








The YouTubers Union just merged with IG Metall, the largest independent trade union IN THE WORLD (2.3 MILLION members) under a joint venture. If successful, it will cause a domino effect across all tech companies, causing a mass of unionization against companies across silicon valley, like Google, Facebook, etc.

And you know who’s leading the charge?

The absolute unit of a man who runs the Slingshot channel

You can find their video here

they’re demanding:

  • Transparency in how videos are flagged by bots, and why they were specifically blocked/demonization
  • Clear rules, exact reasoning on choices made by YouTube
  • No more more “machine” responces for counter claims and challenges, demanding an actual human representative
  • Independent dispute resolution. A 3rd neutral party to help lay judgement on serious claims
  • Participation. Giving a voice on YouTube policy to YouTubers

They have given YouTube 4 weeks to enter negotiations with them over this.

[Laughs in Slingshot]

Hey, I did a 5-second Google search and couldn’t find a scrap of information about this, so it’s more then likely complete bullshit

you searched but did not even find his youtube channel?


EDIT: dude the video is linked in the post itself

There was nothing in the Google News tab about any kind of demands towards YouTube

but.. the video is right there. what does it matter if someone reported on it?

here are 2 german newspapers (2 of the biggest) and IGMs report on it:




Gee I wonder why Google wouldn’t report a unionization against them thinking thinking dot dot dot


This isn’t even a joke I strongly suggest all retail workers unionize yes even if you like your job yes even if you like your boss.

My eyes were opened by the older gay bear I briefly dated who worked in a union as an organizer. Don’t let your job get away with predatory practice just because they happen to not negatively affect you. Unionize. Fight back. You own your own labor.





im running so late to this but holy fucking shit this is historic

last thing - while unions are obviously a collaborative effort and this incredible victory is the result of the hard work and sacrifices of many different people i think it’s absolutely essential to highlight the role of ALU’s founder chris smalls rn

chris was fired by amazon in 2020 for organizing a walk-out in the wake of their absolutely criminal handling of covid protocols in staten island. in a meeting with bezos and other amazon execs amazon’s lawyer was caught bragging that he wasnt “smart” or “articulate” enough to organize against them…now he’s helped facilitate the first successful union vote in amazon’s history - eat shit!





If you wanna fix America you gotta get priests to support unions I’m dead serious.

The smartest thing the right ever did was convince a large portion of American Christians that wealthy capitalists are so successful because they were blessed by god

Wealthy capitalists in the early 20th century spent an incredible amount of money and time trying to associate capitalism with God and communism with immorality and godless atheism specifically because a significant amount of American preachers saw socialism as a christlike economic policy.

Although (If I correctly remember my AP History lessons from high school, that is), the roots of 20th Century Prosperity Gospel actually go all the way back to the Christian Separatists of the 17th and 18th Centuries.

Something, something, about predestined fate of the soul, or something.


anyway to reiterate cuz some people still want to act confused: TSA are not “service workers” cops are not “service workers” they are not your working class allies they are the FEDS and their priority is to protect property for rich white people lmao they will happily tear gas and beat the shit out of striking workers and protestors while their fascist little police “union” covers up any and all misconduct, shootings, police brutality, and stands in the way of all abolition efforts. hell, even the slightest reform efforts. literally just google “police union” and you will find hundreds of articles about how they excuse and defend all police misconduct and incidents of brutality. while rates of union membership have dropped by half nationally since the early 1980s, to 10 percent, higher membership rates among police unions give them resources they can spend on campaigns and litigation to block reform. a single New York City police union has spent more than $1 million on state and local races since 2014. all of this while they violently suppress any and all of YOUR efforts to unionize and strike for better pay or working conditions. stop licking the boot and doing free PR for a fuckin terrorist organization


“Customers need to know that just ‘cause you hit one-click buy, it’s not magic. These are real people being affected. We want you all to stand in solidarity with these workers. They come from y'all community, they’re your neighbors.

The first thing we’re fighting for is job security. They hire and fire people all the time. There’s people that are homeless and people in shelters working there that we help.

We’re fighting to make everybody a shareholder again, which they stopped in 2018, and bringing back the monthly bonuses for productivity and attendance. They stopped that in 2018, as well. Bring back hazard pay.

They think the pandemic is over. People are still working, catching covid, still being sick. And, also, providing a better quality of life: a pension, free college…everything a union can provide, we want to provide.”

-Chris Smalls, Amazon Labor Union

If a corporation tells you unions are bad and will make your work harder don’t believe them. Corporations exist to make money. People are expendable to them. They are just numbers in an Excel sheet.

Unionize. Don’t let corporations tell you otherwise. These people didn’t get filthy rich by being fair and just and by sharing the wealth. They got wealthy through greed, corruption, exploitation and treating its workers like shit.

Workers at the bottom of the payment chain are the ones bringing money to the company. Only them. They make the labor that makes the corporation bigger, wealthier and more powerful. Not anyone higher. Especially not the CEO, board of directors and such, who convince people unions aren’t needed and things can’t get better.








Look at this winning streak

happy may day!!


Doing research for my history class and I fucking love this union poster that is trying to say you need to join a union to have better workplace safety standards but instead sounds like a mob boss threatening someone

I love this.
