades of orange and green, Ulysses kneels on the ground, in front of four gangsters in pinstripe suits, their back to the viewer. They have coily hair, a black leather jacket, and a snub nosed laser sticking out of one boot. One hand holds a large diamond behind their back, hidden from the Suits, the other braces on the pavement. Ulysses’ main color is orange, standing out against the green tones of the Suits.

Heracles stands before them, a broad brute of a man, boxy and oversized, one hand rubbing the knuckles of the other. He wears a double breasted pinstripe suit and a fedora, and his knuckles are covered in stylized orange blood.

Ariadne stands to his left, hands on her hips. She has a combed out pin curl 1940s hairstyle, dark eyeshadow, and bright lipstick, and wears a double breasted pinstripe suit with a pencil skirt.

Behind them, at the edges of the page, each turned away from the action in their own way, stand Orpheus and Oedipus on opposite sides. Oedipus has dark glasses and a long sharp nose, his jacket is opened and his hands are tucked into his pants pockets, revealing a waistcoat (also pinstriped). Orpheus is turned away fully, looking back over his shoulder at Heracles, back hunched and arms wrapped around himself.

Behind them all rises the neon outlines of The City, a multilayered, orange glow against a brown backdrop, geometric and abstract shapes giving the impression of buildings and overpasses. Over all their heads is a neon sign that reads “PENELOPE”.

end ID]

“—four of the meanest bastards of the meanest streets of the meanest parts of the city.

All immaculately turned out in pinstripes.”

ulysses dies at dawn - the city (by the mechanisms)



Mechtober Day 9: HNOC/Favourite Headcanon

I saw this post by @alrightcampers1 about the idea of Raphaella being a mechanised Icarus and I loved it so much that I absolutely had to draw it for this prompt.

[ID: A comic drawn mostly in grayscale. The first panel starts with light gray and descends to black. Text at the top in quotes reads: “Lot of tales about Daedalus. That he trades as an Olympian under the name Hephaestus. That he had his own son killed for getting…”

The words “own son killed for getting” are each written on their own line on a diagonal slant. Below them is the silhouette of a figure with flame-colored wings falling and reaching up for the sky with twists of flame around them. Their wings go from light yellow at the top to deep red at the bottom. Around the figure are two words with the letters written vertically that read: “too / ambitious…..”

The panel darkens to black, matching how the second panel’s background is fully black. First is a blurry-edged grayscale view from someone sitting in a medical cot. Marius, Jonny, Nastya, and Brian all sit around the cot. Marius and Jonny have mischievous smiles, Nastya looks foreboding, and Brian smiles placidly. All of their faces are shadowed with unsettling lens flares over their eyes or glasses and goggles. They say: “Hello, Icarus…”

The view turns to show Raph, with her hair chin-length and wearing a sweater vest, sitting in the bed against darkness. Her expression is hard. Her mechanical wings fan out behind her. The other Mechanisms say: “… we fixed your wings.” End ID]


Elysian Fields

[ID:A digital painting for Ulysses Dies at Dawn. It focuses on the eye of Ulysses, a black person. Their eye is vivid blue, and instead of a pupil, a tree grows in lush grass that trails down their eye. The second image uses cooler tones, and the sclera is blue, while the third is warmer and has an orange sclera. End ID]

More colour variations below the cut!

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