

An easy lesson for people trying to make friends:

[Maybe don’t put others down/call them names for liking something you may not like, it’s okay, it’s not the end of the world to have preferences.

At the end of the day, you feel good about gaining friends instead of enemies by understanding everyone isn’t going to be interested in the same things.

Also, did you know, God loved the world and the people he made, that He put Himself on this earth as “the son” to save mankind of our own destruction from sin and as long as we believe He gave up His life for us, that we would not be sent to a place of damnation. Because He loves. Love is about kindness, patience, understanding…not shaming people.]

I hope you can turn your thoughts around and remember that we ALL need to treat others as God has treated us.

Celebrating Every Day

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One Way Passage: Starting Over Can’t Erase the Past

One Way Passage: Starting Over Can’t Erase the Past

Joan:“It won’t end, will it, Dan?”Dan:“My dear, whatever happens, we belong together always.”

I’ve worshiped at the altar of Hollywood’s golden age since I was a boy skipping school to watch the Morning Moneyman Movie, and it was a passion that Michael and I shared. We spent many a weekend afternoon immersed in that black and white magic world up there on our television screen. But a classic…

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The Crying Game: Measuring Grief in Tears

The Crying Game: Measuring Grief in Tears

I used to think of myself as a pretty stoic guy. No matter what happened, I tried not to show a lot of emotion one way or the other, especially when I felt sad. Maybe it’s a guy thing. (Even a gay guy thing.) Whichever it is, on average, I cried about once a year.

Then Michael died, and suddenly I worried that I wasn’t crying enough. Oh, I teared up whenever I talked about my husband. I broke…

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Remembering the Past and Building a Future

Remembering the Past and Building a Future

Expecting the chaotic busyness of a big-city airport, I’d asked Marty to meet me at baggage claim in Omaha’s Eppley Airfield. Still, I should’ve known that the landing strip for this midsized Midwestern city would be the quietly humming place it turned out to be.

With my heart beating out of my chest, I texted Marty furiously from the second I rolled off the plane. “Did you just get on the…

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Reaching for a New Beginning

Reaching for a New Beginning

I met him four months before the second anniversary of Michael’s death. Marty was a sweet, quirky, and gentle man who worshipped the ground I walked on and had the bluest pair of eyes I’d ever seen.

He stood at the end of a long line of guys I’d been texting and FaceTiming with for the last nine months. At first, it was about connecting with other gay men—some who’d experienced loss and some who…

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Guilt and New Beginnings

Guilt and New Beginnings

In what appeared to be a first attempt at a new beginning, I decided to do a complete overhaul on my body. I bought dumbbells and a stationary bike. I started brushing my teeth with whitening toothpaste. I used these religiously, as if my life depended upon them.

As a result, I was now in better shape than I’d been in for twenty years. Why didn’t I get fit when Michael was still alive? I asked…

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Be kind to everyone. You never know what they’re feeling inside or what they, or someone they love, might be going through
